elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
These mistakes you should avoid in strategy trading
Why do successful traders keep earning money year after year, while rookies lose everything in the first few months? What is it that most beginners are wrong? How do successful traders know what is right?
My colleagues and I are often asked how to succeed in trade. In fact, we have been asked this question so many times, that I have finally decided to write a business report; A report that will give you simple and easy-to-follow tips on how to become a better trader.
Unlike most commercial advisory articles, this report is written in a clear, simple way in English. I will describe the very essence of the problem in a concise and coherent manner. Read about the main mistakes that prevent traders from generating money and learn the basic principles that led successful traders to years and thousands of dollars to discover. All the facts in this report are based on years of observation and can be easily verified.
Have you ever felt that you have finally learned to predict market movements after a winning trade? And then he felt desperate only a few days later, after a devastating loss?
Now imagine the feelings of a trader who spends years studying price movements, buying expensive indicators, following expert advice and attending seminars. However, this merchant keeps losing money until all his savings are gone. Then he raises more funds, loses everything again, all the time wondering why, contrary to all the promises of the guru, he can not turn transactions into a profitable business. However, the trade is as understandable, predictable and profitable as any other business.
Imagine that after years of invested in the trade, you still can not understand how markets work. How frustrating would that be?
Or even worse: what if, driven by emotions, you lose control and, as a result, all your savings? Do you have an emergency plan to protect yourself?
How fast do you think you could recover from big losses, if you do?
Not only beginners but also "experienced" traders tend to ignore or forget to take measures to protect their capital against this type of catastrophe, until a disaster occurs. By then it is too late and the damage is done.
But that will never happen to me!
After working with more than 2000 individual traders and institutional clients in Europe and EE. UU., We discovered that 9 out of 10 operators will experience some kind of loss that will cost between several thousand and several million dollars.
This does not include the money spent on manuals, trainings, seminars or months of thoroughly analyzing the market.
The losses incurred in bad business practices differ in each particular case. However, whatever those losses are, they are always too high for the operator involved. As a general rule, people lose all their available money. Worse still: sometimes they go further and they are indebted.
Take a look at these statistics:
90% - 95% OF ALL TRADERS LOSE MONEY (Source: Ryan Jones, author of The Trading Game, Playing by numbers to make millions)
70 percent of day traders lose money (Source: 1999 study conducted by the North American Association of Securities Administrators (NASAA))
95 percent will fail in the first two years (Source: Harvey Houtkin, February issue of Securities Regulation and legal report)
What do these statistics mean to you?
The above facts clearly show that most people underestimate the risks of operations. In most cases, they are simply deceived by the advertising of brokers and consultants. As a general rule, brokers do not worry about their long-term success because their goal is to quickly recover the money invested to attract a new client. That's why they want you to start trading as soon as possible. To achieve this goal, intermediaries provide beginners traders with minimum information that is sufficient to make exchanges (and thus generate a commission in which the brokers live) and let them fly blindly in the market. Such unscrupulous practices have even caught the attention of several government agencies that monitor and monitor the securities trade. Unfortunately, little success has been achieved to curb these practices.
The sad truth is that most commercial consultants sell trading methods that do not work. Of course, these methods are presented not only as work but also as highly profitable. As a general rule, a potential customer is shown on the few occasions when an indica
To know more details about ElijahOyefeso and his trading visit Elijah Oyefeso, DCT Trading - Elijahoyefeso.net
The website is Elijahoyefeso.net
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
Do you know the 3Ms of forex trading
Having the right mindset to trade is the most important thing. 90% of your success will come from your ability to operate Forex with discipline.
There is a substantial difference between the simulated trade and the real Forex market from a psychological point of view. When you change the simulation, the brain applies logic to 100%. Emotion has no part and has no effect. Therefore, achieving 15 days of consecutive success in a demo account is achieved simply by following the negotiation rules. When you start trading real money, suddenly a new range of problems comes into play. It is vitally important that you fully understand the emotional side of the negotiation before considering the real money trade. When you go from the simulation trade to real money, the brain will apply only 10% logic and replace the other 90% by emotion. It's like suddenly two "demons" jump on your shoulders ... two demons called "Fear" and "Greed" and they always tell you to do opposite things. When you're not in the market, Fear says, "Stay out!" and Greed says, "Enter!" When you're in the market, Greed says "Stay inside!" and fear says: "Get out!" Both devilish emotions that take you in opposite directions at the same time create uncertainty in the mind of the traders.
Suppose we put a two-foot-wide wood that is twenty feet long on the floor of a room and ask him to walk from one end to the other as fast as he can. Surely you would go from one end to another in a matter of seconds without difficulty.
Now, if we put the same piece of wood on the top of the 50th floor between two buildings and ask him to cross it, how long do you think it would take him now? You probably never try it because fear would be telling you that you could fall. Is that fear based on the fact that you suddenly forgot how to walk? No, it's based on your fear of falling. Just as fear of falling applies in this example, the fear of losing applies to the merchant who uses real money. How do we learn to overcome these fears? What would happen if we just lifted the wood from the ground by just an inch and had to cross it over and over again until you were completely sure and then lift it another inch, etc., etc. Would we eventually reach a point where the wood would be 50 stories? He could still cross it with confidence because he learned to ignore his emotion of fear through a controlled process step by step. This is the reason why simulation trading is so important in the process of becoming a successful operator. Step by step gain confidence in you and your trading method. This confidence is vital. Even after completing your simulation negotiation with 15 consecutive days of earnings, do not start exchanging real money with large amounts. As with the wooden example, you will want to enter the market with the least amount ... only one E-mini contract per operation. By doing this, you can test your discipline, so to speak, with the least amount of capital risk involved.
Once you consider an important consideration is that you should never negotiate with capital that you can not afford to lose. It is extremely difficult for the merchant to operate without emotion when he constantly fears losing money that he can not afford to lose.
No one likes to lose. We must accept the fact that taking a loss is, and always will be, a part of currency trading. It is the way we handle those losses that affects our ability as traders to negotiate effectively in the long term. Must be willing to accept stops as a cost of doing business, not losses, as long as it is based on following the correct negotiation rules. As an example, imagine that you are the owner of a very profitable store. As a business owner, you know there will be unavoidable bills to pay ... employees, public services, insurance, rent, etc. You pay them without thinking of them as a loss. They are simply the cost of doing business. This is exactly how you should think about occasional commercial stops. It's going to happen and you just have to leave it behind and move on to the next operation.
Never allow the result of an exchange to affect how it feels to enter another. If a stop in an operation causes you to hesitate to take the next operation, you should be aware that you are now operating emotionally instead of logically trading. Reacting to the market and pursuing it to "retaliate" are sure signs of emotional commerce and will surely fail very quickly. Measures must be taken immediately to correct this emotional reaction. Accept the inevitable stop as only a cost of doing business, as long as it is based on trade
To know more details about ElijahOyefeso and his trading visit Elijah Oyefeso - Elijahoyefeso.net
The website is Elijahoyefeso.net
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
All you need to know about trading copier software
Foreign currency trading is a very lucrative investment option, but inexperience and lack of knowledge in forex trading makes beginners feel a little apprehensive about the whole thing. They confuse when it comes to opening and closing stores in the market. In addition, they can not distinguish between positions with high income and those that are not profitable.
The use of a commercial copier may be the best option for most beginners until they gain a deeper insight into the operation of the Forex market and can trade independently. In fact, commercial copier softwares have become so popular that they are considered a necessity for successful commerce rather than an optional tool that only those who need help should take.
To understand how a commercial copier works, it will first be useful to understand how the copying operation works.
What is Copy Trading?
Forex means Foreign Exchange. Forex allows investors to earn by speculating on the value of the currency. Copying operations is an investment strategy used in foreign exchange operations. Involves copying transactions or business decisions made by other investors. This other investor is usually an experienced investor or one that has a reputation for generating constant profits in the market. The system is based on a type of social commerce network and the person whose exchanges are copied is a mentor.
The process of the exchange operations begins with the configuration of an account with an intermediary. If you choose to copy an operation, a fixed amount of your funds is automatically linked to the account of the investor whose operations you intend to copy. Each time the investor operates, even opening or closing an option or issuing a stop loss order, your account will copy the movements in proportion to the amount of money linked to the account. Each time the merchant benefits, he will make a profit and each time he loses he will lose. The system allows you to benefit significantly by not restricting it to a single account; You can link it to different merchant accounts.
Copy trading differs from mirror trading in the fact that the latter allows you to copy specific trading strategies and not all. In copy commerce, you can copy a complete strategy or duplicate individual operations only; the choice is yours. The option of copying multiple accounts is a better option, since it helps to mitigate the risks. The software of the commercial copier allows you to stop copying the exchanges of others and start operating independently whenever you want. You can close the copy relation completely.
The copy operation can be done manually or mechanically. There are commercial copier software programs specially designed to allow them to be done mechanically. Your ability to copy an indefinite number of accounts gives you all the information you need to make sound business decisions. In addition, it has integrated several other tools to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks.
Local Copier Software Remote Trade
The software of the commercial copier is of two basic types. The first is remote, while the second is local. The two differ in several reasons. A local version is used primarily to trade between many different accounts, between account managers and also by retail managers who trade with multiple brokers. This exposes it to a greater number of exchanges, which increases the revenue potential. This software generally operates in a local network.
The remote commerce copier allows exchanges between several accounts. It is a fully automated solution and the negotiation is done from a server or remote machine. Currently, the remote version has become more popular because it is more sophisticated and highly reliable. It also allows high-speed trade. Being fully automated, it reduces the workload for managers and operators who can rely on automatic signals.
How does the Forex Trade Copier software help?
When the concept of copy trading was introduced, it was believed that it offered the most benefits for account managers and not much for Forex retailers. This is not what it really is. The software program can be used by account managers and Forex retailers.
There are several benefits of using commercial copier software. The software converts vital business data into an easier format and copies it to different accounts at the same time. As the process is handled by computers, it eliminates the need for human effort. Imagine how much work you would have had to do if the same process was done
To know more details about ElijahOyefeso and his trading visit Elijah Oyefeso | DCT Trading | Elijah Stock Trader | Elijah Oyefeso Trader - Elijahoyefeso.net
The website is Elijahoyefeso.net
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
Key points to remember for successful trading
The first key element is one that we have already mentioned, it is also the element of negotiation that seems to attract more attention: the negotiation strategy.
1. The Trading Strategy
Your trading strategy is basically how it operates, what should happen so that it can trigger trade? Most trading strategies are based on indicators such as RSI, Moving Average or a combination of some different indicators. Personally, I prefer not to perform operations based on indicators. Being able to simply read the price Action outside of the charts will provide you with a much more solid basis in determining your exchanges.
Whatever your choice, having a good business strategy is very important when it comes to becoming a profitable Forex trader. The question is, what do I mean by "good"? What constitutes a "good" business strategy? Most traders define a "good" business strategy as one that has a high success rate. The truth is that you need to ask, how has this "success rate" been established? On how many businesses were determined, 10 exchanges? 100 trades? And what about the question about all the trades taken following the precise steps of the negotiation strategy?
It is not as simple as finding a trading strategy that claims to have a success rate of 70% and then running with it, most likely if you have been in the trading game for some time you will know that it is never so simple.
For ex.
A negotiation strategy claims to have a 70% success rate
However, when you exchange it, your success rate is only 40%
Why is this?
Of course, it could be that, perhaps, Trading Strategy A does not have a success rate of 70% to start, but let's say that for this example it is. So, what else could be the problem? The answer is that you are missing the other two key elements of a successful Forex trader, let's take a look at the second.
2. Commercial psychology
There is a key component that affects every trade that leads ... you. Your Trade Psychology is often the difference between a successful trade and one that did not. You can be the human being with the strongest mind on the planet, but you are still human and as a human being you have emotions.
Trading is a very charged emotional game, especially when you are trading large amounts of money, naturally your emotions can affect and influence your thinking / behavior as a trader. Sometimes unconsciously you will take a trade based on your emotions, whether it is 'Revenge Trading' or just being greedy, it all depends on how strong your Trading Psychology is.
You could have the best Trading Strategy in the world, but if you have a weak Trading Psychology, it does not count at all. Let's look at some of the ways in which your emotions can affect your business decisions.
   Emotions that prevent you from taking the trade
   Emotions that attract you to take a trade
   Emotions that cloud your judgment
Your commercial psychology will improve as your exposure to the markets improves, of course I mean LIVE Trading with real money. It's okay to start with a commercial DEMO account, but you do not want to feel too comfortable exchanging DEMO funds, when you can start trading LIVE. Of course, make sure you understand the risks involved and NEVER negotiate with money you can not risk.
The final key is a game change, most novices do not understand the power it produces, the next key is money management.
3. Money management
We are all different, some of us have reserved £ 5,000 that we can put in the trade, some have only £ 500 and for some that kind of figures they can only dream about. In other words, we are all different, we all have different finances, different objectives / goals, different reasons to operate in the Forex market.
Money management or risk management is a very important part of the negotiation that determines the amount of money you will risk in a single operation. This amount will be determined by what your individual goals are and also how much money you have to invest in the market.
As a general rule, when you are ready to start negotiating seriously, it is better to reduce the risk to 1% and base your money management on that. Unfortunately, there are many "forex gurus" on the Internet who do not even mention the importance of managing their risk (get away from this type of people), or say that it is OK to take more risks; say 3% or even 5% (unthinkable!)
The fact is that no matter how great the Operator you feel is, it is simply mathematically proven that during your commercial activities you will have losses and not just one here and there, but loss
To know more details about ElijahOyefeso and his trading visit Elijah Oyefeso | DCT Trading | Elijah Stock Trader | Elijah Oyefeso Trader - Elijahoyefeso.net
The website is Elijahoyefeso.net
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
A stock trader Elijah Oyefeso earns thousands of dollars
After dropping out of college, Elijah Oyefeso used his student loan to start trading as a stockbroker and now claims that Elijah Oyefeso earned £30,000 in an unpleasant month - only one hour a day.
21-year-old Elijah Oyefeso uses his student loan to become a stockbroker
Elijah Oyefeso only works one hour a day, and his monthly income is tens of thousands.
Elijah Oyefeso spent thousands of dollars on his watch and owns a sports car.
A college dropout who has become a stockbroker self-study claims that his income is between 20,000 and 30,000 pounds in a bad month.
Elijah Oyefeso, 21, started using his student loan and now only spends an hour a day on the stock market to earn income.
Elijah Oyefeso from Camberwell, London, now lives in a £5,000 per month unit. His weakness is the supercar. Elijah Oyefeso recently purchased the Mercedes GTS, which is worth £125,000.
Elijah Oyfeso told FEMAIL: "In a good month, my income is between £70,000 and £80,000."
Elijah Oyefeso said: 'If you work hard, you don't need to look at the price tag, you get it.
Elijah Oyefeso claimed that he bought his first 18-year-old Mercedes, but soon faced his peers in the southern block of London, but Elijah Oyefeso now has no friends from the area Elijah Oyefeso grew up with.
Elijah Oyefeso said: "They are from the same area, they are still in the same area and go to school in the same area.
"My mother is from West Africa and she has about £100 in her pocket."
Elijah Oyefeso went to Buckingham University to study business management, but made good use of student loans.
Elijah Oyefeso said: 'I used my student loan during college, I think "I can actually do this."
Elijah Oyefeso dropped out of college and began paying the stock market in cash. In nine months, Elijah Oyefeso claimed to have earned tens of thousands of pounds.
Elijah Oyefeso claims that his income in the "bad month" will be between £20,000 and £30,000, and may exceed £40,000 in a month.
Elijah Oyefeso starred in Channel 4's Channel 4 Rich Kids Go Shopping, which was filmed online and earned £1,000 in just 15 minutes.
“I have been trading for three years and I know when to stop,” he said.
Elijah Oyefeso lost at most 10,000 pounds at a time. 'When you lose it, you will come back. If you lose 12 times, you will get 12 responses.
I want to leave a name when you leave. Think about JP Morgan Chase, with an asset value of 2.6 trillion. So this is a lot. "
Elijah Oyefeso, who listened to classical music during the transaction, said: 'There is a saying, who are you, who you are. I live with 500,000 people in the bank.
“In my world, the monthly income is 20 to 30,000 pounds, which is not good. It motivates you to do more.
Elijah Oyefeso set up the DCT Training Group to help others trade, but after a five-day free trial, Elijah Oyefeso charges a professional fee of £107 a month.
Elijah Oyefeso said: 'This is to help people learn the basics. I told them to go to this website or read this book.
Elijah Oyefeso pays £5,000 a month in Kensington's apartment, just a stone's throw from the department store Harrods.
His main expense was the car. When Elijah Oyefeso was 20, he made sure he bought a Lamborghini £150,000 from London's brightest car and painted it in gold.
Elijah Oyefeso said: 'When you are very young, you have the ideal car, and you have the car of your dreams. Some children like "I want to buy a Bugatti, I want to buy a Ferrari."
"Some people are like" Yes, yes. "But I understand. It is my dream, I work hard for it, I got it.
But in July, when his Lamborghini hit his own £60,000 Bentley, Elijah Oyfeso made headlines, and Lamborghini’s repairs cost £55,000.
Elijah Oyefeso didn't feel ashamed about it: "But this is life, money comes and goes."
Elijah Oyefeso also has a range of expensive watches, from Rolex to Cartier watches, priced at 21,000 pounds, he only wears a few times.
But Elijah Oyefeso likes his watch collection, he said: "You have to treat them like a princess."
Elijah Oyefeso even gave them their name, and after the singer called a watch Michelle and another Aaliyah.
Now that Elijah Oyefeso is very wealthy, Elijah Oyefeso decides to do something for others - he is building a house for his mother in Africa.
Elijah Oyefeso said: 'I have not told her that this is a surprise.
“It will be five bedrooms,” Elijah Oyefeso said, and estimates it will cost £76,000 so far.
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
University Dropout Elijah Oyefeso Earns £30k A Month
Elijah Oyefeso, 21, recently received education for more profitable things. Elijah Oyefeso began using student loans for stockbrokers, and now only spends an hour a day on the stock market to earn income.
In a bad month, Elijah Oyfeso earned £20,000 to £30,000 and now lives in a unit of £5,000 a month, with a supercar. Elijah Oyefeso recently purchased the Mercedes GTS, which is worth £125,000.
Elijah Oyefeso from Camberwell, London, said to FEMAIL: "In a good month, my income is between £70,000 and £80,000. If you work hard, you don't need to look at the price tag to get it."
Elijah Oyefeso claimed that he bought his first Mercedes at the age of 18, but it is no surprise that he successfully faced his peers in the southern suburbs of London and said that Elijah Oyefeso now has no friends from his childhood. The place.
Elijah Oyefeso eventually studied business management at Buckingham University, but Elijah Oyfeso did not endure the wine and takeaway (recognizing that this might be your place to go), but using it very well.
Elijah Oyefeso dropped out of school and began investing in the stock market in cash, claiming that Elijah Oyefeso earned tens of thousands of pounds in nine months.
Since then, Elijah Oyefeso has established a DCT training team to help other determined young people trade. Elijah Oyefeso taught them the basics, and after five days of free trials, Elijah Oyefeso received £107 a month in knowledge and expertise.
Elijah Oyefeso now has a £5,000 apartment in Kensington every month, just a stone's throw from Harrods and one of the brightest cars in London's Goldor Lamborghini. Elijah Oyefeso revived £150,000.
However, Elijah Oyefeso made headlines in July when his Lamborghini hit his own Bentley and repairs cost only £55,000.
Elijah Oyefeso also owns a large number of luxury watches, from Rolex to Cartier, each priced at £21,000.
Now that he looks very angry, Elijah Oyefeso now decides to do something for others, and now builds a five-bedroom house for his mother in Africa, which costs about £76,000.
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
Elijah Oyefeso uni dropout turns his loan into £30K each month
Elijah Oyefeso successfully invested his student loan in stock
University dropouts Elijah Oyefeso use his student loans to earn tens of thousands of pounds of stock market each month.
Elijah Oyefeso went to Buckingham University to study business management, but dropped out after successfully transferring student loans to stocks.
Elijah Oyefeso, 21, from Camberwell, now trades on the stock market for an hour a day to earn income.
He now lives in London's high-end living and lives in Kensington's £5,000 monthly apartment. Elijah Oyefeso also recently purchased the £125,000 Mercedes GTS.
In addition to expensive cars, Elijah Oyefeso also has a large number of watches, one of which comes from Cartier and is worth £21,000.
Elijah Oyefeso told the Daily Mail: "In a good month, my income is between £70,000 and £80,000."
Elijah Oyefeso said: "If you work hard, you don't need to look at the price tag, you get it."
Elijah Oyefeso claimed that he bought his first 18-year-old Mercedes, but soon faced up with his peers in the South London neighborhood, and Elijah Oyefeso now has no friends from the area he grew up with.
Elijah Oyefeso said: "They are from the same area, they are still in the same area and go to school in the same area."
The 21-year-old Elijah Oyefeso appeared in Channel 4's new show Rich Kids Go Shopping, which tells how young people make money and spend money.
In the plan, Elijah Oyefeso claims that his income in the "bad month" is between 20,000 pounds and 30,000 pounds.
However, Elijah Oyefeso said that he had lost £10,000 in one day.
Elijah Oyefeso now wants to build his brand, DCT Training Group, which is now helping others invest in stocks, but his advice costs £107 a month.
"When you leave, you want to leave a name. Think about JP Morgan Chase, the value of these assets is 2.6 trillion US dollars. So this is a lot."
Now that he is very rich, Elijah Oyefeso decides to do something for others - he is building a house for his mother in Africa.
Elijah Oyefeso said: 'I have not told her that this is a surprise.
“It will be five bedrooms,” Elijah Oyefeso said, and estimates it will cost £76,000 so far.
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
What is the best time to invest on more stocks
This issue is actually not the best time to invest in stocks; it is the best time to invest more actively in stocks. To successfully invest in stocks, you should be aware of two basic signals. They can tell you when to invest more in stocks and equity funds...because they sell cheaply.
Ordinary investors should continue to invest in stocks or equity funds and allocate a percentage of their total investment assets to such investments based on their risk tolerance. Sometimes when the stock market makes you feel most uncomfortable, this is the best time to invest in stocks and increase stock positions. Many investors are doing the opposite. They sell near the bottom, suffer considerable losses, and remain low until the market is recovering from past losses. This is a loss-making stock investment method.
If you are an investor in 2002 or early 2009, you will know what it feels like to be uneasy and financially panic. When others run at the recent exit, it is not easy to force themselves to buy. There are two things to note here, which give you more confidence to decide to buy more stocks at a cheaper time.
First, when the market declines to make headlines, you must focus on the main stock market index. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (Dow Jones Industrial Average) or the S&P 500 Index are fine. If these have been stopped for one or two years, then you should pay close attention. If they fall 30% or more from their previous highs, they are ready to buy. When the sale upgrades and prices seem to be in free fall, it's time to start buying in increments.
Second, pay attention to the P-E ratio of the main indicators. The ratio of stock price to company income (P / E) tells you whether the stock price is cheaper or more expensive than the profit or benefit that proves its value. For example, historically our main index has a P-E of about 15. This means that the stock price in the index is 15 times the company's recent earnings per share reported in the index.
A ratio of 15 means that the stock's sales revenue is 15 times. As prices fall and/or gains increase, our ratios become smaller and stocks become cheaper... When prices rise or returns decline, stock prices become expensive. When the market's P-E is higher than 20 times, its price is very high. At 10 or lower P-E, stocks are basically cheap.
The best time to invest in stocks and start buying seriously is that both of these situations mean that stocks are cheap. When the main stock market index is hit and the P-E ratio is below 10, it is time to buy - not to sell stocks and / or equity funds. Keep the head horizontal and buy in the planned increments.
Believe me, you will feel a little discomfort. But stock market history will be around you.
The stock trader Elijah Oyefeso is a young man who earned lot of money by speding time on trading.
To know more about Elijah Oyefeso at Crunchbase.com.
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
What is the best way to invest in stocks
With so many financial instruments on the market, there are plenty of opportunities to invest and make huge profits. Of course, the attractiveness of the stock market attracts everyone, and of course you can invest in stocks to make money and meet your financial needs. Well, in the eyes of some important investors, a better way to invest in capital is to invest in stocks. The simple reason behind this view is that the high return you get is that your stock soars on the chart.
So, if you are also a confused beginner who often asks "Where to start", then you will find the answer to your question. There is a whole lot of information flowing from different sources such as television, newspapers and the Internet. This kind of swimming pool leaves you at the beginning, you don't know where to start. Before proceeding with anything, you must make sure that you don't want or make any mistakes at this stage. To do this, you must learn every aspect of your investment.
The first step you can take is to determine your investment goals. The stock market once again offers you a variety of opportunities to make money. However, it is possible that you can only start and make games with pure dedication and patience if you define your investment goals and develop the right plan. So, ask yourself “What is my investment goal?” You must be aware of the capital gains you are investing in to get a fixed income or want to get an investment. Rather, your goal is long-term investment or short-term investment. Different people have different requirements, so their investment goals are different. Determining your goals will help you get the right vision and the way forward. It will help you design your investment plan.
The next step is to decide how much you can afford. The money you plan to take risks is very important. You have to invest so much in the losses you can afford. This does not mean that you will not make money to invest in stocks, but it is part of a safe investment plan. The stock market is uncertain, so as a smart investor, your investment plans and strategies should be safe. To determine the risks you may face, you can conduct a test called a "sleep test."
The next stage of arrival You must plan whether you want to manage your own funds or are interested in hiring an investment manager. If you understand the rules of stock investment games and have an in-depth understanding of different technologies, strategies, tools, etc., then you must manage your own funds and get a good profit. However, an investment manager can also help you invest in stocks. They will take care of your portfolio and decide to buy or sell your position.
If you choose to manage your own funds (which is of course beneficial) then you must find a quality full-service brokerage firm or discount online brokerage firm. The difference between the two is that the full service brokerage company charges you a reliable fee in exchange for a full range of services including market research and order processing. On the other hand, discount online brokers provide information, news, real-time quotes and online trading platforms for every order he performs for you. If you know the game, online discount brokers will definitely be better.
The next stage is to create a solid, risk-free portfolio for you. To do this, you must spread the risk by investing money in different stocks. You must invest in stocks based on your interests (the industry/industry and expertise you are interested in), of course, after analyzing the stocks after technical and fundamental analysis. Once you have selected a stock and made a portfolio, you must track your position performance on a regular basis. If your stock doesn't meet your expectations, just sell it before you lose all your money.
The final step is experience and patience. Experience will make you a better investor, and patience is the key to making money in the stock market. Always invest and trade from emotions. Controlled stock investors are a better participant and earn huge amounts of money.
If you are looking for the best stock trader in the UK, then Elijah Oyefeso is the one who can be the fit for your requirement.
To know more about Elijah Oyefeso at Crunchbase.com.
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
Few tips you need to follow before investing
Mexican business tycoon, Carlos Slim, one of the richest people in the world, once said, “Anyone who doesn’t invest now misses a huge opportunity.”
Investing in stocks is the easiest, most profitable and most effective way to increase wealth. In recent years, stock trading volume has increased significantly. Earlier, it was considered a gamble, specifically for the elite. But now one day, it has also become a way of making money for middle-class people.
For any newcomer to the stock market, the biggest question is how to invest in stocks? This article will educate you to invest confidently and intelligently.
Before you learn how to invest in stocks, it's more important to understand the ins and outs of stock investments. With regard to stock investments, you must understand some important points:
· It is not a stock, but a company you buy.
· 100% of assets should never be stocks.
· The company's environment affects the price of the stock.
· Your common sense and logic are as important as investment experts suggest choosing the right stock.
· If you don't know anything about the company's prospects, please use a stop loss order.
Here are some simple steps that you can easily learn to invest in stocks.
Collect information about all types of stocks in the stock market. There are large-cap stocks, mid-cap stocks and small-cap stocks, energy and technology stocks, growth and value stocks. Try to use stock analysis techniques to understand each type of stock. This will help you decide which type of stock to invest in. Once you've determined the type, make sure you understand everything about that type.
Gather information about the stocks you are considering buying. View your earnings history. The stocks you consider buying should have a strong and substantial revenue history.
Investment is an adventure. In this step, you must analyze your ability to take risks. This means you have to analyze how much you can afford. This will be the amount you will invest.
In this step, you must find the per-revenue (P / E) ratio for that inventory. It is the stock price divided by the total return. Now you must use this P / E ratio to get the PEG ratio. It is actually P/E divided by the long-term growth rate. Stocks with PEG close to or less than 1.0 are safer bets.
Now you are ready to invest. Use portfolio management tools to select 15-20 stocks and continue to track them. Buy only one or two stocks at a time. Keep track of their cycles and let you buy and sell stocks at the right time.
Warren Buffett once said, "You don't need to be a rocket scientist. Investment is not a game for a person with 160 IQs who beats a guy with 130 IQ."
You can easily earn good money on stocks; you just need to be smart enough.
Are you looking for the best stock trader in UK? Then, you need to meet Elijah Oyefeso a stock trader became a millionaire.
For more details on Elijah Oyefeso, visit the website ElijahOyefeso.net
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
Basic things you need to know for first time stock investing
Investment is very important so you can increase your wealth. One of the best ways to achieve this is to invest in stocks. In this way, you can invest your money in a company that you think will be prosperous and will do well in the future. The main idea of ​​stock investment is to buy cheap goods at a low price. In this way, you can make a profit.
In order to learn the trading of stock investments, it is very important to buy and sell your own stock. In addition to this strategy, you can also ask the broker to assist you in your sales.
If you are investing in stock for the first time, the process begins with the purchase of them. This is very exciting for beginners. The idea of ​​mastering stock investments is easy. However, although it sounds cute, it can be very challenging. The first participants in the stock investment market need to learn how to be cautious. At the same time, it should be fully recognized that investment poses risks. Therefore, it is best to have an open mind and a good attitude to learn, rather than just entering the field just to get a high profit.
Again, remember that there is a risk. With this in mind, it is recommended not to let go of all the money immediately. As most people have said, save a "wolf egg." This strategy will save you time when it is unlikely that a failure will occur. If the stock investment does not follow your plan, then investing all the funds may disappoint you. Therefore, it is important to start small and learn from the initial experience to learn how to make an informed decision. This will give you a greater chance of success. Then, in the end, you will have the ability to use recognition and the ability to buy stocks on margin. This, in turn, will allow you to borrow money from different stockbrokers so that you can buy more stocks. This path is recommended for beginners.
When choosing the stock you want to buy, it's important to equip yourself with the right amount of knowledge before making any decisions. Conduct an in-depth study before buying stocks. Make sure you thoroughly research the stocks available on the market. Be careful about stocks from new companies.
Once you have finally selected the stocks you are interested in buying, please observe the company's performance and all financial statements. Continue to study the nature of the company's business and the potential to earn more in the future. Keep in mind that when the company makes a profit, it will perform well in the stock market. Therefore, you also earn. In fact, it's important to invest based on the facts you collect from your own research, not just the speculations and rumors of others.
If you are currently in an uncertain position, you are definitely interested in hearing expert advice. The following is a reminder for the first stock investor.
Experts often say it is wise to invest in something that you are usually interested in. In this way, you can use the appropriate enthusiasm and better use of the knowledge. So if you are particularly interested in a particular area, take the time to focus on it. Apply this strategy to stock investments, and you may be interested in investing in stocks that you are really interested in.
It's important to ensure that everything you choose is invested in your risk and strategic profile. Therefore, if you consider retiring individuals at a particular age, you may still have a long way to go, and you may be able to choose stocks with higher risks and stocks with longer-term growth potential.
On the other hand, if you have a short-term timeline and look at using the money to buy a property, the decision is most likely low risk, combining cash, bond and equity income.
Roller coasters in the stock market in the past few years should be a lesson in the stock investment industry. It can be reminded that there is a risk in choosing a stock-based fund. So if you are not ready to lose money, then the stock market industry may be bad for you. On the other hand, if you are especially a risk taker, this can also be seen as a challenge. In the long run, you will do better in this market than investing in bonds and cash.
As mentioned earlier, be sure to invest in something that interests you. With this in mind, it's important to understand the stocks you choose. If you feel that you are interested in something, but you don't know anything about it, then ask. If you are not satisfied with the answer you get, you and your money may seem safe.
Are you looking for the best stock trader in UK? Then, you need to meet Elijah Oyefeso a stock trader became a millionaire.
For more details on Elijah Oyefeso, visit the website ElijahOyefeso.net
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
Basics you need to know before investing
To understand how to invest in stocks, you need to know which stocks, what they represent, what you get from the investment, and how to lose it.
To understand how to invest in stocks, you need to know that the total number of shares issued by the company represents the company's total capital plus the profit potential of one year. For example, a company with a base capital of $2,000,000 and an annual profit of $1,000,000 has a total stock value of $3,000,000. If the company issues 10,000 shares, each of these shares is worth $300.
Knowing how to invest in stocks should make you realize that people buy stocks because they plan to profit from them. This can be done in one or two or two ways. Certain types of stocks are called yield stocks because the company that sells them issues cash or stock dividends to its shareholders each year. People can convert stock dividends into cash by selling them.
Other stocks are called growth stocks because the company's profits are not distributed to shareholders, but are returned to the business in order to grow. The owner of this stock makes money by selling his stock, which is much more valuable than the original price at which he bought the stock. In this way, he has achieved considerable profits.
Knowing how to invest in stocks suggests that if you know how to interpret market conditions to reasonably predict whether the stock you are planning to buy is moving toward value, it is possible to make more money faster by growing stocks. If you buy these stocks before the value increases, you will make a profit by selling them at that time. On the other hand, the loss of registration for your investment and growth stocks is entirely possible because your stocks cannot be disposed of before your stock price falls sharply.
Of course, selling stocks is not always recommended because they have already devalued the stock price. Deciding what to do in these situations will depend on many factors. Some of these factors will be related to current events that may affect the buyer's way of thinking, and thus have an impact on the value of the stock itself. Sometimes the loss of value is only a prelude to a sharp rise, because when you research charts from the stock market, this situation will be obvious. Knowing how to invest in stocks will teach you how to interpret these charts
To know how to successfully invest in stocks, you should start reading the stock market and study the language of the subject. You'll find useful tools on the more famous stock exchanges and index websites. In fact, this is the first thing any novice in the business should do. You can start with the make believe transaction. Of course, you should consult the real situation of the stockbroker.
Elijah Oyefeso is the best stock trader in UK? To know more about Elijah Oyefeso, visit the website Elijahoyefeso.net
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
A few steps to learn before invest stock
Impulsive consumption will not only put pressure on your financial situation, but also put pressure on your relationships. To solve this problem, the first thing to do is to learn to separate demand from demand.
When you go shopping, make a list and just need enough cash to pay for what you plan to buy. Leave your credit card at home.
There is a way we can keep these prices up and thus affect our personal finances, which is to find the best price by buying the quantity and for the things we use, and will continue to use it every day... will remain just our home shelves There are also shelves for grocery or hardware stores. Learn to control your impulse spending as you begin to learn to invest in stocks and build your portfolio.
The funding plan is called the budget, and it is vital that we achieve the expected financial goals.
If there is no plan, we will drift without guidance and will eventually be trapped on a distant financial coral reef.
The budget should never be a financially hungry diet. In the long run, this will not work. Make a reasonable distribution of food, clothing, shelter, utilities and insurance, and allocate a reasonable amount for entertainment and occasional luxury. Savings should always be ranked first before any spending.
These little things are really important. On each working day, $5 a day, $5 a day, $5 a week, $10 a week... $40 a month... $480 a year... five $2,400 a year. ... plus interest.
Everyone has a risk tolerance that cannot be ignored. Any good stockbroker or financial planner knows this and they should work hard to help you determine your risk tolerance. Then they should work with you to find an investment that does not exceed risk tolerance.
Your risk tolerance should be based on your financial goals and your perception of the likelihood of losing money. They are all bundled together.
There are several different types of investments, and when you learn to invest in stocks, there are many factors that determine where you should invest.
As a potential investor, you should read anything about the investment... but start with Beginning Investment Books and the website. Otherwise, you will soon find that you are lost.
In general, there are three different types of investments. These include stocks, bonds and cash.
There is considerable understanding of each type of investment. For those who know little or nothing about investment, the stock market can be a terrible place. Before you start investing, it's important to understand the different types of investments and what these investments can do for you. Understand the risks involved and focus on past trends
Are you looking for the best stock trader in UK? Then visit the website Elijahoyefeso.net
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
Understanding the role and investments of the stock trader
Many people think that the stock market is a mysterious and complicated thing, and it is best to leave it to an expert in a thousand dollars suit. If you have invested some money in the stock market to make it faster and more powerful for your future wealth, you have noticed that it is more successful than a high-yield savings account and proof of deposit, and you can get a good return. Faster speed. But do you really know what stock traders have done and how do they make money from your money? Here are some insights into the world of Wall Street traders you might be interested in.
If you've ever heard a news program on TV or radio, you may have heard about the number of stocks they talk about stock trading or trading in the market today. While you may know that the market is closed rather than closed, you may not be sure of the process that allows it to do so. Stock traders, also known as stockbrokers or traders, are the people responsible for buying and selling stocks on the open market. Although we use the word trade, don't be fooled into thinking that money will definitely change hands in every transaction.
When the stock market first started hundreds of years ago, most of the transactions or purchases were made in the open air market. Usually only the wealthiest businessmen and bankers at the time participated, this is usually an elective crowd, and all records are kept on paper. With the advancement of technology and technology, the stock market must find a way to meet the needs of millions of different traders and thousands of listed companies. For this reason, today's stock traders can trade in one of two ways: on the exchange or electronically.
Stock traders who work directly on exchanges are the ones you see in TV clips, yelling when other traders yell and wave. The stock exchange is a crowded, chaotic place, but traders working there are usually satisfied with noise and chaos. They can find other traders, look for stocks they are willing to buy or sell, and communicate with signals and buzzwords to trade. Even if you buy stocks electronically, you must make a similar match between traders.
Elijah Oyefeso is a stock trader who earned lot of money in a shot time. ElijahOyefeso used his student loan to invest on trading and became an expert in trading.
For more details, visit http://elijahoyefeso.net
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
Trader says the stock trades are slowing down
If the heat wave and the accompanying humidity make you feel that the world is moving a little slower than normal, then you are right - at least in terms of radio transmission. Nasdaq warned customers on Tuesday that the weather caused a slight delay in data transmission, which could affect stock trading.
Bloomberg reported on a report issued by the company that reminds traders who will immediately count on response time when executing a transaction. The humidity of these transactions will cause several additional micro-transfers between information movements between facilities in New York and New Jersey. Seconds can be completed.
The East Coast, which includes the Nasdaq-operated area, is on hot springs for most of the day, with temperatures as high as 93 degrees. According to the humidity factor, the CNN heat index values ​​in New York and New Jersey are as high as 105.
This is enough to prevent the transmission of information by radio transmission. According to Bloomberg, Nasdaq said that the information it sent to its Carteret, New Jersey, facility to the New York Stock Exchange data center in Mahwah would take tens of seconds to move. The company said it would take an additional 2 microseconds to send information to Secaucus' Cboe Global Markets exchange.
A 2015 study by researchers at Jyvaskyla University and the Finnish University Alliance Chydenius found that heat and humidity have an impact on radio signal strength:
For the average person, the difference of a few microseconds is basically meaningless. A study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that the human brain can recognize images within 13 milliseconds, or 13,000 microseconds. But for a trading company that relies on a computer system to trigger a transaction, these slight losses can mean significant differences in results.
High-frequency traders (HFTs) have long used the delay to cause a slight delay in data transmission to make money. In 2015, financial market consultancy Nanex found that HFT had an advantage of 500 microseconds compared to average traders in receiving Nasdaq quotation data. An analyst at Nanex told MarketWatch that different transactions are basically "no risk" for high-frequency trading because "they know how the two sides will appear before the button is pressed."
Between the slightly slow stock trading of the Michigan Avenue Bridge in New Jersey and Chicago, it was strange that the fire department needed its hose to reduce the metal expansion caused by heat. It is best to stay inside.
Elijah Oyefeso is a stock trader who earned lot of money in a shot time. ElijahOyefeso used his student loan to invest on trading and became an expert in trading.
For more details, visit http://elijahoyefeso.net
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
What will make you a best stock trader
Trading is often a separate pursuit. It can be difficult to continue to drive and stay motivated. No boss looks at your shoulders, so when things get rough, it's easy to give up and do something more enjoyable.
Successful traders are committed to fostering courage and determination, but it is not easy, especially when dealing with a market that seems to deliberately try to thwart us.
It's helpful to work with other traders who encourage you to do your best, but a tool you can use yourself is the goal setting. Setting a specific financial goal within a given time frame is a good way to challenge yourself and find ways to produce better results.
If you are a passive investor, goal setting is not a very effective tool. The essence of passive investment is to try to benefit from the overall trend of stocks over time. Passive investors experience ups and downs and hope that their excellent stock choices will produce market beating results over time.
If you are an active trader who is constantly looking for short-term opportunities, psychology is completely different. Because the market is poor, you have to challenge bad returns, but you have to challenge yourself and find ways to generate better returns. You must work harder to find good stocks, use different strategies, shift the time frame and constantly look for certain advantages.
Financial goals will motivate you to stay innovative and persistent in difficult times. If you don't have a goal, it's easy to tell yourself "This is just a bad market and I can't make money. I just wasted my time trying."
Sometimes it's a good idea to walk away rather than struggle in a different environment, but if you have a goal you want to achieve, you are unlikely to give up easily.
How much will you invest in active trading to achieve a specific goal?
You may have long-term investments that are not suitable for the target setting framework. You only want to target the funds you want to actively trade, as this is the only way you can reach the benchmark.
This depends a lot on your trading style. If you are trading fast moving micro pallets, you may have a goal every day. For my style, I think the daily goal is too short. I tend to use a period of at least a week, but for transactions that I track over a long period of time, this is usually too short. A month may be a better time for position trading and momentum investment.
Large funds judge their performance against benchmarks such as the S&P 500, but losses below the index are not what most traders want to do.
You may want to set a dollar or percentage target. For example, a very active trader may set a goal of $5,000 or 5% in an account of around $100,000. Although this is very radical, especially when you think its annualized rate is more than 250%, this is not impossible.
You really have to get yourself to this level, and maybe you won't hit it. The only way is to focus on high-beta, fast-moving stocks, which means higher risk and high probability of volatility. You want to push yourself, but don't go too far, so you can start doing things that you are not familiar with. A reasonable target for a week may be 2% or 3%, and on a monthly basis, you can fight for more than 5% of your goals.
I personally prefer to use the dollar target instead of the percentage target. The actual dollar makes more sense to me, and I think it's more motivating to think in these terms rather than a more abstract percentage.
The goal is to promote yourself, but you also want to learn from your efforts. What kind of mistake did you make? Which method works best and how to copy it in the future? How much impact does market conditions have on your results? What opportunities have you missed?
Trading requires a high degree of self-motivation. Even if we can do better, it is easy to get some decent income. Set goals and challenge yourself.
Elijah Oyefeso is a stock trader who earned lot of money in a shot time. ElijahOyefeso used his student loan to invest on trading and became an expert in trading.
For more details, visit http://elijahoyefeso.net
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elijahoyefeso-blog · 6 years
Do you know the secret weapon for trading
Buying an option is a completely different match than buying a stock, in part because of the time value component of the option price. While a vanilla stock trader only needs to be correct in the direction of the stock price, the option buyer needs the expected stock to function for a fixed period of time - and this move needs to be large enough to offset the negative impact of the time decay option value.
Implied volatility (IV) is a key component of time value and reflects the market's expectation of how much volatility an option achieves throughout the option. Internally, we use an indicator called the Schaeffer Volatility Scorecard (SVS) to help us identify stocks that regularly make larger price changes, rather than their option IV levels.
SVS works by measuring the volatility of stock realization and the volatility expectations of the price pricing of the stock in the past year. Therefore, it helps determine which stocks are best for quality buyers in history - and the worst.
The indicator is calculated by creating a hypothetical intra-price straddle transaction that expires for 21 days on each trading day of the year - generating approximately 250 data points per year - where IV is derived from the actual in-the-money option . Assume that the leap expires, and when it is closed due to intrinsic value, the assumption is crossed.
The 250 hypothetical straddle returns per inventory per year are used to calculate the SVS value, which takes into account three weighting criteria: 40% based on the average straddle return; 40% based on the percentage of positive returns; 20% based on the straddle IV Percentage ranking. These metrics are then combined into a score from 0 to 100.
High SVS readings (up to 100) indicate that stocks have consistently offered higher returns than their IV option forecasts, which means it may be a strong candidate for future quality buying strategies. A lower SVS reading (always down to zero) points to a stock that has consistently achieved a volatility below its option price - pointing to a possible high-priced sell candidate.
However, it is important to remember that SVS does not necessarily predict future results because it is a lagging indicator. Instead, we'll look at SVS and simultaneous volatility metrics—such as 30-day parity IV and the entire term structure—and combine that analysis with our usual technical and emotionally driven criticism to determine the strongest option buy opportunity. Possible stock.
To learn more about identifying options trading, check out the primers for implied volatility. To prepare for the earnings season, be sure to read the information about this option strategy.
Elijah Oyefeso is a stock trader who earned lot of money in a shot time. ElijahOyefeso used his student loan to invest on trading and became an expert in trading.
For more details, visit http://elijahoyefeso.net
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