elastichrts · 4 years
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❛❛  oh no i’m not that cool - i’m totally a rule follower! i just don’t like the curfew because it leaves little time to go out. i’m curious now. what rules do you break?  ❜❜
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 " I suppose the term you have all the time in the world wouldn’t apply to you then. oh , it’s not much to fuss over. just a bit of attempting to live while my dear brother became bitter over it , nothing to rehash. ”
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elastichrts · 4 years
@ghostsofmistakes​ / anyone.
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 " don’t look so dreary , love , i’m sure they have another bottle stashed behind the bar. ” stating , leaning forward while feeling behind the counter. surely , most people wouldn’t allow someone to do so , but she was never one to tiptoe around right and wrong. at least not in the given moment. “ ah , there it is. ” lifting up a bottle and placing it onto the counter with a satisfied smirk on her features.
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elastichrts · 4 years
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 less than kind comments being tossed in her direction had been nothing new , after all , in her group everyone was on the receiving end. though , she admittedly was not used to complete strangers tossing them in her direction. “ really ? ” a smile appearing , not sure whether to bite back or not. “ I wasn’t planning on it , but looks like you could use a stronger drink. i’m not sure that one is helping with the bitterness. ”
“ don’t . ” she warns as soon as feels the presence behind her , tightening her grip around her martini glass . “ i’m not in the mood for company so unless you’re taking that chair with you , i’d rethink your choice to try and talk to me . ” @twinriverstarters​
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elastichrts · 4 years
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 a walk in the wilderness had been the farthest definition of fun , but someone mentioned how the scenery was to die for. who would turn down such an opportunity ? besides , with some good lighting could have led to miraculous photographs to jump start an actual career. it only took a miscalculation of her own feet placement to cause a shriek to emerge , and a deep rooted sense of regret. “ this is why I don’t go out here. ” letting out a groan of frustration , barely taking notice to her rescuer ; at least at first. “ thankfully you were here to help. ” and there she goes , sounding like a damsel ( no , princess ) from one of many favored fairy-tales. “ is this the part where I thank you ? ”
»  open  starter  ft.  damon  salvatore  (  @twinriverstarters​  )  !
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 𝒉𝒆’𝒔  𝒏𝒐𝒕  𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒆𝒓  𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆  .  .  .  but  he  is  close  enough.  regardless  ,  when  he  spots  the  other  lose  their  footing  near  the  edge  of  the  river,  he’s  beside  them  in  an  instant.  damon  is  no  hero  ,  so  anyone  who  knows  him  well  enough  knows  there’s  a  reason  he  didn’t  let  them  fall  into  the  river  (  spoiler  alert:  it’s  for  his  own  benefit  ).  and  he  knows  it  ;  damon  smirks  ,  grasping  onto  their  hand.  “that  could  have  been  bad.”
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elastichrts · 4 years
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 in that moment , a threat of a laugh threatened to emerge before showing a grin towards the ground in order to delay the reaction. oh , the thought of someone thinking she was following them was enough to bring amusement. “ yeah , no you’re confusing me for someone much more pathetic. ” a hand to her chest , feigning an offended expression. “ trust me , if you were in my way , you’d know it. I just wanted to ask about those shoes of yours. they’re gorgeous , just my type. ”
“ i don’t appreciate people sneaking up on me . ” the brunette warns , ice cold tone cutting through the air as she regards the person approaching her . it takes her a moment to become aware of her surroundings , to realize she isn’t in arendelle anymore , isn’t the sovereign that everybody is out to get . her features soften , something she has to force herself into and after realizing she might have jumped into conclusions she continues in a more welcoming tone . “ unless you weren’t doing that and i’m just standing in your way ? ” @twinriverstarters​
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elastichrts · 4 years
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poem. requested by @leonacastellanos
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elastichrts · 4 years
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a few of my favorite jackie looks (requested by @jacquelineshyde)
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elastichrts · 4 years
@villainaes​ / anyone.
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 already helping herself to a glass of bourbon , the other presence in the room had barely been acknowledged before setting the crystal bottle down. “ you don’t mind , do you ? ” asking as more of a formality ; manners , as though a disapproving response would change the original sisters mind. after centuries of her family being seen as highly respectable , it was difficult to not create a mindset of entitlement along the way. 
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elastichrts · 4 years
@gvddamn​ / anyone.
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 fingertips gently glided along the material covering the books surface , snatching it up in the air before any one else sought a chance. not that it was her possession , but whomever discarded of it seemed to pay no matter by the simple fact of not returning to fetch it. “ I never quite understood the appeal of writing down every single thought. ” musing out loud , not minding who heard the statement. she was skimming the pages briefly before closing it shut ( soft thud ) and placing it down before her. “ and if i’m being honest , it’s a bit foolish to leave private thoughts lying around for someone to stumble upon. ”
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elastichrts · 4 years
@antiherioned​ / anyone.
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 " is this supposed to give people comfort ? ” focusing on a parcel taped to a wall , surely for the patrons of the establishment to see. the question was , how could anyone feel better about recent events if they were constantly bombarded with warnings ? a shake of the head , reaching up to tear it down. “ even I have the common decency to not show poor taste. ” crinkling up the paper and tossing it onto a nearby counter  before noticing a pair of eyes directly on her , “ if you’re about to get sour with me , I advise against it. ”
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elastichrts · 4 years
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Well, if you’ve come to spend your last moments with your loving daughter, prepare to be disappointed. You should have spent less time plotting my death.
(requested by anon)
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elastichrts · 4 years
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Rebekah Mikaelson appreciation week 2015 ↳ day 6 → favorite relationship (random scene) - Klebekah // The Vampire Diaries 3x03
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elastichrts · 4 years
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the question itself was peculiar , but she couldn’t find it within herself to make a snotty remark to it , but instead knitted her brows. a low scoff , “ people tend to become fussed over the silliest things. ” glancing over at the other. perhaps they were similar to herself and simply felt the need to make connections even if they lasted momentarily. “ when I was a child , I didn’t used to be fond of the thunder which filled the sky during a storm. ”
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                   diana  was  standing  under  one  of  the  window  awning  when  while  she  watched  people  rush  by.  she  had  to  deal  with  worse  then  rain  before  so  this  didnt  concern.  but  when  someone  slipped  into  the  space  next  to  her,  diana  looked  over  and  gave  a  friendly  smile.  ‘  rain  looks  bad  doesnt  it?  ‘  she  knew  the  answer  but  she  was  just  trying  to  make  small  talk.
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elastichrts · 4 years
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 perhaps standing within the grounds of a cemetery had been rather bleak , not being one to trample upon the grounds of the deceased. arms folded across her chest , abruptly stopping at the sound of someone speaking to her ( so assumed ) but it may have been they were mistaking her for someone. rebekah didn’t necessarily have the heart to expose the possible mistake , but instead found herself showing sympathetic expression. “ that depends on what exactly you’re referring to , love. ” a glimmer of a smirk , strolling forward to glare at the tombstone as a twinge of sadness passed through her. “ based on personal experience , it is better for the dead to stay buried. ” then again , that was a rather sad statement. 
there was a lot that sirius had never gotten the chance to mourn. his brother, because of the anger that he’d had toward him at the time. everything that he’d lost that halloween. everyone that had happened afterwards. his own life, cut short just as he’d been supposed to have been allowed his freedom. the best he’d had was to sit on the soaking wet grass in this cemetery, staring at an old tombstone that could have said anything, if he squinted long enough. he was aware that he wasn’t alone, being passed every so often, but this time he spoke. “what do you think the consequences are, when you come back from the dead?” @twinriverstarters​
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elastichrts · 4 years
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" an unfortunate necessity to tragedy , I suppose. though , I have to admit , i’m usually not one to follows rules either. ”
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❛❛  this curfew is making me CRAZY. i need adventure! ❜❜
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elastichrts · 4 years
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 eagerness to become acquainted with people had a l w a y s been a lesser trait for the original , the only sister to have the misfortune of permanent immortality. a quirk of the brow , faint expression of annoyance MIGHT suggest the opposite if it weren’t a defense mechanism due to recent betrayals. especially when relocated to an unfamiliar territory to which she still didn’t know the repercussions of. “ I beg your pardon. ” nearly scoffing at the mere words of being referred to as the bitchy one ( not as if she hadn’t heard it before ) but an unfamiliar voice saying those words held a MILD irritant. “ if you showed any of my brothers the same manners then I am genuinely surprised you’re still walking about. ” showing a hint of a smirk , “ you may want to show a little more respect , darling. and i’ll have you know that I do happen to be the most attractive of the family. ” and there it was , the echo of a teenage girl seeping through the cold exterior she had built up over the last thousand years.
❝  𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑  /  𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘩  𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯  ‧
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          𝐭𝐨  𝐬𝐚𝐲  𝐡𝐞  𝐰𝐚𝐬  𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝    would  be  an  understatement .   monotony  would  be  the  end  of  malachai  parker   -       -   or ,   to  the  very  least ,   lead  him  to  acts  that  would  most  definitely  accelerate  his  annihilation ,   as  lethargy  was  more  than  enough  to  set  his  stupidity  on  fire .   the  hybrid  sighed  heavily  whilst  blue  eyes  scanned  the  bar  where  he  was :   looking  for  something  that  could  take  his  attention  for  a  few  minutes .   it  wasn’t  long  until  something ,   nevertheless ,   was  enough  to  get  a  good  hold  of  his  interest .   yet ,   kai  allowed  himself  a  few  seconds  of  analysis  until  he  could  finally  understand  at  who  he  was  looking  at   -       -   as  she  was  impossible  to  be  ignored .      “  holy  jesus  in  a  cupcake !   the  bitchy  one ,   right  here ,   next  to  me .   rebekah  mikaelson  in  the  flesh …   i  have  to  say ,   you  are  this  close  of  stealing  the  title  of  hot  mikaelson  from  your  brother .  ”      a  jest ,   no  less ,   as  the  heretic  smiled  at  the  original .      “  oh  my ,   manners ,   right ?!   hi ,   i’m  kai !  ”      /   @elastichrts​
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elastichrts · 4 years
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 it had been a l o n g while since being in the presence of her beloved niece , the one whom she had the pleasure of giving a hand in protecting. surely , it could not have been long enough to where the DARLING child had already bloomed into quite the beauty. “ finally someone in the family who doesn’t bring about annoyance. ” stating in a teasing manner , a hint of a smile forming on her lips while strolling forward. “ HELLO love. ” without any hesitancy she pulled the youngest m i k a e l s o n into a warm embrace if only to cherish the moment of being reunited. while pulling back , she could feel concern creeping up within the depths of her bones. “ what do you mean by that ? ”
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          she   was   relieved ,   to   say   the   least .   what   with   the   presence   of   dead   relatives   showing   up   out   of   nowhere ,   seeing   one   that   hadn’t   suffered   the   same   fate   was   more   than   a   breath   of   fresh   air   for   the   young   witch .     ❛  auntie   bex !  ❜     it   had   been   longer   than   she’d   cared   to   remember ,   &   she   didn’t   blame   her   aunt   in   the   slightest .   all   things   considered ,   she   was   just   glad   to   have   some   family .   a   piece   of   her   past   still   hers .   truth   be   told ,   rebekah   was   one   of   the   few   people   who   always   had   hope   with   her   guard   all   the   way   down .   in   many   ways ,   she’d   raised   her   just   as   much   as   her   own   parents .     ❛  i’m   so   glad   you’re   here .   it’s   been   . .   weird .  ❜
@elastichrts​   &   rebekah !
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