elisabethspa · 4 years
Technology has truly developed and become advanced from large heavy bricks to small weightless pocket-sized items. Laptops, smartphones, and tablets paired with the internet has changed the way we live. It has benefited our society in many positives with the creation of new jobs and easily being able to connect with one-another 24/7. With this, we are also more vulnerable to unprecedented new dangers “sexual predators, cyber bullying, and myriad forms of intellectual and moral decline, including internet addiction, shrinking attentions spans, decreased literacy, reckless oversharing, and so on” (Boyd, 2014, p . 22).
The Internets dark side is very negative and conflicting with relationships. This can be seen on a personal level or in popular online communities. Internet trolling unfortunately is very large and prominent in social media conflicts. This is when individual and groups post and interact with one another in a negative and disrespectful manner. They argue and harass each other wanting an emotional response (Zezulka and Seigfried-Spellar, 2016). To me internet trolling and cyber-bulling fit in the same bubble, it is having a negative impact on someone’s mental, physical and spiritual health. This does happen a lot of the time with celebrities and influencers. Having large public fights usually ending up with someone crying and even a ruined reputation.
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Situations of conflict can escalate further then just hate messages online. Everyone being online and using the internet means that everything is accessible on our technological devices. Personal information including date of birth, address, work and even bank details can be found online. An relationship can go from trusting and all loved up to stalking and stealing money from bank accounts..
One of the reading from this week by Jenny Ostini talks about technology violence and how “power and control drives peoples behavior in relationships” (Ostini & Hopkins , 2015). She connects domestic violence with online violence, how there is a misuse of technology in violent relationships. Basically, technology violence can be an extension to violence in the real world. This scares me because for the victims of both violence’s, there is no escape both real and not real, it can find them in both worlds.
boyd, d 2014, it’s complicated, Yale University Press, New Haven & London.
Ostini, J & Hopkins, S 2015, ‘Online harassment is a form of violence’, The Conversation, 8 April, viewed 13 April 2020, <https://theconversation.com/online-harassment-is-a-form-of-violence-38846>.
Zezulka, L.A. and Seigfried-Spellar, K., 2016. Differentiating cyberbullies and internet trolls by personality characteristics and self-esteem.
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elisabethspa · 4 years
From Call of Duty on PS4 and X-Box to Animal Crossing on the Nintendo Switch, gamers are connected on all different devices. Gaming use to be thought as owning the old ‘Game Boy’ but now enhanced into so many different types and forms. A gamer is simply anyone who owns any sort of console and plays video games. Most people believe the gaming world is dominated by males aged 18+ which is understandable as most games are targeted to that audience incorporating violence, action, nudity etc. Gamers are a subculture as where individuals are identified by affiliation, interests, and values (Hendricks and Winkler, 2014) meaning social gaming is formed around strong communities with similar interests.
With the enhancement of technology and the internet, gaming does not stop with the game and the console itself. The second most followed youtuber is PewDiePie with over 105 million subscribers with his most popular videos and the ones with the most views being simply him playing games and giving commentary with us viewers watching him play that game. PewDiePie’s earnings over the years have roughly estimated to be $114 million.
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Photo credit: @PewDiePie youtube
This is a clear example that with streaming application of YouTube, twitch, and Facebook the typical locked away in their dark room’s gamers are not the reality, gaming is now a serious thing. It is a career for some people and a very successful one. For example, a 16-year-old winning $3 million at a Fortnite world cup.
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Photo credit: NBCnews.com
With gaming there has also been the problem of addiction, this especially known and most noticeable with younger children. The debut game Fortnite; Battle Royale has been blamed for young kids being addicted to tis PVP goodness. The topic was even debated on the popular television show Good Morning America one parent speaking of her anger and frustration explaining their child has become more aggressive and socializing less (Sinha, 2018). Not only did parents share their frustration but teachers at schools after the game was arrived on IOS and made compatible for mobiles.
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Personally, I was never a huge gamer. When I was younger, I did own a mint colour Nintendo DS but I was not playing violent, blood gushing and killing games. I would play cooking games like ‘cooking mama’. A simple game where I would be a chef and create dishes for my friends and myself. Gaming has evolved since my 6-year-old self would be making batter to cook a cake. What I can say is the gaming world is changing, it is creating jobs and money. It is no longer an innocent hobby but instead very complex.
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Hendricks, S.Q. and Winkler, W.K. eds., 2014. Gaming as culture: Essays on reality, identity and experience in fantasy games. McFarland.
Sinha, R 2018 15 biggest Fortnite controversies that shocked players (maybe) Gaming Bolt 27th Sept accessed 10 Jan 2019
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elisabethspa · 4 years
Technology has changed the world we live in from shopping, music, communication, and politics, we have all moved to the online world. We all can log on and check all the news and drama around the world at the push of a button. This step of wanting to engage with conventional topics to create a political or social change is activism, “it’s all up to us, its all up to human action” (White, Alverez & Zaintz, 2019).
In today’s day and age using digital platforms and the internet are a smart and perfect way to run campaigns. Digital campaigning focuses on increasing engagement, revenue of a business and discussions of a top, product/ service advertised. Most campaigns use public figures to get their word out to the community and communicate their message. There must be stages that create an effective campaign. These stages include:
-          Planning
-          Organisation
-          Development
-          Management
In one of Luke Sickles lectures, he brings attentions to trumps campaign as he was able to “segment their audiences and find the people will come out and vote” (Stickles, 2020). If personally a single vote, your voice is behind the decision making of who will run an entire country, having any and all power at the touch of your hand does not show how effect of digital campaigning, not sure what will.
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Protesters are also using digital communities and platforms for their campaigns to reach a wide range of audiences. One of most noticeable advantages of digital activism is through social media you can connect with the whole world, a global community. From twitter to Facebook, a post can be shared, liked, reposted/ retweeted, sent through email, messenger and thus keep on spreading at great speed. Another advantage of social media includes the use of hashtags. With a hashtag, it can bring you straight to what you are looking for. From keeping up to date with who get the next rose #thebachelor or engage with political protests around the world #adani. It is a way to further discuss online, it creates a center and a space to go to around a campaign/ issue (Stickles, 2020).
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Photo credit: Melbourne protests 2019
Stickels, L. 2020, Digital Communities, political engagement and activism, Week 9 Lecture, Digital Communities, MDA20009, Swinburne University of Technology, delivered on the 13th of May 2020
White M., Alvarez N., Zaiontz K. (2019) INTERVIEW 'Protest After Occupy: Rethinking the Repertoires of Left Activism'. In: Alvarez N., Lauzon C., Zaiontz K. (eds) Sustainable Tools for Precarious Times. Contemporary Performance InterActions. Palgrave Macmillan
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elisabethspa · 4 years
The social media platform Instagram is not the same as it use to be. From fun family portraits, updating people on their life’s, what adventures one goes on to a marketing tool and a place where women express and show them selves off. I do not know about you but when it comes to my friends and myself, our social media feeds in particular Instagram are bombarded with bikini pictures, lingerie sets or just women wearing clothes that extenuates their body’s and features. This sexiness in online environments is known as ‘porn-chic’, “a style that reflects the mainstreaming of aesthetics of commercial pornography within western societies” (Drenten, Gurrieri & Tyler, 2019).
This ‘porn-chic’ trend can be viewed both positively and negatively, one being positive and encouraging. Feminists can agree this movement is empowering and showing off how not everyone is perfect. Not afraid to hide ones stretch marks, and not everyone has to look like a movie star or model, embracing their bumps and lumps. One Instagram influencer who comes to mind includes Chelsea Culberston, @choosingchealsea. She is an Instagram influencer who I have been following now for a few years with now 175 thousand followers. She believes in body positivity and ‘a healthy, happy, self-loves’ life.
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Photo credit: @choosingchelsea instagram
 She posts unedited and raw photos showing stretch marks, belly rolls, her cleavage and behind area. For example, on post was a picture of her leg, zoomed up on her stretch marks and captioned the image with “grateful for a body that ebbs & flows & adapts to change” (Culberston, 2020). She is spreading body positivity with make women be not ashamed of their flaws or imperfections, by highlighting hers and commenting about it in a positive manor encourages others to do so to themselves.
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Photo credit: @choosingchealsea instagram
However on the flip side, an issue arises of influencers idealising their bodies, their lifestyles and image ideals that are unobtainable and unhealthy both physically and mentally. One of the most followed accounts of Instagram is Kim Kardashian, with 173 million followers and growing. Many of her Instagram photos include minimal clothing, zooming, or cropping the image to her breast or behind area. This may highlight to some that a core element of ‘porn-chic’ culture is about “making a woman appear fuckable to a generally assumed male audience.” (Drenten, Gurrieri & Tyler, 2019).  This is twisting around, the garmenting and blurring of pornographic imagery into traditionally no-pornographic forms of pop culture.
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Photo credit: @kimkardashian instagram
The issue arising is with many popular Instagram influencers and models, these standards are obtainable. From perfectly lit photos with professional hair and makeup artists and photographers. Also including photo editing and photo-shop to enhance a feature or disguise a flaw. Another scaring arsing trend with Instagram influencers and models is their plastic surgery work. Many have re-touched their bodies and faces but will not admit it, instead post sponsored Instagram advertisement posts (Dorfman, Vaca & Mahmood, 2020). For example, Kim Kardashians sister Khloe Kardashian. On her Instagram @Khloe Kardashian posting an ad for flat tummy co shakes, she is promoting their meal replacements shakes. She received a lot of negative feedback on the post as they are actually “not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and side effects can include "cramping, stomach pains, diarrhea, and dehydration." (Insider, 2018) . As well her audience also include young girls and can take this advertisement/post as they should skip meals and diet.
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Photo credit: Insider online magazine, 2020
To conclude, women’s bodies are their own and they have the right to express and show them off as they please and this should be done without shame or embarrassment. However social media and Instagram is a very powerful platform with audiences of all ages on it. Influencers must be careful to no encourage negative habits or not be completely honest about their bodies.
Drenten et al ‘Sexualized labour in digital culture: Instagram influencers, porn chic and the monetization of attention’ Gender, Work and Organization 
Insider. 2020. Khloe Kardashian Promoted Flat Tummy Shakes Again, And Influencers Are Warning They Promote Risky Dieting Habits. [online] Available at: <https://www.insider.com/khloe-kardashian-vogue-williams-flat-belly-shakes-instagram-controversy-2020-1> [Accessed 11 May 2020].
Robert G Dorfman, Elbert E Vaca, Eitezaz Mahmood, Neil A Fine and Clark F Schierle, ‘Plastic Surgery-Related Hashtag Utilization on Instagram: Implications for Education and Marketing’, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 38, Issue 3, March 2018, pp 332–338 
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elisabethspa · 4 years
I had never actually heard of the term ‘slow fashion’ before this week. I had been more familiar to its antipodes of fast fashion, “which is mass-produced, cheap, changed within a fortnight and often associated with a throw way attitude” (Zhen et al. 2017, 82). 
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Slow fashion could be said to be a counter-movement to fast fashion, it is “eco-, green-, slow- and ethical fashion, which are used interchangeably (Zhen et al. 2017, p. 82).The slow fashion movement is about sustainable development, it focuses on improving environmental, social, and economic factors in fashion production and the fashion industry. To make positive changes in the fashion industry it must start in their supply chain. Slow fashion being sustainable includes:
-          Focusing on the well-being of workers
-          Environmentally friendly resources, renewable/recycled materials
The supply chain must be child labour free, as well all workers should be paid fairly and at least minim wage. All materials should be utilized within the production process, as well materials used should be less harmful to the environment. These supply chains should have low waste, recycling and upcycling the waste so it does not end up simply being thrown out and in landfills (Zhen et al. 2017).
So how does this all relate to digital citizenship? I believe it is the way we now engage with slow fashion. Some traditional methods include going down Sydney road for example, visiting all the thrift shops and op-shops, still very valid and prominent today but these days people can do the same thing through social media applications as well as websites and apps. For example, the free to download mobile application of Depop. You are able to sell and buy unique items of all sorts including fashion through a strong community spirit. Another way includes through social media applications like Facebook marketplace or Instagram. With over 13.1 thousand followers @selling_your_wardrobe is recycling her clothing and is the perfect example of slow fashion.
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In the end, fast fashion has a negative impact on the environment and slow fashion is trying to stop that. It may be easier to shop at fast fashion stores such as Zara, h&m and forever 21 but there are many ways we can be good digital citizens and not fall for marketing tactics.
Zhen Lai, Claudia E. Henninger and Panayiota J. Alevizou ‘An Exploration of Consumers’ Perceptions Towards Sustainable Fashion – A Qualitative Study in the UK’, in Sustainability in Fashion A Cradle to Upcycle Approach, edited by Henninger, C.E., Alevizou, P., Goworek, H., Ryding, D. (Palgrave: 2017).
 Sonja Maria Geiger and Johannes Keller, ‘Shopping for Clothes and Sensitivity to the Suffering of Others: The Role of Compassion and Values in Sustainable Fashion Consumption, Environment and Behavior 2018, Vol. 50(10) 1119–1144.
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elisabethspa · 4 years
In reference to my last post of digital citizenship, an example of the Donald Trumps sometimes too honest opinions. 
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elisabethspa · 4 years
So, what is digital citizenship? An article by Lee Crocket on Digital citizenship explains it as  “showing respect and responsibility for yourself, for others, and for property. It involves setting up a proper program of digital ethics and best practices for all. Such a program focuses on safe and respectful behaviour in any online environment”. From what I gatherer its a way of thinking online, it is a way of being online, it’s a way of acting online basically its thinking critically and not trusting everything you see.  It’s about being safe with your information and who you have connect with, it’s about acting responsibly in how you communicate and behave because the digital world is a big part of the REAL WORLD.
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Regarding the REAL-WORLD digital citizens can use social media to directly gain information on politics, with hashtags which can mediate public engagement with politics. In Australia #auspol hashtag represents a space, an event, and a network for politically involved individuals to engage in and with Australian politics and perform political participation and communication (Sauter and Bruns, n.d). What is great about a hashtag like #auspol is the greater visibility to an event or issue and It does not discriminate against users based on how many followers they have or popularity with retweets and shares they have.
Politicians are now using social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc during election campaigns to spread their message and go directly to voters. Politicians have realised that Social media platforms have become critical to everyday life for many, including their voters. On all Social media applications promo videos, pop-up ads and personal photos are featured widely of the candidates. As well now I am sure you are aware of personal accounts such as Donald Trump having his own presence. He is using his twitter to get his controversial opinions and thoughts out to the world for all to see, including his enemies. His twitter account being authentic and honest, sometimes too direct did help and play a part in his 2016 election success.
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Overall, social media has created a new way of spreading ideas, thoughts and beliefs across the globe in reference to politics. Politicians have realised just how much social media is used in their voter’s everyday lives. Hashtags like #auspol have created a common ground and space for anyone to say anything thy believe in. Some world leaders like Donald Trump the current US prime minister have changed what normal politics look like and how normal leaders act and behave online, causing both a positive and negative reaction.
Bogle, A 2016, ‘#auspol: the Twitter hashtag Australia can’t live without’, Mashable Australia, 21 March, viewed 25 April 2020, <https://mashable.com/ 2016/03/21/twitter-australia-auspol/>.
Enli, G 2017, 'Twitter as an arena for the authentic outsider: Exploring the social media campaigns of Trump and Clinton in the 2016 presidential election', European Journal of Communication, vol 32, no 1 pp 50-61
Sauter, T. and Bruns, A., n.d. #Auspol. The Hashtag as Community, Event, and Material Object for Engaging with Australian Politics. [online] Melbourne, pp.1-4. Available at: <http://snurb.info/files/2015/auspol%20-%20The%20Hashtag%20as%20Community,%20Event,%20and%20Material%20Object%20for%20Engaging%20with%20Australian%20Politics.pdf> [Accessed 18 March 2020].
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elisabethspa · 4 years
“Portions of this site and the works within it are being produced with the intention of critique and/or educational use under Australia’s ‘fair dealing’ exceptions to copyright (Section 40 & 41). However, if you feel your IP is being infringed, please contact my service provider (tumblr) with the appropriate DMCA requests, as I, the single author take full responsibility for the content of this site.”
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elisabethspa · 4 years
I absolutely love the image you chose to use, it really shows how Tumblr can connect everyone. No matter who you are, you can be creative with your online persona but in the end, everyone is accessible and open for discussion
How does Tumblr function as a digital community?
In this modern world we have seen the uprising of social networking sites which have taken over the internet and influenced people to alter their ways of communication. Digital communities are seen to be a place where people communicate with each other on a network over the internet. Some popular networking sites in today’s society are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Tumblr. They all have distinguishing features and differences however they all are digital communities.
(This image was taken from Pinterest and illustration by Janice Chang)
This image is a representation of the connection online and how online communities can connect people in a positive way.
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Tumblr is one of the many sites on the global net that is able to connect like minded people. It can link people with similar interests to an online space where they are able to communicate and interact with each other. People can create a profile which allows them to display a specific persona and their opinions and creativity, discuss topics happening in the world currently. Tumblr allows you to follow pages, you can then interact with these by liking, reposting, or commenting on them and create a discussion.
The public sphere is “a realm of our social life in which something approaching public opinion can be formed” (Haberman, Lennox & Lennox 1974). Tumblr allows for people to debate different topics, make up their own personal opinions and have the freedom of speech. Everyone on the site has equal access to information and is able to follow whoever they like, however Tumblr will never be completely free from influence as smaller communities within the site may sway peoples opinion and scare them from disagreeing with their community.
References Habermas, J, Lennox, S & Lennox, F (1974), ‘The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article (1964)’, New German Critique, no. 3, p. 49.
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elisabethspa · 4 years
How does Tumblr function as a digital community?
Being someone with absolutely zero experience with using Tumblr this was a tricky question to first answer.
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In today’s digital world, social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and now to my knowledge Tumblr dominate over mainstream or traditional media such as print, radio and television, single source providers who follow the one to many model. (Kruse, Norris, & Flinchum,2018,). Tumblr being originally designed as a microblogging website allows user to “[Chase] attention and [build] active communities or audiences, along with search engine optimisation (McCoser, Reid and Farrell, 2016). Being able to post text, photos, GIFs, videos, live videos, audio, anything always one to use Tumblr as a canvas for activities and discussion with likeminded people. It connects you with those of the same interests.
The public sphere can be described as the social space in which different opinions are expressed, problems of general concern are discussed, and collective solutions are developed communications. “The public sphere is the central arena for society communication” (Wel̀er, 2008) thus Tumblr can be described and called a public sphere. Yes, Tumblr is a social media platform following the many to many model, contemporary network platforms such as “social media or internet-based forms of communication. It is unique to others mentioned above because it does not have specific rules, the user has no limitation on what discussion they want to begin.
The platform is particularly popular with young people, teenagers 69% of 550 million monthly users identifying as millennials. A study by Keller shows that for feminist teenage girls Tumblr is their favourite platform to engage in various forms of feminist activities. In Keller’s research a young woman states she “feels more comfortable to share things that are of a certain controversial nature” (Keller 2019, pg5). What makes this platform unique to other digital communities is perhaps most importantly, there are no personal profiles or networks of friends. This means that users of Tumblr are anonymous, and owners can stay unknown and be difficult to identify, creating the expectation of social privacy.
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In conclusion, from me being new to the world of Tumblr I believe why it is so popular and the function of Tumblr is because one’s freedom to express themselves. Young people can join an open community of those like minded and feel comfortable it allows for what would not usually be allowed on other digital community’s discussions to be brought forward and talked about.
Keller, J 2019, ‘”Oh, She’s a Tumblr Feminist”: Exploring the Platform Vernacular of Girls’ Social Media Feminisms’, Social Media + Society, vol. 5 no. 3, pp. 1-11.
Kruse, L.M Norris, D.R & Flinchum, J.R 2018, ‘Social Media as a Public Sphere? Politics on Social Media’, The Sociological Quarterly, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 1-84.
McCoser, A., Reid, D. and Farrell, C., 2016. Social Media Industries. Bridging the Gap between Theory & Practice. Melbourne: Swinburne University of Technology, p.13.
Wel̀er, H., 2008. Transnationalization Of Public Spheres. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1-20.
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