ejyfelisilda · 4 days
Suzume! - Erwin Smith
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G'day! The finals week is a - coming and its been busier than ever. Nevertheless for this week, we continue to develop our milestone 4 slowly but surely adding the important details that needs adding.
For this week, we also reported our Milestone 3 with the group of which after we are finished reporting, our instructor gave us some tips and takeaways on how to improve our can crusher setup and pitching.
For next week, its gonna be the pitching day along with the last game! Kambras sa Makina mga ka - ME! Suzume!
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ejyfelisilda · 13 days
Milestone 4
If we fail to adapt, we fail to move forward! - John Wooden
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Greetings! This week has all about been progress and speaking of progress, we are tasked to continue our milestone activity of which this week comprised of Milestone 4!
However, on the first meeting of the week, our instructor didn't conducted classes to let us continue our milestone 3 and 4. Due to some business and power struggle, we struggled to finish the milestone 4 but thankfully, it was done.
As the week progress, the remaining group who haven't reported yet, had the opportunity to present their milestone 3 and with the aid and advice of Sir. Marberth, they were able to polish their respective works.
The pace is getting faster and the learners of BSME3A are on the edge due to the loads and loads of activity given by the courses. Hopefully, we will see the end of it and be successful!. Kambras sa Makina ME!
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ejyfelisilda · 20 days
Milestone 3!
Slow Progress is Still a Progress - Megan Auman
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G'day! Moving from milestone 2 to milestone 3 has been a haste and due to some circumstances, we weren't able to submit our milestone 3 on time. It wasn't even finished on the first deadline set by our instructor.
If you ask me about the reason for that, well its all because of the series of quizzes set forth by the 3 major subjects we have. From May 9 to May 14 is all but a series of quizzes from three different major subjects. I think that's the main reason why we haven't finished the milestone 3. Fortunately enough, our instructor gave us an extension and an ample of time to work and submit the milestone 3.
For this week, our instructor didn't conducted a class session on Tuesday for a particular reason he has. Nonetheless it is an opportunity given to us to finish our milestone 3 before it hits Friday. Thankfully enough, we mustered enough brainstorming to be able to submit it to the given website.
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ejyfelisilda · 26 days
Milestone 2!
Weekly Blog - Week 3 "Make bonds through bonds - Unknown Average Guy
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Wassup everyone! For the third week of our session with Sir. Marberth. We're back at it again for another hastily week and its filled again with loaded activities.
For this week, we continued developing our milestone 2 which is the sequel of the previous milestone 1. The additions were the Competitional Analysis which is the summary of the interviewees' feedbacks from the past interviews and their opinion about our product.
Next on the list is the Lean Canvas where we clearly expressed the problem as well as its coupling solution and other existing alternative options to address such problems/issue. We also expressed the unique value proposition, the high - level concept, unfair advantages, channels as well as the customer segments. and the early adopters.
We also showed the isometric view modeling of our product as well as the cost -structure and the revenue streams. We also showed the MVP and MVP validation where we highlight the overall feedbacks and advantages of our products.
Overall, the milestone 1 and 2 are just a single activity broken into 2 parts. The upcoming milestone 3 is still a mystery but be sure to look forward to it for a more fun - filled activities! Blaze a path ahead Trailblazers!
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ejyfelisilda · 1 month
Weekly Blog - Week 2 "Comfort is the enemy of achievement" - Farrah Gray
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Sup' Here we are again for our week 2 blog entry for the final terms
This week is all about execution of the previous activities that were assigned to us by our instructor. Tis the start of the finals week and Mr. Marberth has given us a task to be submitted to Wadwahni and its called "Milestone". Mr. Marberth assigned to us Milestones 1 and 2 for last week and it is to be presented today!
For the milestone 1, it is simply a report about our product which is the metal crusher and simply answers the questions; what, why, how. We discussed on that report about the problem that arises and how this problem can be converted into opportunity. We also tackled the market size estimation as well as portraying the potential customers that would be needing our product as well as its Value Proposition Canvas. In that report, we clearly showed our solutions to the governing problems and issued regarding the need for metal crushers.
For the milestone 2, its just the continuation of milestone 1 which is to be reported next week. The contents of the milestone 2 includes the competition analysis as well as the lean canvas and the MVP Validation!
The progress for the Milestone 2 is still ongoing however, we as a team are excited to report these progress in the next meeting. Be sure to look forward for another blasting week as we approach the end of this semester. Stay Tuned Trailblazers!
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ejyfelisilda · 1 month
P - Day!
Weekly Blog - Week 1 "Under Pressure, you don't rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training" - Unknown Navy Seal
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Yow! It's been a while but here we are again in this weekly blogs.
This week has been such a creative and collaborative flurry! Our experience working on the Metal Crusher project has been nothing short of thrilling, from concept to pitch. Now let's focus on the highlights, which include our pitch deck presentation and the insightful comments we got.
Brainstorming sessions that erupted with passion and energy lighted up our week. Our goal was to transform the recycling sector, and following intense deliberation and brainstorming, the Metal Crusher proposal emerged as the most promising. With a common goal in mind, we moved quickly to the prototyping stage, where the skills and imagination of every team member helped to transform our concept into a workable prototype.
As we entered the presentation room with our pitch decks and a shared resolve to highlight the Metal Crusher's potential, the moment of truth finally arrived. When we revealed our AHA moment—the interviewers' own perspective—we knew we had something unique. We were able to connect with the panel and captivate them with insights specific to their perspective by coordinating our presentation with their point of view. They participated with our lecture and nodded with genuine curiosity, demonstrating their keen interest.
In addition to praising our creativity and excitement for the Metal Crusher project, the panel offered insightful criticism on the way we presented the information. Their observations pointed out ways we could improve our delivery, simplify technical explanations, and make our message more engaging for the audience. We're dedicated to improving our presentation techniques and increasing the impact of our next presentations, so we're taking their advice to heart.
We appreciate you coming along on this thrilling journey with us. Together, let's keep pushing the envelope of innovation and building a better, more sustainable future.
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ejyfelisilda · 2 months
Weekly Blog - March 24, 2024 Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished - Lao Tzu
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Welcome to my blog, where we explore the fundamentals of Metal Crasher, our product. We're not merely examining its components; rather, we're digging into its complexities in order to understand its advantages, disadvantages, and issues it resolves. We'll also present findings from interviews, offering a comprehensive overview from both a technical and user standpoint. Our main product, Metal Crasher, is made to provide efficiency, accuracy, and dependability in metal fabricating operations. But what makes it unique? We need to break it down into its individual components, features, and underlying technology in order to fully understand it.
We conducted interviews with both users and technical experts. Here's what we discovered
1 We were able to obtain valuable feedback on Metal Crasher's usability through user interviews. Users highlighted its user-friendly design and complimented its straightforward layout. On the other hand, others voiced concerns over the learning curve for inexperienced operators and recommended improved onboarding procedures. 2. Technical specialists provide insightful explanations of Metal Crasher's performance indicators. They highlighted its great accuracy and effectiveness and provided instances of how automation has resulted in notable time and expense savings. However, they indicated areas for development by acknowledging occasional problems with maintenance and software updates. 3. Interviews also provide insight into the typical problems users have and how Metal Crasher resolves them. Every issue was carefully examined, from machine calibration to material differences. By active troubleshooting and ongoing improvement, Metal Crasher seeks to reduce these issues and guarantee continual productivity.
Essentially, Metal Crasher is more than just a product—rather, it's an innovative solution designed to empower the metal fabricating industry. We obtain a thorough grasp of its functioning, performance, and our client's changing needs by exploring the details and utilizing user interview insights. Our commitment to delivering excellence, boosting efficiency, and reinventing metal production processes globally does not waver as we continue to innovate and improve Metal Crasher. Come along with us as we explore and transform as we unleash Metal Crasher's full potential.
Ejy B. Felisilda - BSME3A
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ejyfelisilda · 3 months
VALUE Proposition<<
Weekly Blog - March 17, 2024 A big part of green tech would be organisms that eat wastes" - Steve Jurvetson
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Welcome to this week's blog, where we'll be diving further into Metal Crasher, our product, and examining how it fits into a business thesis template as well as its value proposition. A cutting-edge method for gathering client segments and honing our value proposition is Metal Crasher. In this session, we'll go over the Value Proposition Canvas and how Metal Crasher fits into it, then apply it to a sample business thesis.
A useful tool for comprehending consumer needs and how our solution meets them is the Value Proposition Canvas. By gathering information on consumer preferences, habits, and pain areas, Metal Crasher assists in identifying important customer categories. We can improve our value proposition and better serve our clients by examining this data. By streamlining the process of obtaining consumer insights, Metal Crasher enables us to create value propositions that are specifically targeted and appealing to our target market.
We now looked at how Metal Crasher fits within the structure of a business thesis. Metal Crasher might be emphasized as a solution in the problem description section to help with the difficulty of comprehending client segmentation and improving value propositions. Businesses can obtain useful information from Metal Crasher to improve their competitive edge and guide strategic decisions. Metal Crasher can be defined as the data collection and analysis tool in the methodology section. It outlines the process of gathering consumer feedback and refining value propositions based on the insights obtained.
For companies trying to comprehend their target market and create attractive value offers, Metal Crasher is an invaluable tool. Businesses can expedite their research process and create more successful growth and success plans by utilizing the Value Proposition Canvas and incorporating Metal Crasher into a business thesis template. We appreciate your participation in this investigation on how Metal Crasher shapes market niches and value offerings. Stay tuned for additional information and updates about our cutting-edge product.
Ejy B. Felisilda - BSME3A
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ejyfelisilda · 3 months
UP - date!
Weekly Blog - March 8, 2024 "Wait. You've got principles? We'll have to update your file", Simon Green
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Last week has gone by hastily and this week is a - coming fast. Nevertheless, this piece of article that I'm about to sure is surely gonna tickle your pickles. As what the title and image above suggests, this week is all about updates and checking for progress.
The BSME3A is busy again with swamped activities including the notification from our Instructor in this course about checking for progress in the next meeting through online meeting. The update was all about the previous 'MOM Test' which was to follow up on the interviewees plus the recommendation given by out instructor. Fret Not! We came prepared as our group, though did not presented any PPT presentations, has craftily fulfilled the recommendations despite the time struggle. After we report for updates, our instructor suggested another recommendation and surely we will get by this.
Our instructor also presented another Game, Game - 4 which was also connected to the previous activity. This was challenging as the topic was all about value proposition. Thankfully, our instructor gave us supplementary materials which was the video all about the value proposition which was discussed by our very own instructor. This was really helpful and provides new insights and fresh perspectives.
This was one hell of a week sikashi, we will not back down nor falter as the BSME3A has nerves of steel and dedication of an engine. Surely we will pave our way through these challenges in a trailblazing way! VIVA LA VIDA TRAILBLAZERS!
Ejy B. Felisilda - BSME3A
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ejyfelisilda · 3 months
The 'Mom Test'
Weekly Blog - March 3, 2024 "Take time to get to know people. Understand where they are coming from. What is important to them and make sure they are with you".
'Cans that are empty can take up much less room in the trash if they are managed with a can crusher.' Cans that are empty may take up extra room in garbage bags and bins without a can crusher, filling them up faster and necessitating more frequent disposal. This may result in more rubbish being produced, which would eventually fill landfills to capacity. One can maximize the space in trash containers by compacting cans with a can crusher, which eliminates the need for extra bags or bins. This simplifies garbage management and disposal procedures in addition to saving physical space.
This week, we used an online Zoom meeting to provide our weekly report. We covered a wide range of topics throughout the presentation, such as the issue we are trying to solve, our target audience, a synopsis of our proposed solution, the customer discovery process, and more. Before delivering our report, we had an interview with a junkshop owner. Since junkshops frequently accumulate a large number of cans, we thought this person may provide thorough insights, so we decided to interview them. We probed the interview with the goal of learning things that will help the environment and our product. Through the interview process, we learned a great deal.
Following the interview, we had a group discussion to analyze the results and identify important takeaways. We next put all the information we needed for a PowerPoint report that included our findings together. Despite the fact that we had only conducted one interview this week, we believed that our instructor might not have fully understood our report when it was presented because their feedback stressed the value of completing many interviews.
This week, our lecturer offered us guidelines on how to ask questions during an interview, so I learnt how to create interview questions. Making this can crasher and demonstrating the power of our product excites me.
Ejy B. Felisilda - BSME3A
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ejyfelisilda · 3 months
GAME 2: Fishbowl!
Weekly Blog - February 23, 2024
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"Little Knowledge is Dangerous". A quote from Samuel Johnson which depicts what might be the consequences of ignorance. Lack of knowledge often leads to one's demise for you are vulnerable to trickery and bad judgement.
This week has been more challenging than ever! With the tasks given to us - Game 2, has a series of activities that needs to be done with great coordination and teamwork for your group. Speaking of groups, our instructor divided us into a 4 - member team according to our personality tests. Luckily, my groupmates are my circle starting from my 1st Year in College making the challenge a bit more bearing.
The game goes like this, in our group there should be 2 speakers and the others are listeners who will listen to the speakers and jot down notes as they exchange ideas regarding the chosen SDG. Each speaker should raise a point that follows the 7 Ps framework (Purpose, People, Product, Process, Prep, Practical Concerns and Pitfalls). After the 15 minute mark, the speakers and observers switch places and vice - versa.
After that comes the "Blind Side" game, where each individual should say what they know/know (know that they know something), followed by the know/ don't know (know that they do not know something) and lastly, don't know/ don't know (don't know that they don't know something). Confusing right? Well, serves you right! This part took us many hours to figure out and after some researching and brainstorming finally comes the idea that popped in our mind like balloons.
We're not finished! On the last meeting, we were told to set up an account on Wadhwani.NEN about our groups startup and ventures. Our account was not yet finished but its all about technology manufacturing and robotics which we, as an ME student can relate to. The week was a blast and we're looking forward for the activities offered near future. Padayun Engineers!
Ejy B. Felisilda - BSME3A
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ejyfelisilda · 4 months
GAME 1: Sustainable Development Goals
Weekly Blog - February 16, 2024.
"Nations, like plants and human beings, grow. And if the development is thwarted, they are dwarfed and overshadowed". A quote by the great American - Jamaican poet and writer Claude Mcklay that speaks about the very importance of national development. The growth of a nation comes from its roots which is the industrial sector. Over the generation, the national development of the country has been dally as per EastAsiaForum. One of the reasons for this is the slow industrial growth which was highlighted in the published book of "The Philippine Review of Economics".
As a Mechanical engineering student in the esteemed University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines. We were assigned to a task that lets us brainstorm and address one of the Global many SDG's present currently. We discuss amongst ourselves the SDG that we would like to address individually. Ofcourse we arrived on the context with regards to the relevance of the field, that is the "Industry".
After various discussions and planning, we were able to report these matters in front of the class. A feeling of hesitation and a little bit of confidence swells on our chest as we deliver these in the class. After the report, the instructor asked us, "What current issue in the industrial sector do you want to address and seek solutions to?". After a moment of discussion, we answered matters about the utilization of organic wastes that produces CH4 gasses which is a valuable gas for fuels. This can be addressed by purification techniques which in our proposal, the "Pressure Swing Adsorption". After ours, several groups went on to present their respective SDG's.
The week was, in our perspectives, successful and fulfilling. However, we see that there are plenty of room for improvements for the future activities to come. Surely, we will deliver again! Our 16personalities test and innovation tests were also collected by our instructor to which a new grouping may arise. Personally, I prefer my old groupmates but where's the fun in that? I look forward to the new tasks and groupmates in the near future. Padayun Trailblazers!
Ejy B. Felisilda - BSME3A
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