elizabeth-demoke · 2 years
relationship status: single
color: soft yellow
three favorite foods: my smothered chicken recipe, wings, pizza
song stuck in my head: Vending Machine of Love
last thing i googled: minecraft upside down name
time: 3:14pm est
dream trip: going to norway, both to see my friend and all of the pretty scenery
something i really want right now: a woman to hold me 😔
tagging: @maybeillwritesmth @manic-meeka get tagged again bitch lmao anyways i do not know anybody whom i can tag
Thank you for the tag, @coffee-and-philosophy !! 
RULES : tag ten people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: None
Colour: Blue
Three favourite foods: ramen, gimbap, pizza!
Song stuck in my head: “Clockwork”
Last thing I googled: “gimbap” (I wanted to see, what would someone get to see if they looked it up? where would potential curiosity lead them?)
Time: 20:22 (AWST)
Dream trip: I…. I don’t know if I have one :’D
Something I really want right now: to have a little courage and for my friends to be happy
I’m tagging @everyonesfavoritebastard and whoever would like to can steal it! 💦  💦  💦
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
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This was all I could think about in that scene
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
Daww, thanks! You too Meri :)
@manic-meeka @maybeillwritesmth, tagging back @h0wlingwolfgaming, and I can't currently think of too many others that I can tag here since most of them are irl but ye :3
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@crazyyanderefangirlfan @akemiozawa @aulilyu @pearlwhitecats @phoenix-manga @kitty-is-chilling @sakurablossoms10 @sayuricorner @laizy-boy
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
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I know our first instinct is to select “no” on this dialogue option after the Spamton fight to let Kris be honest for a second, but “yes” is an underrated option for the following reasons:
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1. They don’t believe Kris is okay anyway, but instead of just brushing it off…
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2. We get the promise of a chocolate cake in the future (BIG!! win for Kris, their stomach actually rumbles)
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3. When Ralsei tries to share his scarf for warmth, they brush him off and make grabby hands for Susie’s cool jacket instead, which is funny and possibly an attempt at humor on their part.
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4. Susie actually gets a smile out of them.
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
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BHC discord got me thinking about baby bones with their kittens to cat dads :3c
These two cat dads are from @bonelyheartsclub !
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
Instead of a fiery pit, I’d like to reimagine Hell as a warm ocean made of feathers, like a giant nest. The first fallen angels didn’t survive, but at least their wings could soften the blow for others.
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
Branch manager and assistant branch manager
🎥: Max and Finn
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
In regards to braces hyper extension of joints, have you tried something like this?
No, I don't really need them for my fingers. I want something with a similar function for my elbows and to a lesser extent my knees. At least, I want something like that in theory--in reality I'm sure any product would be way outside my price range.
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
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The Sun and the Moon, and their child
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
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When the Sun and the Moon merges, they form the Eclipse
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
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STRAY | Gameplay Walkthrough
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
Subtle LGBT+ Wallpapers
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Gay/Queer | Lesbian
Transgender | Bisexual
Pansexual | Asexual
Aromantic | Oriented Aroace
Nonbinary | Genderfluid
Please like and reblog if saving :)
If you don't see your flag here and would like me to make one, feel free to leave a request in the comments
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
Growing up, like most of us, I only saw neurotypical cishet people on TV, most of them white. I rarely saw gay characters who weren't stereotyped side characters used for the "gay best friend" or the "butch lesbian" to poke fun at or the "bisexual who only likes the same sex for attention". I never saw genderqueer people who weren't used for some kind of humor or sad backstory and they were rarely respected when they even existed. Neurodivergent folks were always for humor such as the "ADHD kid bouncing off the walls and OOH SQUIRREL" or for angst such as the "autistic person who exists solely for angst and to be bullied by others." I never got to see someone like me in the media.
And now we're in a point in history where we get to watch this show.
The main character is bisexual, neurodivergent, and afro latina.
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The love interest is a lesbian with a rough past and abusive parents.
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The best friends are a burnt out gifted kid raised by a single dad and a girl with two dads and self esteem issues. Both of which are people of color.
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The love interest has a brother who's dating someone who uses they/them pronouns.
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The mother figure is bisexual with a chronic illness.
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The mother figure's love interest is a nonbinary performer with stage fright and a person of color.
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The mother figure's mom used to be an anti-vaxxer before she learned to understand and respect her daughter and her chronic illness.
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The principal has a disability and genuinely cares for his students.
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Several of the 'mean' characters have gotten realistic character growth in which they acknowledge that they did wrong, address it, and grow.
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Several side characters are seen with same-sex partners, various skin colors, and disabilities.
They/them pronouns are used regularly used both for folks who use them and folks whose pronouns are unknown.
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And none of these facts cloud any of the characters or are used for humor or anything like that. In this world, homophobia, racism, transphobia, and ableism flat out don't exist.
I have cried happy tears several times to my mom and my friends about how amazing it is that such an inclusive show exists. Not only is the plot incredible and the animation beautiful but it raises a more inclusive generation.
Young children are turning on Disney Channel and seeing that it's okay and normal to be disabled, neurodivergent, queer, transgender, a person of color, chronically ill, or from a "different" family dynamic. That it's never to late to grow and change as a person.
I would give anything to have had a show like this growing up. To turn on my favorite tv station to see that it was okay to be myself. That there's not just one way to be myself. To be able to see myself in the characters on my screen.
Dana Terrace and the team have made such massive contributions to the history of progress and inclusivity and I cannot express my appreciation enough.
EDIT: 1. True, Boscha has made no changes as of yet, I used that picture because I personally thought that scene seemed to hint that she has the possibility of change and I couldn't find a screencap of Matt that effectively showed his change. 2. True, there is some ableism as far as the magic abilities go (I.E. Eda's curse) but I meant as far as ableism that related to disabilities in reality, sorry for the confusion. 3. Thank you for everyone giving me suggestions and reminders as to things to add! I put what I could remember when I wrote it and didn't expect this post to blow up so much so thank you to everyone giving me suggestions to show how amazing this show is!
Also this show is called The Owl House and you can watch season 1 and the first few episodes of season 2 on Disney+! ♡
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
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I made this so now all y'all have to look at it.
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
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elizabeth-demoke · 3 years
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