elbowsurfer-blog · 8 years
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elbowsurfer-blog · 8 years
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elbowsurfer-blog · 8 years
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c. 1910 (Via)
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
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Mark Hamill speaking to fans at Oxford Union. 
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
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forever, happily ever after, once upon a time…
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
I am glad to hear you are writing again; I am always in a fright lest you should take it into your head to do what the warriors do after they have acquired great fame – retire and rest upon your laurels. That would be very comfortable to you, but very vexing to me, who am always wanting to see women distinguishing themselves in literature, and who believe there has not been nor ever will be one so calculated as yourself to raise our sex upon that point. If you would not but know your value and exert your powers you could give the men a most immense drubbing! You could write upon metaphysics, politics, jurisprudence, astronomy, mathematics, those highest subjects which they taunt us so with our being incapable of treating, and surpass them; and what a consolation it would be, when they begin some of their prosy, lying but plausible attacks upon female inferiority, to stop their mouths in a moment with your name: and then to add, ‘and if women, whilst suffering the heaviest slavery could outdo you what would they not achieve were they free?’”
Claire Clairmont, to Mary Shelley, continuing to be awesome. I could write ALL THE POSTS on her, but this will do for now. (via katherinestasaph)
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
even if girls did have pillow fights @ sleep overs why do ppl assume they would be cute/sexy … If we’re pillow fighting it’s going to be a straight up brawl there will b no boundaries. I will try to pillow punt you into the next dimension. I didn’t come here to make friends I came here to win
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
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BB-8 got so tired. He was rolling towards the ledge but I stopped him thankfully.
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
no one is straight in star wars. the stars are gay. the wars are gay. im gay.
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
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there has been an awakening… have you felt it?
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
Imagine the new Star Wars trilogy as your default movie experience, starring Rey, the tiny, terrifying Jedi whose womanhood is never equated with weakness, Finn, the black, brave ex-Stormtrooper who made a choice not to kill for his captors, and Poe Dameron: alpha male, queer, Latino, the poster boy for the Resistance. Imagine growing up, from childhood, with those characters as your Luke, Leia and Han. Imagine the way that could help to shape hearts and minds and opinions. Imagine what it would allow, and what it would normalize. Imagine what the kids for whom this has always existed will be able to contribute to the world.
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elbowsurfer-blog · 9 years
Aside from rare examples like Korrasami, queer people are very aware, thank you, that we don’t get any representation in most fictional works (and that when we do, it’s usually marginal and/or negative). A lot of the folks enthusiastically shipping Poe and Finn do not really believe that the pairing will ever be canonical, but for them, it’s a fun sort of escapism anyway. Do you have any idea how condescending you sound when you interrupt with “Come on, they’re obviously just friends”? You might as well burst into the theater on opening night shouting “BUT YOU GUYS, JEDIS AND LIGHTSABERS AREN’T ACTUALLY REAL.” Thanks, Captain Obvious of the Imperial Star Destroyer Ruining Everyone’s Fun Forever. (Yet, a universe in which people with mind-control powers can shoot lightning out of their fingers and use laser-swords made out of magical crystals to block laser blasts is easier for some people to grok than the idea that queer people might exist in it.
In Defense of Finn/Poe (via brutereason)
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