elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
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zodiac signs + random historical figures  |  C A P R I C O R N      (december 22 - january 19) 10th sign of the zodiac ; cardinal earth ; ruled by Saturn ; ♑
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
how would you describe your sexuality?
“If I drew a line on the wall and lined up a shelf with that and then put a level on it and the level read that it was perfectly level, that would be my sexuality.”
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
    ➳ ❝ That sucks. Christmas is supposed to be relaxing. Not that I really know anything about a relaxing since something crazy always happens to mine.
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“Well, I worry a lot. My family always freaks out and does this huge celebration - my parents are super-Christians - and it’s way too much to worry about.”
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
“That might be part of the reason, yeah. But some people just don’t like the idea of things being illegal I suppose.”
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“Do you suppose it’s because no one wants to get caught? With drugs. Legal or illegal.”
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
“Yeah, I usually let other people worry about that, but for some reason this year it feels like it’s coming too soon. I still have the taste of pumpkin spice in my mouth.”
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“Oh god, I’m not ready for Christmas yet. It’s supposed to be all happy and such, but it’s just stressful.”
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
“But now I’m copying you. I have to think of something else equally as lazy.”
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    ➳ ❝ Do you have any band shirts? You could go as a fan of that band.
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
You take the joy out Halloween. 
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    ➳ ❝ Only if someone lets me. You choose to be upset by my costume choice.
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
“Anyone who finds the topic of drug lords touchy needs to lighten up a bit, I think.”
    ➳ ❝ You know people. They hear the word ‘drug’ and it becomes a taboo.” Not that Eli didn’t completely agree with that, he was just trying to get a feel for people as was part of his job around here.
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
    ➳ ❝ I’m only saying that I hear sleigh bells jingling and there’s still some people who haven’t wiped the glitter off themselves from last night yet.
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
In other words, you didn’t feel like looking for a costume. 
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    ➳ ❝ I’m neither going to confirm or deny that. But it’s always good to have a chance to teach a lesson.
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
“Some would say that’s the way of life. We always end up at the beginning.” She enjoyed the ease that came with their conversation, no awkward pauses or too much detail. It was just simple and her life could use some simple. 
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“You may ask but you might not believe it.” He seemed liked a logical man and logic interfered with what she did. “I’m a psychic And no, I’m not joking.” If only she could be a psychic with puzzles because for the life of her, she couldn’t find where the nine went.
    ➳ Eli liked that he was able to be honest here without being honest at the same time. She didn’t make him lie. And while lying came easy to him when he could justify it for a cover, sometimes, he had to agree with Jeremy that it sucked and you still had to deal with yourself when you looked in the mirror. ❝ I like starting back at the beginning.”
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Eli wasn’t very spiritual. His parents had stopped taking him to church regularly when he was about ten. Then it was just holidays, then in high school it was just Christmas. After college and training as an officer and training for the bureau, he didn’t believe in much any longer. But when she said she was a psychic, it gave him enough pause in his thoughts. Whether you believed in a sixth sense or not, one thing he knew is psychics were very observant. He would have to proceed with the caution that he had with Will. “I believe you. And I’ve always found psychics to be really interesting.” Which was all honest.
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
Alaric held up his hands in defense. “You do have a point. But wouldn’t it be more fun to look like the stereotypical drug lord?”
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    ➳ ❝ Fun, maybe. But that always leads to what I think is stereotypical and then that gets touchy.
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
“Whatever floats your boat. My costume is just going to be me.”
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    ➳ ❝ I was myself yesterday. Figured I’d change it up today.
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
    ➳ ❝ No, my costume’s not laziness. It’s a lesson. I’m teaching you that a drug lord could be anyone. You’re welcome.
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
“Would it be strange if I took this conversation back to the devil? Six - six - six is the number of the devil after all.” Bringing up bad energy twice in one conversation was unusual but she hoped an easy smile would shake of any uneasiness.
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“I think that’s fair and I must say, it’s a pleasure to meet you Eli. I’m Ananke Verne but you can call me Ana if you like.” The smile on her face was bright and sincere. It had been one of the nicest interactions she’d had in a while.
Eli laughed a little before he nodded a bit. “Seems like we’ve come full circle then.” It was interesting when conversations did that. Even when it was joking about the devil. Not that Eli really bought into it. Maybe that’s what made it easy for him to joke about.
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“Ana. I like it. Do you mind me asking about what you do around here?” It was more out of curiosity than actually needing to know. He would probably find out either way later on, but he wasn’t going to stop people from saying.
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
   — Honestly she kinda took it hard. Will swallowed and kept his eyes down, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. It was hardly confirmation, but it was enough to make Will nervous. He remembered, upon meeting Abigail, that she would have been easily manipulated, much like himself. He tried to think that the difference was in that she wouldn’t realize it was happening, but even he couldn’t be sure if he would be any better.
   Will shook his head. ❝ I don’t know, ❞ he said, almost truthfully. ❝ I don’t know, she might be. I thought it was possible at the time. I don’t know now. With him in prison… I thought she was susceptible to him. Before. He excelled at manipulation, and she… ❞ Will trailed off and sighed, finally shrugging. ❝ I don’t know. Especially now that he’s no longer her mentor. ❞
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Will seemed uneasy over the Abigail topic and one thing Eli knew about Will was that if he was uneasy, it meant something. Mental state be dammed, Eli trusted when Will didn’t feel right about something. Maybe it was a mistake for the FBI to pick him for this side assignment. He didn’t want to do this to Will and well, he believed most of what Will said despite what the FBI called “evidence not to.”
Eli was silent for a while, thinking over what Will said, and in truth, it just made him uneasy. He found himself not trusting anyone and it made sense that he shouldn’t trust Abigail. He didn’t care how shocked she looked when she found out. Joel had been the perfect actor after all. “I’d say I’d keep an eye on her, but she’s all the way back in New York and right now, that sounds like a good thing.”
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elixkellernull-blog · 9 years
Sometimes simple words were the most helpful and she smiled in turn, happy to have helped even a little. “It is the least I can do. You’re tackling those sneaky sixes after all.” 
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“A good choice.” She raised her hand, drawing the attention of the closest waitress. “Two of your pie of the days, please.” She ordered, a smile curving on her lips.
    ➳ ❝ They’re really sneaky. I hope I can get them all for you.” In all honesty, as much as he was avoiding spending too much time with people, it was nice to have something to do other than brood at home. Maybe Jeremy had the right idea.
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He smiled a bit, looking up from the paper at the waitress as she went to get the pie before he looked at Ananke. “Okay, so now that I’m helping you with this and you’re buying me pie, I think it’s fair I give you a name. Eli Keller.”
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