Hello friends, forgive me for being so sudden but I'm archiving this blog and switching to a new one.
The name is still the same, @eldritch-hunter
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On a Small ritual for: the Agathos Daimon
On a Small ritual for: the Agathos Daimon 
I’m rather sad that the Agathos Daimon isn’t really talked about much here. I love my Agathos Daimon - whom I call Konstantinos. The Agathos Daimon is so comforting, and my boi is amazing. A small ritual I’ve picked up on at night is this:
The mini ritual:
Light a candle for your Agathos Daimon, or leave one burning if you’ve got one 
Or feel free to prepare a libation (the Agathos Daimon is chthonic, so remember that)
Get prepared to pray 
Personally, I pray for the Agathos Daimon to protect me, my home, and my family while we sleep. Especially for protection against malevolent spirits 
Say thank you, praise the Agathos Daimon 
And then blow out candle and go to sleep 
It’s super small - but I enjoy it a lot. It’s very good bonding time, and it’s just nice to be safe while you sleep, y’know?
Please do not repost, thank you!
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do you have any tips for those just starting out with demonolatry? of course im doing ample research first but I cant find anything on how to start finding what demons to work with/how to know if a invocation/prayer/ect worked, ect. im also new to magic in general if that helps.
As you mention being new to magic, I’ll very briefly ‘start from the top’:
Magic (also spelled magick) is based on energy, which we use like a tool. We mould energy around us or, in demonolatry’s case, work with demon’s energy to put out things into the world. It’s generally a system of “you put in what you get back” - the more effort you put in, the better/worse your result will be. But this is a case-by-case basis for the individual and is not reliant on judgement on the whole of the people who practice. So don’t worry if you don’t have a lot of other types of energy for your practice.
For finding what demons to work with... look at a list! Which sounds very silly, but if you’re unsure where to start, use a list. Do names jump out at you? Does someone’s enn jump out at you? Do you get an immediate impression of them just by looking at their name? Take notes of who it is and what the very thought of them makes you feel, and hold onto that list. Look into them a little bit more, and if your ‘pull’ towards them gets stronger and stronger, they might just be the one for you! There are, of course, other ways as well - do you spot a lot of a particular animal, suddenly? A type of plant? Signs, sigils? Hell, have you even been seeing demonic names recently? Make notes! You’ll quickly learn having your whole thought process down is your friend.
With Asmodai, I just asked around who was talking with me until I figured out a name and confirmed it.
With Lucifer, I always knew he was there “at the helm” so to speak, so I reached out eventually.
With Leviathan.. I felt a pull for a very, very long time (YEARS) but ignored it until recently, then found out I bought multiple items of clothing with his cross on it around the time I felt this pull first.
With Astaroth, the above method - feeling an overwhelming pull to their name and information, is what made me find them.
And finally, don’t be afraid to work with many, or to work with one as you need it. Often, if we need help with a specific thing and are doing magic/a ritual for it, we ask a specific demon who may help with this. So don’t get too bogged down by finding your perfect suitor, you may just be fit to work with the whole list of demons! Keep an open mind about it.
As for knowing if what you do works.. well this is where the tricky part is, in my opinion. You have to believe that what you’re doing/done is working/has worked, through the whole process. You have to get ready like a kid writing a letter to Santa, eagerly awaiting an answer. You might not get an answer; but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t worked. You can ask who you’re working with to send you a sign, if you fancy, some sort of recognition that they’ve received your message or are doing as asked - but again, they won’t necessarily do this. Specifically when invoking demons, the air starts to feel different though. There’s definitely a presence, especially in front of demons you haven’t introduced yourself to before. It’s not really “menacing” but there’s definitely an impression of “not-right”-ness, some sort of unrest.
Finally, some bullet points that don’t need too much expanding:
Don’t be afraid to get in and get your hands dirty. Experience is a good teacher.
You will be reading. A lot. Some days you don’t feel up to it. Don’t worry.
Combine both points - it’s all good reading about practicing, but actually do it, too.
Every day practice is a lie. Do as much as you want/need/can.
As you’ve done here, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Demonolatry is a “cards close to the chest” and “learn for yourself” practice, but don’t be afraid to ask. This goes for both demons and people.
Yes you are allowed to give your demons fun, cute, pet names. Just be respectful at first and heed the warning if calling them pet names starts to feel.. angry. 
Not everything someone says about demonolatry will be right for you. Personally, others view Satan as his own figure, while I don’t! It’s all about finding a good fit.
 It is very okay to stray away from demonolatry eventually if that’s where your heart takes you.
You can really build your practice from the ground-up here, so don’t be afraid to. Being new to magic and demonolatry all at once will be a hill to climb, and really do not be afraid to prioritise one over the other for a while.
In short, keep an open mind, believe in what you do, don’t be afraid to ask, and keep going. Sometimes it’s an uphill struggle to find information, but you will get there.
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[img desc: POC fist holding Mjolnir and text that says BLACK LIVES MATTER]
Pass it on!
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A Hellenic Prayer for the World During this Pandemic
Asklepios, Son of Apollo, Ancestor of the Asklepiades, Surgeon, Physician. I call to you and your family in this time of need. Great Lover of the people look upon us favorably. May your attendants, your wife and daughters, help humanity. Grant us your wisdom as you shine down upon us from Ophiochus. I seek your guidance, your help, your kindness for myself, for my family, for my friends, and for all individuals on earth. Great Asklepios help us through this natural disaster.
Akeso of the Process of Healing, tender of the sick. Please be by the bedside of those in need of you. May everyone experiencing sickness be given your comfort. For those who will pass, I ask you help heal the wounds of their family and friends. Akeso, all of humanity will have to heal. I ask you give us, collectively, the strength to do so.
Panakeia of Cures, holder of remedies. I ask of you, that the medical supplies needed be readily available to all those sick— no matter the cause. That, as we progress through these trying times, ventilators will be available. There will be enough hospital beds for all patients who need them. PPE masks and testing will become more and more accessible. Bless the scientists and doctors who work to fight this novel virus through research. Panakeia, give all people strength in their efforts, kill conspiracies so truth can shine through, help humanity find the cures for this pandemic.
Iaso of Recovery, gracious, beautiful. Please bless those who have all levels of sickness. From the very mild, to the moderate, to the severe. Give strength to those declared recovered— for their journey to full health may still lie ahead of them. I ask that you help humanity of all the secondary effects of this disaster. To patients of other diseases not seeking help and to the mental health of so many being strained. When we are preparing for normalcy society will need your guidance. Iaso, help all of us recover not only from this pandemic, but from all other secondary health effects touching every corner of society.
Aigle of Radiance, fair eyed, who bestows deserved honor to the medical professions. Please grant strength to every member of our health care and emergency systems. Look over those both working directly with the sick and to those who continue to provide medical services in new ways to their patients. Bestow great honor to our health care workers who become sick and return to work as soon as they recover. Aigle, our health care workers despite being tired and over worked continue to honor their profession with compassionate hearts, please grant them your blessings.
Hygeia of Good Health, undefiled, much desired. Please bring health to this world, to its many countries, to its many people. Bless everyone who is working against this pandemic, health care professionals and many other workers and volunteers alike. They are fighting to maintain society, to fight this virus, to help us all. Hygeia, grant all these people your blessings, your favor, and peace of mind. See us through this unprecedented pandemic with your love.
Great Theoi, Asklepios, Epione, Akeso, Panakeia, Iaso, Aigle, and Hygeia, I humbly ask all these things of you. I thank for your might, your presence, and your compassion.
—Some comments—
-I recognize that this is coming from an American perspective and thus can't take into consideration the state of other health care systems or the unique challenges of each country. I apologize for that.
-I chose Aigle for health care workers due to this line on theoi.com "She is said to have derived her name Aegle [...] either from the beauty of the human body when in good health, or from the honour paid to the medical profession."
-Some of the descriptions are ancient epithets (like "lover of the people"), descriptions in hymns/ancient literature (like "undefiled"), and some are my own creation.
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You mention Mesopotamia requires purity and impurity can include sickness. In this coronavirus emergency how can we go before the Gods and ask for help? If we are impure.
I'm on hiatus specifically because of social media's bombardment about Coronavirus news and discussion. However, getting this in my e-mail I think it's important to answer sooner rather than later.
You don't need to do ritual, go before animated idols, or maintain an altar, in order for the Gods to hear you and help you.
Your Personal God and your Personal Goddess are always there for you to pray to. Nanna shines in the night, An is the sky and heaven, Enki the source of fresh water, Enlil is in the breeze, Nisaba in the grain you eat, Girra the foundations of our cities, Iškur in any storm; and many more. The Dingirene are every where. Gula, Nintinuga, Ninkarrak, Ninisina, Ninazu, Damu are all Dingirene of health. (The first 4 can be considered the same Goddess depending on where you stand in the equating vs separating scale).
In Mesopotamian religions it is never wrong to think of the Dingirene, it is acceptable and even encouraged to have them on your mind often, to look to them often, to pray to them often, to ask their help, to see them in every aspect of mundane life.
See a dog? Maybe it can be your reminder to give a short acknowledgment or prayer to Gula or Ninisina for their healing powers, as dogs are their sacred animal.
If you are feeling negative emotions maybe take a moment to think of Enki when the water of the shower or bath cleanses you. Ask him for his calming presence.
While we all kinda sit at home in social distancing, if you're feeling up to it and do diviniation, practice for fun and think of G̃atumdug as you do. I'm sure there are other gods you can do fun activities for (I'm just blanking on ideas)
Journal out your feelings during this time of uncertainty and know Nisaba is with you in your writing. Ask her to help your mind be clear to write out all the feelings you need to let out.
Cook a warm meal and feel comforted by Nusku who warmed the food.
If you can take a short walk and feel Enlil's and Utu's presence on your skin.
If you hear news from the CDC or WHO pray to Damu that their employees continue to have strength in the face of the pandemic.
Perhaps pray to An, Enlil, Ninlil, or a Mother Goddess to give humanity strength through these times.
Pray to whomever you want no matter where you may be standing or sitting. You are allowed to do so. Regardless of your condition.
But Michi!!!! Rituals and offerings are required!?!?!
Correct. But if you are impure the Dingirene don't demand you do the impossible. If you have given sincere offerings/libations in the past and the Dingirene know you sincerely worship them, then they will be there. Perhaps make them a promise to give an offering and libation when you feel well and pure again.
There were any number of reasons an individual could be impure in Ancient Mesopotamia, the Dingirene didn't snatch away their presence and help from the individual. Religion is woven into life, just because you can't immediately give an offering doesn't mean you are any less in the eyes of the Dingirene. Remember that the average citizen had the temples to give proper and sufficient offerings to the Dingirene daily. They understand that we do not have that today.
"I do not feel good"
Whether you have COVID-19, Flu, a cold, are feeling mentally unwell because of this situation, or some other form of sickness. Doesn't immediately negate purity. This is a more modern take but I've written about it before.
When it comes to being sick physical or mental my personal rules tend to be this:
Do I have the energy to be physically fully clean?
Are my pains and actual dirty symptoms, like a runny nose, blood, constant cough under control? Usually medicine or home remedies achieve this.
Can I focus my thoughts enough so that when I am performing ritual none of this “sickness” will get between me and my concentration on the gods? (This one is a massive point in my personal purity standards)
If yes to all three then I am good to go at the mundane level. There's factors for religious purity like asking forgiveness of any sin, but thats not pertinent to the question.
The illness COVID-19 has large variations in severity. From uncomfortable but manageable with rest and fluids, maybe need some general medication like Tylenol or general cold meds (note: for now avoid Ibuprofen if you think you have COVID-19), all the way up to hospitalization; and everywhere in between. Its the same range as the Flu.
Someone with a mild form COVID-19 that has a cough they can manage with a cough surpressent or teas, can get their fever down, and their symptoms would not prevent concentration on the Dingirene, then physically speaking, they may be pure for ritual or offerings/libations. The judgment is completely up to them.
Someone with a severe form is obviously not going to have the capability to preform a ritual, maintain an altar, or go before animated idols. That doesn't stop them from praying to the Dingirene where ever they are.
Hope this helps.
PS. Wash your hands, don't touch your face, keep social distance, and everything we keep hearing. But do not neglect your mental health during this time either, take breaks from social media, turn off the news unless necessary, find activities, social distancing doesn't mean social isolation stay in touch with friends or family over text, phone, or video. 💙
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A must read concerning miasma and katharmos.
I've posted it before but I love it so much I am sharing it in its own post. It is recon to just wash your hands instead of making khernips.
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thinking of getting into norse paganism, any specific way that i should go about it? love your blog
Hey Anon
Please accept my profuse apologies for how long this took me to answer. I often anguish about this question because most of our “best” online sources are riddled with misinformation, have underlying canals of fascism, or are the result of the most well-meaning people trying to say How Heathenry Be™. The latter is often when American practitioners try to teach their hearthcult’s interpretation or their personal interpretation of Heathenry as the canon without the transparency of saying “hey this is our interpretation and not the standard.”
Keep in mind that Heathenry has only a few unifying staples
Worship/Honor of figures from Norse mythology and based in Norse cosmology
Earth-centric and folkloric, meaning it’s based in direct experience and folklore rather than doctrine.
There’s no agreed-upon way to approach 1 and 2.
My advice is this
Start reading some Norse mythology, keeping in mind that we don’t treat them like biblical literalists treat their sources. The sagas are a snapshot of a moment in time during which Norse people were trying to reconcile their past as Pagans with their new faith in Jesus. They’re a little dense just because of the time they were written, but retellings of a lot of them do exist. Keep in mind you’re trying to get a feeling for these figures and their relationships with each other rather than picking out specific information. And the Norse LOVED metaphor. Nearly everything is a metaphor for something else, allowing complexity and depth to these stories.
Check out some articles and dissertations on Academia.com regarding concepts in Norse mythology. These are usually well-cited and written by scholars of either Norse history or of Scandinavian literature.
Read some Scandinavian Folktales and fairy tales, modern and classical. These are a more authentic depiction of Scandinavian folklore than say,  fanciful interpretations of Vikings. My personal favorites are Jan Brett’s books and the Netflix show Hilda, and the folktale East of the Sun West of the Moon.
I am currently working on beginner pages for my website, but it’s taking some time since it’s a side side project to other pressing things on my plate rn. I also just found out I may need to move in the next few weeks so bear with me. Once there’s enough for people to read I’ll release them so they can be read while they’re still in progress. 
💙 Fynn
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A Crash Course on Channeling
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What is Channeling?
Channeling is allowing a nonphysical entity to use your physical body, in order to accomplish something. If that sounds, vague, it’s because it is. Channeling takes many different forms and intensity levels! Depending on how it’s done, it can be a medium-difficulty task or one of the most advanced things a spirit worker can do. 
Types of Channeling
I once heard channeling described as a car ride, and in my experience that’s very accurate. The car is your body, and you’re in it with an entity. Sometimes you’re in the driver’s seat, and the entity is in the back seat giving directions. Sometimes you or the entity is in the passenger’s seat: not calling most of the shots, but able to reach over and grab the wheel if needed. Sometimes you’re in the backseat watching the entity drive, and sometimes you’re in the trunk. In practice, this can take a number of forms.
Speaking on Behalf. This is the kind of channeling people do most often. The entity isn’t controlling you, just feeding you lines which you can then relay to a third party. You’re translating their messages to something other people can comprehend. If you’ve ever answered a question for a spirit in their words, you’ve done this. 
Isolated Channeling. The entity takes control of just a part of the body, usually the hands or fingers. This is mostly used for things like automatic writing.
Assuming Form. Also known as consensual possession. The entity is in the driver’s seat, speaking and acting for themselves without your help. Some people will call this “horsing.”
Possession. While the word “possession” could technically cover all of this, within the spirit work community it’s usually reserved for channeling where the human did not consent beforehand. This doesn’t necessarily mean in a violating way- I once had a friend who got possessed just long enough for an entity to yank them out of danger; once I was taken for just a moment to convey a quick (but very direct) message to a devotee, and snapped out of it right after. 
Reasons to Channel
Everyone will have a different reason to channel but most of them fall under a few categories:
Helping Someone Else. You’re channeling on behalf of someone who can’t [easily] reach the entity themselves, in order to ease communication between the two parties. This is often seen with mediums contacting spirit guides and Ancestors.
Aid in Other Works. The entity is better suited to accomplish a certain task than you, so you let them take the lead. This is often seen with a familiar or spirit companion, someone the practitioner works with closely enough to know their strengths and trust them. 
Easier Communication Overall. Channeling is a way to get really familiar with an entity’s energy. Again, we often see this with spirit companions and is more to bond than to achieve another goal.  This would include automatic writing or letting a spirit experience things “through” you. 
Ritual Invitation. In some traditions, it’s common to invite deities to ritual events. Often, some type of channeling/possession is expected and is usually reached through ecstatic experiences. It’s taken as a sign the deity has arrived at the party, either a sign the offerings have been received or a time for the deity to convey important messages. 
Before-You-Begin Essentials
Know How To Protect Yourself. This is non-negotiable. Is your discernment tuned enough to spot an impostor or malevolent entity? Do you know how to end a session early? Do you know how to banish a spirit in an emergency? If the answer is no, then study up and return to channeling when you’re ready. 
Know Your Entity. Channeling, by nature, puts the practitioner in an intimate and vulnerable place, so you don’t want to give that access to an entity who may misuse it. If it’s your first time channeling, make sure you trust this entity with your life. 
Don’t Channel Alone. When you channel, you’re in an altered state of consciousness. Having someone grounded near you helps keep the session on track and keep you out of trouble should you need it. (Either by forcing an entity out if needed or just keeping you from climbing that tree.) 
Other Notes
It’ll Probably Take a Lot Out of You. Have something ready to ground and rehydrate yourself after a session, and make sure you don’t have anything high-demand planned after. 
Start Small. No need to jump head-first into the most advancecd and high-intensity types of channeling! Start with automatic writing or painting and get used to the feeling and work your way up.
Don’t Make It Weird. Basic etiquette still matters. Channeling is not a pass to give unsolicited messages to other practitioners, speak on behalf of their deities to them (unless they’ve specifically asked), or say hurtful things cushioned by: “What? It wasn’t me who said it.”
Messages Are Rarely “Pure.” This means everything is still filtered through you, the practitioner. Your values, morals, biases, and beliefs can inform what messages get through and how they are conveyed. Nobody wants to send out a message they disagree with, after all. This becomes less of an influencing factor with experience as one learns to hone their skill and let go more, but it’s important to always keep in mind. (If a channeling friend says a deity doesn’t accept your gender identity or something, that’s a good sign that really your “friend” doesn’t accept it.) 
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Small Things To Contact Spirits About
…If you want to flex your communication muscles but don’t want to be cutting deals or making things complicated for now. Just little things to try.
Let me hear a love story
Show me a song from your people
Tell me something you did today that you are proud of
Let me draw a portrait of you
Tell me a little about your culture
Ask me any questions you may have about human culture (and I will answer them, if I can.)
Look at this song/story/poem I wrote, tell me what you think.
Tell me my local reputation, if I have one.
Tell me your story (and if desired, I will record it and pass it on for more to see.)
Share a joke.
Let me admire your beauty/grace/powerful appearance/plumage/scales/wings/great personality
Tell me about your friends
What is your one big token of advice?
Teach me how to make my home more welcoming for you (while still being safe for me.)
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Aphrodite Masterpost!!💘 ✨
💘 ✨aphrodite / venus devotional acts
💘 ✨altars for aphrodite
💘 ✨glamour witch tips ✨💋
💘 ✨beauty altar setup (one of my favs!!)
💘 ✨casual aphrodite offerings
💘 ✨aphrodite devotional playlist
💘 ✨resources for aphrodite devotees (wonderful masterpost, follow @seafoambeauty too!)
💘 ✨devotional journal
💘 ✨ introduce yourself to aphrodite
💘 ✨aphrodisia
💘 ✨shell dishes
💘 ✨six ways to meet aphrodite
💘 ✨offering ideas for : aphrodite 
💘 ✨aphrodite altar ideas
💘 ✨aphrodite Oil
I will be updating this whenever I find anything new!
 ✨disclaimer // none of these belong to me! all credit goes to the creators! never listen to just one source, do you own research! ✨
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Marisol’s Magickal PDF Library Master Post- FIXED!
Ok, kiddies.  Several of you have seen my post about the various resources and books I have in my Pagan/Witchcraft/Magick library and have asked “Where can I download the PDFs from?”
Well, now that things have calmed down a bit…Here it is!  This post will always be growing as I find more PDF books. I did my best to organize them according to category.
Happy reading, loves :)
PS- Please message me if links are wrong or broken!
Book of Shadows/Grimoires
The Azoetia: A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft by Andrew Chumbley*
Cunningham’s Book of Shadows: The Path of an American Traditionalist by Scott Cunningham*
The Pop Culture Grimoire: A Pop Culture Magic Anthology by Taylor Ellwood*
The Gardnerian Book of Shadows by Gerald Gardner*
A Grimoire for Modern Cunningfolk: A Practical Guide to Witchcraft on the Crooked Path by Peter Paddon*
Witch’s Master Grimoire by Lady Sabrina*
The Complete Uncut Book of Shadows by Riders of the Crystal Wind*
The Alexandrian Book of Shadows by Sekhet Sophia*
The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley*
The Book of Lies by Aleister Crowley*
The Book of Thoth by Aleister Crowley*
Book 4 by Aleister Crowley, Frater Perdurabo, and Soror Vira*
Book 4 Part 1: Meditation by Aleister Crowley*
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley by Aleister Crowley*
Diary of a Drug Fiend by Aleister Crowley*
Duty by Aleister Crowley*
Eight Lectures on Yoga by Aleister Crowley*
The Equinox by Aleister Crowley*
The Equinox of the Gods by Aleister Crowley*
Goetia of Solomon the King by Aleister Crowley*
Household Gods by Aleister Crowley*
Invocation of Hecate by Aleister Crowley*
Liber CVI (Book 106): Concerning Death by Aleister Crowley*
Liber 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley by Aleister Crowley*
Liber LXXXIV vel Chanokh by Aleister Crowley*
Little Essays Towards Truth by Aleister Crowley*
Magick in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley*
Magick Without Tears by Aleister Crowley*
Moonchild by Aleister Crowley*
The Necronomicon: The Call of Cthulhu by unknown
Olla by Aleister Crowley*
The Tao The King by Aleister Crowley*
Thoth Tarot Deck by Aleister Crowley*
The Vision & the Voice With Commentary and Other Papers: The Collected Diaries of Aleister Crowley by Aleister Crowley, Victor B Neuburg and Mary Desti*
Godwin’s Cabalistic Encyclopedia:  A Complete Guide to Cabalistic Magic by David Godwin*
Abrahadabra: Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic Magic by Rodney Orpheus and Lon Milo Duquette*
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham*
Dunwich’s Guide to Gemstone Sorcery: Using Stones for Spells, Amulets, Rituals and Divination by Gerina Durwich*
Divination/Psychic Ability
Opening of the Third Eye by Douglas Baker*
Shadow Work Guidebook by Jessica Cross*
Divination for Beginners: Reading the Past, Present, and Future by Scott Cunningham*
The Art of the Pendulum by Cassandra Eason*
The Complete Guide to Psychic Development by Cassandra Eason*
Spiritual Power by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee*
Gods and Goddesses
Dictionary of the Gods and Goddesses by Michael Jordan*
Encountering Kali: In the Margins, At the Center, IN the West by Rachel Fell McDermott and Jeffrey Kripal*
Singing to the Goddess: Poems to Kali and Uma from Bengal by Rachel Fell McDermott*
The Magic of Kali: Inner Secrets of a Tantrik Goddess by Michael Magee*
Goddesses and the Divine: A Western Religious History by Rosemary Radford Ruether*
Herb/Nature Magick
Treaties on Occult Medicine & Practical Magic by Samael Aun Weor*
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews by Scott Cunningham*
Earth, Air, Fire & Water: More Techniques of Natural Magic by Scott Cunningham*
Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic by Scott Cunningham*
The Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham*
Herbal Magick; A Witch’s Guide to Herbal Enchantment, Folklore, and Divination by Gerina Dunwich*
Sea Priestess by Dion Fortune*
A Witch Alone, New Edition: Thirteen Moons to Master Natural Magic by Marian Green*
Earth Divination: A Practice Guide to Geomancy by John Michael Greer*
The Herbal Alchemist’s Handbook by Karen Harrison*
The Weiser Concise Guide to Herbal Magick by Judith Hawkins-Tillirson*
The Element Encyclopedia of 1,000 Spells by Judika Illes*
The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft by Judika Illes*
The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs by Richard Allen Miller*
Incense Crafting and Use of Magickal Sense by Carl F. Neal*
The Extremely Large Herbal Grimoire by Que Sage and Midnight Mindi*
Gardening with the Goddess: Creating Gardens of Spirit and Magick by Patricia Telesco*
The Folk-Lore of Plants by T. F. Thiselton- Dyer*
Natural Magic by Doreen Valiente*
Herbs in Magic and Alchemy: Techniques from Ancient Herbal Lore by C. L. Zalewski*
Historical/Classic Reference
Paganism Surviving in Christianity by Abram Herbert Lewis*
The God of Witches by Margaret Alice Murray*
The Malleus Maleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger by Heinrich Kramer, James Sprenger and Montague Summers*
Aradia or Gospel of the Witches by Charles G. LeLand*
Persephone’s Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion by R. Gordon Wasson, Stella Kramrisch, Dr. Carl Ruck, and Jonathan Ott*
Household/Kitchen Witchcraft
The Magical Household: Spells & Rituals for the Home by Scott Cunningham & David Harrington*
Spell Crafts: Creating Magical Objects by Scott Cunningham and David Harrington*
Advanced Candle Magick by Raymond Buckland*
A Little Book of Altar Magic by D.J. Conway*
Creating Magical Entities by David Michael Cunningham*
Candle Power: Using Candle Light for Ritual, Magic, and Self- Discovery by Cassandra Eason* 
The Encyclopedia of Magic and Alchemy by Rosemary Ellen Guiley*
Meta- Magick: The Book of ATEM- Achieving New States of Consciousness through NLP, Neuroscience, and Ritual by Philip Farber*
Fire and Ice: The History, Structure, and Rituals of Germany’s Most Influential Modern Magical Order: The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers, PhD.*  
Applied Magic by Dion Fortune*
An Introduction to Ritual Magic by Dion Fortune and Gareth Knight*
High Magic’s Aid by Gerald B. Gardner*
Circles of Power: Ritual Magic in the Western Tradition by John Michael Greer*
Learning Ritual Magic: Fundamental Theory and Practice for the Solitary Apprentice by John Michael Greer, Earl, Jr. King, Clare Vaughn*
E-Witch: Teachings of Magical Mastery by Deborah Gray*
Magic When You Need It by Judika Illes*
Pure Magic by Judika Illes*
The Basics of Magick by Amber K. *
True Magic: A Beginner’s Guide by Amber K.*
Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts, Second Edition by Donald Michael Kraig*
Protection and Reversal Magick by Jason Miller*
The Secrets of High Magic: Vintage Edition: Practical Instruction in the Occult Traditions of High Magic, Including Tree of Life, Astrology, Tarot, Rituals, Alchemic Processes, and Further Advanced Techniques by Francis Melville*
The Mystic Foundation: Understanding & Exploring The Magical Universe by Christopher Penczak*
The Book of Solomon’s Magick by Carroll Runyon*
A Week of Magic by the Sea Witch*
Tactical Magick by Seth*
An Enchanted Life: An Adept’s Guide to Masterful Magic by Patricia Telesco*
Enocian Magic for Beginners: The Original System of Angel Magic by Donald Tyson*
New Millennium Magick: A Complete System of Self- Realization by Donald Tyson*
Magician’s Workbook: Practicing the Rituals of the Western Tradition by Donald Tyson*
Not in Kansas Anymore: Dark Arts, Sex Spells, Money Magic, and Other Things Your Neighbors Aren’t Telling You by Christine Wicker*
Three Books on Occult Philosophy by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa*
A Manual of Occultism by Sepharial*
Walking Between the Worlds: The Science of Compassion by Gregg Braden*
Psychedelic Shamanism: The Cultivation, Preparation, and Shamanic Use of Psychotropic Plants by Jim DeKorne*
Hallucinogens and Shamanism by Michael Harner*
Shamans/Neo-Shamans: Ecstasies, Alterative Archaeologies and Contemporary Pagan by Robert Willis*
In the Shadow of the Shaman: Connecting with Self, Nature & Spirit by Amber Wolfe*
The Ultimate Book of Spells: A Complete Guide to Using Magic to Improve Your Life and the World Around You by Pamela Ball*
Exploring Spellcraft: How to Create and Cast Effective Spells by Gerina Dunwich*
Spells For The Solitary Witch by Eileen Holland*
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Spells: 88 Incantations to Entice Love, Improve a Career, Increase Wealth, Restore Health, and Spread Peace by Michael Johnstone*
Witches’ Potions and Spells by Kathryn Paulsen*
The Cyber Spellbook: Magick In The Virutal World by Patricia Telesco and Sirona Knight*
Crone’s Book of Spells and Charms by Valerie Worth*
Symbols, Amulets, Sigils
Amulets and Magic by E.A. Budge*
A Dictionary of Symbols by J. E. Cirlot and Herbert Read*
Basic Sigil Magic by Philip Cooper*
Practical Sigil Magic: Creating Personal Symbols for Success by Frater U.:D.:*
Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils by Fred Gettings*
The Complete Book of Amulets & Talismans by Migene González-Wippler*
Runic Amulets and Magic Objects by Mindy MacLeod and Bernard Mees*
Symbols, Signs, and Spells by Lolita Perdurabo*
Secrets of Magical Seals: A Modern Grimoire of Amulets, Charms, Symbols and Talismans by Anna Riva*
The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems by William Thomas and Kate Pavitt*
The Power of the Word: The Secret Code of Creation by Donald Tyson*
Crone’s Book of Magical Words by Valerie Worth* 
Spirit/Otherbeing Work
Buckland’s Book of Spirit Communication by Raymond Buckland*
Witch’s Guide to Ghosts and the Supernatural by Gerina Dunwich*
Fabulous Creatures, Mythical Monsters, and Animal Power Symbols by Cassandra Eason*
Faery Magic: Spells, Potions, and Lore from the Earth Spirits by Sirona Knight*
Summoning Spirits: The Art of Magical Evocation by Konstantinos*
Faerie Way: A Healing Journey to Other Worlds by Hugh Mynne and George A. Russell*
The Necronomicon by Simon*
Cunning Folk and Familiar Spirits: Shamanistic Visionary Traditions in Early Modern British Witchcraft and Magic by Emma Wilby*
Voodoo/Hoodoo/Root Work
Hoodoo, Voodoo, and Conjure: A Handbook by Jeffrey Anderson*
The Voodoo Doll Spellbook: A Compendium of Ancient and Contemporary Spells and Rituals by Denise Alvarado*
The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook by Denise Alvarado*
Voodoo Dolls in Magick and Ritual by Denise Alvarado*
The Candle and the Crossroads: A Book of Appalachian Conjure and Southern Root-Work by Orion Foxwood*
Charms, Spells, and Formulas : for the Making and Use of Gris Gris Bags, Herb Candles, Doll Magic, Incenses, Oils, and Powders by Ray T. Malbrough and Bill Fugate*
Waters of Return: The Aeonic Flow of Voodoo by Louis Martinie*
Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones: Hoodoo, Mojo & Conjuring with Herbs by Stephanie Rose Bird*
The Super Voodoo Coursework by Unknown*
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca In The Kitchen by Scott Cunningham*
Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham*
Witchcraft: Theory and Practice by Ly de Angeles*
The Goddess Is in the Details: Wisdom for the Everyday Witch by Deborah Blake*
A Witch’s Dozen: 13 Practical Rituals for the Everyday Witch by Deborah Blake*
Witchcraft on a Shoestring: Practicing the Craft Without Breaking Your Budget by Deborah Blake*
Witchcraft: A Concise Guide Or Which Witch Is Which? by Isaac Bonewits*
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland*
Witchcraft From The Inside: Origins of the Fastest Growing Religious Movement in America by Raymond Buckland*
Power of the Witch: The Earth, the Moon, and the Magical Path to Enlightenment by Laurie Cabot*
The Dark Side of the Moon - A Complete Course in Magic & Witchcraft by Basil Crouch*
Witch Crafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic by Phyllis Curott*
Every Witch Way: Spells and Advice from Two Very Different Witches by Ellen Dugan and Tess Whitehurst*
A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magick Spells by Cassandra Eason*
Old World Witchcraft: Ancient Ways for Modern Days by Raven Grimassi*
The Witch’s Familiar: Spiritual Partnership for Successful Magic by Raven Grimassi*
The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft, and Wicca by Rosemary Ellen Guiley*
Progressive Witchcraft by Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone*
The Meaning of Witchcraft by Gerald Gardner*
Mastering Witchcraft: A Practical Guide for Witches, Warlocks & Covens by Paul Huson*
Nocturnal Witchcraft: Magick After Dark by Konstantinos*
Witchcraft Today: An Encyclopedia of of Wiccan and Neopagan Traditions by James Lewis*
8 Sabbaths of Witchcraft by Mike Nichols*
The Gates of Witchcraft: Twelve Paths of Power, Trance and Gnosis by Christopher Penczak*
The Living Temple of Witchcraft, Volume 1: The Descent of the Goddess by Christopher Penczak*
The Living Temple of Witchcraft, Volume 2: The Journey of the God by Christopher Penczak*
The Spiral Dance by Starhawk*
The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft: Shadows, Spirits, and the Healing Journey by Christopher Penczak*
The Real Witch’s Handbook by Kate West*
World Pagan Practices
An Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology by James Hampton Belton*
Buckland’s Book of Saxon Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland*
The Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani by E.A. Wallis Budge*
Egyptian Magic by E. A. Wallis Budge*
Witta: An Irish Pagan Tradition by Edain McCoy*
The Practical Pagan Guide: Commonsense Guidelines for Modern Practicioners by Dana Eilers*
Practising the Witch’s Craft: Real Magic Under a Southern Sky by Douglas Ezzy*
Hermetic Magic:The Postmodern Magical Papyrus of Abaris by By Stephen Edred Flowers*
Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune*
The Book of the Holy Strega by Raven Grimassi*
By-Paths of Sicily by Eliza Putnam Heaton*
Germanic Spirituality by Bil Linzie*
The Religion of Ancient Egypt by W. M. Flinders Petrie*=
The Mechanics of Ancient Egyptian Magical Rituals by Robert Ritner*
Asgard and the Gods: The Tales and Traditions of Our Northern Ancestors by Wilhelm Wägner and M. W. MacDowall*
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Hi Michi, the more I read about ancient Sumerian religion and its practices involving regular amounts of offerings of food and even livestock the more I wonder how modern reconstructionists or neo-pagans treat offerings in their individual worship. Or at least you personally. Thanks for the reply.
Hey Specter,
We definitely don't have the large temples nor the state apparatus, which was just as important, that would allow us to make the enormous amount of large offerings the Mesopotamians did. Aside from large set of offerings on specific days the Gods also received their own meals twice a day— meals fit for royalty.
I maintain that Mesopotamia Polytheists must give offerings. However, that is specific (tailored?) to what you can give based on physical, mental, and emotional energy; life situation; living situation; and finances.
The gods expect your best. Essentially if you can only manage a glass of water than that is what you give (libation), if you have the full capabilities to offer them a meal at an altar that is what you give (then eat). I talk about it here https://michi-izkur-ereshkigal.tumblr.com/post/184740504943/giving-what-you-can
I also think a good idea if your low energy, can't have an altar, have to keep your religion secret etc is to designate a meal you are about to eat as an offering. Mentioned in detail here along with some other ideas: https://michi-izkur-ereshkigal.tumblr.com/post/187610962783/hello-im-sorry-if-youve-already-answered-a
as well as here: https://michi-izkur-ereshkigal.tumblr.com/post/187840416503/if-i-can-only-offer-what-i-am-eating-but-i-am
Lastly, while offerings, specifically of food / liquid, are necessary—there are other ways to worship beyong prayer and food!!
The gods were regularly entertained in their temples as the best example, do something for them. Music, dance, artwork, writing, whatever you think is something "fun" that a diety might enjoy watching you do or be happy that the fun act was dedicated to them.
The Gods are invigoraters of life, you can remember / acknowledged / dedicate daily tasks to them and indeed you should seek their help. Examples (point 2 I think): https://michi-izkur-ereshkigal.tumblr.com/post/187610485033/pagan-tag-game-list-5-things-you-like-the-best
And follow their order: https://michi-izkur-ereshkigal.tumblr.com/post/187828693088/as-someone-interested-in-taking-up-mesopotamian
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An aesthetic for my fae guide, Maurelle
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School Witchery
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Magic resources for all my student witches out there! Remember, magic isn’t going to save your grades if you don’t also put the effort in. But it can certainly support you through your journey as a hardworking student <3
(Updated 10/19)
General tips and advice:
To the witches who are going back to school
Magical school tips
Back to school witch tips
More back to school witch tips
High school witch tips
School witch tips
Crystals to help with school
Kitchen witchcraft for school lunches
University/college witch tips
Everything you need to know about being a college witch
College witchcraft
College witch tips
Little tips for the college witch
Tips for discreet college witches
Dorm life:
Dorm friendly offerings & altars
Dorm hacks for the college witch
Dorm room witch tips
Dorm witchery
Living magically with roommates 
Kitchen witchcraft for the dorm
Alternatives for college witches
Candle/incense alternatives: [X] [X] [X]
Witch study tips
Study candle spell
Study sachet
Spell for focus on homework
Stay strong and carry on study spell
Student witch hacks for focus and concentration
Back in focus spell bottle
Studying tips for witches
Tests and exams:
“I can do this!” motivation bottle
Cramming for a test spell
A charm to help you succeed on exams
Using sigils on your tests (tip)
Sigils masterpost for finals week
A spell for finals week
Focus for finals spell bottle
Final exam spell
Final exam pencil charm
Jar spell for good outcomes
Other spells:
A spell for good grades
Back to school success sachet
School success sachet spell
Knot spell for doing well in school
Sweet school year spell
Help me succeed candle spell
“Leave me be” spell
Spell to banish anxiety and get a good mark
Simple spell jar for good sleep
Spells for back to school (masterpost)
Sigils for school, study and education (masterpost)
You may also like:
Magic to Replenish Energy 
Rejuvenating witchcraft 
Housewarming magic (dorm)
Sick witchery 
Periods suck. Witchcraft helps.
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Drink Magic Masterpost 
Bath Magic Masterpost 
Bedridden witch series
Help fuel this college witch: buy me a ko-fi!
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How To Stop Using Your Own Energy To Fuel Your Witchcraft
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Do you ever feel like you have to wait to be in just the right state to do magic?
Maybe you’ve been told you shouldn’t do magic when you’re sick.
Or maybe you’ve just found that spells tend to flop when you’re tired or sad.
From illnesses to working multiple jobs, raising kids or mental health struggles, life is messy and you just can’t maintain that optimal magic working state all the time.
This can be SO FRUSTRATING but today I’ve got a solution for you!
Now, sadly I can’t fix the parts of your life that drain you or wear you down. As much as I would love to have the ultimate answer to how to have that pinterest perfect life I am in the same boat as everyone else.
What I can do is show you how to work magic anyway.
You have to stop relying on your own energy. I know it sounds a little nuts, energy is literally what magic runs on and now I want you to just remove it from the equation?! What?
I promise I haven’t lost it and YES, that’s exactly what I want! Or at least I want you to make energy way less of a key player in your magic.
I want you to never have to worry about whether or not you have enough energy to work magic ever again.
This is all explained in detail, including energy work and getting past all of the things that are stopping your from practicing your craft, in my new program Old World Witchcraft.
You achieve this by using other sources of energy to fuel your work.
Pulling energy from other sources is a way to fuel spells when you’re low on energy yourself or you’re working on something very big that needs more than you can safely offer.
Basically what you’re doing is finding an alternative source of energy and channeling the energy you take from it into your work in much the same way you would channel your own energy into it. Instead of being the source of energy in this case you’re simply a conduit, connecting power source to magic and allowing the entire framework to run without needing your input, only your direction.
The first step in this process is finding a good source.
This source can be anything;
The earth
The moon
It’s important to take into consideration that if you’re pulling from a living source you must ask permission first. It’s usually easiest to choose a source that you’re comfortable with, if you don’t work with plants much using plant energy in your magic is going to feel clunky and unwieldy, stick to what’s familiar.
Once you’ve found a source it’s time to connect your energy to it. If you’ve ever grounded and connected your energy to the earth it’s much the same. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel for the energy of your source. Visualize your energy and the sources energy connecting and mingling together.
Begin gently pulling the energy from your source into yourself, it might feel a little odd to do this so be careful during this process. Often pulling too much energy into yourself can cause some unpleasant symptoms such as lightheadedness, nausea, and giddiness. For this reason I suggest you have whatever you’re channeling the energy into at the ready so you can immediately pass the energy from the source, through yourself and into your spell.
You do NOT want to use yourself as a holding bay for that energy any more than you absolutely must.
It can take a bit of practice to get this technique down well enough to be used in spell work. I would suggest starting with training exercises to get comfortable before trying to use it for any big spell work.
As an example, you could try pulling energy from a plant or the earth and passing it into a stone or crystal and then back again. As you get more comfortable you can work up to transferring different energies and in greater quantities.
This technique can be used in a variety of ways, obviously, as I suggested, it’s good for adding a little extra power to your spells but it could also be used to store energy for later spells in crystals or tools. You could use it to heal yourself by channeling the energy into your own body where there are deficiencies causing pain or illness. You could even do this in reverse to deactivate a spell (it’s suggested that you not deactivate a spell by channeling into a living being, the earth is best in this case).
It’s always a good idea to thank whatever has leant its energy to you, fertilizing or watering a plant, cleansing a crystal, picking up litter for the earth, whatever you can manage to show your thanks and be respectful.
After using this technique it is always advised to finish by grounding yourself. Moving large amounts of energy can pull your own energy out of balance leaving you with too much or too little or even leaving residue of whatever you were moving stuck to your own energy. Plugging into the earth and allowing your energy to equalize and come back to a balanced state will prevent any negative side effects.
Do you have a better grasp on how to outsource your energy needs? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!
And if you want to know more about how to become a witch and work magic the smart way, go check out my program Old World Witchcraft!
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Apollo understands that you’re anxious. It’s ok. He’ll be there to listen and play soft music to soothe your worries.
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