eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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“   ouch.  denial is real ugly.  ”  all sam did was show normal worry…but erik spat in his face.  hey,  what’d you expect.  this isn’t too serious a conversation,  though.  “  dramatic  ?  nah,  that ain’t me.  people wish that was all i was.  ”  too bad when he says he wants all white people dead he means he’s ready to disembowel them.  “  i’m a lil’ more worried about you,  though.  i ain’t tryna hear all that noise from captain america.  but you probably like it,  huh…  ”
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     “Are you HEARING yourself? Man, I don’t even know WHO you’re goin’ on about anymore.” Is this some sick and twisted version of introspection? “Uh-huh...that’s one way of putting things, sure.” Look he can understand the sentiment but that is (PROBABLY?) not the best way to do things. “Hey, now. I’m telling you it’s not like that! Dude was my HERO as a kid. What? You’re telling me you never had one of those? ‘Sides -- I’m not saying he’s PERFECT because HELL no, he’s not and I’ll be the first to admit it... Wait, wait -- when did this become about Cap?” Leave old man Rodgers out of this. His time is coming soon...let the old guy enjoy it in peace. 
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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“   and dramatic.  can’t blame you,  man.  must be all those uncle sams you’re chillin’ with.  ”  yeah,  the white people have infected him…
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     “See now that? That’s just UNNECESSARY. You’re the LAST person I want to hear calling ANYONE dramatic, dude.” This is a healthy amount of concern, GOD.
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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“  you’re corny as hell…”
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NOTHING has broken him like this. “...so that’s how we’re doing this, huh?”
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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‘  sorry,  i can’t hear you over this new mask i’ve got on.  it’s got a life of it’s own.  is this why you never listen  ?  i feel like a different person.  ’  he’s still wearing his pal’s mask and having a good time…so shut up.  ‘  if that was pure luck then whatever skill you think you’ve got is rare good fortune too.  since…you’re not all that lucky.  ’
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    “No, Barry. That’s just my sparkling personality -- now hand that back and nobody has to get hurt.” Hurt being Hal, probably. “I’m no detective like you are, Barry but I’m pretty sure there’s no difference between fortune and luck. And luck’s got nothing to do with it! I’m telling you! It’s years and years of practice.”
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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‘   you dropped it about a mile back and i had to pick it up.  after all that…do you deserve me giving it to you  ?   ’  he’s giving it back anyways…in mild Disgust.   ‘  also,  superman just beat you to the punch.  ’   and by that we mean,  he beat the villain,  he’s arrested,  and everyone’s safe.  
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      “Oh, that makes sense.” Imagine if his ring had fallen into the wrong hands. The mayhem that could be caused. Actually a lot of mayhem is caused just by it being in Hal’s hands. Oops! But the ring is back where it belongs, hehehe. “--Superman? SUPERMAN? What’s that guy doing all the way out here? What are we? Chopped liver? We’ve got this! We had this! C’mon, Barry! We gotta give him a piece of our mind--he can’t just show up like this and take over!” DOWN WITH SUPERMAN!
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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‘   i’ve already used your ring once,  so i don’t think it’d be a reach for me to say i’d be a good green lantern.  it’s time for you to pass on.  your legacy,  i mean.  ’  not die.  he doesn’t mean that.  
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    “VERY funny, pal! That one time? That was PURE luck, Barry. What I’ve got? That’s skill. Skill that comes from working hard.” You want him to die that badly. He will deliver even if he doesn’t mean to.  
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
           “ -- have no fear! Green Lantern is on the ca------------shiii....”
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    “Alright, folks! No need to panic! There’s just a small problem...hey, BARRY? BARRY! I’m missing my RING!”
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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   Ignores the GIANT hole in the wall. This manga? Way more interesting!
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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he’s just…texting iwaizumi.  he doesn’t know how to deal with what oikawa says sometimes,  and him and iwaizumi were fast friends because of this.  he’s sighing almost sadly…  ‘  in a way,  you’re a lot more than bokuto-san.  ’  just…a lot more,  y’know?
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 bokuto is the bara and i’m daddy huh? love u too xoxo
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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‘  i get them threaded.  ah,  are you looking to get yours done too,  oikawa-san  ?  i was actually thinking of giving you a coupon.  ’  since they were looking rather bushy to akaashi…
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    “Oh, no! I was just curious. There’s no need to waste a good coupon on lil’ old me, Aka-chan.” Fuck you for that. Oikawa’s eyebrows? PERFECTION. “But..you don’t think...the person who threads them might be overdoing it?” 
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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he’s casually but not so casually prying those weirdly long fingers off of him.  ‘  sure.  if iwaizumi-san stops coming over.  i don’t have a problem with him,  but you’re both rather loud when he’s around.  ’  y’know.  when oikawa’s yelled at and punched in the gut.  piss off.  
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   “So harsh, Aka-chan! You know, Iwa-chan had a lot of nice things to say about you! I almost felt jealous.” He’s casually but not so casually trying to keep his weirdly long fingers in place but it’s difficult to do without pushing Akaashi into a wall so off go his fingers. “I have no real problems with Bokuto! It’s just that...he’s so destructive!”
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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    “Your eyebrows...do you pluck them by any chance?”
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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    “Am I DADDY, Aka-chan?
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
 “--Aka-chan!” Slides an arm around his shoulder. “Could you do me a BIG favor?”
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   “Stop inviting that idiot owl over, thanks!”
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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      “This is awkward but I don’t remember asking for your opinion. You can keep that to yourself, thanks!”
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‘  it’s not that deep.  relax…take a breath.  ’
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eisschloss-blog · 7 years
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    “I don’t think I’ll ever recover. Do you see how red my eyes are, Dion? That’s because I’ve been crying non-stop for the past week. Every. Single. Day.” He lies. He loves the drama. He did not shed a single tear. “I’ve seen those magazines, actually! You know what? I think that--and this is from an aesthetic point of view--Lei and Nathan just look so much better together. You can just sense how comfortable they are with each other! You don’t get like that with just anyone, you know?” Hi, my name is Castor. A Death God ready to ship Lei with everyone but Jihoon. Tee-hee.
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‘  i didn’t realize heartbreak would look so…  ’  ugly.  lei’s been gone all week…so he hasn’t seen cas in a day or two.  ‘  don’t worry,  i’m sure he’s having a great christmas with his many boyfriends.  you see those magazines  ?  the guy gets around,  huh.  ’
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