ekternine777 · 8 years
“ … Clinton should be held to the same level of accountability as Snowden. While she attacked Snowden for fleeing to Hong Kong and then Russia—falsely claiming there are a lot of protections for whistleblowers—her political power and status within the Democratic Party has inoculated her from prosecution for Emailgate. … “
“ … There is no doubt Clinton’s actions were damaging—if a lower-ranking federal employee committed such unlawful crimes, the end of their career would be met by a lengthy prison sentence. But Clinton is still allowed to continue her presidential campaign, and at this point, while the reasons for her use of a private email server are unclear, it is safe to assume Clinton’s entitlement is equal parts arrogance and ignorance. … “
“ … Both Clinton and Snowden broke federal rules regarding the handling of classified information, but only Snowden lives in Russia under asylum, likely to face a long prison sentence if he is extradited or attempts to return to the United States. Clinton, on the other hand, is within reach of securing the Democratic presidential nomination. It could be argued Snowden’s actions were in the best interest of the country—former United States Attorney General Eric Holder recently called Snowden’s actions a “public service”—but although Snowden should be able to defend his actions as such, he would nevertheless be prosecuted in court as a spy under the Espionage Act. … “
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Criminal Hypocrisy, such as this,  Under Obama’s Watch,  is Fundamentally Unacceptable!
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ekternine777 · 8 years
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ekternine777 · 8 years
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ekternine777 · 8 years
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Watch: “Liberal Redneck” suggests some other countries where these bigots can go live.
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ekternine777 · 8 years
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“The mystical path is the most difficult, demanding, dangerous, and intoxicating journey one can ever make. It takes one into the depths of the heart, into the abyss and endless love one finds there. It leads you from the known into the unknown, and then further, into the unknowable, into a darkness brighter than any light. Nothing can prepare you for the heart’s journey, for the places it can take you, the depths and heights that are within you. So many times you think you are crazy, bewildered and lost.”
~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
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ekternine777 · 8 years
this is the best video ive ever seen 
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ekternine777 · 8 years
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ekternine777 · 8 years
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ekternine777 · 8 years
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Artists for Bernie
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ekternine777 · 8 years
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Amuletic scroll of the alchemist Johannes Michael, in German and Latin, decorated manuscript on vellum [Germany, late sixteenth or early seventeenth century]
Catalog Note (From original Sotheby’s listing in 2010)
This scroll is an alchemist’s practical reference tool from the greatest years of the study of this philosophical and pseudo-chemical art. It lists some 34 designs for alchemical talismans (presumably to be painted on walls, doors or the body), littered with the traditional symbols for mercury, copper, gold and at the head of one of the larger talismans, the elusive philosopher’s stone locked within the Seal of Solomon. The simple talismans at the beginning of the scroll offer protection against neid und haß (anger and hate), den bösen geiß (the evil spirits) and Zauberij (witchcraft). Those at the end incorportate a number of simple units as well as symbols taken from an angelic alphabet (evidently influenced by the so-called Alphabet of the Magi invented by the celebrated astronomer and alchemist Paracelsus, 1493-1541), and offer more specific protection against failure in war and imprisonment.
Source: http://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2010/western-manuscripts-and-miniatures-l10241/lot.34.html
This lot sold for 21,250 GBP
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ekternine777 · 8 years
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Help Everyone Find A Job In Their Field
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ekternine777 · 8 years
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95 years ago today, Japanese-American civil rights activist Yuri Kochiyama was born.
During her lifetime Kochiyama advocated for many revolutionary movements including Black Liberation. She was even a close friend and supporter of Malcolm X. Kochiyama got her start in social justice work after she and her family were sent to an internment camp during World War II. It was there that she began noticing the similarities in injustices between the treatment of Black people under Jim Crow and the interment of Japanese-Americans. When Kochiyama and her family moved to Harlem in the 1960s, she became very involved in political activism, inviting other civil rights activists like the Freedom Riders, to gatherings at her home. She later met Malcolm X and joined his Organization of Afro-American Unity. When Malcom X was assassinated in 1965, Kochiyama held him in her arms as he died. In 1977, Kochiyama joined the group of Puerto Ricans who took over the Statue of Liberty in an attempt to draw attention to the Puerto Rican independence struggle. Kochiyama dedicated her life to several causes including the anti-war movement, nuclear disarmament, political prisoners’ rights and reparations to Japanese-Americans interned during World War II. She was even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005.
Via teleSUR English
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ekternine777 · 8 years
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Astrotheology is the holy science that combines astrology, astronomy and theology. This holy science shows that in fact all myths, all story’s, the bible and all other holy scriptures, and even nursery rhymes are based on the movement and interaction of the seven lights we see in the sky. These seven lights we know as the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. They are the lights our eyes can see wandering in front of the fixed background of the stars. These are the main characters that create patterns in the sky, which have an effect on our lives here on Earth or Terra. “As above, so below”.  The brightest of these seven lights is the Sun also know as “Helios” in Greece and as “Helios Atum” in ancient Egypt. “Atum” sounds like “atom” and it is in fact the same because the sun is an atom. It has an electric light core and electron bodies floating around it. These seven characters are the Sun (Helios or Jesus), the Moon (Luna, Selene), Mercury (Hermes, Thoth), Venus (Aphrodite), Mars (Ares), Jupiter (Zeus) and Saturn (Chronos). The seven days of the week are named after these seven lights or characters.  In the bible the relationship between for example Abraham and Sarah and Jesus and Maria Magdalene both represent the interaction between the sun and the moon.   The seven lights also have a connection with the seven energy wheels, the chakra’s in our body. The seven light are also known as the Elohim. In the bible, we can read that the Elohim say: “let us make man after our image”.  A lot of stars are called, when translated: “the one who’s coming”, because they keep moving, coming and going in a year’s time. Illustrating examples of this are Perseus in Aries and Herculus.   The moon connects with our first chakra, Mercury with our second, Venus with our third, the Sun with our fourth, which is in the middle, our hart chakra, Mars with our fifth, Jupiter with our sixth and Saturn with our seventh chakra, which is our crown chakra. Our purpose in life is to activate these seven powers.  The moon is closest to the Earth and has an orbit of approximately 29½ days while Saturn is the furthest away from Earth and orbits the Sun in approximately 29½ years. In other words, Saturn “rules”. “Chronos” is the personification of time, the man turning the Zodiac Wheel, also known as Aeon (eternal time).  Saturn is the ruler of the ears because when there is minimum sunlight we depend on our hearing more than on our eyes. Saturn is the “God of law”. In court, they use a lot of “Latin language”, this is the language of Satan/Saturn.  The three wheels of time are:  o o o The Day (the Latin word is “Deis”), ruled by the God of day which is the Sun. The Year: which comes from the name of the Sun: IHS, JHS, jes, Yes, Yeah, Year. The Great Year: a time cycle of 24000 – 26000 years.  The Moon gives us the month and the minute. “Hours” comes from Horus, which is the name of the Sun when it rises: “Where is Horus?” meaning “what hour is it?”. The Day, the Year and the Great Year can all be divided into 4 parts. The day: morning, midday, afternoon, and night. The Year: winter, spring, summer, and fall. The Great Year: Iron, Bronze, Silver and Golden age.  By understanding these cycles, we understand why history went from good to bad and from bad to good. Day-night, winter-summer, Iron-Golden age, all these cycles dominate us!  Astrophysics and astronomy have proven that almost 90% and probably 100 % of all stars are in a binary. All stars need a dual. Our Sun Helios (Horus or Jesus) is also in a binary with another star. The star Sirius, which is in the constellation of Canis Major (the big dog), is in a binary with our sun, or “follows” our sun. Our year starts at January the first because of the alignment of the Sun, Sirius and the Earth.  It takes between 24000 and 25920 years for Sirius and Helios (Horus, Jesus) to complete one circle. The Pyramids in Egypt also indicate that there is a binary between Sirius and the Sun. One of the shafts in the great pyramid points directly to Sirius.   George R. Goodman (early 1900): “Our entire solar system with all its planets and moons describes a huge circle around another sun in space, the star Sirius”.   Albert Churchwood: our sun was thrown of from another sun”.  Sirius is also known by the Egytians as “the star of Isis”. The goddes Isis is embodied by the star of Sirius, like her son Horus is embodied by our sun Helios. This means in fact that our sun was born from Isis or Sirius, and that is why they are in a binary together. Therefore, Isis and Horus are the same characters as Jesus and Mary and are in fact the Sun and Sirius moving away from each other and moving towards each other in their binary.   All heavenly bodies in our solar system have relationships with each other. Also do planets and star constellations harmonize with our bodies. The Zodiac Wheel shows us how this holy science works. The life of Jesus represents the sun moving through the 12 signs of the Zodiac.  The 12 signs are the 12 potential energies which harmonize with the five basic energies or elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Aether. The 12 signs also harmonize with the seven chakra’s. Each of the 12 star signs represents a part of our body. The 12 star signs also represent the 12 apostles in the bible.  When you study ancient maps of the world, you’ll see a wave in the middle of the earth moving around the equator, this is called a sine-wave. It is the path of the sun moving through the 12 constellations. This is a fractal of everything. It is the “man in the sky”.   The “man in the sky” is Adam Kadmon, the first being to emerge with the creation of the Cosmos. His body is the body of the world. “As above so below”, so it also represents our human bodies.
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ekternine777 · 8 years
Be fucking honest with me, I don’t care if it hurts worse than a lie. I don’t give one fuck if it hurts worse. I will always prefer the truth over sugar coated bullshit.
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ekternine777 · 8 years
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ekternine777 · 8 years
I had this girl in my class and she was considered to be like really dumb. She’d ask a ton of doubts and questions in class, which everybody would consider to be “stupid"and “silly” and even the teachers would often taunt her but she’d never stop asking. But the thing was that she’d almost always top the class examinations and everyone was like???? They all thought she was cheating and stuff and obviously even the teachers were very biased because she wasn’t so ‘smart’ in class, and she was regularly accused of cheating. But nobody could prove that she was actually cheating but the whole class and teachers totally believed that she did. I’m pretty socially awkward so I never really talked to her, but she was leaving school this year and I was genuinely curious about how she was so good during exams and how she didn’t let everyone’s remarks affect her. She always used to sit and hang out with only one girl, and she told me that that friend of hers was severely socially anxious and she’d lag in studies because she couldn’t bring herself to ask doubts in class or ask for help from others. So they had this system where during lectures her friend would write down any question she had, and she would ask them for her. And I was just so touched??? Idk but it really changed the way I looked at people?? This girl endured taunts and jeers and borderline bullying for being “stupid” when she was actually really smart and could easily have refused to ask such doubts for her friend but she did?? And brushed off everything others would throw at her for her friend?? I was just, idk it just really changed me in some way.
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ekternine777 · 8 years
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