Self Ship RP?
Hello everyone! I'm new to the self shipping community but I was wondering if anyone would willing to roleplay with me. My F/O's are OC's I made for the Elder Scrolls. I don't know if anyone would be willing to play them for me but if you could that would mean the world ;w; I have profiles written out for them and I can give you any information you need. I would be willing to double play any of your F/O's in return! Any characters from any series is fine by me! Whether they be OC's or cannons!
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a special shoutout to all of the selfshippers who...
-use selfshipping to cope or as escapism
-are disabled
-have severe anxiety
-have a personality disorder
-are transgender
-are aromantic
-are asexual
-are polyamorous, ambiamorous, or monogamous
-experience dissociation, derealization, and/or depersonalization
-have maladaptive daydreaming disorder
-aren't respected by those around them
-have partners/relationships outside of or alongside their f/o(s)
-have introjects of their f/o(s)
-keep their selfshipping private
-have "ugly" or "weird" f/o(s)
-don't always think about their f/o(s)
-don't always have time to spend with their f/o(s)
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what do you mean hes fictional. i need him
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please imagine your f/o singing or reading to you while you are hurting. they're holding you close as you rest your head on their chest, the vibrations from their voice are familiar and comforting.
you are warm, you are safe.
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