electroniccows · 9 years
@majestical-beast As described.
this was the most dramatic nonsense i have ever watched 
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electroniccows · 10 years
So...I have Destiny on PS3.
PSN: ElectronicCow.
We plays?
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electroniccows · 10 years
Read a little of this before but these linked sources I'm a big fan of.
What the fucks happening in Ferguson?
Alright, i’m gonna sit down and basically explain the situation in this ask so everyone of my followers knows why i’m so pissed.
Michael Brown, a 17 - 18 year old african american boy was unlawfully shot (8-10 times supposedly) by police in St Louis, Missouri on saturday, august 9th, 2014. He was unarmed, and had done nothing to attract suspicion other than the fact that he was black. His body was left in the street for 4 hours. (beware: somewhat graphic image linked)
There are several claims from witnesses (see: Dorian Johnson’s account and video [HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING UP ON HIS ACCOUNT, ITS VERY SPECIFIC] — Brown’s friend who experienced the situation first hand, La’Toya Cash and Phillip Walker— Ferguson residents nearby the incident),  that fall together in generally close claims. However, the only one who’s claim seems out of place is the police officer’s who shot Brown. Who, by the way, is put off on paid administrative leave AND who’s name remained under anonymity for his safety (However, attorney Benjamin Crump is looking for a way to force release his name). He claims that Brown began to wrestle the officer for his gun and tried attacking him after he told Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson (22) to “get the f*ck on the sidewalk”.
According to Johnson, after a minor confrontation on the officer’s part where he grabbed Brown by the neck and then by the shirt, the officer pulled his gun on Brown and shot him at point blank range on the right side of his body. Brown and Johnson were able to get away briefly and started running. However, Brown was shot in the back, supposedly disabling him from getting very far. He turned around with his arms in the air and said “I don’t have a gun, stop shooting!” By this point, Brown and the officer were face to face as the cop shot him several times in the face and chest until he was finally dead. Johnson ran to his apartment and by the sound of his account, seemingly had some sort of panic attack. Later he emerged from his home to see Brown still laying in the streets. People were gathered with their cellphones, screaming at the police.
According to msnbc, the police refuse to interview Johnson at all, despite his amazing courage to come forward. They didn’t wanna hear it. They only listened to the cop’s account of it all and were vague with the media on what they thought happened. They’ve also refused to commit to a timeline in releasing autopsy results and other investigation information.
Numerous rumors are sweeping around such as Brown stealing candy from a QuickTrip, the store he emerged from calling the cops on him, Brown reaching for a gun, Brown attacking the cop first, ect. But these have all been debunked. (I know a lot of these have been debunked, but im having a hard time finding sources. if anyone could help out and link some legit ones id be SO grateful)
The event in and of itself was terrible, but now it has escalated beyond belief. Around 100 or more people, mostly black, went to the police station to protest peacefully. Things quickly turned bad as martial law got involved and authorities were bringing in K9s, tanks, heavy artillery, ect. The heavy police presence only made things worse as riots began to break out and looting and vandalism started. [ x ] [ x ] [ x ]
Now, as of very recently, the media has been banned from Ferguson. There is also a No-Fly zone above Ferguson for the reason of “ TO PROVIDE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES ” as said on the Federal Aviation Commission’s website. Cop cars are lined up on the borders to prevent people from entering/leaving. Media outlets are being threatened with arrest. It completely violates our amendments and everything.
It’s becoming increasingly scary and difficult to find out whats going on over there. I’m afraid this is all the information I have, though. If anybody else knows anything about the situation, please feel free to add on or correct any mistakes i’ve made as i’m no expert on writing these things.
And as a personal favor, i’d really appreciate anyone to give this a reblog in order to spread the word. I think it’s a shame that this is going on in our own country yet so few people know about it. Help me make this topic huge and get this as much attention as possible.
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electroniccows · 10 years
I am a huge fan of this watercolor style. Everything looks so nifty.
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Illustrations by Vajda Tamás 
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electroniccows · 10 years
... and that's why all TV is filmed there?
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electroniccows · 12 years
I don't even know how to respond. Except with much love. Worth my first blog in months. 
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by こしあん
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electroniccows · 12 years
Class: Caster. Okay; I can get behind that.
Magic: Mystic Eyes. . .of?
Marry: Iskandar. HOLY CRAP; HE'S HUGE. I'MA DIE.
. . .these things amuse me a little too much.
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electroniccows · 13 years
Fabulous Max got me. Dead.
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i liked making the first one so much,i decided to make 10 more.
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electroniccows · 13 years
And there are people who believe these two are not canon couple.
. . .fascinating. 
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The Last Remnant; Rush & David. (skip to 3:45)
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electroniccows · 13 years
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electroniccows · 13 years
This is kind of terrifying.
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electroniccows · 13 years
I have not been able to watch in a few weeks. BUT I MUST KNOW WHAT THIS IS ABOUT.
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assassin!Cas, FBI!Dean | x
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electroniccows · 13 years
Kirie must reblog. 
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electroniccows · 13 years
Officer Jennys don't play no games.
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electroniccows · 13 years
Ose always reblog. Favorite demon / persona from SMT. 
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electroniccows · 13 years
I can totally feel where Lightning is coming from about the pizza. At this very moment I'd probably cut a foo' too. 
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so bored makin stupid shit, idek man.
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electroniccows · 13 years
I lost it at his reaction. Just lost it.
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