eldritch-immunity · 7 months
I have always been attracted to like that American ideal of getting a car and just driving West leaving your old life behind but the problems with it are that first of all whenever you run away from your old life unfortunately you bring yourself with you, and you haven't changed, meaning a lot of what you wanted to run away from is still with you, and second of all and far more important, eventually if you do this now you have to deal with people from California and that's a curse.
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eldritch-immunity · 7 months
reblog to give the person you rb’d this from a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows
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eldritch-immunity · 7 months
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I still say this is one of the funniest visual gags ever.
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eldritch-immunity · 7 months
imagine if the oceans were replaced by forests and if you went into the forest the trees would get taller the deeper you went and there’d be thousands of undiscovered species and you could effectively walk across the ocean but the deeper you went, the darker it would be and the animals would get progressively scarier and more dangerous and instead of whales there’d be giant deer and just wow
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eldritch-immunity · 7 months
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why he so grumple
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eldritch-immunity · 7 months
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eldritch-immunity · 7 months
Proficiency in both ranged and deranged combat
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eldritch-immunity · 7 months
If I'd just break a promise I could fix everything
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eldritch-immunity · 8 months
I paid $70 for psychic damage so severe, I finally cracked and contacted a suicide hotline:/
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eldritch-immunity · 8 months
How old were you at the lowest point in your life? Reblog this and put it in the tags, plus your current age maybe. I'm trying to see something.
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eldritch-immunity · 8 months
I've never met someone who just REFUSES to repeat themself before her
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eldritch-immunity · 8 months
Oh nooo Road To El Dorado's third act misunderstanding is hitting harder nowwwww
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eldritch-immunity · 8 months
I'm so tired. I'm tired of everything, and everything that I've been so close to wearing all the way through on I've held together saying "not for much longer, not for much longer." I'll be able to get a cat or a dog when I'm free, I'll be able to celebrate Christmas comfortably when I'm free, I'll be able to change my name when I'm free. Someday.
I miss laying in my bed or on the floor consoling myself through everything saying "someday, someday." But there is no someday anymore.
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eldritch-immunity · 8 months
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mmm soob
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eldritch-immunity · 9 months
people with siblings: how do you feel about them?
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eldritch-immunity · 9 months
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- I Guess the Old You is a Ghost (#589: June 25, 2014)
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eldritch-immunity · 9 months
I think I'd like myself a lot more if I didn't have to be me.
If I were someone else, I'd think I'm cool. I'd think I'm selfless. I'd think everything that happened to me is proof of my resilience and that diamonds come from extreme pressure.
But instead I am me.
It's easier to think of myself as a fictional character I want to be like, because that makes it fun and distances me from what I've lost and why. It's easier to imagine that I'm a fictional character because stories end well. The hero finds the people who love her and gets to be with them and any problems they have are communicated and worked through as a group and they're friends forever and the hero is loved. It's easier to imagine a happy ending when it's fiction. It's harder when it's not, and the people you love leave you and it's your fault and you lose your only friend and you've ruined your own life and it's your fault.
I still believe I'll be happy at some point, in the end, but I can't imagine how. I trust that when I die and enter into God's embrace it will be enough. But I wish the story would end now. I'm tired of having to live with myself.
When I was younger and kinder I was told often that I was the nicest person people had ever met. I was glad, I wanted to be. Now I'm hearing it again, that I'm the kindest person some people know. And that scares me, because I'm not good at all.
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