elecctricsugars · 3 hours
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elecctricsugars · 23 hours
dibs <3
send me a ‘dibs’ if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner
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elecctricsugars · 1 day
send me a ‘dibs’ if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner
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elecctricsugars · 1 day
Midnight Snack starters
"Is that you rummaging in the fridge again?" "Why is the fridge light so blinding at this hour?" "I swear, cheese tastes better at midnight." "Caught you red-handed with that slice of cake!" "Why are we both up at this hour, raiding the fridge?" "Midnight snacking again? That's the third time this week." "You think a snack will help you sleep better?" "I came for a glass of water… and maybe a cookie." "I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd make a sandwich." "Did you just finish the last of the ice cream?" "Who knew a peanut butter and jelly sandwich could be so satisfying at 2 AM?" "I was dreaming about this leftover pizza." "Are you seriously making a full meal at midnight?" "I guess we're both guilty of the midnight munchies." "Doesn't that noise from the fridge bother you?" "How are we out of snacks already?" "I didn't think anyone else would be up for a midnight snack." "Why does food always taste better when you’re half asleep?" "I came for a snack, not a conversation." "Just a little midnight snack to tide me over until morning."
[DISCOVERY] The sender finds the receiver rummaging through the fridge for a midnight snack. [SHARE] The sender splits a midnight snack with the receiver, bonding over their shared late-night cravings. [COMPROMISE] The sender and receiver negotiate over the last piece of cake in the fridge. [COMPLAIN] The sender grumbles about the receiver’s loud rummaging waking them up. [STEALTH] The sender tries to sneak a snack without waking the receiver, but gets caught. [SCOLD] The sender lectures the receiver on healthy eating habits even at midnight. [DISCUSS] The sender and receiver have a deep, late-night conversation over their snacks. [TEASE] The sender teases the receiver for their odd midnight snack choices. [INTERCEPT] The sender intercepts the receiver just before they grab an unhealthy snack, offering a healthier option instead.
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elecctricsugars · 2 days
[PILLOW FORT] - For both muses to get comfy in a pillow fort they built
-@creationxtrio with all three siblings to Wonka!
Wonka was in hog-heaven among the draconic trio, despite none of the Pokemon possessing anything remotely soft or fluffy to lay against.
Between their strange powers and his opposable thumbs, however, there was nothing that the foursome could not accomplish... One of the first things they'd set out to do was build a pillow fort. He wasn't sure why, but he was also too comfortable to question it.
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A chocolatier, and three dragon-types, walk into a fort. Made up of mostly pillows. There's never even been a joke about it. This kind of teamwork was entirely new.
"... I accidentally made a batch of cotton candy that wasn't sticky, so I spun you guys some slippers rather than waste it all... Dia, there was only enough for your front or back feet... I'm not sure I can replicate the recipe, so you'll have to choose..." By the way, he's telling them this while half-asleep, shamelessly sighing, gracefully adjusting his stretched out form inch by inch, and completely and totally believing that he's discovered perfect bliss within the confines of these padded walls.
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elecctricsugars · 2 days
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He watched, touched, as the critter adjusted it's eyes to the new surrounding.
"I don't remember the first face I ever saw, but I suppose it was Mamma's..." He looked off into the distance, briefly taken by reverie. Pop! The animal's calls certainly worked like a pin to his latest thought bubble. But Wonka didn't mind in the least. He was absolutely swayed by both the youth and gaiety of the blue-furred hatchling. "I'm Willy, by the way... It's an honour to be here to welcome you into the world..."
He was inspecting the flippers not long after they clapped, somewhat comparing them to his how palms and fingers while tenderly touching upon them.
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"That settles it, then. I'm yours, and you're mine. Our own people, but together as one..." He'd never had a pet, and he really couldn't picture himself ever settling down and having children, and now suddenly the Pinniped was somewhere in between.
"... Pop... Popi..." Wonka repeated the vocalisations as dictation for notes. He carefully sat the creature on the ground, joining it a few seconds later and crossing his legs to get comfortable.
The adventurous chocolate maker motioned with his hands, eager to hold his new companion again.
"And you said... Right..." Willy lowered the hat from his head, fishing around inside it for a pen and paper. "'Weeee!' just as you hatched... " He remembered the moment fondly, proudly, however recently it happened. As if to congratulate himself and the small one on the latter's birth, he leaned forwards with a kiss to the gumball-like nose at the tip of the creature's snout.
@elecctricsugars cont.
the small, seal like pokemon blinked their eyes a few times, taking in the sight of the human before them- the very first sight their newborn eyes had beheld.
his voice was gentle, soothing, with a hint of sweetness like the most sugary concoction known to any creature on this planet. ironic, given the young man's nature, perhaps. but then again, the popplio didn't quite know what sweets or chocolate or any sort of tasty treats such as that were...yet.
"pop! popi!"
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they clapped their flippers together in delight. they had no family that they could recall, nor any sort of colony like the one this person spoke of.
so, in their mind, it would be an utter delight to accompany him on his travels!
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elecctricsugars · 2 days
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indie, private, and mutuals only sideblog for various legendary and regular pokemon. like or reblog if interested in interacting for your own pokemon adventure. follows from @/gluttonsune. read rules before interacting.
creation trio sister blog - @/creationxtrio
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elecctricsugars · 2 days
Congratulations! You've been given a gift from an unknown benefactor!
It's a Pokemon egg, and it's hatching!
Congrats! You're now the proud owner of a....Popplio!
-@legendarymumus // for wonka ofc <3
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Wonka spotted the egg, not knowing where it came from or what kind of creature it contained, but an unattended egg was never a good thing—Eggs needed warmth, and constant attention! They were babies of the fragilest degree, after all. Being a natural caretaker, Willy approached the egg with the intention of swaddling it in his coat for body heat, but it hatched before he’d even finished bringing it to chest level!
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“Hello there!” he greeted the pup brightly, keeping his voice low so as not to spook it. His eyes narrowed, paging through his mental encyclopedia of animals across the globe. It looked like a seal, but it also reminded him of a certain Russian clown… The fact it hatched from an egg was staring him right in the face, but the only mammals he knew of like that were platypuses and echidnas. Huh.
"Are you able to understand me? 'Cause I'd like to help you... Maybe I could get you back to your colony? Or you could come with me, if you don't have anyone... I... Well, I'm an orphan, too..."
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elecctricsugars · 2 days
beach starters.
“hey, can you pass the sun screen?”
“can you rub the tanning lotion onto my back? i can’t reach.”
“i love watching the sun set over the water.”
“this view is gorgeous!”
“wanna go swimming?”
“the water’s so clear!”
“this water is freezing!”
“look! it’s a sea turtle!”
“are there sharks in this water?”
“let’s play some beach volleyball!”
“wanna go look for sea shells?”
“you’re blocking the sun! i’m trying to get my tan on here!”
“i’ll race you to the ocean swing!”
“a seagull pooped on my sandwich.”
“you know, sex on the beach doesn’t have to be just the name of drink.”
“there’s so much sand in my swim trunks/swimsuit.”
“i told you that you’d enjoy snorkeling!”
“let’s go get some ice cream.”
“wanna take a stroll down the boardwalk?”
“bet i can beat you at limbo!”
“a candle lit dinner on the beach? what’s the occasion?”
“this is my hammock! i claim it as my own!”
“you know, beach zumba is harder than it looks.”
“code red! something just brushed up against my leg!”
“wow, that’s a really good sandcastle! can i help?”
“i rented a sail boat. wanna come?”
“come join me by the fire. it’s warmer over there.”
“there’s something so calming about the sound of these waves.”
“there’s a storm coming. we should go inside.”
“so…i fell asleep in the sun and now i’m redder than a lobster.”
“why did i agree to let you bury me in the sand?”
“does that cloud look like elvis to you or is it just me?”
“don’t go out too far in the water! the ocean will swallow you whole.”
“you were supposed to catch that frisbee with your hands, not your forehead.”
“let’s hunt for buried treasure!”
“do you tan or do you burn?”
“come dance with me! it’ll be fun, i promise!”
“can we just buy a beach house and stay here forever?”
“surfing is easy! come on, i’ll teach you.”
“listen, my only goal for the day is to learn how to hula.”
“that dude totally wiped out on the water jets. is it bad that i kinda wanna try it out?”
“we’re still going parasailing, right? you aren’t backing out on me, are you?”
“hold tight. i’m about to put this jet ski on full throttle!”
“how come my sandcastles never turn out that good?”
“you can see the whole beach at the top of the ferris wheel!”
“hey, help me find an open beach umbrella, will you?”
“i’m sorry, but you want me to jump off of that giant cliff and into the water? what do i look like to you? an idiot?”
“why would ariel ever want to leave the ocean? sebastian’s right. it’s better down where it’s wetter!”
🎵 “see the line where the sky meets the sea? it calls me and no one knows, how far it goes!” 🎵
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elecctricsugars · 2 days
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Willy listened intently to Prodnose's Geraldine's reply about the necklace, though his mind did begin to wander—Wondering whether or not it would be proper to ask her to start a fire for him.
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“Oh, I couldn’t possibly sit down on your furniture with these wet things of mine,” he said, eventually picking up on her invitation.
"I don't mind. I don't think you're rude, either, but..." Brrrrr. Switching back and forth on his heels, rubbing at his arms, he no longer had any choice but to speak up. "D-Do you suppose it wouldn't be too much of a bother to put a log on? I'm having trouble feeling my legs... arms..."
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"Just thought I'd lighten the mood," Geraldine chuckled, brushing off her skirt. She admittedly had wanted to get to know him better since the evening at the galleries, but something always seemed to come up.
The young woman often went out alone, and she could hold her own if necessary, though she had to admit to being slightly uncomfortable at the thought of being alone after dark. After all, there was not only the matter of the fact she was rich, but whose daughter she was. She was sure there had to be someone who wanted revenge in this town, and she would appear as an easy target. Not that she was one, mind you, but she would appear that way nonetheless. So, plainly, she was glad of the company. And to have someone to talk to other than the creations of her overactive imagination.
At the risk of sounding a bit obsessive, Geraldine was quite particular about the way she kept her residence, though that really just meant she liked to keep it clean. She took a seat on the couch, crossing her legs and gesturing, generally, to invite Willy to do the same. Of course, there was the matter of his clothes, but since she lived alone and doubted he would like wearing a dress (although she wouldn't judge either way), there wasn't much she could do there.
"Huh? Oh, the rose. It was a birthday present, I got it when I was...twelve? I think. I always wear it," She shrugged, tilting her head to one side. "You mind me asking what you were doing out so late? And...what that's about?" She gestured towards his soaked visage, though mentally cursed when it came out ruder than she intended, and decided to clarify. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude or anything."
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elecctricsugars · 2 days
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“Oh, I never doubted the veracity of your hair for a second,” Willy beamed, reciprocating the other’s air of jocularity. But he was being honest, at the same time. He just couldn’t help himself.
The candy man was rather sort of glad they’d bumped into each other, not just because he would’ve froze to death without her, but because he didn’t care to think about her walking around these parts of town—alone—a darkening sky. He’d become a lot more on edge since that night almost spent on the bench. So many people had tried to take advantage of him in such a short span of time. Granted, Geraldine was a local, and he was the new kid, but she was rich, and there were many people without so much as a single sovereign in this town. You get the picture.
Horrible was music to Willy Wonka’s fountain-water-clogged ears. As he stepped inside Geraldine’s residence, he took a deep breath. The air was clean; the cleanest he’d tasted since making his arrival. Unless of course you count the soap in his lungs whenever he returned to his post at the wash house.
“You know, you’re the second person I’ve met this week who touched their necklace like that… Was it a gift perhaps? From... Gerald?” He would've said something earlier, when he actually saw her touching the rose, but there'd been too many distractions (i.e. worries) in the public streets. Now that the two of them were safely inside, Wonka could resume his characteristic curiosity in full.
Geraldine was usually a rather fast walker, though she consciously slowed down for Willy to be able to keep up, although not enough to make it apparent that she was doing it on purpose.
"This is my real hair, though," Geraldine chuckled at her own joke, brushing a few strands out of her eyes as if to emphasise the point. The young woman was quite different from her father, and liked to take every chance she could to prove it.
talk about a complex.
"Nice to meet you too, Willy."
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Absentmindedly fiddling with her house keys, Geraldine rested her hand against the wall as she slotted the key into the lock. She had moved out just a few months ago, though her family reputation and...well, to put it very bluntly, money, had afforded her a rather comfortable place to call her own.
"You don't need to worry about insulting my father...I'm not sure he's even smart enough to realize you were doing it if you said it to his face." Her tone was unreadable, though slightly embittered. She and the Prodnose patriarch had never really got along. Mostly thanks to how distant he was...business came before everything, apparently. "Yeah, him, Slugworth and Fickelgruber are horrible."
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elecctricsugars · 3 days
“Never prove anyone else wrong, prove yourself right.”
— William Chapman
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elecctricsugars · 3 days
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Wonka nodded, following at a few paces behind her. He was a swift walker, normally, but of course he was slowed down a bit from the iciness he was suffering.
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“… Prodnose… Father…” he parroted, seemingly fascinated by the news. But it was when she encouraged him that Willy really had to take pause. A Prodnose, wishing him success. Wow. Who’d have thought?
“Nice to meet you, Geraldine… And when I said I used to admire your father, I didn’t mean to imply there was nothing about the man to be admired still, it’s just… Yeah. Basically, he wants me dead. So-” Willy shrugged, exasperated by the whole madness but determined more than ever to rise above it.
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"I have a good memory for faces...but look at me rambling- we can talk on the way," Geraldine suggested, rubbing the back of her neck and trying to think for a moment.
"Yeah, that's it!" The memory clicked into place, and with it the memory of where she had seen his face before. She had been strolling by the galleries gourmet when she saw a crowd of people gathering around. She let out a chuckle at the memory of the entire crowd becoming airborne thanks to the effects of the strange candies. Even the chocolate cartel. They had absolutely had that social embarrassment coming, they deserved worse.
Now there was a name she'd heard before. They wouldn't stop complaining about him. "You could say I've heard of them. Prodnose is my father....not much of a one, though," the brunette girl sighed, shrugging as she tried to turn the subject to a happier subject. "Those chocolates of yours sure were somethin'. I think you've really got something, there. So don't give up, yeah?"
It probably sounded strange that she was offering encouragement to a stranger, but she had seen too many people give up on their dreams in this town. It would be nice to see someone make it. "Oh..how silly of me to forgot to introduce myself. My name is Geraldine Prodnose." She offered a sheepish smile.
"Hey, everyone gets fooled sometimes. It's basically a fact of life."
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elecctricsugars · 3 days
Anonymously send me your favorite detail about how I play my character.
I will publish and respond OOC.
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elecctricsugars · 3 days
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elecctricsugars · 3 days
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"... I-I do? I gotta admit, I sorta felt like I've seen you somewhere..." Willy thought about it, wracking his poor cold brain but just couldn't remember. Oh well.
"Well, I did introduce myself at the Galleries the other day... Perhaps you were there and saw me unveil my Hoverchocs?" There were lots of people gathered at the square that day, and he had made somewhat of a societal splash since. "My name's Willy Wonka, I'm a chocolate maker. Though, the chief of police would prefer I wasn't, so in a way it's probably best you forget that... unless of course you'd enjoy a night in the slammer..." he chuckled nervously.
"I-I haven't done anything wrong!" Willy was quick to clarify, reassure the girl of the kind of man she'd soon be bringing into her home. "I'm just... not wanted around here... You've heard of Slugworth, and Prodnose, and Fickelgruber? Those three see me as some kind of threat to their empire..." A deep sigh, securing his fallen hat upon his head for what little warmth wearing it provided him.
Sullen and shivering, Wonka saw his own sorry reflection amid the glistening cobblestones beneath his dripping boots. It amazed him how far the cartel would go just for—What? More money to add to their coffers of millions upon millions? Collectively, billions.
"To think I once admired them..."
"Quite sure. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I left you like this." the young woman smiled, twirling her necklace around her hand. She dressed fairly modestly, tonight, though couldn't help wearing one of her favourite necklaces, a gold chain with a rose attached to it, which she fiddled with the chain of. She was certainly much nicer than her father, for sure.
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"'Course it ain't too late." The funny thing was that she had an English accent. Maybe her mother had been English? She hadn't known her mother, no one did - she could only assume she must have passed by now. Damn, she thought, I'm getting distracted again. "Say, have I seen you somewhere before? You look a little familiar."
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elecctricsugars · 4 days
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"Are you certain? I wouldn't want to impose on your evening..." Alright, so he did want the hospitality, but he didn't want the imposition for her. The kindness of strangers, come to think of it, started to feel like more of a him-problem than a general problem. Especially if he took them up on it. Which he did. Always. Now would prove no different.
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"Is it too late to accept your help?" Willy's face formed a smile even through the layer of frost upon it. In all his travels, he hadn't met many people who were forgiving of the more pestilent species of earth the way he was. In fact, the woman agreeing that rats are cute made Wonka rethink the sinking first impression of her.
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"Well, that's true, they are cute..." the less...horrible criminally inclined of the Prodnose family sighed, it was cold out - and the young man was soaked right through. Probably right to the bone. She thought for a minute.
"You're gonna get sick from being all wet like that-" Geraldine couldn't help noticing that the young man seemed uncomfortable around her. Of course, she couldn't blame him. As distant as her father was, the entire town seemed to try their hardest to be as nice to her as they could from fear.
She didn't want people to fear her.
"I don't live far from here, let me help you out?"
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