elainelorriemartin · 9 months
if you don’t fall in love with the contagious laugh
or a smile hidden upon my face
if it’s not the way my feet always find their way to a toasty space
how about how your coziest pillow is my ember embrace?
then i’m surely not the one for you,
just a “great girl” standing in their place
so to make this about me for once
i wish i took less kindly to someone allowing their actions to validate the thought i could be replaced
as quickly i may rescind access to my truth..
though likely accompanied by a fumbling, saddened sort of grace
—e.l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 10 months
one look in your eyes i know
with you i’d like to grow
but which parts do you have left to show
what parts can’t i know
how far do i have to go
to have you allow me a glance
i wish to show you
as i wish to see you
whole, all there is is you
all i wish to feel is you
is this you?
is this really who you are?
truly? (p.1)
—e.l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
i’d rather be told
‘you did it wrong’
than be told
‘you are wrong’
give me the room to imagine right exists
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
for me
a hand that only ever reaches
never to touch
is worse than a hand who touches
without reaching
i’d rather skip some steps
than never have your finger tips brush mine
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
human, you’re trying
human, it’s all you’re made for
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
i will do what i feel
and not what i know
just don’t stop reaching out your hand
for mine to hold
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
i adjust quickly
to you being next to me
a warming
to you being away
a cooling
to myself needing to self-warm again
just incase you don’t mean for me to ice
i will fight off the frost bite
i will thaw before i freeze
i will keep my eyes closed to enjoy the gentle breeze
and if you are cooling
i will share my warmth
and if i can’t hold us up
if you want it to fall
i’ll give you what you wish for
nothing at all
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
i’m trusting
things are evolving as they’re meant to
i trust you’ll leave
if you’re meant to
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
i have an excuse
many in fact
to turn out wrong
and i have an excuse
to turn out right-ish
many, in fact
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
for the first time
i don’t want to
“fall in love with life a little more”
i want my blankets
to swallow me whole
to not have the responsibility
of being a ‘good person’
whatever that means
i want to scream at you
i want to argue
i want to plead our case
i want you to know
that i’m crying
inspite of acting strong
through a text message
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
i never felt
people were lacking
before i’d even spotted a flag
always humans have
been so beautiful to me
i could fall into any
kind hand or gentle smile
but right now
i think you broke me
open a little more
than i once was the day
and i’m so angry at you for it.
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
i’m tired of people saying they
miss me
when they don’t
saying they
want me
when they don’t
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
is all we were meant
to be.
i hope we get
a good ‘bye’
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
i don’t know
maybe it was wrong
of me to backtrack
but i figured
when you found someone
you just knew
maybe all i knew
was that i was lonely
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
i want to write about you
and i know i just have
but this chapter has to be about me
when i talk to you
it feels like it still is
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
thank you for waiting
for giving me memories
of who you are
of who you chose to be
/ who you chose to abandon being
—e. l. martin
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elainelorriemartin · 1 year
you leaving
was the best / worst thing
that could have happened to us
better a light be burnt out
than be shattered by a faulty socket
—e. l. martin
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