Se as eleições fossem hoje, Capitão Wagner (PROS) seria eleito com 40%, aponta pesquisa
Se as eleições fossem hoje, Capitão Wagner (PROS) seria eleito com 40%, aponta pesquisa
O deputado federal Capitão Wagner (PROS) surge como principal nome na disputa pela prefeitura de Fortaleza.
Wagner tem 40% dos votos, seguido por Heitor Ferrer (SOLIDARIEDADE), com 16%.
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Roberto Cláudio é o segundo prefeito de capital brasileira que mais cumpriu promessas de campanha
Roberto Cláudio é o segundo prefeito de capital brasileira que mais cumpriu promessas de campanha
O prefeito Roberto Cláudio foi anunciado como o segundo gestor, das 26 capitais brasileiras, que mais cumpriu promessas feitas em campanha eleitoral durante os dois primeiros anos do mandato vigente. O levantamento, realizado e divulgado pelo portal G1 nesta quarta-feira (02/01), considerou as promessas específicas realizadas em um programa de governo registrado no TSE, em entrevistas e debates.…
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Expedito Junior ouve demandas de empresários
Expedito Junior ouve demandas de empresários
Uma série de demandas de empresários rondonienses foi entregue na tarde de terça-feira (29), ao candidato a governador Expedito Junior e ao candidato a senador Marcos Rogério, por lideranças da Federação do Comércio de Rondônia (Fecomércio), durante reunião realizada no auditório da entidade.
Na oportunidade Expedito assinou um documento no qual a federação apresenta propostas para melhorar a…
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The Magical World Inside Your Recycling Bin
The Magical World Inside Your Recycling Bin
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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Study Finds that Green Spaces Make Kids Smarter
Study Finds that Green Spaces Make Kids Smarter
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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The Best Car Purchase to Help the Environment?
The Best Car Purchase to Help the Environment?
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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Conserving Nature Keeps People Healthier
Conserving Nature Keeps People Healthier
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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How Rapid Growth Is Destroying the Environment
How Rapid Growth Is Destroying the Environment
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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Should Schools Be Responsible for Kids Health?
Should Schools Be Responsible for Kids Health?
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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Free Market Healthcare Is Possible
Free Market Healthcare Is Possible
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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What If America Had Canada’s Healthcare System?
What If America Had Canada’s Healthcare System?
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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Why Do Rich Nations Spend Less on Healthcare?
Why Do Rich Nations Spend Less on Healthcare?
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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British Women Have Bad Life Expectancy
British Women Have Bad Life Expectancy
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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Everything That’s Wrong With the Economy These Days
Everything That’s Wrong With the Economy These Days
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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Why More Divorces Are a Good Sign
Why More Divorces Are a Good Sign
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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How Much Do Hurricanes Hurt the Economy?
How Much Do Hurricanes Hurt the Economy?
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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Who Should Pay for Prison Beds?
Who Should Pay for Prison Beds?
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the Mediterranean the world’s most dangerous border crossing.
Distinguishing migrants from asylum seekers and refugees is…
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