eleanorstravels · 5 years
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This has been a long day as we left home going on 8. John and Sharon were to our house by 7:30 but had to load up first. Had a rod to hang clothes on but it fell under the load before we got started. So will look for one on our trip.
It was cloudy all day but when we got to New York had sunshine.
We ate breakfast at Sophia’s. Omelet, etc. Got on the Ohio Turnpike at 11:AM. Then at 8 to 12 got off and on to 90 East. Had a lot of traffic going through Cleveland. We have been eating snacks & stopping at rest areas.
20 to 2 we entered Penn and into a little rain. Sure are lots of trucks on the road. We have been on & off toll rd all afternoon.
Entered New York state 15 to 3. The toll rds save time. Have seen acres & acres of grape vines! Must make a lot of wine here.
Sun is out. Rain has stopped. Going around Buffalo on toll road. Got off at Batavia to eat at Ponderosa. Then back on rd.
Syracuse where we looked for a motel. Also got gas. Motels here are all tall buildings.
We will spend the night in the Econo Lodge. Real cheap! 43.94 with 10% discount. We are on the 4th floor room 417. John & Sharon have room 412 and had to pay almost 48.-! But we had no choice. We went 554 miles by the time we got gas. Got our room by 8:30 and I jumped right in bed!
Syracuse N.Y.
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
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Monday, June 10, 2019
8:10 am, on the road, taking I-75 South to I-90 East. Brought grandma’s necklace, so she will be with us. It’s raining, muggy Traffic outside of Detroit is thick.
Entered Ohio around 9:20 on 280 South. On the Ohio Turnpike, rain stopped, still cloudy. (80E/90E.) Just kidding, still rain. Heavy at times.
Stopped at a service place outside of Elyria for the facilities and to check on stuff for Logan’s cold. Grabbed a post card for my mom.
Missed the 80/90 split (accidentally stayed on 80 versus taking 90). Going to take 271 North to I-90 East. Thankfully, we are missing driving through Cleveland now. Get to see the hills. 11:20 am.
12:10, stopped to eat the lunch I packed (vegan egg salad sandwiches and chips) and check out Holden Arboretum. The arboretum was nice, despite the rain. We climbed the tower - 120 feet, 202 steps. Also went on the canopy walk. It was neat but very short. Heading back to I-90 East. 1:34 pm.
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Entering Pennsylvania, 2:21 pm. “Purse Your Happiness.”
Just passed a fireworks AND karate supplies store??? Starting to pass all the vineyards my grandma mentioned. Rain has cleared up. Clouds are still dark. I imagine we’ll get more.
Decided to detour off to Niagara. I have never seen it, Logan has only seen it from Canada. Grandpa and grandma cam here when my mom was a kid with Ruth and Mike. 
Niagara was real neat! I’d love to see it from Canada. Although, Goat Island smells like a penguin exhibit and figuring out where to go is very confusing. (And the surrounding area is so industrial and weird...) The rain caught up with us but didn’t stop us. Heading to Buffalo to eat some vegan food. Oh, and I got another post card for my mom. Trying to get one from every state.
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Ate at Amy’s Place in Buffalo. Good vegan options! We shared a gyro, reuben and fajita fries (tasted like curly fries seasoning). Heading back to I-90 East for Syracuse. 7:28 pm. Oh! I put mom’s post cards in the mailbox right in front of the restaurant, super convenient!
Made it to our hotel around 10:00 pm. Ready to pass out. 
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
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SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1989
Got up before 6:30. Took a shower and etc. Phone call at 15 to 7 so we are getting around. Looks like a good day. Sun is shining. 8AM when we left motel. There was free coffee & donuts at motel so we had one. Sharon couldn’t as she is on her diet and I must say looking good. They charge $0.10 tax on the dollar here.
We went on the Highway 81 North till we came to Watertown. Looking for a restaurant.
Found one in the center of town called Crystal Restaurant. Neat! It is an old restored bar! How about that? Built in 1870. Restored in 1917 with wood on the walls. Booths along each side. Mirrors with lights on each side at each booth. And the menus! Coffee $0.30, pancakes with meat $1.50, orange juice $0.40. Sure was good and it was crowded. We enjoyed it. Also, you had to go downstairs to use the restrooms. Took pictures.
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Back on road a beautiful day! Took 81 again. It is 10:30. Late breakfast. Got on 11 North to 37 a side road. Scenic route. Sure lots to see. One side is Canada other US.
Went along the St. Lawrence River. Had a good look at the river at 10 to 12.
Around 1PM saw the locks where a boat was coming but so far off. Would have to wait too long. Anyway it was interesting. Got a snack there. Cool & windy.
Back on the road. We went thru Indian territory. We saw so many police. 100 in all. I’m sure they were all ones stopping some cars. Stopped us but then said to go on which we did gladly. Down the road aways we stopped at a craft store. We stayed in the van, but John & Sharon went in & Sharon bought a pretty basket made by the Indians. And they told them the Indians or some of them want to close down the gambling palaces & rest don’t so they were looking for trouble. We were glad to get away from that.
We got on Route 11 East where we crossed the Salmon River. Water was rough!
Had breakfast & supper in New York at 5:pm. We ate in Rouses Point at the Sandpiper rest. A little high but good. We all had the special roast beef, baked potato, salad, & green beans.
Back on the road with our stomachs content. Took 11 thru town then got on 2 going over bridge & Lake Champlain. Entering Vermont. The bridge was close to 1 mile long by my measuring.
Found a motel. I think the men & Sharon checked 3 before this. All unclean. This is Ho-Hum Motel in Burlington Vermont. Washed my hair etc. Fell in bed around 8:30 but had to stay awake till 10 to call Mary. Theo is having trouble with his stomach.
Burlington Vermont
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
June 11, 1989
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
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Tuesday, June 11, 2019
8:15 am, heading out to Rite Aid to get Logan medicine for his head cold. Then, taking 81 North to Watertown for Crystal Restaurant. Chilly this morning, 55 degrees. Yesterday stayed around 70 degrees, humid. 
Yesterday was an exciting yet draining day. An emotional start to the morning, kind of forgot about journaling. Very excited for today! Lots of sites that they would have seen. Wish I could talk to grandma about the trip - how it went for her, the fact that I’m taking it, what we saw, etc.
Upstate New York looks alot like northern Michigan. Woods, water, pretty. Saw a doe at the edge of the forest. The sun is trying to peek out. New York doesn’t number their highway exits by miles. Confusing to tell how far you have until your exit.
10:00 am, finished eating. Crystal Restaurant was old and neat. ow I see what my grandma was talking about when she described it, especially those steep stairs going down to the rest rooms. Prices were higher than in 1989, but it was still super cheap. $12 for our breakfast! I had oats and toast, Logan had french toast and home fries. After we ate. we re-created the video outside of the restaurant. The big sign is gone now, sadly.
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After that, we went down to see the waters. Rapids from the water department dam. Pretty neat. Also got new wiper blades since ours were stripped (really scary driving in the heavy rain last night, limited visibility). Heading out on 81 North for the Eisenhower Locks now, 11:03 am.
Taking 411 to 37 East for a scenic route. Lots of cows up here. We stopped to try to feed some, but they ran away in sheer horror. My guess is that we do NOT look like Amish, so we are clearly MONSTERS. Driving along the St. Lawrence River, looking across to Canada (12;00 pm).
Three deer so far, one was nursing a fawn.
Made it to the locks at 1:25 pm. No boats, so we left. Headed for 37 East.
2:26 pm, pit stop at High Falls to eat lunch and see the waterfalls. 
4:00 pm, the falls were stunning! Partially manmade. Had to enter through a campground. We were the only ones down there. Walked down by the water a bit, then headed back up. Back on 11 East, lots of turbines in the valley. Hills are so pretty.
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Watched a semi moving a wind turbine blade struggle to get through two back-to-back roundabouts. Needed state police to block the road to let it through the opposite direction of traffic.
5:00 pm, Lake Champlain is beautiful from New York, with the Adirondacks in the background. Even more beautiful from Vermont with the Green Mountains!
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5:07 pm, entering Vermont, which is STUNNING!!! Green Mountains are gorgeous. I spent the drive in awe, shouting about the view. I can’t believe how large Lake Champlain is. Heading to Burlington for dinner.
8:22 pm, fully checked in to our hotel and unpacked. Dinner was good - Revolution Kitchen in Burlington, VT. I had the seitan piccata, Logan had THE burger. Gonna swim before fully winding down. Our hotel is in Colchester.
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
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MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1989
Woke up around 7 so I got around and we were ready to go by 20 to 8. Beautiful out. Sun is shining. Mountains all around.
We are on a curvy rd scenic route. Looking for a rest for breakfast.
Found one in Richmond Vermont called the Feed Bag! What a place. Rough. 2 picnic tables plus other tables. 5 refrigerators sitting around. It had been a barn they fixed up or I guess they fixed it up. We had a good laugh any way. No coffee except instant as machine was broke so we had eggs, meat, toast, & orange juice.
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Theo had felt bad all day so slept a lot. Missed so much pretty scenery. Oh yes, John & Theo had instant coffee. They were brave.
Back on road at 9AM. Route 2. Expressway is first on one side of us then on the other.
Went through Montpelier the capital of Vermont. Such big buildings.
We are in the mountains up & down thru lots of towns. John stopped and got us some coffee. It was good at 10:30. Around 12 we stopped and walked over to see the Quechee Gorge. 163 ft deep the sign said. Way down! Also saw the covered bridge. The river was called the White River.
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Got low on gas so had to get some & the man there said today is the first good day in a week and 1/2. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow. John drove a long time when we came to a maple sugar farm where we were going to take a tour but the man was gone. So we looked around then started out again. 
Now, we are on 91 heading toward Maine. Stopped at times to see views. At 3pm we stopped at rest area. What a relief!
After awhile, we got on 105 East. Stopped at roadside antiques. I got a hairbrush and hat pin holder. John got a bottle opener.
Entered New Hampshire 15 to 5. Found a clean motel. Mt. Madison Motel. Then to a rest so high Sharon & I walked back out before men could go in. Ended up we got Theo a cup of soup & we went to Burger King for ours. Now we are resting. Hope Theo feels better by morning. I’m watching TV. Theo is sleeping. He got some Emetrol to take from the kids but so far hasn’t taken it.
Would you believe it we must have went through 5 towns before we found this one. All rest were closed & here fast food except for the one we walked out of! Oh well at least we found food! 233 miles.
New Hampshire
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
June 12, 1989
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
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Wednesday, June 12, 2019
On the road just before 9:00 am. Sunny day, 64 degrees. Should be high 70′s today. Heading for Quechee Gorge on 2 East. Going to take side roads there for scenery. So pumped to be in the mountains all day! I got Becky a postcard in the hotel on our way out. 
Vermont has a lot of cemeteries. So many that we have seen multiple Cemetery Roads. I think the amount of graves outnumber the amount of living people. I assume it’s family cemeteries on farms, but I really don’t know.
The Feed Bag doesn’t exist anymore. Would have been funny to see it.
We were just talking about how clean and nice Vermont is compared to New York. Lots of junk of farms there.
9:57 am, Montpelier was very quaint. Old brick buildings. Getting off of 2 East to take 12 South until we get to 4.
10:56 am, quick pit stop in Randolph, VT. The lady in the gas station knew everyone by name. Cute, little town.
Around 12:00 pm, got to the covered bridge. Drove up to Sugarbush Farms. Gorgeous view. Walked the maple path. Saw goats, cows and horses. Bought maple sugar candies (Logan has never had them before), garlic mustard and dark maple syrup. So tasty! We got to sample everything there. 
Heading for Quechee Gorge on 4 East. Saw another covered bridge in the town of Quechee. All wooden, quaint.
2:50 pm, just finished eating (finished the lunch I packed before we left Michigan). Quechee Gorge was breathtaking. Hiked to the bottom of it, then hiked up to the dam. Beautiful day, sunny, 70 degrees. As grandma would say, sun is shining! As we hiked back from the dam, I saw some older people having a picnic. Reminded me of my grandparents and aunt and uncle. 
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Heading up to New Hampshire now. Going to take 91 North. Vermont has tons of solar panels. Almost as many as the amount of cemeteries.
This trip has been fun so far. I’ve been thinking about how I want it to pan out but also how they took it. Just stopping at cool stuff they wanted to check out. (I don’t know how much of their trip was planned, actually.) I’m trying to take the same approach while still seeing the major stops they saw. It’s been a really cool adventure, and I’m so lucky to be on it with someone who has the same sense of adventure and spontaneity. 
Took 89 North to 63 East to get on 302 East toward 91 North.
4:36 pm, stopped at a scenic overlook off 91. Conveniently, it was the same one they stopped at! I recognized it from the video. Looks across to New Hampshire.
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5:15 pm, entering New Hampshire on 2 East. “Live Free or Die.”
6:15 pm, in the hotel and unpacked. Mt. Madison Inn & Suites. I think they stayed here. Heading out for Indian food in Conway, then going moose hunting in the White Mountains. 
8:47 pm, back at the hotel. No moose sightings. No animal sightings at all. Ate dinner at Shalimar of India. So good! I had the aloo gobi, Logan had channa masala.
Went for a quick dip in the hot tub. Could have been hotter, but oh well. Still enjoyed it. A young couple tried to join us at the end. We left immediately. Pass.
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
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TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1989
Up and ready before 7:30 but it’s because Theo feels so much better. I’m so glad. We turned the lights off by 9 last night. It is overcast this AM so we may get that rain.
We didn’t get the rain. Nice day. We stopped for coffee. Entered Maine 8:30.
We are on 2 now a side rd. Stopped to take pictures of house and barn together.
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Stopped at Rumford for gas at 9:30. Ate breakfast in that town at the Covered Wagon. Had an omelet. Theo has crepes strawberry. He liked them. Also saw the waterfalls there. The river is called Androscoggin!
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Maine. Got on 1A East, heading for 395.
At 3:30 we got to Ellsworth.
Got our motel at 4:pm. Now are looking for a rest.
Couldn’t find one reasonable so ate at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Then to a couple craft stores and back to motel where I rested while Theo, John & Sharon all went for a walk. Wish I could but just can’t.
We came on side roads so we could stop at antique stores. It was cloudy but nice all day. Stopped for new roll of film. I should have got it before we left home but forgot. Drove 172 miles.
This motel was about 8x9 with bathroom door that pulled out from wall inside. Such a squeaky noise. We just left it open. Also could see the hall light along the edge of door. Could hear everything next door.
Ellsworth Maine
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
June 13, 1989
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
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Thursday, June 13, 2019
8:57 am, on our way to Maine! So excited. Taking 2 East. Stopping in Rumford for breakfast and to see the falls. Going to look for the restaurant they stopped at, but I think it’s gone now. Cloudy, 62 degrees. Looks like rain.
 8:50 am, entering Maine. Wasn’t able to find a postcard in New Hampshire. Saw one of the barns my uncle videoed. 
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11:15 am, ate at a health foods store. Roasted red pepper hummus wraps for both of us. Talked to my mom - they’re going to visit Great Aunt Ruth this Saturday. Sad I’m missing that, but I will see her hen I return. We checked out Rumford Falls off the bridge in town. 
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Then, we found the spot grandma and them stopped.The dam wasn’t open, so we couldn’t see the water off the main falls. It’s raining now. Likely will rain all day. On 2 East toward Ellsworth.
All the curbs in Maine are made of granite instead of concrete. I guess it’s that abundant here?
2:03 pm, getting on 395 outside of Bangor headed for 1A. Got a motel on the island outside of Ellsworth. Can’t wait to explore this island tomorrow!
2:40 pm in Ellsworth. 3:15 pm in our hotel. Good view but very rainy right now. Not a lot of visibility.
5:30 pm, we laid down for a nap because it’s so dreary. Up and heading for dinner in Ellsworth.
7:53 pm, just got back. Ate at The Mex. I had tofu fajitas and he had a bean burrito. We drove around the island a bit to see the ocean. Still raining heavy. Going to watch tv in bed and eat oreos for the rest of the night.
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
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Up by 7 and we ate at the restaurant that is with the motel. A little high 2 muffins $2.49. Theo had that with oatmeal. Getting hot out. Sun is shining.
Went to Bar Harbor on the island. Saw a big pleasure boat. A busy place! We went around the island. Then up (or down) town to drug store. Then to see the waterfalls. Interesting city.
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Leaving at 12:30 p.m. on South 1. Stopped at antique places. Everything is higher than last time we were here. It’s been a beautiful day. Got a card for dad at the drug store. Have to mail it tomorrow.
We ate at Howard Johnson. Had fish & potato salad. Theo had clams with his. Said they were tough. Drove till we came to the Pine Haven Motel in S. Portland. I was sick & so tired so got in bed as soon as I could. Theo went for a walk. This is such a nice clean motel. Has a fridge and small microwave. 2 beds. Had a good rest. I’m trying to write as we go down the road so hope I can read it later on.
Men were standing right out on the dam where they somehow had the water shut off and working. Sure didn’t look safe.
S. Portland Maine
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
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Friday, June 14, 2019
Just after 8:00 am, heading to Acadia National Park. 55 degrees, sun is trying to come out through all the clouds.
9:15 am, stopped at Sand Beach. Gorgeous view. The shore is lined with rocky cliffs and pine.
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Drove to the top of Cadillac mountain. Clouds were rushing by us. Watched the mist.
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12:30 pm, hiked to Hadlock Falls. Making our way to Man o’ War Falls now for a picnic and a hike.
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Hike was good, except for all the mosquitos. 2:44 pm, on our way to Bar Harbor. Sunny, 60 degrees.
Just before 4:00 pm, got trinkets and vegan soft serve in Bar Harbor. Heading for Sullivan Falls now (I think they went there). Then, Portland to stay for the night.
4:45 pm, on our way to South Portland. Booked a room in the same motel they stayed in. Going to dinner in Portland and visiting my friend Laura. So excited to see her! We couldn’t see the other falls because they were closed off.
Taking 1 South along the coast. Lots of sights to see - cute towns, boats, bridges, flowers, etc. 
8:28 pm, arrived at Pine Haven motel and cabins. Got our own cabin with a king-sized bed. Unpacking, then heading for food. Laura recommended some restaurants. 
We went to Empire. It was amazing! we shared garlic green beans, spring rolls, edamame bao, and vegan ramen. Oh, and we split a slice of chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting. It was so nice to see Laura, I’m glad she stopped by to chat! Exhausted, falling into bed.
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
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We were ready by 8AM. Ate at Pancake House. It was raining but now just a drizzle.
John stopped at a Dexter shoe store. John got one pair. Wanted some seconds. Stopped in the town of Wells where they have a lot of antique places. It’s where Sharon got her lamp. No luck everything is so high this time.
Stopped for coffee at McDonald’s. Oh yes, coffee was $0.80 at International House of Pancakes. Still in Maine 11AM. on Route 1 South. Stopped for gas at an Exxon Station. Mileage was 67,498.
We went over a long bridge and now are in New Hampshire at 12 noon. Still raining. I’ve been sleeping so afraid I’ve spoiled the AM.
John got 2 pair of Dexter shoes. Not the ones he wanted but OK. Will get on the expressway now to get out of this traffic.
Getting on 95 South at 1:15. Then on 495. We are in Massachusetts. 3rd state we’ve been in today.
Getting off on 80-90 Toll Rd West. Still raining.
Stopped at rest area 3pm. This day has flew!
Getting off toll rd $3.50. Now on 90 West.
We are in New York now. 4th state today. Went about 10-20 miles on toll rd again. Taking Taconic Parkway so will get off the toll road $0.30.
Going to find a place to eat. Stopped at Denny’s. Good food & service 6:pm.
Ready to go 7pm. Now for a motel. Just crossed the Hudson River Bridge. Is at least 2 miles long. 
I messed up should have been Ellsworth, Maine, then Portland, Maine, then the 15th. Don’t stop at Newburg. Motels no good!
So went on to Matamoros just in to Penn around 10:pm. Large rooms & beds. Heat not bad. So thankful for a bed. About 373 or more miles. The expressway here is so wavy up & down for miles. Settled our stomachs.
Just into Penn
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
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Saturday, June 15, 2019
On the road just after 9:00 am. Well-rested. Driving through a bunch of states today. Ending in Pennsylvania. We are on 1 South, looking for a breakfast stop. Going to try to get a postcard in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
9:30 am, entering New Hampshire across the Sarah Mildred Long Bridge. When it raises, it goes straight up in the middle! 
10:45 am, finished breakfast. Went to the Friendly Toast. I had a breakfast burrito, he had a waffle with whipped cream and berries. We wandered downtown Portsmouth looking for a postcard for mom.
Sent postcards to Becky and to Heather. Getting back on 1 South toward 95 and 495 to avoid Boston. 77 degrees, sun is shining!
11:30 am, entering Massachusetts. Pit stop for a restroom and a postcard. 
12:35 pm, on 90 West, heading toward the Taconic Parkway. Just before 2:00 pm, drove over the highest point on I-90 east of South Dakota. Elevation: 1724 feet.
2:15 pm, in New York. 2:24 pm, getting on the Taconic Parkway. So scenic! Mountains in the west are stunning. Wanted to take photos but wasn’t able to.
3:30 pm, on 84 west toward Scranton. Matamoras hotels were too expensive, so I am doing a nerdy tourist detour.
4:02 pm, crossed the Hudson River. 83 degrees, sunny.
4:39 pm, entering Pennsylvania. 56 miles to Scranton.
Got to our hotel in Scranton after 5:30. There was a quarrel in the lobby between a customer and an employee. Real hateful stuff being said. After we checked in, we went to dinner at The Garden. Wasn’t very good. Logan got a veggie flatbread and I got the falafel salad. Then, we walked to the mall to find the Scranton sign. Found it, took photos, then drove around Scranton. It’s really run down, almost scary. Glad we aren’t staying long. Our hotel room smells like stale cigarettes. I woke up feeling sick.
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
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FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1989
I got up at 7:30 to get my hair washed & done up. Gave Theo his card & wished him a happy birthday. Kids came. Sharon dried my hair.
Just went a few miles to a family rest. Had good breakfast & coffee. My treat on Theo’s birthday. Got 2 placemats about presidents.
On our way again at 15 to 10. Rain has stopped. It is over east. Theo said it could rain any time. 
479 miles. Getting gas at Exxon 1:PM. Before we got gas we went to see the Museum of Zane Grey. It was so interesting. The kids bought Theo a large book of Zane Grey photos. He will enjoy that. Then we stopped at a McDonald’s got coffee etc. and on road out Sharon & I got a hot dog. What a hot dog! I had everything on mine and it was hot but good. $1.00 good deal.
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Just saw here a big truck went off the roads in these mountains. The cab was all mashed in, and the trailer was upside down. Both over the guard rail. What a drop off!
Going through Harrisburg Penn at 3:00 pm. Just getting a little rain. Looks like more ahead. Day has been good so far.
Well I got sick so we got a motel in Hagerstown. Wellesley Motel on the 4th floor again. 409. Clean. I just went to bed. Theo went out about 6pm for supper with the kids at Ponderosa. He said was raining a little. Got some ice so we are watching TV.
Hagerstown Maryland
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eleanorstravels · 5 years
June 16, 1989
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