News for everyone following this blog
Good evening or day, Followers. It’s me @francesthetraveller , and I would like to talk for a while and alittle news. Even though I had many ideas for this AU Ask Blog, I Won’t work on this anymore. Yes, you guys could still post or have ideas about this AU you can send to me and I would apreciate it, but I wouldn’t have my mind focus on this AU anymore and decided to move on. Now, don’t be sad! You can still make art and drawing about this AU if you want to! Also, if you guys still would want some crossover AU ask-blogs of “What if _____ was in ____?” Or “What If ____ Ended up in ____?”, then don’t worry, I now have an up-and-coming Ask Blog around the two Upcoming movies, Connected (Directed By Mike Rianda) And Pixar’s Soul (Directed By Pete Docter And Kemp Powers)!. Here’s an @ , so you guys can check it out if you want to! @connectedinsoul I hope you all the best wishes, and just remember to stay fly and weird... <:)
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What would happen if an elf transformed into a pigeon? Would it become a elf-pigeon hybrid or something?
Well, I been thinking about this concept for a while, And this is what I think: Since in my headcanon, I think Phoenixes are kinda like Pigeons in The World Of Yore. Like they god overpopulated to the point they are domesticated to be Pigeons or something.  here’s an example of what a Phoenix!Ian would look like [Plus transformation by having his body go into flames] (this is an old drawing)
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(Side note: this will not happen in the story at all.)
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Does Walter give a spider verse style introduction to Ian and Barley? something like:[voice over] Alright, people. Let’s start at the beginning one last time. My name is Gwen Stacy. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last two years, I’ve been the one and only Spider-Woman. You guys know the rest. I joined a band. Saved my dad. I couldn’t save my best friend, Peter Parker, so now I save everyone else. And I don’t do friends anymore, just to avoid any distractions.
Well, no. But atleast you can think about how he would introduce himself! 
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Lance reaction to Ian and barley
Oh yea! he will only meet Ian furtheron, but I”ll explain his reaction later on, okay? 
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How does Ian and Barley react to fantasy movies and books?
They would think it’s pretty normal books/movies (for them), Until they notice that there are some incorrections in the past history of their world. Barley would be both eccentric, and kinda mad that the History was incorrect (mostly, While either watching Harry Potter or Hobbits (XD) ), before being told by Walter that humans don’t know about their worlds that much.Ian would be mostly confused, but kinda wondering if he can maybe do one of the spells in the movies (either to no luck or making a failed spell). They might be also wondering how Humans know about Fantasy creatures, but Walter would just shrug it off and say “I dunno....”. 
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How will Walter adjusted to the human world?
Well, I will tell that eventually......but first, I need questions about the plot.
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be honest. What does Ian think of Walter's soap operas??😅
Well, just like how I said in the previous  time, Ian is mostly confused about Walter’s soap operas, since he dosen’t speak Korean, but he accepts it something he likes (Aka. Like Barley’s interest in Fantasy.)
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you gonna UPDATE
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Lovey and blazey's relationship
Well, Basically, They are pretty okay with each other. They are mostly the “Dumbass and Smart” Type team. And Lovey would usually try to use Blazey as a heavy/pyro to attack her ENEMIES, but Blazey is always dumb so she won’t suceed in much. Also, off question but Walter And Blazey are big buddos, and Walter tries to teach Blazey tricks.  
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Does this make Walter/Wilden jr a changeling?
Well, no. He just can change his apperance and species if he travers into the Fantasy Realm
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Are they twin brothers?
yes. they are. time for explanation! So basically, 16-21 years ago, in an alternate timeline, in an alternate universe, a being died, and it’s spirit seperated into two,so it can maintain longer. the two spirits had decide to reborn in a newer vessel. but, while finding the correct realm to reside in, there was an accident, that caused one spirit’s mind and soul to seperate into another realm. the spirit of one suceeded, but the other’s mind had ended up in another realm. Meanwhile in this AU, Wilden and Laurel Lightfoot had giving birth to twins. While one was healthy and fine, the other had been suffered many ill problems and had a weak immune system. Time went by, the father tried helping his illest son, who he named Wilden Jr. . In the other world, The mind of the ill twin had been born in a human’s vessel. It was given the name “Walter Beckett”. time went by, and the mind and soul started getting closer, it tried to put itself back into one spirit, but they were too far. Wilden Jr got more worse, and soon, but eventually, died. He was then mourned by it’s family members. His soul succesfully ended up reuniting with his mind, but cannot be able to return to it’s elf side (well.......not yet). The child then grew inside the human vessel, and it learned many incredible discoveries, it became passionate, hopeful, and it grow up to help and protect many people. years later, in 2015-2016, Walter Beckett tried searching for a job to assign it, and while working on it, he also worked on an invention that could help people transport between places. But while trying it out, it malfunctioned, and it sended him in. And he became unconsious. Eventually, he woke up. He realized he wasn’t in his house anymore, he was in a grassy field. He got up, and pondered, that maybe it sended him in the empty field. He checked his hands.....and they’re were blue! he then noticed his appearance was different! He was confused, but not freaked out! He tried calling people to tell about this sudden discovery, but all of them thought he was insane. And why was his phone different? So he decided to get forward and look around the world and find a way to escape. His Life changing travel now begins..... 
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Good news, WaltIan Fans!
I am currently working On the WaltIan series once again! Here’s the preview of the first chapter!
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I”ll post more once I have time! till then, you can  ask about the plot! 
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Ian do you and Lance get along or does he think that that you're plain weird?
Since I Just Restarted This Entire AU, I Can Just say that.....They do Get along.....eventually...
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hopefully ian and Walter are in quarantine for COVID-19
COVID-19 dosen’t even exist in this Universe.
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Just a thought... if Walter and Ian are twins from peter Parker, is Barley, Emmet brickowski, and Rex dangervest TRIPLETS from Chris Pratt?!😕
actually 1. NO, Barley isn’t made of Emmet And Rex, cause they are the same person from different timelines, and no, barley is single.
Also 2. HOW DID YOU KNOW THE TWIST ABOUT PETER PARKER-  sorry. All I was meant to say is: he MIGHT be the original owner, but we”ll never know! (crap, I ruined it.) 
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So Basically
I just saw the Onward Movie and
I think I need to entirely Restart the entire AU.
so The last comics I made before this? They Aren’t Canon Now.
So I’m starting a New Chapter Completly. Going to Post it soon!
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Guys I am going to go watch Onward In A Hour So I’m going to continue the AU!
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Stay Fly And Love your Brother my dudes!
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