eldenlord420 · 2 years
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Some things never change, and unfortunately, I'm back with yet another rant. For some unknown reason the wonderful developers at Fromsoft seem to like making cheesy bosses that make your day not so fun. For example, the godskin noble or the godskin apostle. The Noble is a big round boy who despite his appearance moves around VERY fast! By that I mean he rolls around, and he doesn't stop for several seconds, even after he hits you. The apostle on the other hand is tall and lanky and similar to his appearance he is stretchy and uses his inhuman elasticity to stretch his torso out and attack you or my favorite, Spin in a circle with his spear while slowly moving towards you for several seconds. Now both of these bosses are similar in that they are very annoying to fight, especially because they both share one ability that is exactly the same as each other's in which they hurl flaming skulls at you every time you try to heal, these skulls are homing skulls and they do a lot of damage and stagger you. So, I don't know who at Fromsoft thought it was a good idea to put both of these guys in a boss room together for us the players to fight. But whoever you are, I LOATHE you!
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eldenlord420 · 2 years
Yes this is a rant about Malenia.
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Hey, It's me EldenLord420, I need to talk about this certain someone who has made my Elden Ring experience infuriating! So if you aren't familiar let me get you up to speed, Malenia is a boss in a game called Elden Ring, particularly one of the hardest and most frustrating bosses to fight in the game. She has two phases, so I'm going to start with the first phase. In malenia's first phase she uses a one handed sword and her high dexterity to do acrobatics all while pursuing you relentlessly in classic souls boss fashion, only she really doesnt let up, like almost ever. All of her attacks do a good deal of damage as well as stagger you, now just so we're clear she attacks more than once in a combo string, sometimes it seems like this combo of sword swings and thrusts will never end, and there is only so many times you can dodge before she eventually hits you. Then there's her second phase. Malenia's second phase starts when you get her to around oh I don't know, 0 Health! Then she decides to lose some of her armor and turn into a freaking flying abomination, she does even more damage, her attacks are still hard to dodge oh and before I forget, now she does scarlet rot build up so needless to say this is not a phase you will last long in whether by killing her as quickly as you can or by dying to her over and over again like me. TLDR I hate Malenia!
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eldenlord420 · 3 years
Elden Ring does tell a story
Okay, so I have been seeing a lot of people including journalists and game developers saying that Elden Ring does not have a story and I wanted to put my own two cents out there. First thing first, if you haven't played pick up a copy and play it. Next let me tell you a little something about storytelling, just because there isn't walls of text and tons of dialogue to explain everything doesn't mean the game has no story, most of the storytelling in Elden Ring is done by short and few cutscenes and environmental storytelling. Now you might be wondering "EldenLord, what is environmental storytelling"? Let me explain, simply put environmental storytelling is where most of the context of the story is shown in the background, such as giant corpses or scarlet rot covering everything, this is peak level design, when you can look at an area and have a good idea of what took place there based on your surroundings and the enemies you face there, that is environmental storytelling. So for those of you who are still skeptical, let me remind you that fantasy novelist George RR. Martin Himself helped create the world of Elden Ring, so if you don't think it tells a story, you're not looking hard enough.
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eldenlord420 · 3 years
Elden Ring
I have been taking a break from Elden ring because I’ve realized that I've been spending way too much time playing it. Which is a good thing and a bad thing. It's good because it goes to show just how much content is packed into this amazing game, and it's bad because sitting down and playing games all day for multiple days in a row is just unhealthy. With that out of the way I've been thinking about what I like the most about the game and after some hard thought, I finally realized that for me it's the combination of level design and music that I really enjoy. Walking into a new area you've never been before like Nokron the Eternal city or Caelid for example, two wildly different locations visually and atmospherically. In Caelid everything is tainted with red and all the enemies are vicious and mutated thanks to the scarlet rot, and in Nokron it's a beautiful ancient underground city with a fake but very realistic looking night sky. All the enemies are magical and remind me of forest druids and the like. Hearing the music when you walk into these areas pick up is like heaven to my ears.
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eldenlord420 · 3 years
Yes this is my first post on my new blog I just wanted everyone to get newly acquainted with me. I love Elden Ring and I love memes. So here’s a little Elden Ring goof.
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