elisea-enteabstraido · 5 months
I think you'd like this story: " Last to Fall (Un-edited Version)(COMPLETED) " by Bioshockgrl on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/317236172?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=EliseaEnteAbstraido
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En Saturno viven los hijos que nunca tuvimos *llora*
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La nueva entrega de esta mítica saga lleva años hecha, y aunque Disney no nos deja verla ahora tenemos nuevos detalles sobre su premisa argumental
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Curious to see what people’s general preferences are with literature/romance featuring a non-human romantic interest. I’m not just talking short stories on here, but more generally for fiction and published novels too (think ACOTAR etc).
Reblog to give the widest data set possible!
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This is yautja! 🤣
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(⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
Me encanta!! I love it!!
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The chase
Part I (of 3)
When he finally arrives to the village is already dark, however, the omega doesn't worry too much about it. It's true that the potion Uraraka gave him to make him smell like a beta is wearing off, but there are so many people there Izuku is almost sure no one will notice.
Besides, since the clan is having a celebration; all the tents are open to travelers, selling all kinds of interesting things there. Izuku doesn't know how to make a potion, but he knows a couple of herbs that can help him with his scent as well.
He's fascinated with everything he sees although he tries not to get too distracted by it. Izuku suddenly spots a tent with mystical objects, jewelry and herbs. The owner is clearly a barbarian girl (judging by the colors of her clothes, they use mostly reds and oranges) with pink hair.
He's about to walk in when he bumps into a very strong chest that almost sends him flying backwards. Fortunately, All Might has been training him a lot, so Izuku is not that weak omega he once was.
"OI, YOU PIECE OF–" the tall barbarian with blond hair stops once his eyes meet. He doesn't look like the friendly type.
Honestly, he doesn't want to get into any trouble today, besides, fighting could make him sweat and people will realize he's actually–
"Omega," the barbarian smirks. He smells like an alpha, a very strong alpha. "Listen, I don't usually do this, but I'll be kind to you this time, show me your neck and I'll forgive you."
"What?" Izuku is too shocked to be angry at the moment; if an omega shows his bare neck to an alpha it means they're submitting to them. In the little town he used to live that was frowned upon. Only mates can expose their necks to each other.
The alpha huffs with irritation.
"Are you deaf? Show me your neck!"
"No." Izuku tries to stay calm, even though the barbarian is getting on his nerves.
"HAH? WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?" The alpha is baring his teeth now, but Izuku has dealt with stupid alphas before so he doesn't even blink at him.
"No," he mumbles again, before turning around which is actually very reckless considering the situation, no matter how many people are around. Besides, some of them are already looking and none seems willing to help the omega.
Which is also not surprising.
However, the barbarian doesn't attack, he just moves in the blink of an eye until he's in front of Izuku again. He's wearing a red cloak and dark trousers, nothing else.
Izuku should stop staring at his chest.
This time, the omega rolls his eyes and tries to keep going but he feels the weight of a heavy, strong hand on his shoulder and he doesn't hesitate: he takes the alpha by the arm and flips him over his shoulder. The blond hits the ground.
Izuku knows that's just mere luck; he has trained for years, but the barbarian looks strong, he's probably trained in combat too and he could easily kill Izuku, but he probably just didn't expect an omega, or maybe just someone like him to do that.
He's ready to run; he knows he could disappear in the crowd but the barbarian jumps quickly and suddenly he's on his feet again. However, the hostility has finally disappeared from his scent completely, replaced by something else...
Something spicy.
"Nice," he blurts out, with a huge smirk on his face that doesn't calm Izuku at all. "It's great to find a strong omega."
"Uhh..." He doesn't know what to say so he just nods. "I have to buy something..."
He keeps walking, but unfortunately, the alpha follows him.
"You're very pleasant to look at, omega."
Izuku tries to ignore him, mostly because his face has started to turn red.
"Despite all the useless clothes you're wearing, I can tell from here that you have very thick thighs and round... hips. Excellent for breeding."
Choking on air, the omega stops and turns around, he doesn't know if the burning he feels on his face is because he's embarrassed or because he's angry at the alpha.
"Don't say things like that!"
He shouldn't have said that because the barbarian looks like he's enjoying every second of Izuku's distress. He probably doesn't even mean it, he's just trying to mess up with him.
"Why not? It's a compliment! The highest one for an omega!"
"Where I come from that kind of talk is really obscene."
"That's because your people are boring, omega."
This is just a game for the barbarian, one Izuku shouldn't get involved with. He turns around again, glad he's right outside the tent again.
"My name is Midoriya Izuku, not omega," he says, regretting it almost immediately.
"Deku suits you better," the barbarian says and even though the omega is not looking at him, he can tell he's grinning again. "I'm Bakugo Katsuki."
This time, Izuku decides to ignore him completely. He smiles kindly to the girl as he walks inside the tent.
"Hi! I was looking for a couple of herbs..."
"Of course, pretty!" The girl is an alpha as well, but she looks kinder and more approachable than the other one. "Oh! An omega! We don't have many male omegas around here, you know? You look so–"
"Stop flirting with him, pinky!" Bakugo bares his teeth at the other alpha. It's... refreshing to see the barbarian snapping at someone who's not Izuku for once.
"Not going to happen again," she assures him and although she doesn't look worried, she does bow her head lightly, which means Bakugo's rank is definitely higher than hers.
It seems the alpha is going to be his shadow for a while.
"Okay, I need herbs to mask my scent–"
"Why would you do something like that?" The barbarian looks almost outraged at the thought. "Your scent is sweet, but not in an annoying way... Omegas usually have overwhelming sweet scents that make me want to throw up, but yours is different."
Is that another compliment? It doesn't seem like it, so Izuku just ignores it.
"I don't want people to know I'm an omega."
"Because alphas think they have the right to touch me or don't take me seriously..."
Bakugo looks furious suddenly, his scent is getting stronger and overwhelming. It starts spreading through the whole tent; for an instant, Izuku feels the need to calm him down, but he's not his alpha.
Suddenly, something changes in his demeanor, he looks like he's almost sorry.
"I didn't ask you to submit to me because you were an omega..."
Alright, that sounds like the start of an apology–
"I would've done the same if you were an alpha or a beta."
The most terrible, ridiculous attempt of an apology Izuku has ever heard. He sighs, because by the look on Bakugo's face he seems to think he's saying the right thing.
"Right. Well... I still need my herbs so..."
"Anything he wants, it's on me."
"What? No!" Izuku protests. "I have my own money."
With a smirk, Bakugo purposely ignores him. He walks inside the tent and pick two necklaces, once has a red gemstone and the other a green one.
"Here, put this on," the alpha says, shoving the red one in Izuku's hands. "And I'll keep the green."
"But I–"
"It's a gift, Deku. You have to take it."
Deciding he doesn't want anymore trouble, he does as he's told.
"Oh, so our King is a romantic after all..."
King? Izuku doesn't hear the rest of the sentence because he's too busy panicking about the fact that he almost got into a fight with the barbarian King.
No wonder why he has such a big ego. Perhaps it's better to take his things and go.
"Thank you so much..."
"Ashido Mina!"
"Thanks, Ashido!"
"Oi, Deku! You should stay to participate in the games," Bakugo says, eyes shining dangerously.
Despite his logic is yelling at him to go, but he's curious now...
"What games?"
"There are a couple, but most of them are for extras... I think you should participate in The chase."
"Bakugo, you'll regret it if someone else–"
"That won't happen," the blond alpha almost growls. "I'm the strongest and the fastest."
"So, will you play the game, Deku?"
"Wait, isn't The chase that old tradition in which omegas run in a forest and if an alpha catches them they have to get mated?"
"Yes, that's pretty much it," Ashido says, before Bakugo can open his mouth.
Izuku has heard only bad things about that tradition; he takes a step back instinctively, making Bakugo frown.
"Why do you keep doing that? Isn't that banned? What about the omegas..."
"It's different now, sweetie," Ashido assures him, immediately getting what he's trying to say. "We're not animals..."
"Just because you don't understand doesn't mean it's wrong, Deku," the alpha looks irritated, but not that much.
"Right," Izuku nods, realizing he made a mistake; All Might have talked to him a lot about his adventures, how much he learned from other people... The need to actually listen to others. "I apologize. Although I still don't understand, can you explain it to me?"
He's mostly talking to Ashido, but he doesn't miss the way Bakugo nods in approval.
"It's just a game. I mean, all the alphas and omegas there do that because they want to. Yes, if an alpha catches them they have to bond, but all of them know that."
"But what if they don't want the alpha that caught them?"
"Everyone in The chase is ready to mate, they don't care too much about whom they end up with."
"Stop pouting, nerd. They usually are very happy with the partners they get," Bakugo assures him. "Perfect matches are rare, but they happen."
"I met a perfect match a while ago, they both participated in The chase and ended up together," Ashido tells him.
"Why did they do that? If they already wanted to be with each other, why didn't they just start courting?"
"Because that takes too long!" Bakugo answers this time and smirks before saying: "And they probably wanted to fu–"
Before even thinking about what he's doing, Izuku puts a hand over Bakugo's mouth to shut him up. He moves it away almost immediately, but the alpha looks absolutely pleased.
He's a weird alpha.
"What if an omega wins?"
Bakugo snorts, but Izuku refuses to look back at him.
"That never happens, it's almost impossible. Besides, the omegas want to be caught. It's just the thrill of the game what they want," Ashido says. "However, if an omega managed to stay hidden or escape from the alphas chasing them by the time the sun rises, then they either could choose whichever alpha they want or remain unattached and go."
"So... Are you in, Deku?"
"My name is not Deku, Kacchan!"
"What kind of ridiculous name is that? I'm Katsuki!"
"If you stop calling me that, then I'll call you Bakugo."
To his utter shock, Bakugo grimaces at the sound of his own last name.
"No, it sounds too weird coming from you. Kacchan is better."
Honestly, he doesn't understand that barbarian at all.
"It's almost time. Will you come?"
"No," Izuku shakes his head. It'll be useless for him to do that. "I don't want an alpha."
For a moment, Bakugo looks almost hurt and angry again, but then he shakes his head and laughs.
"You mean you're already sure you're going to lose, right?"
Offended, Izuku feels himself blush.
"But Ashido said impossible!"
"She said almost."
"I'm right here, guys!"
Izuku doesn't want to ignore her, but he's a little bit upset at the moment.
"So you admit you're no match for m–the alphas in our clan?"
"I can win," the omega assures as his mind tells him he's falling into a trap. "But it'll be a waste of time because I don't want–"
"I won't believe you until I see it, Deku."
He used to believe that trouble always followed him around until one day Uraraka told him that it was him the one who was constantly (and willingly) running into it on purpose.
Maybe she was right after all.
"Alright, I'll do it."
"Great!" Bakugo smirks triumphantly and that should've been his clue to immediately back off. "Come with me."
"Where are we going?"
"To Yaoyorozu's tent. She'll prepare you for the event, because those clothes won't do."
Izuku should go. He should look for an inn and forget about everything else... But he can't.
The trousers are tight and he feels a little bit exposed with the top and all the necklaces Yaoyorozu is putting on him.
"You really are a mesmerizing omega," she comments, looking at him from head to toe before smiling at the way he blushes. "And adorable. I'm glad Bakugo is going to be running in the event, he never wants to be part of it."
"Is Kacchan... Sorry, I mean is Bakugo going to be in The chase?" The omega immediately wonders if that's the reason why the alpha asked him to participate, so he could see him fail from up close.
"Obviously," she mumbles, looking at him with a confused frown.
Maybe she knows the omega he's going to run after. Yaoyorozu looks at him like he just asked an stupid question, perhaps the omega is really pretty. Izuku is sure Bakugo's type is the delicate, submissive omega that's constantly praising him.
"Was that a serious question?"
"Yes. I didn't know he was interested in an omega, I assumed he was already mated since he's the King, even though he didn't smell like it."
"So you don't know whom he's going to chase after?" Yaoyorozu asks again, more carefully, like she wants to tell him something.
"I just met him today," Izuku informs her. "I don't know much about him. I thought he was going to watch because he's the King."
"Mina told me he asked you to participate."
"Yeah, probably to watch me fail," the omega mumbles before a fierce expression makes his eyes glimmer. "But I'm going to win!"
"Oh, gods above," Yaoyorozu says again. "You seriously don't know?"
"No, I don't know the omega, do you?"
"Yes, infact, I do," she nods before pointing at the mirror in front of the omega; Izuku finally sees himself in it; actually, the outfit doesn't look bad.
"Thank you! Somehow I don't look bad at all!"
"You look beautiful, but that's not the point. I meant–"
"The chase is about to begin!" Ashido rushes into the tent suddenly, before yanking Izuku by the arm. "Follow me!"
She takes him to the forest where a group of people are already waiting and others are pretty much happy just by staring at the omegas in line and the alphas.
He doesn't see Bakugo.
Already nervous and regretting everything, Izuku stands next to the other omegas who look at him with curiosity before they start talking with each other.
They sound really excited.
"I hope Kirishima catches me!"
"Sero is more handsome."
"That's a lie!"
"I wanted our King to join. Why does he never..."
They suddenly start squealing and Izuku notices that Bakugo has finally arrived. When he stops next to the alpha with red hair, clearly ready for the chase, everyone around start murmuring among themselves. They seem a lot more interested now.
Izuku lifts his chin up before he narrows his eyes at Bakugo. The King only smirks at him, takes his cloak off to expose his well built body and winks at him.
It makes the omega feel even more irritated.
"Oh, no!" An omega bemoans next to him. "He has chosen already!"
"It seems this is going to be a great year for our clan! Our King has finally decided to chase! His omega will bring us good luck and lots of pups!" A beta announces before saying the rules again.
He also tells the omegas they still have time to walk away. Izuku should take the opportunity, but he needs to prove he can do this.
It's okay, there are many pretty omegas next to him, they're probably from the clan which means they'll be chosen. Izuku is almost sure no one is going to run after him. So it means it'll be easy for him to last until sunrise.
It's almost annoying how everyone around assumes Bakugo is going to get his omega... Well, maybe they're right, since he looks really capable of running through the whole forest and back before the sun rises. Besides, the feral smile on his face tells Izuku he's determined to win.
"As always, omegas have a couple of minutes of advantage."
Izuku doesn't think twice before he starts running; he almost feels sorry for the omega who will be trying to hide from Bakugo; that'll probably be over soon. Although he supposes he shouldn't feel sorry, since the other omegas really want this to happen.
He's the only one who actually wants to win.
Why is he there then? It sounds ridiculous in his mind. This game it's just for omegas and alphas to have fun before they mate, to feed his primal instincts and Izuku is just...
Uraraka would be so pissed at him if she knew.
You can read Part II and Part III on my Patreon already!
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