Do you know that there are more than thousands of haunted places in India, not only in India but also in the whole world? You must have heard about the most haunted places on Earth or the most haunted places in a particular place. We have again came to India to see the most haunted place in Asia. ‘Bhangarh fort’, lies in Rajasthan, in Alwar. 2 hours from Jaipur and 6 hours from Delhi lies this fort. We start our journey from Delhi early in the morning, excited and a little bit scared. Scared? no doubt we would not be scared going to the most haunted place in Asia. We reach Ajmer and we can see mountains on the outskirts, began our journey inside Ajmer we can see small villages and homes on our journey. The temperature was cloudy so we were absolutely enjoying the journey. Just as we can see on the maps that it is just around us but there are so many mountains around it that we have to drive the car around it like 10 times, just as we imagine would it be beautiful or creepy we can see the walls of the fort. No doubt it was old and damaged, we looked up and saw the fort and it just looked creepy from the outside, we went inside the winds were blowing really high and just as we entered inside some negative energies were felt it was a little weird feeling. We were able to see stones all around the road, they were made again by the government yes, of course, the fort is so old that anything can fall down. Just as we end that path, oh I wish you could have been there to see, everything from which I was being paranoid was gone, so beautiful piece of land in the middle of the fort you cannot tell that it is the most haunted place of Asia. Just as we enter the fort which is fully damaged only one floor is left and the guide told us that the fort was of 7 floors! I was not able to believe that neither you could. The guide told us several stories were there why this place was haunted one of them was of a Tantrik which had a small hut on the next mountain when the king wanted to make a fort over there so the kings asked the Tantrik whether we can make a fort over there or not. Yes, replied the Tantrik but he demanded a condition, the condition was that your fort should not block the path of sunlight which is coming over my hut and guess what the fort did, the fort was made so high that it did block the path of sun that directly shined over the hut. Tha Tantrik got angry and cursed the entire fort that nothing will now be made here onwards. The people also say that the Tantrik liked the princess but the princess denied marrying him and he cursed the family, well who could tell what is the truth or what is not, but the people say that the ghost of that Tantrik and the princess roam this palace. The reports of people also conclude that paranormal activities have happened in this fort such as the fort once turned red in color, the voice of the princess, and the voices of Tantrik. However, the guards have denied even seeing any paranormal activity happening in the fort. Well who could what, there are big and very traditional temples inside the fort we saw approx 5 to 6 temples in the fort. A lake was also there but was really dirty, who really could have cleaned it up being scared of the stories. A forest was going inside the mountains, big and large trees were there inside the jungle. There were creepy insects also there, well that would not be called paranormal we went there in monsoon season. Ah, I just forgot to tell you one thing to remember the stories I told about that Tantrik and his hut, well there were also visible on the next mountain. There was literally no practical way to go up there to the hut, maybe he was really good with magic? again no one can tell. The forts get closed before sunset and the guards also guard the fort against a distance, like 500 to 600 meters away from the fort. We don’t know if the fort is haunted, but it truly deserves the title of hauntingly beautiful. We don’t know whether it is beautiful or creepy but it has its own secrets, possibly the truths lie within the fort who would have enough courage
to explore the fort properly, looks beyond the truths, looks beyond the world.
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Earth’s distance is more than 12,000 miles. If you just start to journey it then it’s going to take years possibly decades if you want to travel at all the corners of the world. Have you ever wondered that this earth is so big and beautiful, you travel anywhere you want to but still cannot, these regrets sometimes can disappoint but you can do nothing and move forward and to anything, you want to? If you are enjoying the meaning of life then you can feel the world, the road on which you are walking, the wind that is rustling over your ears calling you to tell you the meaning of life. Of course, I don’t know that if we are going to have another life or we are not but we know one thing today that we can live our life to the fullest. you know that I know that and universe knows that, that’s why it has created so much beautiful world. We don’t have any words to describe this beauty, it is so mesmerizing to see it. So let’s start a journey, a journey that defines a journey that is so beautiful, a journey that can never end. The journey of mother Earth. First, place Jaipur. Many people must be knowing this place and many won’t but this place is so magical so heart-divining that you will not even know when are going to fall in love with it. The pink city of India. 6 hours away from Delhi, is this magical world of its own. We reach here at 10:00 clock, the sun is already at its maximum, it’s our first time so we look here and there we can just see the crowd, the rustle of people from one place to another, big hotels, of course, the hotels why won’t this type of a place won’t have so big hotels. Our luggage is collected we are accompanied by the porter, they are so traditionally dressed a turban on the head big mustache curving through the checks, of course, their face only tells how different Jaipur is from others places. We open our room’s window and see the mountains everywhere it is like we are being protected by them and just we spot a fort not only one but 3 forts, we look at them they are just so beautiful even after 500’s of years standing tall and straight. It’s the evening we decide to go to a traditional restaurant in this Eden. The smell depicts the taste as we order some food, seeing the spices and big slices of bread we just dive into the food and the food is just dainty minutes and minutes pass away and we are just eating and eating looking nowhere but just on the plate. We finish our dinner and head for a walk of course at night the temperature is cool but this place was not only cool but so comfortable it was like the temperature has set by us. Walking onto the footpaths, cars driving and people eating at the stalls, kids playing games and laughing, the weather is so silent of course the night also just tells a different story. Happy and warm we reach our rooms thinking to turn off the lights, but before we fall asleep as we were so tired. It’s 5:00 in the morning waking up just excited as we can get in a cab and head out for the three forts, Amber, Jaigarh, and Nahargarh. The weather so cool and it’s so silent and comfortable. Birds chirping, monkeys roaming here and there. Just as we walk seeing the beauty of the place seeing the architect no one could have known that these forts were made back in time. The oldest in them is Jaigarh, known for the largest canyon in the world so big and heavy it must think I look at it from a distance imagining how much far away it must have thrown balls. The next stop was Nahargarh the youngest of the forts in all of them made just 200 years ago, you could tell it is a modern architect so much big and great master planning. We enter a room we are told to wear some protection on our shoes I think what could it be in the room, seeing the room I just get stuck seeing so many beautiful diamonds and golds gridded on the wall, seeing down in the floor I am standing on glass and down the glass, there are so many emeralds and expensive items. I just fall in love with it being such a beautiful place. Next is Amber fort this fort is the best among these in our preview, there is no popular thing in it but so much big and beautiful it is. The places where the king used to meet important people and common people. The stairs were so compressed so that it would be difficult for the enemies to climb. Made at so much higher altitude so that it would take a lot of time for the enemies to climb at such a higher place, ah yes and who can forget the limestone walls, Made at a higher altitude no doubt it would have been hot in the fort that’s why the walls were made from limestone so that how much hot it would have been outside, that much cold it would have been inside. So much good planning led the kings to be safe and live a comfortable life that’s why the forts still today stand straight and strong. After this, we go to a restaurant got some energy, and went back to the hotel. we would always love to go there again. In the evening the Jal Mahal, the fort inside the water, we could not have gone inside due to the unhealthy water around it but still, lights and color coming from inside were just magical like it was a fictional castle. Went back to the hotel, was excited for tomorrow to go to local places. It is a little late in the morning, bit of dizzy woke up the morning thinking to go to which places. Hava mahal the fort that I had in my mind, it just looks like a modern building from the outside consisting of so many windows more than 950 don’t know the accurate who really could know so well how many are there. Reached downstairs got some breakfast and went by a rickshaw on the tiny roads of Jaipur, no cars or buses could travel inside. We reach a market all the shops so brown, reddish and pink in color that’s why it is known as the pink city everywhere you see there are red and pink in color, taking from tailor shops to the departmental store. Reach the mahal, ah just look at it so beautiful sun shining directly on the glass looking so lustrous just as somebody has turned on a flashlight even more shiner than it. Just as we entered the mahal got inside so much cool air coming to us, well it can be said looking that king felt really hot. Built by Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh ruler of kachhwaha Rajput. It must have been really awkward that the royal princesses of Jaipur seeing the life of common people that’s why this mahal was made so that they could see the life of common people from windows and also nothing bad is happening. Just as we complete the Hawa mahal head out for the city palace the place where the king lives no hungry enough as had breakfast a little bit late head out for it. Just as we spot it from a distance looking so beautiful and eye-catching no doubt the place where king lives would have been beautiful but this was just outstanding like a maze, 4 squares inside the palace, the first 2 for public and last 2 for the royal family, there was only a flag hung up the tip of the palace this means that king is not in town, 2 flags mean he is inside Jaipur. Many people riding on elephants and horses just without any worries enjoying the beauty of this lovely place, not only rides but a small museum also having old armors, weapons, and souvenirs from that time. It’s late in the evening, traveling from the whole day tired reach a traditional restaurant, but no ordinary a restaurant where everything is old and traditional ways of cooking are used. Enjoy our meal and head out for our hotel, reach there. A party is going on the roof, just as we reach there we see the match going on and people enjoying and so cool and chilly winds blowing, just as we enjoy the view, just as we enjoy Jaipur.It’s late at night we want to sleep but we are so dived into the beauty of the view, just want to stand all night and just stare at it till morning stare it till that beauty stays. It’s the morning we have not slept and neither want to, so we decide to go to the last place Alberta hall a museum which is one of the most famous in Jaipur. It looks like a big castle but it is a museum. Birds sitting inside big halls dividing doors from one place to another the place gives creepy ness as well as calmness. As we see the old-time items we explore the museum more briefly, it was once a library but now made a museum, the guide told us that at night many lights are lit up everywhere around it looking very beautiful, just as we imagined it thinking that the last place also comes to an end, take a taxi and head out for the airport, looking back at Jaipur thinking about it. So many temples as we go ahead, small forts depicting old culture, and malls. Just as catch our flight we see it from the air looking as if it is telling us that the beauty of this place cannot be said in words, not even in imagination. Looking through Jaipur, looking throughout the world, looking beyond the world.
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