elijahalvorscn · 4 years
Astrid managed to direct a small smile towards Elijah and she hoped that it didn’t look strained. He was trying to be nice, wasn’t he? “Who do you have to hide from?” She asked in a small voice, barely above a whisper. It was strange to think of someone like him needing some piece and quiet. Whenever she had noticed him he seemed happy, surrounded by his BBC friends but Astrid could understand the feeling of being surrounded by people and still feeling alone. She was constantly surrounded by her classmates and it only made her feel more lonely, it was easier if she could be literally alone as well. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” She shook her head, her long blonde hair falling around her blushing face like a curtain of gold. “It’s just that not many people are age are interested in classical music, especially not…” She trailed off but the implication hung in the air. Not popular boys like you. Sometimes it was even too stuffy for her, people assumed that she exclusively listened to Bach, Mozart and Beethoven but what many people didn’t know was that the record collection that she kept hidden under her bed was also filled with all kinds of genres, inlucding classic Rock, old movie soundtracks and lots and lots of Joni Mitchell. “I like Chopin too,” She said, perking up a little bit. “his Piano Sonata No. 2 is my favorite. It’s a little too melancholy for a school recital though.”
“Thanks but it still needs a lot of work.” A small amount of pride bubbled up inside of her, showing itself it a shy but genuine smile. “Jazz is cool, it’s hard for me to play so fast.” She took a deep breath before slowly scooting down to the edge of the piano bench. “Do you um…Do you want to play something?” Her voice was so soft she wasn’t even sure if he could hear her.
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who did he have to hide from? well, no one really. it wasn’t about getting away from other people, rather about making sure there was time for himself. it was easy to get caught up in bullshit at boarding school. friends bullshit, legacy bullshit, girl bullshit, academic bullshit. but instead of pointing out their differences when he’d just made an effort to relate to her, he lifted his shoulders in another shrug instead. “ who do you have to hide from? ” he repeated her question back to her. it’s not meant to be challenging, he just didn’t have an answer for her. either she would tell him, or she would realise it was a weirdly personal question she’d asked. he suspected the latter, but perhaps she would surprise him.
lips pressed into a pursed smile when she apologised. amused by her attempt to justify the question. he knew he didn’t look the part, or maybe he did look the part but his behaviour battled against it. “ s’okay, i get it, ” he hoped it didnt sound conceited, he didn’t mean it that way. only that he wasn’t offended by what she said. “ my mom made sure me and all my brothers learnt an instrument growing up, ” he explained, though leaving out that he was the only one that had continued to be interested in music beyond age 10 “ she always said it was something to do with getting a little culture, but i think she was just trying to avoid hiring entertainment for parties and whatever, ” he revealed with smile. a long running halvorsen joke that they could form their own jackson five, if only any of them could sing. he gave another small smile when she mentioned which of chopin’s works was her favourite. as soon ass she’d said it he could hear it. “ chopin’s always a bit melancholy, ” he noted, though he didn’t necessarily mind it.  “ well, melancholy or completely fantastical, ” he added, grin growing as he thought on the various works “ very little in between. ” he mused.
her invitation was surprising, even more surprising was that the invitation included an invitation to share the piano bench with her. quickly, it seemed, astrid was becoming more and more comfortable with elijah in the room, even if she was still talking like a mouse. he couldn’t help but think of how the other boys would never be this fucking smooth and charming. they had the depth of a pitbull song sometimes. “ i think that’s what i like about it, ” he said, crossing the room. “ it’s fast and kinda crazy, but it’s not as strict as classical, you know? can play around a bit. ” he felt a little goofy explaining aloud how he felt about music, and jazz in particular. but to that day he hadn’t found a better feeling than absolutely nailing an improvised solo at a big concert. nothing compared. he perched on the seat beside her, trying to allow a respectful amount of space between them but also having to take up quite a large portion of the seat to position himself correctly. “ you have to tell me if i’m shit, okay? ” he joked, only to loosen whatever tension my have been brought from them having an entire room between them to now only a couple inches. he played the first key twice, a sort of warm up tick that he still at least pretended to do during concerts, before he launched into the tune jazz band had been working on as of late. it wasn’t any beethoven or chopin, but that was the entire point, wasn’t it?
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elijahalvorscn · 4 years
Violet’s shoulders hutch up, like she was a bird getting ready to fly away. But she couldn’t fly away, she was trapped between the piano and Elijah’s, which was conveniently blocking her way to the door. She stayed planted on her piano bench, her body wound tight, maybe if she stayed perfectly still she could be invisible. The logical side of her brain told her that she was being silly, that Elijah wasn’t a threat, in fact out of all the members of the B.B.C. he was probably the one she feared the least, not that that was saying much. Wasn’t he a legacy as well? Yes she remembered her sister mention his brothers. That was good, the common ground they shared - even if it was only a small patch of ground - made her relax, ever so slightly. 
“Oh, I guess thats not so long.” She relaxed just a little bit more, her shoulders losing some of their height. “I didn’t think anyone would hear me, I just assumed everyone was still dinner.” She didn’t know why she was explaining herself, there wasn’t a rule anywhere that said she couldn’t  practice alone. She had spent the last three years at Broadripple hiding in plain sight and it wasn’t often that someone spotted her. She felt as if someone looked at her for too they would find out all her secrets. 
“You know Beethoven?” She winced slightly, worried that she sounded judgmental, it was just that not many of her peers were up to date with their classical music. “The orchestra is performing Für Elise in a few weeks, I have a solo.” She blushed crimson, hoping that she didn’t sound like she was bragging. She adverted her eyes and awkwardly tapped away at a few keys just so that she could do something, anything, with her hands. “I’m not ready yet, I keep messing up this one part in the middle. Do you play at all?”
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as it seemed astrid wasn’t going to bite his head off or anything for intruding, elijah took a step further into the room. fingers tracing over the back of one of the many chairs in the room but remaining on the other side of the room. he wasn’t stupid, he could read a room. by the looks of her he thought if he got too close she might just scurry away into a crack in the wall like some sort of mouse. but, as mentioned before, it didn’t seem as though she was about to rip his head off, so as far as elijah could tell that meant he was at least a little welcome in the room. “ dinner’s the only time you can get any peace and quiet around here, ” he mused, small smirk tugging at his lips. see? we’re not so different, you and i, the smile said. 
he grinned again at her question. “ is that surprising? ” he asked, teasing just a little with a slight tilt of his head. not many at broadripple knew about elijah’s classical training, hell, it was probably safe to say that unless you were either a close friend, or in jazz band, you didn’t know he played piano at all. not exactly something that fit with the broadripple boys club brand, so not something he actively advertised about himself. “ more of a chopin man myself but i think everyone who’s ever sat in front of a piano knows a little beethoven, right? ” his tone was light, maybe a little amused with the whole situation. 
he nodded as she explained the situation, but to his memory, he hadn’t heard a mistake. or she’d kept her cool very well through the mistake, something he had never conquered in classical but had gotten far better at in jazz. “ tell me if i’m wrong ‘cause, like i said, i’m a bit rusty– but i don’t think i heard any mistake just then, ” it’s a compliment, though he understood all to well how much easier it was to play perfectly in private than with an audience. he nodded again, this time in answer to her question. pressing lips together as he did. “ jazz though, not classical, ” he clarified with smile, “ haven’t played anything old school since middle school. ”
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elijahalvorscn · 4 years
Astrid sat at the grand piano in the music room when everyone else was finishing their dinner. She liked to eat fast and leave early so that she could wander around the school without any risk of bumping into someone. Tonight she headed straight to the music room, to practice for an upcoming recital. She had a piano solo that she was struggling with and she hated having to practice in front of her peers. She couldn’t shake the feeling that they were all watching her, wondering how a girl like her had landed a solo. It made her feel like a fraud. 
So she practiced alone, carving out time during the day when she knew no one else would be around. It was her speciality, knowing where one could hide in the school even though it could feel like all the students were packed in like sardines. She smiled, feeling like a spy as she snuck out of the dining hall and down the halls to the music room. Sometimes she felt as if she could blend into the walls, that was how good she was at sneaking. 
So believing that she was alone she happily practiced her solo, letting the sound of Beethoven fill the otherwise quiet room. It wasn’t until she got to the end of her solo that she realized she had company when she heard clapping coming from the doorway behind her. 
“Jesus Christ!” She shouted, practically jumping out of her skin. “How long have you been standing there?”
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there was something about the school when it was mostly empty that elijah rather enjoyed. not something he would ever admit aloud but he did occasionally like to seperate from loud and rowdy boys that he usually associated with to enjoy it. the old trees, haunting hallways. every inch of it had a story to tell, he liked that about old places. they were charming that way. some were regal and historic, like broadripple. filled to the brim of reminders of who had come before and paved the way. others where worn, falling apart at the seams, no answers to all the stories the wear told. 
speaking of haunting, however, the faint melody. familiar though elijah couldn’t quite place it. he’d once been quite well versed in different symphonies, his mother adoring that there was finally a child that could make use of the grand piano in the halvorsen home. but, come high school, elijah had found he fit better with jazz band. deciding that he would focus the previous ten years of piano classes on a modern look. he followed the sound, curious as ever. as he found the source, it brought a gentle smile to his features. carefully he pushed open the door a little, enough for him to slip inside but not enough that it would give that tell tale squeak and reveal his presence.
he didn’t mean to startle her – though maybe he did, or else he might have cleared his throat, or done anything to announce himself – but it would be rude of him to not clap. or at least that’s how he liked to think of it. it was customary in the arts, especially in music, to applaud a job well done. he would not be the one to break that rule. “ long enough,  ” he said at first, though he didn’t hold faux seriousness for long. features breaking into another smile. “ i’m kidding, like– a minute. not even, probably. ” he assured, clearly she didn’t intend for him to hear it. maybe she hadn’t intended for anyone to hear it at all. “ it was good though, really good. i could never get beethoven down– that was beethoven, right? i’m a little rusty. ”
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elijahalvorscn · 4 years
Most lunch periods were a battle between Wendy and her food, an endless venture in the art of not getting anything on her uniform. She had never considered herself a messy eater, just that food itself was pretty messy business on the whole. Soups? Bound to splatter. Peas? Stubborn in their dedication to fly sideways whenever a fork came close. And then there were yogurts, salad dressings, and various condiments. There was an ongoing joke at home that Wendy wasn’t fully dressed until she had Maast-O-Khiar. So she was pretty proud of herself when she inspected her white button down after a serving of penne and didn’t find a fleck of red sauce. Her only regret was that none of her friends had a lunch period that overlapped with the end of hers on Wednesdays, so there was no one to really gloat to. But the sense of gratification carried her toward study hall in a happier mood than sitting around in a stuffy room for fifty minutes usually warranted.
Signs of spring were in the air, as evidenced by the way the old wooden door into the classroom stuck a little and then creaked as she pushed it open. It was an early promise for another stupid-humid summer, and at least a couple months spent fearing sudden rain showers were going to ruin her hair. She pulled hard enough to close the door behind her and when her eyes lifted a sunbeam cut through the windows and toward her, as if a perfectly-timed cloud had shifted, and back-lit a figure sat in her usual desk. The seat was perfectly placed to bask in the warmth, so Wendy had a half-moment of annoyance before she noticed the way the light filtered through his hair, pleasantly warming the brown color and highlighting how shiny it was. Elijah Halvorsen. Something giddy and wriggly took hold of her stomach, and she hurried to settle into a neighboring spot.
“Hey stranger,” she greeted. Her backpack was still on and, stuffed with a couple textbooks, it managed to press her a little too close to the desk for comfort. She crossed her arms and leaned them against the surface to make up for it, aiming for something like—cool, casual and cute. “Is this where you’re at when you’re not totally White Knight-ing you way through parties?” Do you remember me? the question really asked. Remember when I tripped and scraped my knees? Elijah had helped her up, dusted her off, and told her where the water bottles were, so she could wash off the damage. He asked if she was okay, or if she was dizzy. She had been, but not from any alcohol he thought she consumed. It was a memory painted rose-tinted and with like, sun flares and fireflies in Wendy’s mind. “This is a total duality of man moment.”
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despite all intentions of remaining focused and getting through the remainder of his homework so he could truly enjoy the weekend, elijah had never been the best at staying on task. tapping pen absently against his notebook while eyes watched the scene out the window. breeze gently lifting leaves that had started to grow back since the end of winter, a couple of students out on the grass, enjoying the sunshine without the filter of a window. suddenly he wished he had chosen to work out there rather than inside. but c’est la vie, right? or whatever that french phrase was. 
just as eyes wandered back to his work, once again with the intention of not getting distracted again, someone settled into seat beside him. of course he recognised her, he lived with these people, unless they were brand new it was pretty hard not to recognise someone. but he didn’t immediately recognise her enough to understand why she might refer to him as stranger in such a tone. all the same, he offered a friendly smile. he wasn’t rude. not intentionally, and certainly not intentionally to girls. “ hey, ” he greeted, sitting up and shifting his things a little so she had enough space to herself. then she continued, and then he realised what interaction might have lead to the hey stranger greeting. amusement coming to his features and a chuckle leaving his lips as he rubbed his hand absently across his chin for a second. “ yeah, i guess so. you know, i like to surprise every now and again, keep everyone on their toes. ” he grinned.
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“ wendy, right? ” he asked, because while he was fairly certain she wasn’t exactly the sort of girl elijah kept tabs on. all he really knew was that she hung out with that mystery inc wannabe gang, and well, apparently she was rather friendly. oh– and that she’d totally busted her knees at a party that one time. “ how’re your knees doing? last i remember they were looking pretty messed up. ” he mentioned, a lightly teasing tone to his voice. he assumed better, if memory served him correctly they’d only been a little scraped, nothing crazy. he also didn’t really care, truth be told. he was just being polite, friendly. things his mom had always taught him to be, and things he was pretty good at being so long as he wasn’t being egged on by his brothers of broadripple. though a little less polite was his next statement, but if she intended on staying there and making conversation he wasn’t going to be able to leave it unmentioned. and he thought if he had some sort of sauce on his face, he’d like to know about it too. “ you’ve got a little– ” he lifted his hand to his own face again, this time using his index finger to wipe at the corner of his mouth, to indicate there was something there, on her face “ by the way. ”
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elijahalvorscn · 4 years
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elijahalvorscn · 4 years
After a pleasant but long afternoon at the Nighmore community church, Katherine was ready to relax for the afternoon and during the weekend ahead. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy spending time with the children during after school bible study, it’s just that she missed having free time to spend with her friends, lazing around at their leisure. She’d made herself a cup of green tea and she was ready to sit down on the couch and watch whatever was on for the next hour or so when she had a sudden epiphany…or so she thought.
“You know- it’s not that our extra duties are even that hard,” she had the easiest of the jobs, arguably but she still spoke for students who spent all afternoon scrubbing graffiti or mopping the dining hall, “- it’s just that it takes up our free time and it’s effort too, like it gets tiring,” she announced, “If we were getting paid, it would be better- that would encourage people to work harder and be better volunteers,” she hadn’t noticed that paid volunteer work was actually just a job, nor had she remembered that this wasn’t voluntary at all, they were being punished. Instead, she thought she’d come up with a wonderful solution to Nighmore’s volunteer drought…just pay people to do work! Duh! “If I was in charge, that’s how I would make it better,” she decided, not that she would ever be in charge of such a thing.
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it’s not that elijah thought kat was stupid, she knew a lot of things elijah didn’t. things about plants and different sorts of teas, and probably a million other things. it’s just that she sometimes said things that could only be described one way and that way was completely and utterly stupid. things like the thing she’d just said. he wasn’t particularly well versed in community service, but he was fairly sure that being paid for it made it– well, not community service. 
“ speak for yourself, ” he commented, collapsing into the couch opposite the junior. “ bending over to pick up trash all day is making me feel geriatric. ” he joked, grin spreading on his features. it was a fairly dramatic exaggeration, it was only a few hours a week and it was only a bit of irritation in his lower back that was always gone by the time he stopped thinking about it. as he settled in the seat he lifted a hand to push hair, still wet from recent shower, out of his face. as much as he thought kat’s process was idiotic, in a way, she sort of had a point. of course everyone would be more motivated if they were being paid, it just wouldn’t be a punishment or community service anymore. “ you know, i think you’re onto something, ” he said, pointing index finger at her for a second. “ next time we all get in trouble, i think you should be in charge of the punishment, ” he teased with charming smile, wondering to himself if she would pick up on the joke or simply take it as a compliment. eli was happy to play along whichever way she took it. “ what’d you get stuck with anyway? ”
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elijahalvorscn · 4 years
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I didn’t know you guys were friends. Nuh-uh. Nothing to see here. TO ALL THE BOYS: P.S. I STILL LOVE YOU (2020) dir. Michael Fimognari
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elijahalvorscn · 4 years
Sebastian returned to the common room tired, sore and with a distinct stripe of diluted paint across his cheek, unintentionally making sure that everybody knew he’d spent the afternoon scrubbing walls. His back felt like his spine was bent at into the shape of a question mark and maybe trying to pop out of his skin as he fell into the couch cushions with a hefty sigh, regardless of whether it was interrupting the television or any nearby studies or really anything anybody else was doing at the time.
“This is so fucked,” he announced to anybody within earshot. “Hey, you know how to make anything to eat in here?” he asked a moment later. He was fucking starving and he couldn’t wait until dinner, nor could he stuff his face with packets of jerky and Smartfood before their next shared meal, it simply wouldn’t suffice.
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despite stinking quite a bit since finishing up his own community service for the afternoon, elijah had decided that the common room, the shared space, was the place the hang out until dinner. spread out on a couch, grinning stupidly at his phone in one hand and holding onto a can of la croix with the other. just letting everyone else enjoy the sweaty, garbage-y stench the seventeen year old had to offer. 
“ fuck no, ” elijah snorted, looking up from his phone to sebastian on another couch. cooking’s for poor people, he thought for a second. almost saying the joke aloud but thankfully deciding it was shitty before it managed to get past his lips. “ just get something from the vending machine, ” he suggested unhelpfully, as if he hadn’t already considered that. he could have equally suggested toast, or something bland and easy that could be thrown together in the common room, but something better crossed his mind. remembering something he’d once seen and been completely disgusted by in the common fridge, “ or bishop’s got some fermented fish in the fridge– since like, a year ago, ” he chuckled, “ you could give that a go, ” he grinned, bringing can up to his lips. though if elijah had bothered to look in the heavily labelled container in the fridge, he’d know it was kat bishop’s cheese collection and not stinky fish at all.
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elijahalvorscn · 4 years
Damian sighed. Each beep of the call’s end making his mood sink lower and lower until he finally pulled his phone away from his ear and shoved it into the pocket of his jeans. Well, he wasn’t going home this weekend. Or any weekend until his mother saw fit apparently. It was almost as if she knew just how much he hated the idea of Eliza being home without him – around them without him. Served him right he supposed. Not that a second punishment felt great on top of the first but leniency wasn’t a Fitzgerald specialty.
“Hey, hey– watch your step,” he called out with his palm raised, a fair warning to a nearby student walking toward his direction. “Someone caught a whiff of one of the Waste Management kids on their way toward the shower block and threw up.” If Damian wasn’t so engrossed in his mother telling him to use the weekend to catch up on his school work and spend time in reflection of his actions, he’d probably have thrown up as well when it happened.
“I’m waiting for the janitor to come by and clean it. Just– walk around it.”
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elijah had assumed damian would have learnt his lesson in dealing with bbc now, surely the faculty had dolled out a rather severe punishment for the swim captain. something severe enough for him to keep his goody two, polished, italian shoes out of their business from now on. unless, alternatively, damian now thought they were brothers in arms or something, though that seemed entirely unlikely. but all the same, damian prevented his distracted step from slipping in someone’s throw up. “ jesus, that’s fucking gross, ” he commented, making a face of disgust as he observed the scene. the scene he’d been too caught up in his phone to notice before. 
when he mentioned waste management elijah lifted the front of his shirt up to his own nose. he’d been a part of the waste management team but he hadn’t made it to the showers yet, and honestly wasn’t in any rush. he didn’t think it was that bad. it wasn’t good, but he wondered what the other kid had rolled around in to make it so bad that they’d puked. “ come on, damo, ” shit eating grin spread easily on elijah’s features. “ you don’t have to lie to me, ” false sympathy on his tone but smile gave him away easily. “ what happened? did a girl brush past you and you had some impure thoughts or something? ” seemingly forgetting how disgusting the scene was in favour of implying his classmate threw up when he got too close to girls. 
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elijahalvorscn · 4 years
Domenico was bored out of his mind, he had a splitting headache, the light hurt his eyes and he was struck picking up trash, so yeah. Not that there weren’t perks to his punishment though, he got to watch a bunch of spoiled rich kids down in the dump grabbing trash with him, probably doing dirty work for the first time in their lives. Besides, Nico didn’t mind a few hours a day of work, after all he had been taking shitty teenage afternoon jobs since he was old enough for it and it sure was better than being expelled and having a future of flipping burgers for all his life.
What he hated though, were the whispers and amused looks of the students that for one reason or another had the luck not to be involved and still thought their situation to be hilarious. Which was perhaps pretty hypocritical on his part, but self-awareness didn’t mix well with an hangover.
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“Hey Fuck off!” He shouted, raising the middle finger to a sophomore that had just ‘mistakenly’ kicked down one of the bags he and the rest of the ‘team’ had spent most of the afternoon filling up. The blazer wearing asshole just grinned at Nico and then retreated among the safety of his friends. They were having a blast weren’t they? He clenched his fists, but before he could do anything about it, one of the sisters gave him a stern look.
“Di Giovanni…” She remarked, with a shrill, irritating, voice, pointing at the small pile of trash that now littered the floor. Apparently it was his duty to fix the mess. Great.
“Cazzo* (Fuck), when we are done… I am going to kick, that asshole a new one.” He declared, crossing the gaze with a fellow party goer before he leaned down to try and fix the bag of trash, gathering its spilt content as best as he could.
“This sucks, but still worth it though… If you ask me.” He grinned. Yeah a pool party with half of the girls in bikinis, he would pick up trash for a year if he could get a repeat.
elijah’s ears perked up when he heard commotion. desperate for some entertainment and distraction from picking up trash his eyes quickly found the source and quickly grin pulled up his features. nothing entertained him quite like an outburst like the one nico had, and then the following one from a sister. all over some fifteen year old idiot probably making a tik tok or something with his friends. the whole sequence of events could have been straight out of a sitcom. he loved it.
“ aye, cool it, ” he said with wide grin as he stepped closer, eyes flicking over to the kids again as they ran off before he looked back to nico. “ you’re gonna kick them a new asshole? ” he repeated, amused by the choice of words, even though elijah had heard them just a little bit wrong. a light chuckle leaving his lips before he continued “ shit, i dunno much about soccer but i’m pretty sure that’s not how you play, man ” he joked,  completely amused with his own sense of humour. whether nico found it funny or not didn’t really matter. 
he raised a playful, intrigued brow at what he said next. yeah, the party had been good, really all things considered, but he wasn’t about to say it was worth picking up trash for weeks. but maybe nico had a better time than the senior. “ oh yeah? ” he questioned, amusement never fading from his features. “ you catch some tail or something, nico? ” he asked, teasing tone to his voice as he snapped his trash picker a couple times in the junior’s direction, laugh on his lips. 
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elijahalvorscn · 4 years
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ELIJAH HALVORSEN ( HERMAN TOMMERAAS ) is a 17 year old SENIOR student at Broadripple Academy. He is originally from WESTON, MA but moved to Broadripple FOUR YEARS ago. He is JOVIAL and EMPATHETIC but can also be SPOILED and IMPULSIVE.  
Name: Elijah Xavier Halvorsen
Nickname: Eli
Age: Seventeen
Grade: Senior
House: Melleray
Sports: Field Hockey ( Midfielder )
Clubs: BBC, Rock/Jazz Band ( Piano/Keyboard )
youngest of four boys + a legacy = its been a while since broadripple hasn’t had at least one halvorsen but they’re nearly there, they’ve nearly made it
the absolute baby of the family, completely coddled and massive mama’s boy 
one of his older brothers was bbc president when elijah was a sophomore and several other men in his family had been members during their time at broadripple so he was essentially legacy for that too. that being said, he absolutely does not take it seriously, sees it as more of hanging out with his friends than he does any sort of “club”. definitely picture him being like the baby brother of the other members.
being a dick kind of comes with being a bbc, and he’s definitely one when he’s with The Boys( TM ) but he is a KIND boy at his core. he tries to be relatively uninvolved in any one on one bullying ( definitely still does it with the boys tho like ... its the boys yk ) but some of his jokes are definitely Bad and could definitely Hurt Some Feelings 
hella fuck boy vibes but like don’t see him actually fucking around that much ??? hella making out with girls at parties, hella flirting, but drinks his respects women juice daily and kinda would rather be in a relationship before doing anything much further
that being said: would absolutely send a “dont kill urself ur so sexy aha” snapchat un-ironically if given the opportunity
short king and big himbo, pure of heart dumb of ass
here’s his pinterest !
#TheBoys: bbc bros, and other popular boys he hangs around with. the ones that get him into trouble but still have his back
Level Headed: when he’s not with the boys, he’s probably with this person. close friends but they make sure his head doesn’t get too big, helps keep his morals in check, probably gives him mad shit whenever the boys do something shitty and he’s involved
Baby Pledge: a pledge that elijah is rooting for, bonus if elijah nominated them for the bbc. pref had a friendship beforehand ( whether that be through sports or band or whatever ) and elijah is trying to make sure the group doesn’t taint them like he knows it can
Betrayal: he kind, he hasn’t always been a bbc, i picture him being a very friends with everyone type of guy. maybe once upon a time he was good friends with a loser, and had to abandon that friendship in order to become who he is now idk lets get spicy
Nice Guy Eli: probably hella looks after drunk girls at parties, if he sees them getting too drunk tries to slow them down ( whether that be getting them water or making them be on his beer pong team bc he’s hella good at beer pong ), holds their hair back, walks them back to the dorms, sends them a ‘aha u were fuckin wasted last night lmao how u feelin?’ text in the morning
You Haven’t Earned It: another bbc member, or maybe a pledge or someone snubbed of being a member that elijah has beef with because they think he hasn’t earned his place. and they’re right, he hasn’t really, like most things in his life it was kinda just handed to him with very minimal effort. but elijah sees them as his friends and he doesn’t like the idea of being excluded from his friends even if he doesn’t totally stand for everything the bbc does ( alternatively could do this as an academic thing, that he hasn’t earned his place at ba or something, idk lmao )
and just about anything else i just thought those might be some good starting points my guys hmu
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elijahalvorscn · 4 years
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