eisenblade · 2 years
taken from the gang of youths’ album of the same name. feel free to adapt as you wish.
❝ you’re scaring us and all of us, some of us love you. it’s not much but there’s proof. ❞
❝ remember your virtue: redemption lies plainly in truth. ❞
❝ the self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken. ❞
❝ remember the pact of our youth. ❞
❝ where you go, I’m going, so jump and I’m jumping, since there is no me without you. ❞
❝ hurt and grieve but don’t suffer alone. engage with the pain as a motive. ❞
❝ today of all days, see how the most dangerous thing is to love, how you will heal and you’ll rise above. ❞
❝ you are absent of cause or excuse. ❞
❝ you crave the applause yet hate the attention— then miss it, your act is a ruse. ❞
❝ it’s a pointless resistance for you. ❞
❝ [ name ], just put down the bottle. don’t listen to what you’ve consumed. ❞
❝ and there may not be meaning, so find one and seize it. ❞
❝ feel your breath course frankly below and see life as a worthy opponent. ❞
❝ you want the acclaim, the mother of mothers, more poignant than fame or the taste of another. ❞
❝ you will not be more than a rat in the gutter. ❞
❝ you asked for my counsel, I gave you my thoughts. ❞
❝ can you hear me, [ name ] ? I’m talking to you ! ❞
❝ throw yourself into the unknown with pace and a fury defiant. clothe yourself in beauty untold and see life as a means to a triumph. ❞
❝ you’ll rise above, crowned by an overture bold and beyond. ❞
❝ ah, it’s more courageous to overcome. ❞
❝ I thought I had a real understanding then of loss but I didn’t know a thing ‘til you were gone. ❞
❝ I used to wanna be important, now I just wanna be alive and without fear. ❞
❝ it’s okay to feel unbelievably lost. ❞
❝ you got to persevere. ❞
❝ I live hard 'cause I am scared that I won’t mean anything. ❞
❝ you want someone to want you for who you are. ❞
❝ it’s no secret that with matters of the heart, I’m irrational and rarely ever start. ❞
❝ the world’s dark and often inhumane. ❞
❝ we all decided the best way to fight it was drink wine, dance here and pray and make love that lasts with a vengeance. ❞
❝ you can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave. ❞
❝ you wanted to fight for a cause— then go out and fall in love ! ❞
❝ don’t stop believing in truth and grace in the grievance. ❞
❝ you give me a good reason to be heartsick again. to be here, to be strong. ❞
❝ I’ve been losing my way in the weirdest of moments and the stupidest of ways. ❞
❝ there will be no years of silence in the shadow of regret. I won’t let it so betray me, though my soul got used to it. ❞
❝ I will look at love as more than just an instrument of pain. ❞
❝ I will not spend the years depleted of my willingness to try. it won’t hurt this way forever, it ain’t worth the overtime. ❞
❝ lay me down and kiss me deeply, show me everything I missed. ❞
❝ I let bad love betray me once. ❞
❝ I wanna be loved, I wanna be whole again. ❞
❝ and I just ask you to be patient if you’ll have me still. ❞
❝ it’s just a feeling of distance akin to a feeling of loss of love. ❞
❝ I am grieving the loss of myself with frightening malaise. ❞
❝ just stand in the darkness and laugh with your heel on its throat. ❞
❝ not everything means something, honey: so say the unsayable, say the most human of things. ❞
❝ if everything is temporary I will bear the unbearable, terrible triteness of being. ❞
❝ I’m not so assured nor unusually strong or outstandingly brave. ❞
❝ won’t you fear me tonight ? ❞
❝ there’s nothing that holy in loving like drunk kids love. ❞
❝ let’s drink the best wine now, while we’re strong and we are proud. ❞
❝ it’s weird and unnerving, forsaking my old life now, 'cause this is a burden I can’t seem to do without. ❞
❝ I wanna be nearer, I wanna be close behind. ❞
❝ our time is short. ❞
❝ I could almost take a whole life to disclose how I feel about the now. ❞
❝ but we’ve will to carry on, transcend with our scars and contusions. ❞
❝ I know how lame it sounds, but I’m glad I became more human. ❞
❝ do not let this one end before you emerge as the winner. ❞
❝ let me love with a vengeance. ❞ 
❝ you wanna feel absolved tonight. ❞    
❝ it’s okay not to be so alright. but don’t be alone. ❞ 
❝ say what you want with blood and bone and stick a finger in their faces when they say you’re overblown ! ❞   
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eisenblade · 2 years
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" Your name is Olberic, and you are a warrior. You were once a brave knight, until you lost king and kingdom in a bloody coup. Today, you serve as a master-of-arms for a small mountain village. “To what end do I swing my blade?” The question tortured you night after restless night. Then, one day, you hear a name from your past, giving you new purpose… "
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Independent Olberic Eisenberg of Octopath Traveler. Very crossover friendly, alternate verses include Bravely Default/Second/II (under multiple contexts) and Final Fantasy XIV.
(travelled by shadow)
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eisenblade · 2 years
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eisenblade · 2 years
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every time i see olberic i have to immediately drop everything i’m doing to draw him again, so. some doodles
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eisenblade · 2 years
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Long gone is the clock that once hung on the wall. Incessant, yet faint, ticking of seconds rings within his ears nonetheless. Futile is the attempt to cease noticing the moments go by, the minutes. But he lost count a while ago.
Silence is never absolute, but this place comes awfully close.
Olberic’s gaze is fixed on the window. The sky unchanging in its starlit night. His body still as the world beyond. Nothing changes here. He wonders how it must have been for the inhabitants of Fort Lune to wander the surface of the world they orbit, with everything changing constantly. Not that they ever did, aside from Magnolia.
Olberic’s thoughts, in contrast to his body, can barely stay in one place for more than a few minutes. Though the subjects are always the same. Orsterra, Hornburg, Erhardt... Everyone he failed. Everyone he could not bear to face.
He can barely face the people here, either. Shared though their experiences may all be, it hurts. It hurts to be aware that if he had but encountered those of the Orsterran Division in his own Orsterra, things could have been different. He wouldn’t have had to come here... But then again, there would be nothing he could do to spare another of this.
... Perhaps he should see if Deneb has anything they need help with. Too much time has been spent being locked in place already. He needs to move, to shake away the creeping vines of regret, if only momentarily.
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eisenblade · 2 years
man i still miss rp and have for a while but there’s not really anyone here and i dislike discord rp lmao
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eisenblade · 3 years
“But I must admit I miss you terribly. The world is too quiet without you nearby.”
— Lemony Snicket / The Beatrice Letters
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eisenblade · 3 years
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books read in 2018 Restore Me by Tahereh Mafi      
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eisenblade · 3 years
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eisenblade · 3 years
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eisenblade · 3 years
snow in summer. / ( acc. ) / @xblazingblade
“Olberic, you dumbass!"
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There is something familiar in Erhardt’s exclamation. Olberic cannot help the ghost of a laugh that escapes him. How much time has passed while they were apart, how much the world has changed and them. And yet, the twin blades are a reflection of how they once were, a memory made manifest.
But those days are gone, things have changed. Painfully so, irrevocably so, as the recollection of the past fades into the hole in his chest that is the present. Really, he should have known better than to attempt to hide these injuries from Erhardt, he should have. But alas, Olberic is a stubborn man, and one who dislikes others fussing over him when they should worry about other things and other people to boot. Not much can hide the crimson that stains Olberic’s clothes and between his fingers at this point, though, and so he is forced to admit his actions. Erhardt knows them all too well.
“ And what, pray tell, would you expect me to do instead? ” He asks in a soft tone, shaking his head. “ I have lived through worse than this, and I can make it back to Wellspring just fine. ”
He pauses, hand lingering on the wound as though afraid he will simply unravel once he allows it to be seen, as though it is the last bastion before everything crumbles within him after all that has happened. Which would not be far off from the truth, he fears. The memories of softer days still cling to his mind, but he cannot grant them attention. Not now.
Erhardt seems to remain equal parts angry and upset at this revelation. Olberic sighs.
“ I’m not going to simply not treat it. ” He clarifies, dropping his gaze. “ Just that it can wait, and you did not need to know about it. ”
Nor does Erhardt need to know this wound was sustained while Olberic tried to protect him. ‘A knight must protect’, a sentiment that was deeply important to him, even with the title of knight no longer being his. But he cannot help his nature - his burning desire to protect the loved ones that remain.
Deep in the corners of his heart, he knows of other reasons why he is so quick to throw himself in harm’s way for the sake of others, but he does not dare acknowledge them.
“ I have missed many things of our past, but I must admit this was not one of them. ” He lies.
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eisenblade · 3 years
oh gods chrome is working again but at what cost everything is white and i can’t find xkit lmao
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eisenblade · 3 years
NieR Sentence Starters, 1/?
Sentence starters from the video game NieR. Remember to specify muse when sending to or from a multimuse. Change wording or pronouns as needed.
"The end has never felt so close."
"My only concern is to give her a better life."
"I try my best, but I am only one man."
"I will fight for (NAME) until the very end."
"(NAME), you dumbass!"
"I'll rip out your teeth and cram 'em up your ass!"
"How can someone with such a big, smart brain get hypnotized like a little bitch, huh?!"
"Now pull your head out of your goddamn ass and start fucking helping us!"
"For the love of all that is holy, stop pounding me!"
"I couldn't hold it back..."
"Alright! Stop crying."
"You think I'm going to sympathize with you?"
"If someone puts them in danger, they must stand aside or be cut down!"
"You will refer to me by my full and proper name!"
"Shhh, you'll scare them away!"
"My very name brings kingdoms to their knees!"
"This sand is just too much!"
"You've been wearing the same shitty clothes since I met you."
"Life is hard, and it seems the right thing is rarely the happy thing."
"I don't care how tough it is, we're gonna get you back!"
"I'm weak, and sad, and lonely, but somehow you make me strong!"
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eisenblade · 3 years
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starting the year off right (with olberic)
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eisenblade · 3 years
In regards to bdii verse i'm not sure where he'd be from bc like. Well. A wiswaldian accent is a scottish one (gestures to elvis, roddy, and lily), but wiswald is extremely mage and magic oriented. Aesthetically/lore wise musa would make more sense given that musa is not around anymore
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eisenblade · 3 years
The absolute brainrot ni.er gives me that i end up a) "oh yeah cyrus would be a grimoire bc they're magic and all that even though the other implications are sad" and b) "olberic is still going to kiss him on the mouth (of some dark phantasm form cyrus has probably)"
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eisenblade · 3 years
Helloooo! I don’t suppose you’re still around. We used to write together, I was @xblazingblade. I’ve just recently dipped back into the fandom to find it totally dead and I’ve been reading over our old stuff. I know it’s unlikely, fandoms switch so easily, but if you’d be up to writing sometime I’d love to!
Oh believe me team asano have had an iron grip on me for.. 8 years now? it's not going to stop anytime soon lmao
It's just that i haven't rlly been rping as much of late in part bc of doing other things, not many people being around, and chrome deciding to just stop loading altogether gnejcjefnegn
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