elizabethvmason · 7 years
Can Cinnamon have Health Benefits?
The Amazing Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a powerful spice that has been used medicinally around the world for thousands of years.
  Cinnamon’s potent health benefits are derived from the Cinnamomum tree. The bark, specifically, contains several compounds responsible for its health-promoting properties including cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid, and cinnamate. Together, these compounds make cinnamon one of the most beneficial spices, rich with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-microbial, immunity-boosting, cancer and heart disease-protecting abilities.
The best part? Even a little goes a long way. Just ½-teaspoon of cinnamon daily can have positive effects on blood sugar levels, digestion, and immunity, among other benefits. Stronger doses can improve heart disease while curbing users’ risk for diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Some simple ways to get a little — or a lot — of cinnamon in your day?
Sprinkle cinnamon on top of oatmeal, cereal, or toast in the morning
Incorporate cinnamon into dishes such as classic chili or spaghetti sauce
Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your protein shake or morning smoothie
Stir a teaspoon of cinnamon into a glass of herbal tea or coffee, or stir your coffee/tea with a cinnamon stick
Combine three cups of milk with one tsp of vanilla extract and one tsp of cinnamon
Blend and serve chilled — this “cinnamon vanilla milk” is perfect for kids and adults
  Alternatively, cinnamon is available in supplement form and can be picked up at any pharmacy or drugstore. It’s commonly packaged as a solo supplement or as a component in blood sugar support supplements.
    Healthy Body Tip: Here’s the Rub!
Improve your circulation and help your lymph glands to drain and function better by the way you towel off. When drying off your limbs and torso, brush towards the groin on your legs and towards the armpits on your upper body.
Healthy Eating Tip: Dip Your Carrots!
Snacking carrot sticks? Make sure you eat them with some fat — a dab of guacamole, let’s say, or a cube of cheese. Without any fat, you absorb very little of carrot’s cancer-fighting carotenoids.
As a Seattle Chiropractor focusing on Structural Correction, Foundation Chiropractic believes that many factors are necessary for optimal health and structure.
Our office has a monthly E-Zine that gives helpful tips like these. Sign up here:
Subscribe to Our E-Zine
The post Can Cinnamon have Health Benefits? appeared first on Foundation Chiropractic.
Can Cinnamon have Health Benefits? syndicated from http://seattlechiropracticcenter.com/
Can Cinnamon have Health Benefits? published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 7 years
Can Cinnamon have Health Benefits?
The Amazing Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a powerful spice that has been used medicinally around the world for thousands of years.
  Cinnamon’s potent health benefits are derived from the Cinnamomum tree. The bark, specifically, contains several compounds responsible for its health-promoting properties including cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid, and cinnamate. Together, these compounds make cinnamon one of the most beneficial spices, rich with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-microbial, immunity-boosting, cancer and heart disease-protecting abilities.
The best part? Even a little goes a long way. Just ½-teaspoon of cinnamon daily can have positive effects on blood sugar levels, digestion, and immunity, among other benefits. Stronger doses can improve heart disease while curbing users’ risk for diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Some simple ways to get a little — or a lot — of cinnamon in your day?
Sprinkle cinnamon on top of oatmeal, cereal, or toast in the morning
Incorporate cinnamon into dishes such as classic chili or spaghetti sauce
Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your protein shake or morning smoothie
Stir a teaspoon of cinnamon into a glass of herbal tea or coffee, or stir your coffee/tea with a cinnamon stick
Combine three cups of milk with one tsp of vanilla extract and one tsp of cinnamon
Blend and serve chilled — this “cinnamon vanilla milk” is perfect for kids and adults
  Alternatively, cinnamon is available in supplement form and can be picked up at any pharmacy or drugstore. It’s commonly packaged as a solo supplement or as a component in blood sugar support supplements.
    Healthy Body Tip: Here’s the Rub!
Improve your circulation and help your lymph glands to drain and function better by the way you towel off. When drying off your limbs and torso, brush towards the groin on your legs and towards the armpits on your upper body.
Healthy Eating Tip: Dip Your Carrots!
Snacking carrot sticks? Make sure you eat them with some fat — a dab of guacamole, let’s say, or a cube of cheese. Without any fat, you absorb very little of carrot’s cancer-fighting carotenoids.
As a Seattle Chiropractor focusing on Structural Correction, Foundation Chiropractic believes that many factors are necessary for optimal health and structure.
Our office has a monthly E-Zine that gives helpful tips like these. Sign up here:
Subscribe to Our E-Zine
The post Can Cinnamon have Health Benefits? appeared first on Foundation Chiropractic.
Can Cinnamon have Health Benefits? published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
Have you been told you have a short leg?
Have you been told you have a short leg?
Recent research has been shown to support what chiropractors have been saying for over a hundred years now-that a short leg can cause your back pain.
I can tell you that I see it on a regular basis in the office and it is usually pretty easily fixed with a series of pelvis and low back adjustments. I hope you enjoy this article on short leg causes and treatment.
Have you ever been told or noticed that one of your legs is a bit longer than the other? Do you have incidences of lower back pain? These two things could be related. Most individuals have a small difference in their leg lengths. For some, the discrepancy is small and negligible and will not be a contributor to lower back pain. This is usually the case for people if their leg length is less than 5 millimeters. However, a difference of leg lengths greater than 5 millimeters (1/4 inch) can contribute to lower back pain. If you have a leg length difference of greater than 9 mm, then you have a 6X greater likelihood of having an episode of lower back pain.
Leg length discrepancies can be caused by poor alignment of the pelvis or simply because one leg is structurally longer than the other. Regardless of the reason, your body wants to be symmetrical and will do its best to compensate for the length difference. The greater the leg length difference, the earlier the symptoms will present themselves to the patient. Specific diagnoses that coincide with leg length discrepancy include: scoliosis, lumbar herniated discs, sacroiliitis, pelvic obiliquity, greater trochanteric bursitis, hip arthritis, piriformis syndrome, patellofemoral syndrome and foot pronation. Other potential causes could be due to an injury (such as a fracture), bone disease, bone tumors, congenital problems (present at birth) or from a neuromuscular problem.
But, these instances are so rare, I have only seen them a few times in 10 years of practice.
• An obvious observance of one leg being longer than the other • Affected posture • Problems with gait (manner of walking) • Pain in the lower back, hip, ankle or knee
Leg length discrepancies can be classified as a structural leg length discrepancy or a functional leg length discrepancy. A structural leg length discrepancy is a hereditary circumstance that one leg is simply longer than the other leg. This is determined if the patient’s pelvis and sacroiliac joints are symmetrical and the leg length is simply due to one leg truly being longer than the other. The best way to determine if a structural leg length discrepancy is present is with an anterior-posterior x-ray of the pelvis or a supine CT scan of the lower extremity. A clinical alternative is using a tape measure to measure the length of the leg from the hip to the ankle. Functional leg length discrepancy is diagnosed when there is a torsion or pelvic rotation/obliquity, commonly a sacroiliac joint dysfunction, which causes one leg to function as though it is longer or shorter than the other. In order to determine if a true structural discrepancy exists, the chiropractor must treat the pelvis and return it to a neutral position before measuring for the leg length discrepancy. Once the pelvis is symmetrical it is determined if the leg length discrepancy remains or if it goes away, if it goes away it is classified as functional. If it remains and has a measurable difference, it is a structural leg length discrepancy.
Structural leg length discrepancy can be treated with a heel lift in the shorter leg’s shoe, if the leg length is greater than 5 mm. The use and size of the heel lift is determined by a physical therapist based on how much lift is needed to restore proper lumbopelvic biomechanics. In certain cases, surgical intervention may be needed to either shorten or lengthen the limb. An important component to any surgical procedure to correct leg length discrepancies is chiropractic and physical therapy. Chiropractic and physical therapy helps to stretch muscles and maintain joint flexibility, which is essential in the healing process. For a functional leg length discrepancy no heel lift is required, but proper manual therapy techniques and specific therapeutic exercise is needed to treat and normalize pelvic and lower extremity compensations. The number of treatments needed to hold the pelvis in a symmetrical position is different for each patient based on their presentation and biomechanical dysfunctions in their lower back, pelvis, hip, knee, and foot/ankle.
If you have pain in your lower back or lower extremity and possibly a length discrepancy; the two symptoms could be related. A good place to start would be a chiropractic evaluation to determine whether you have a leg length discrepancy and if it could be contributing to your lower back pain, hip pain, knee pain, or leg pain.
This article was originally posted here.
Seattle Chiropractic Center  2326 Rainier Ave S  Seattle, WA 98144 206-201-0145
The post Have you been told you have a short leg? appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
Have you been told you have a short leg? published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
Have you been told you have a short leg?
Have you been told you have a short leg?
Recent research has been shown to support what chiropractors have been saying for over a hundred years now-that a short leg can cause your back pain.
I can tell you that I see it on a regular basis in the office and it is usually pretty easily fixed with a series of pelvis and low back adjustments. I hope you enjoy this article on short leg causes and treatment.
Have you ever been told or noticed that one of your legs is a bit longer than the other? Do you have incidences of lower back pain? These two things could be related. Most individuals have a small difference in their leg lengths. For some, the discrepancy is small and negligible and will not be a contributor to lower back pain. This is usually the case for people if their leg length is less than 5 millimeters. However, a difference of leg lengths greater than 5 millimeters (1/4 inch) can contribute to lower back pain. If you have a leg length difference of greater than 9 mm, then you have a 6X greater likelihood of having an episode of lower back pain.
Leg length discrepancies can be caused by poor alignment of the pelvis or simply because one leg is structurally longer than the other. Regardless of the reason, your body wants to be symmetrical and will do its best to compensate for the length difference. The greater the leg length difference, the earlier the symptoms will present themselves to the patient. Specific diagnoses that coincide with leg length discrepancy include: scoliosis, lumbar herniated discs, sacroiliitis, pelvic obiliquity, greater trochanteric bursitis, hip arthritis, piriformis syndrome, patellofemoral syndrome and foot pronation. Other potential causes could be due to an injury (such as a fracture), bone disease, bone tumors, congenital problems (present at birth) or from a neuromuscular problem.
But, these instances are so rare, I have only seen them a few times in 10 years of practice.
• An obvious observance of one leg being longer than the other • Affected posture • Problems with gait (manner of walking) • Pain in the lower back, hip, ankle or knee
Leg length discrepancies can be classified as a structural leg length discrepancy or a functional leg length discrepancy. A structural leg length discrepancy is a hereditary circumstance that one leg is simply longer than the other leg. This is determined if the patient’s pelvis and sacroiliac joints are symmetrical and the leg length is simply due to one leg truly being longer than the other. The best way to determine if a structural leg length discrepancy is present is with an anterior-posterior x-ray of the pelvis or a supine CT scan of the lower extremity. A clinical alternative is using a tape measure to measure the length of the leg from the hip to the ankle. Functional leg length discrepancy is diagnosed when there is a torsion or pelvic rotation/obliquity, commonly a sacroiliac joint dysfunction, which causes one leg to function as though it is longer or shorter than the other. In order to determine if a true structural discrepancy exists, the chiropractor must treat the pelvis and return it to a neutral position before measuring for the leg length discrepancy. Once the pelvis is symmetrical it is determined if the leg length discrepancy remains or if it goes away, if it goes away it is classified as functional. If it remains and has a measurable difference, it is a structural leg length discrepancy.
Structural leg length discrepancy can be treated with a heel lift in the shorter leg’s shoe, if the leg length is greater than 5 mm. The use and size of the heel lift is determined by a physical therapist based on how much lift is needed to restore proper lumbopelvic biomechanics. In certain cases, surgical intervention may be needed to either shorten or lengthen the limb. An important component to any surgical procedure to correct leg length discrepancies is chiropractic and physical therapy. Chiropractic and physical therapy helps to stretch muscles and maintain joint flexibility, which is essential in the healing process. For a functional leg length discrepancy no heel lift is required, but proper manual therapy techniques and specific therapeutic exercise is needed to treat and normalize pelvic and lower extremity compensations. The number of treatments needed to hold the pelvis in a symmetrical position is different for each patient based on their presentation and biomechanical dysfunctions in their lower back, pelvis, hip, knee, and foot/ankle.
If you have pain in your lower back or lower extremity and possibly a length discrepancy; the two symptoms could be related. A good place to start would be a chiropractic evaluation to determine whether you have a leg length discrepancy and if it could be contributing to your lower back pain, hip pain, knee pain, or leg pain.
This article was originally posted here.
Seattle Chiropractic Center  2326 Rainier Ave S  Seattle, WA 98144 206-201-0145
The post Have you been told you have a short leg? appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
Have you been told you have a short leg? syndicated from http://seattlechiropracticcenter.com/
Have you been told you have a short leg? published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
Chiropractic and Stroke? Myth and Reality.
Is Chiropractic care safe?
Below is a rebuttal to a marketing media blitz that occurred pertaining to the death of a model following a Chiropractic adjustment. Dr. Dan Murphy is a chiropractor in California who is well recognized in the area of chiropractic research. Here is his response to a local radio show on the topic of the safety of chiropractic care. 
Hi Jack and Joe:
I moved to Auburn 23 years ago and I have been a fan of your show since the beginning. I have turned on most of my family and many friends to your show. We all appreciate your combination of insight, logic and humor.
I am also a chiropractor.
Earlier this year the British Medical Journal published a study noting that medical error in hospitals kills 251,000 Americans yearly (the upper range was 440,000). Assuming that medical error deaths outside of the hospital (extended care facilities, nursing homes, at home, etc.) results in an equal number of deaths, an estimated total number of yearly medical error deaths would be about 502,000.
Some years back, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a study indicating that in the hospital, taking the correct drug for the correct diagnosis in the correct dosage resulted in the death of 106,000 Americans per year (the upper range was 137,000). These are considered non-error deaths as the drug, diagnosis, and dosage were all correct. The article notes that this number constitutes the 4th to 6th leading cause of yearly death in the US. Again, assuming that a similar number of deaths occur from taking the correct drug in the correct dose for the correct problem outside of the hospital setting (extended care facilities, nursing homes, at home, etc.), the number of yearly non-error deaths from medical care would be approximately 212,000.
Adding the error deaths and the non-error deaths from medical care would total approximately 714,000 yearly.
 Interestingly, from the Journal of the American Medical Association article, 2,216,000 Americans suffer serious adverse reactions from correctly taken drugs in the hospital yearly, but don’t die. The authors defined a serious adverse reaction as one that requires a hospital stay to recover and/or an event that resulted in a lifelong disability.
In comparison, chiropractic is exceedingly safe. There are about 70,000 practicing chiropractors in the United States, and over 10,000 in California (many of whom listen to your show). In a typical year, chiropractic healthcare results in no deaths, and when one is alleged, it tends to make headline news. There are studies comparing chiropractic to the best pain drugs for chronic neck and/or back pain, published in the best journals, concluding that chiropractic is better than 5 times more effective than drugs; the chiropractic care had zero adverse events, while those taking the drugs had more adverse events that were benefited. One of the drugs in that study was Vioxx. Vioxx was only on the market for 5 years, from 1999 to 2004. It was pulled off the market after is was realized that it was responsible for
2000 more American deaths in those 5 years (about 60,000) than the Vietnam war killed in 10 years (about 58,000).
Another example is the regular consumption of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain relief. Researchers from Stanford’s Medical School published an article in the world’s most prestigious medical journal, the New England Journal of Medicine, indicating that the taking of prescription NSAIDs resulted in fatal gastrointestinal bleeding 16,500 times (people) yearly, making that the 15th leading cause of yearly death in the US. These same drugs are linked to increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, deep vein thrombosis, end stage renal disease, liver damage, hearing loss, atrial fibrillation, erectile dysfunction, and more.
 The young lady who is alleged to have died following a chiropractic adjustment (as Jack mentioned on your show yesterday) is problematic on multiple fronts. The press release on her death mentions 2 different arteries, the carotid and the vertebral artery. Chiropractic spinal adjusting has never been linked to injury to the carotid artery. Which artery was it?
It is documented that when both the professional and lay press ascribe a manipulative injury to the vertebral artery that they apply the words “chiropractic” and “manipulation” as being synonymous; they are not. Many people “manipulate” and yet they are not chiropractors. Published studies have documented neck manipulations by lay people (barber, masseuse, hair dresser, kung fu instructor, untrained family member, etc.), resulting in vertebral artery injury, and attributing the injury to “chiropractic manipulation” when in fact it was not. Only one type of adjustment has the potential to injure the vertebral artery, and trained-licensed chiropractors are taught not to perform that maneuver; a lay manipulator is not trained and hence would be associated with an increased risk of injury. Who did the manipulation in the case? Was it a chiropractor or a lay untrained manipulator being called a chiropractor by the press?
Recent studies, published in the best journals, have attempted to quantify the risk of a vertebral artery injury as a consequence of a chiropractic neck adjustment. One such study was published this year from researchers at John Hopkins’s Medical School. These studies are suggesting that there is no risk. In contrast, they are suggesting that it appears that the patient is having a post-injury or spontaneous vertebral artery dissection, causing symptoms that bring them to a chiropractic office, and that the chiropractic adjustment has nothing to do with it. Ironically, one study, in the best medical journal, suggested that being adjusted by a chiropractor actually reduced the chances of the dissection progressing to a stroke as compared to those that had similar pathophysiology and symptoms and went to a medical doctor; importantly, that study included 109 million person years of follow-up to make their conclusions. Another study from last year with a similar conclusion evaluated about 39 million people; the point is that these are the best and biggest studies on the topic, and they are concluding that there is no stroke risk from a properly delivered chiropractic adjustment. It is more probable that the injury that brought the young lady to the chiropractor’s office was responsible for her artery injury than anything the chiropractor did to try and help her (if in fact it was a chiropractor).
Even if these studies are incorrect and there is a stroke risk from a chiropractic adjustment, it is so rare that the incidence cannot be quantified. Good studies have suggested that risk might be 1 in every 3 million adjustments, which would mean that a typical chiropractor would have to be in clinical practice for literally hundreds of years to statistically be associated with a single such event, and the majority of chiropractors will never see such an event. Even so, modern chiropractors are trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of a spontaneous or traumatic vertebral artery dissection walking into their office and are educated that such a presentation is an emergency and the patient should be referred to the hospital emergency room. My partner has made 2 such referrals in the past 13 years, to the amazement of the hospital personnel and a credit to her education and experience.
Every incidence of driving one’s car is more dangerous than seeing a chiropractor.
In writing this, I feel like I took a page from the Hillary playbook: a good defense is a better offense. Chiropractic is safe. Perhaps you might share some of this perspective with your radio audience.
  Dan Murphy, DC Auburn, CA
We hope you enjoyed this commentary. If you would like to get a complimentary injury assessment by our Seattle Chiropractor, Dr. Joshua Bailey, give us a call at the office or just stop by!
Seattle Chiropractic Center
2326 Rainier Ave S
Seattle, WA 98144
The post Chiropractic and Stroke? Myth and Reality. appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
Chiropractic and Stroke? Myth and Reality. published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
Chiropractic and Stroke? Myth and Reality.
Is Chiropractic care safe?
Below is a rebuttal to a marketing media blitz that occurred pertaining to the death of a model following a Chiropractic adjustment. Dr. Dan Murphy is a chiropractor in California who is well recognized in the area of chiropractic research. Here is his response to a local radio show on the topic of the safety of chiropractic care. 
Hi Jack and Joe:
I moved to Auburn 23 years ago and I have been a fan of your show since the beginning. I have turned on most of my family and many friends to your show. We all appreciate your combination of insight, logic and humor.
I am also a chiropractor.
Earlier this year the British Medical Journal published a study noting that medical error in hospitals kills 251,000 Americans yearly (the upper range was 440,000). Assuming that medical error deaths outside of the hospital (extended care facilities, nursing homes, at home, etc.) results in an equal number of deaths, an estimated total number of yearly medical error deaths would be about 502,000.
Some years back, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a study indicating that in the hospital, taking the correct drug for the correct diagnosis in the correct dosage resulted in the death of 106,000 Americans per year (the upper range was 137,000). These are considered non-error deaths as the drug, diagnosis, and dosage were all correct. The article notes that this number constitutes the 4th to 6th leading cause of yearly death in the US. Again, assuming that a similar number of deaths occur from taking the correct drug in the correct dose for the correct problem outside of the hospital setting (extended care facilities, nursing homes, at home, etc.), the number of yearly non-error deaths from medical care would be approximately 212,000.
Adding the error deaths and the non-error deaths from medical care would total approximately 714,000 yearly.
 Interestingly, from the Journal of the American Medical Association article, 2,216,000 Americans suffer serious adverse reactions from correctly taken drugs in the hospital yearly, but don’t die. The authors defined a serious adverse reaction as one that requires a hospital stay to recover and/or an event that resulted in a lifelong disability.
In comparison, chiropractic is exceedingly safe. There are about 70,000 practicing chiropractors in the United States, and over 10,000 in California (many of whom listen to your show). In a typical year, chiropractic healthcare results in no deaths, and when one is alleged, it tends to make headline news. There are studies comparing chiropractic to the best pain drugs for chronic neck and/or back pain, published in the best journals, concluding that chiropractic is better than 5 times more effective than drugs; the chiropractic care had zero adverse events, while those taking the drugs had more adverse events that were benefited. One of the drugs in that study was Vioxx. Vioxx was only on the market for 5 years, from 1999 to 2004. It was pulled off the market after is was realized that it was responsible for
2000 more American deaths in those 5 years (about 60,000) than the Vietnam war killed in 10 years (about 58,000).
Another example is the regular consumption of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain relief. Researchers from Stanford’s Medical School published an article in the world’s most prestigious medical journal, the New England Journal of Medicine, indicating that the taking of prescription NSAIDs resulted in fatal gastrointestinal bleeding 16,500 times (people) yearly, making that the 15th leading cause of yearly death in the US. These same drugs are linked to increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, deep vein thrombosis, end stage renal disease, liver damage, hearing loss, atrial fibrillation, erectile dysfunction, and more.
 The young lady who is alleged to have died following a chiropractic adjustment (as Jack mentioned on your show yesterday) is problematic on multiple fronts. The press release on her death mentions 2 different arteries, the carotid and the vertebral artery. Chiropractic spinal adjusting has never been linked to injury to the carotid artery. Which artery was it?
It is documented that when both the professional and lay press ascribe a manipulative injury to the vertebral artery that they apply the words “chiropractic” and “manipulation” as being synonymous; they are not. Many people “manipulate” and yet they are not chiropractors. Published studies have documented neck manipulations by lay people (barber, masseuse, hair dresser, kung fu instructor, untrained family member, etc.), resulting in vertebral artery injury, and attributing the injury to “chiropractic manipulation” when in fact it was not. Only one type of adjustment has the potential to injure the vertebral artery, and trained-licensed chiropractors are taught not to perform that maneuver; a lay manipulator is not trained and hence would be associated with an increased risk of injury. Who did the manipulation in the case? Was it a chiropractor or a lay untrained manipulator being called a chiropractor by the press?
Recent studies, published in the best journals, have attempted to quantify the risk of a vertebral artery injury as a consequence of a chiropractic neck adjustment. One such study was published this year from researchers at John Hopkins’s Medical School. These studies are suggesting that there is no risk. In contrast, they are suggesting that it appears that the patient is having a post-injury or spontaneous vertebral artery dissection, causing symptoms that bring them to a chiropractic office, and that the chiropractic adjustment has nothing to do with it. Ironically, one study, in the best medical journal, suggested that being adjusted by a chiropractor actually reduced the chances of the dissection progressing to a stroke as compared to those that had similar pathophysiology and symptoms and went to a medical doctor; importantly, that study included 109 million person years of follow-up to make their conclusions. Another study from last year with a similar conclusion evaluated about 39 million people; the point is that these are the best and biggest studies on the topic, and they are concluding that there is no stroke risk from a properly delivered chiropractic adjustment. It is more probable that the injury that brought the young lady to the chiropractor’s office was responsible for her artery injury than anything the chiropractor did to try and help her (if in fact it was a chiropractor).
Even if these studies are incorrect and there is a stroke risk from a chiropractic adjustment, it is so rare that the incidence cannot be quantified. Good studies have suggested that risk might be 1 in every 3 million adjustments, which would mean that a typical chiropractor would have to be in clinical practice for literally hundreds of years to statistically be associated with a single such event, and the majority of chiropractors will never see such an event. Even so, modern chiropractors are trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of a spontaneous or traumatic vertebral artery dissection walking into their office and are educated that such a presentation is an emergency and the patient should be referred to the hospital emergency room. My partner has made 2 such referrals in the past 13 years, to the amazement of the hospital personnel and a credit to her education and experience.
Every incidence of driving one’s car is more dangerous than seeing a chiropractor.
In writing this, I feel like I took a page from the Hillary playbook: a good defense is a better offense. Chiropractic is safe. Perhaps you might share some of this perspective with your radio audience.
  Dan Murphy, DC Auburn, CA
We hope you enjoyed this commentary. If you would like to get a complimentary injury assessment by our Seattle Chiropractor, Dr. Joshua Bailey, give us a call at the office or just stop by!
Seattle Chiropractic Center
2326 Rainier Ave S
Seattle, WA 98144
The post Chiropractic and Stroke? Myth and Reality. appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
Chiropractic and Stroke? Myth and Reality. syndicated from http://seattlechiropracticcenter.com/
Chiropractic and Stroke? Myth and Reality. published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
0 notes
elizabethvmason · 8 years
What About Taking Opioids to Manage Pain?
What About Taking Opioids to Manage Chronic Pain?
In the United States: 1) seniors represent over 13% of the population but consume 40% of prescription drugs and 35% of over-the-counter drugs; 2) on average, people 65-69 years old take nearly 14 prescription drugs per year, and those 80-84 take an average of 18; 3) 15-25% of drug use in seniors is considered unnecessary or inappropriate; 4) adverse drug reactions & non-compliance are responsible for 28% of hospitalizations of the elderly; 5) 36% of all reported adverse drug reactions involve an elderly person; 6) annually, 32,000 seniors have hip fractures related to medication-related problems.
Regarding pain control, let’s look at opioid use and the impact it has on our overall health. One recent study investigated problems associated with chronic low back pain (cLBP) and its effect on daily function. The authors specifically focused on the sleep patterns in patients with cLBP and then looked to see if there were differences between those taking opioid vs. non-opioid medication.
The study compared ten healthy “controls” and 21 chronic low back pain patients where six were taking non-opioid meds and fifteen were taking an opioid medication. Using questionnaires and sophisticated sleep study equipment, the researchers found that patients in both cLBP groups—regardless of medication type—had significant sleep and wake disturbances, decreased sleep quality, increased symptoms of insomnia, increased fatigue, spent more time in bed, took longer to fall asleep, and had higher variability in other measurements compared to the control group.
However, those taking opioids (>100 mg morphine-equivalent/day) had distinct abnormal brain activity during sleep unlike the others. It’s well known that sleep disturbance can gravely affect our overall health and longevity, and the use of opioids only makes sleep problems worse!
When compared with a placebo, opioid side effects include: constipation, nausea, somnolence, dizziness, itching, and vomiting. Medications to treat the primary opioid side effect of constipation (such as Movantik) have their own side-effects when compared to a placebo including abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, vomiting, headache, and sweating. These side-effects may prompt yet another medication to try to counteract the above, thus creating a dangerous vicious cycle!
As a disclaimer, we realize that many people HAVE TO take certain meds to stay alive or to achieve an acceptable quality of life.
The “take-home” message here is to minimize the amount of medication taken as much as possible making sure the benefits truly outweigh the risks! For conditions like musculoskeletal pain, consider non-drug, non-surgical options like chiropractic care. Many studies show chiropractic care is not only highly safe but it can get patients out of pain fairly quickly. Additionally, the benefits may persist long after treatment ends, something that doesn’t typically happen if you cease taking a medication for such conditions.
 Content Courtesy of Chiro-Trust.org. All Rights Reserved.
Seattle Chiropractic Center 2326 Rainier Ave S Seattle, WA 98144 206-201-0145 http://goo.gl/fFPntF
  The post What About Taking Opioids to Manage Pain? appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
What About Taking Opioids to Manage Pain? published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
What About Taking Opioids to Manage Pain?
What About Taking Opioids to Manage Chronic Pain?
In the United States: 1) seniors represent over 13% of the population but consume 40% of prescription drugs and 35% of over-the-counter drugs; 2) on average, people 65-69 years old take nearly 14 prescription drugs per year, and those 80-84 take an average of 18; 3) 15-25% of drug use in seniors is considered unnecessary or inappropriate; 4) adverse drug reactions & non-compliance are responsible for 28% of hospitalizations of the elderly; 5) 36% of all reported adverse drug reactions involve an elderly person; 6) annually, 32,000 seniors have hip fractures related to medication-related problems.
Regarding pain control, let’s look at opioid use and the impact it has on our overall health. One recent study investigated problems associated with chronic low back pain (cLBP) and its effect on daily function. The authors specifically focused on the sleep patterns in patients with cLBP and then looked to see if there were differences between those taking opioid vs. non-opioid medication.
The study compared ten healthy “controls” and 21 chronic low back pain patients where six were taking non-opioid meds and fifteen were taking an opioid medication. Using questionnaires and sophisticated sleep study equipment, the researchers found that patients in both cLBP groups—regardless of medication type—had significant sleep and wake disturbances, decreased sleep quality, increased symptoms of insomnia, increased fatigue, spent more time in bed, took longer to fall asleep, and had higher variability in other measurements compared to the control group.
However, those taking opioids (>100 mg morphine-equivalent/day) had distinct abnormal brain activity during sleep unlike the others. It’s well known that sleep disturbance can gravely affect our overall health and longevity, and the use of opioids only makes sleep problems worse!
When compared with a placebo, opioid side effects include: constipation, nausea, somnolence, dizziness, itching, and vomiting. Medications to treat the primary opioid side effect of constipation (such as Movantik) have their own side-effects when compared to a placebo including abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, vomiting, headache, and sweating. These side-effects may prompt yet another medication to try to counteract the above, thus creating a dangerous vicious cycle!
As a disclaimer, we realize that many people HAVE TO take certain meds to stay alive or to achieve an acceptable quality of life.
The “take-home” message here is to minimize the amount of medication taken as much as possible making sure the benefits truly outweigh the risks! For conditions like musculoskeletal pain, consider non-drug, non-surgical options like chiropractic care. Many studies show chiropractic care is not only highly safe but it can get patients out of pain fairly quickly. Additionally, the benefits may persist long after treatment ends, something that doesn’t typically happen if you cease taking a medication for such conditions.
 Content Courtesy of Chiro-Trust.org. All Rights Reserved.
Seattle Chiropractic Center 2326 Rainier Ave S Seattle, WA 98144 206-201-0145 http://goo.gl/fFPntF
  The post What About Taking Opioids to Manage Pain? appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
What About Taking Opioids to Manage Pain? syndicated from http://seattlechiropracticcenter.com/
What About Taking Opioids to Manage Pain? published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective?
Chronic Low Back Pain
For patients with chronic low back pain (cLBP), treatment guidelines recommend a non-surgical approach as the FIRST-LINE treatment. Ideally, the goal would be to avoid an initial surgery unless it’s absolutely indicated. That means, unless there is loss of bowel or bladder control or retention (which represents a medical emergency) or if there is progressive neurological motor and sensory loss, one can safely avoid surgery and conservatively manage the condition.
Interestingly enough, a systematic review of the results from three randomized controlled studies carried out in Norway and the United Kingdom found the outcomes or results between the surgical fusion vs. non-surgical treatment of patients with cLBP showed NO DIFFERENCE at an 11-year follow-up!
Studies have shown chiropractic to be highly beneficial for acute and chronic low back pain cases. In one study, researchers reviewed data on 72,326 cLBP patients in the Medicare system who received one of four possible treatment combinations between 2006 and 2012: 1) chiropractic only; 2) chiropractic followed by conventional medical care (CMC); 3) CMC followed by chiropractic; 4) CMC alone.
The research team found that chiropractic care alone (group 1) resulted in the lowest costs, and these patients had lower rates of back surgery and shorter episodes of care.
The group receiving CMC alone (group 4) had the highest costs, with the second and third groups being similar—both costing less and being more effective than CMC alone.
The conclusion of the study reads, “These findings support initial CMT [chiropractic manipulative therapy] use in the treatment of, and possibly broader chiropractic management of, older multiply-comorbid cLBP patients.”
This article was originally posted here.
If you are experiencing chronic low back pain, please call our office for a complimentary consultation to see how chiropractic care may help you. Our thoughts on this article would be that we see people every day who get pain relief from chiropractic care.
Seattle Chiropractic Center
2326 Rainier Ave S
Seattle, WA 98144
The post Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective? appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective? published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective?
Chronic Low Back Pain
For patients with chronic low back pain (cLBP), treatment guidelines recommend a non-surgical approach as the FIRST-LINE treatment. Ideally, the goal would be to avoid an initial surgery unless it’s absolutely indicated. That means, unless there is loss of bowel or bladder control or retention (which represents a medical emergency) or if there is progressive neurological motor and sensory loss, one can safely avoid surgery and conservatively manage the condition.
Interestingly enough, a systematic review of the results from three randomized controlled studies carried out in Norway and the United Kingdom found the outcomes or results between the surgical fusion vs. non-surgical treatment of patients with cLBP showed NO DIFFERENCE at an 11-year follow-up!
Studies have shown chiropractic to be highly beneficial for acute and chronic low back pain cases. In one study, researchers reviewed data on 72,326 cLBP patients in the Medicare system who received one of four possible treatment combinations between 2006 and 2012: 1) chiropractic only; 2) chiropractic followed by conventional medical care (CMC); 3) CMC followed by chiropractic; 4) CMC alone.
The research team found that chiropractic care alone (group 1) resulted in the lowest costs, and these patients had lower rates of back surgery and shorter episodes of care.
The group receiving CMC alone (group 4) had the highest costs, with the second and third groups being similar—both costing less and being more effective than CMC alone.
The conclusion of the study reads, “These findings support initial CMT [chiropractic manipulative therapy] use in the treatment of, and possibly broader chiropractic management of, older multiply-comorbid cLBP patients.”
This article was originally posted here.
If you are experiencing chronic low back pain, please call our office for a complimentary consultation to see how chiropractic care may help you. Our thoughts on this article would be that we see people every day who get pain relief from chiropractic care.
Seattle Chiropractic Center
2326 Rainier Ave S
Seattle, WA 98144
The post Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective? appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective? syndicated from http://seattlechiropracticcenter.com/
Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective? published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
10 Stretches In 10 Minutes For Complete Back Pain Relief And Improved Mobility
Lower Back Pain Relief Stretches
Lower back pain, and pain in hamstrings and legs is a common complaint among Americans across the country. Stress on your muscles can be caused by many different factors, but the most common reason is lifestyle stresses. Your body carries the stress just as much as your mind, and without the proper release, it could actually cause you physical pain.
But what most people don’t realize is that you can strengthen your body to relieve and prevent any future injuries. And the best part? All you need is a towel. That’s it. This routine can be performed at any time of the day, but for the best results we recommend trying it first thing in the morning to loosen up your body and get it ready for the day.
The Routine
What you’ll need is a normal sized towel, one that is long enough for you to lay down on. For some movements, some people might prefer the use of a pillow. But that’s it! Let’s get started.
This movement is great for relieving tension in your lower back and strengthening your support muscles (legs, glutes, and back).
Lie on your back on your towel with your arms at your sides with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Lift your hips toward the ceiling. Hold for 1 count, and then lower back down.Repeat the lifts for 1 minute, squeezing your glutes and hamstrings at the top of the movement. Be careful not to overarch your spine, as you could pull muscles in your back.
Toe Taps
Still lying on your towel with your arms on your sides, lift your feet, bending both knees to 90 degrees so your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Now slowly and quietly tap your left toes to the floor, then your right. Alternate tapping your feet for 1 minute, but if you feel any lower back discomfort don’t touch your feet to the floor.
Single Front Leg Raises
This movement will help improve your balance while strengthening your thighs and glutes!Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding an end of the towel in each hand. Bend your right leg and raise it about 3 inches off the floor. Extend both arms in front of you at chest height keep your palms facing down, and keep the towel pulled taught. Keeping your arms straight, raise them above your head and hold for 3 counts, then return to chest height. Repeat this movement on each leg for 1 minute.
Squat With Kick-Back
Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Sit back to a squat, bringing your fists close to your chin, then bring your left leg straight behind you while extending your arms forward. Return to the squat position, then repeat on the other side. Continue alternating sides for 1 minute. If you feel a strain on your lower back, bend less at the hips when extending your arms and leg.
Single Leg Squat With Towel
Stand with your feet together and place your right foot on top of your folded towel. Shifting your weight to your left leg, slide the towel out slowly to your right, then slowly return to the start position. Work this side for 45 seconds, keeping your elbows bent and your fists together near your chin. When you squat, your left knee should bend between 45 and 90 degrees. After 30 seconds, switch legs and do the squats and slides for another 30 seconds.
Towel Squats
This movement really works on your whole lower half, strengthening it and making it less susceptible to injury.
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and your towel pulled tight in your hands in front of your chest. Squat down as if you were going to sit in a chair, keeping your weight over your heels. Squeeze your glutes as you return to the start position. Repeat this movement for 1 minute. As you continue, keep the weight in your heels, making sure your knees do not pass forward of your toes.
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing out. Bring your arms out straight in front of you and lower into a squat. Come back up and repeat. Go as low into the squat as you can without letting your knees move past your toes or pulling your hamstring. Be sure to tuck your tailbone under and contract your glutes. Keep your torso tall, and don’t let your knees creep past your toes. Repeat this movement for 1 minute.
Stand with your feet together with your hands on your hips. Step forward with your right leg, dropping your left knee to the floor as far as you can without letting your right knee pass your toe. Hold for 3 seconds and push through your right heel to return to the start position. Alternate legs and repeat for 1 minute.
Clam Dig With Rotation
This movement will improve the mobility and strength of your hips. Lie on your towel on your right side with your head cradled in your right palm. Bend your knees in front of you 45 degrees. Keep your left elbow pressed into your side and your left hand on your right thigh. Lift your left leg up to the ceiling at about 90 degrees, keeping your hips stacked without rocking backwards and with your elbow pressed into your side.Hold at the top for 2 seconds before returning to start. Repeat for 30 seconds then switch sides.
Cool Down Stretch
After this routine, it’s important to stretch your muscles to ensure that they can repair themselves properly and grow stronger.
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hold your towel tight in front of your chest. Bending at your hips, slowly reach through your hands and spine to the floor. Only bend as far as you can before feeling discomfort, but make sure to try and reach forward with your hands. Hold for 3 seconds, return to the start and slowly rotate from your hips to the left and right. Repeat this movement for 1 minute and you’re done!
This routine only takes 10 minutes of your morning for a life free from back, leg, and glute strain and pain!
If you are having low back pain, we can help! Give us a call at our Seattle Chiropractor office today for a complimentary consultation!
Seattle Chiropractic Center 2326 Rainier Ave S Seattle, WA 98144 206-201-0145 http://goo.gl/fFPntF
This article was originally posted here.
  The post 10 Stretches In 10 Minutes For Complete Back Pain Relief And Improved Mobility appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
10 Stretches In 10 Minutes For Complete Back Pain Relief And Improved Mobility syndicated from http://seattlechiropracticcenter.com/
10 Stretches In 10 Minutes For Complete Back Pain Relief And Improved Mobility published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
10 Stretches In 10 Minutes For Complete Back Pain Relief And Improved Mobility
Lower Back Pain Relief Stretches
Lower back pain, and pain in hamstrings and legs is a common complaint among Americans across the country. Stress on your muscles can be caused by many different factors, but the most common reason is lifestyle stresses. Your body carries the stress just as much as your mind, and without the proper release, it could actually cause you physical pain.
But what most people don’t realize is that you can strengthen your body to relieve and prevent any future injuries. And the best part? All you need is a towel. That’s it. This routine can be performed at any time of the day, but for the best results we recommend trying it first thing in the morning to loosen up your body and get it ready for the day.
The Routine
What you’ll need is a normal sized towel, one that is long enough for you to lay down on. For some movements, some people might prefer the use of a pillow. But that’s it! Let’s get started.
This movement is great for relieving tension in your lower back and strengthening your support muscles (legs, glutes, and back).
Lie on your back on your towel with your arms at your sides with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Lift your hips toward the ceiling. Hold for 1 count, and then lower back down.Repeat the lifts for 1 minute, squeezing your glutes and hamstrings at the top of the movement. Be careful not to overarch your spine, as you could pull muscles in your back.
Toe Taps
Still lying on your towel with your arms on your sides, lift your feet, bending both knees to 90 degrees so your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Now slowly and quietly tap your left toes to the floor, then your right. Alternate tapping your feet for 1 minute, but if you feel any lower back discomfort don’t touch your feet to the floor.
Single Front Leg Raises
This movement will help improve your balance while strengthening your thighs and glutes!Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding an end of the towel in each hand. Bend your right leg and raise it about 3 inches off the floor. Extend both arms in front of you at chest height keep your palms facing down, and keep the towel pulled taught. Keeping your arms straight, raise them above your head and hold for 3 counts, then return to chest height. Repeat this movement on each leg for 1 minute.
Squat With Kick-Back
Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Sit back to a squat, bringing your fists close to your chin, then bring your left leg straight behind you while extending your arms forward. Return to the squat position, then repeat on the other side. Continue alternating sides for 1 minute. If you feel a strain on your lower back, bend less at the hips when extending your arms and leg.
Single Leg Squat With Towel
Stand with your feet together and place your right foot on top of your folded towel. Shifting your weight to your left leg, slide the towel out slowly to your right, then slowly return to the start position. Work this side for 45 seconds, keeping your elbows bent and your fists together near your chin. When you squat, your left knee should bend between 45 and 90 degrees. After 30 seconds, switch legs and do the squats and slides for another 30 seconds.
Towel Squats
This movement really works on your whole lower half, strengthening it and making it less susceptible to injury.
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and your towel pulled tight in your hands in front of your chest. Squat down as if you were going to sit in a chair, keeping your weight over your heels. Squeeze your glutes as you return to the start position. Repeat this movement for 1 minute. As you continue, keep the weight in your heels, making sure your knees do not pass forward of your toes.
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing out. Bring your arms out straight in front of you and lower into a squat. Come back up and repeat. Go as low into the squat as you can without letting your knees move past your toes or pulling your hamstring. Be sure to tuck your tailbone under and contract your glutes. Keep your torso tall, and don’t let your knees creep past your toes. Repeat this movement for 1 minute.
Stand with your feet together with your hands on your hips. Step forward with your right leg, dropping your left knee to the floor as far as you can without letting your right knee pass your toe. Hold for 3 seconds and push through your right heel to return to the start position. Alternate legs and repeat for 1 minute.
Clam Dig With Rotation
This movement will improve the mobility and strength of your hips. Lie on your towel on your right side with your head cradled in your right palm. Bend your knees in front of you 45 degrees. Keep your left elbow pressed into your side and your left hand on your right thigh. Lift your left leg up to the ceiling at about 90 degrees, keeping your hips stacked without rocking backwards and with your elbow pressed into your side.Hold at the top for 2 seconds before returning to start. Repeat for 30 seconds then switch sides.
Cool Down Stretch
After this routine, it’s important to stretch your muscles to ensure that they can repair themselves properly and grow stronger.
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hold your towel tight in front of your chest. Bending at your hips, slowly reach through your hands and spine to the floor. Only bend as far as you can before feeling discomfort, but make sure to try and reach forward with your hands. Hold for 3 seconds, return to the start and slowly rotate from your hips to the left and right. Repeat this movement for 1 minute and you’re done!
This routine only takes 10 minutes of your morning for a life free from back, leg, and glute strain and pain!
If you are having low back pain, we can help! Give us a call at our Seattle Chiropractor office today for a complimentary consultation!
Seattle Chiropractic Center 2326 Rainier Ave S Seattle, WA 98144 206-201-0145 http://goo.gl/fFPntF
This article was originally posted here.
  The post 10 Stretches In 10 Minutes For Complete Back Pain Relief And Improved Mobility appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
10 Stretches In 10 Minutes For Complete Back Pain Relief And Improved Mobility published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
What causes shoulder pain?
What is shoulder pain?
Your neck and shoulders contain muscles, bones, nerves, arteries, and veins, as well as many ligaments and other supporting structures. Many conditions can cause pain in the neck and shoulder area. Some are life-threatening (such as heart attack and major trauma), and others are not so dangerous (such as simple strains or contusions). Since the majority of them are just musculoskeletal, they can usually be helped by your seattle chiropractor.
So, what causes shoulder pain?
The most common cause of shoulder pain and neck pain is injury to the soft tissues, including the muscles, tendons, and ligaments within these structures. This can occur from whiplash or other injury to these areas. Degenerative arthritis of the spine in the neck (cervical spine) can pinch nerves that can cause both neck pain and shoulder pain. Degenerative disc disease in the neck (cervical spondylosis) can cause local neck pain or radiating pain from disc herniation, causing pinching of nerves (cervical radiculopathy). Abnormal conditions involving the spinal cord, heart, lungs, and some abdominal organs also can cause neck and shoulder pain. Here are some examples:
Broken collarbone: Falling on your outstretched arm can cause your collarbone to break. This is particularly common when cyclers fall off of their bicycles.
Bursitis: A bursa is a sac over the joints to provide a cushion to the joints and muscles. These bursae can become swollen, stiff, and painful after injuries.
Heart attacks: Although the problem is the heart, heart attacks can cause shoulder or neck pain, known as “referred” pain.
Broken shoulder blade: An injury to the shoulder blade usually is associated with relatively forceful trauma.
Rotator cuff injuries: The rotator cuff is a group of tendons that support the shoulder. These tendons can be injured during lifting, when playing sports with a lot of throwing, or after repetitive use over a long time. This can lead to pain with motion of the shoulder due to shoulder impingement syndrome and eventually to a chronic loss of range of motion of the shoulder (frozen shoulder).
Shoulder or A-C separation: The collarbone (clavicle) and shoulder blade (scapula) are connected by ligaments. With trauma to the shoulder, these ligaments can be stretched or torn.
Whiplash injury: Injury to the ligamentous and muscular structures of the neck and shoulder can be caused by sudden acceleration or deceleration, as in a car accident. This can also cause muscle spasms in the neck and shoulder areas.
Tendonitis: The tendons connect the muscles to the bones. With strain, the tendons can become swollen and cause pain. This is also referred to as tendinitis.
Gallbladder disease: This can cause a pain referred to the right shoulder.
Any cause of inflammation under the diaphragm can also cause referred pain in the shoulder.
What are the symptoms and signs of shoulder pain?
Pain: All pain seems sharp, but pain can also be described as dull, burning, crampy, shocklike, or stabbing. Pain can lead to a stiff neck or shoulder and loss of range of motion. Headache may result. The character of each symptom is important to your doctor because the particular features can be clues to the cause of your pain. Weakness: Weakness can be due to severe pain from muscle or bone movement. The nerves that supply the muscles, however, also could be injured. It is important to distinguish true weakness (muscle or nerve damage) from inability or reluctance to move because of pain or inflammation. Numbness: If the nerves are pinched, bruised, or cut, you may not be able to feel things normally. This may cause a burning or tingling sensation, a loss of sensation, or an altered sensation similar to having your arm “fall asleep.” Coolness: A cool arm or hand suggests that the arteries, veins, or both have been injured or blocked. This may mean that not enough blood is getting into the arm. Color changes: A blue or white tinge to the skin of your arm or shoulder is another sign that the arteries or veins could have been injured. Redness can indicate infection or inflammation. Rashes may be noted as well. Bruising may be evident. Swelling: This may be generalized to the whole arm or may be localized over the involved structures (a fracture area or an inflamed bursa, for example). Muscle spasms or tightness may simulate actual swelling. Dislocation or deformity may cause a swollen appearance or, paradoxically, a sunken area. Deformity: A deformity may be present if you have a fracture or a dislocation. Certain ligament tears can cause an abnormal positioning of the bony structures.
When should I seek medical care?
Whenever you have a question, basically. However, if weakness becomes progressive or numbness and pain start to worsen, call your doctor or immediately go to a hospital emergency department.
For milder cases, basic home-care measures are adequate until your doctor can see you, like ice or heat In many cases, simple injuries, such as strains and bruises, heal themselves and do not require an office visit. For persisting pain in the shoulder or neck, an evaluation by a health-care professional is appropriate. Again, if you have severe or worsening pain, weakness, numbness, coolness, deformity, or color changes, you should go to a hospital emergency department immediately. If you develop a high fever (temperature < 102.5 F), severe headache, chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, or sweatiness, or if you develop the sudden onset of numbness or weakness, particularly on one side of the body, call 911 for emergency services to go to the nearest emergency department by ambulance.
How is shoulder pain diagnosed?
A thorough history and physical examination are usually adequate to establish the diagnosis for most injuries. However, your doctor may do a series of tests, depending on the cause of your injury, the location of your shoulder pain, response to movement or your other symptoms.
X-rays: These may be done if you have tenderness to touch along the bony areas of your spine or shoulder, a history of significant trauma, deformity of the area, or your doctor suspects a condition related to your heart or lungs. ECG: An electrocardiogram may be ordered if you also have chest pain, shortness of breath, and risk factors for a heart attack (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or tobacco use). Blood tests: These may be performed if you also have chest pain, shortness of breath, and risk factors for a heart attack (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or tobacco use) or if your doctor suspects an underlying illness as the cause of the pain. CT scan: This may be performed when X-rays are difficult to read or suggest a fracture, when more detail is needed, or when other structures are suspected to be the source of the pain (possibly the large artery known as the aorta leading from the heart or the lungs). MRI: An MRI is often not indicated during an initial evaluation but can be helpful in assessing ongoing pain and failure to respond to basic treatment measures.
This article was originally posted here.
If you are experiencing shoulder pain, please call our office. Seattle Chiropractic Center always offers a complimentary consultation to see if we can help. You can find us here:
Seattle Chiropractic Center 2326 Rainier Ave S Seattle, WA 98144 206-201-0145
  The post What causes shoulder pain? appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
What causes shoulder pain? syndicated from http://seattlechiropracticcenter.com/
What causes shoulder pain? published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
What causes shoulder pain?
What is shoulder pain?
Your neck and shoulders contain muscles, bones, nerves, arteries, and veins, as well as many ligaments and other supporting structures. Many conditions can cause pain in the neck and shoulder area. Some are life-threatening (such as heart attack and major trauma), and others are not so dangerous (such as simple strains or contusions). Since the majority of them are just musculoskeletal, they can usually be helped by your seattle chiropractor.
So, what causes shoulder pain?
The most common cause of shoulder pain and neck pain is injury to the soft tissues, including the muscles, tendons, and ligaments within these structures. This can occur from whiplash or other injury to these areas. Degenerative arthritis of the spine in the neck (cervical spine) can pinch nerves that can cause both neck pain and shoulder pain. Degenerative disc disease in the neck (cervical spondylosis) can cause local neck pain or radiating pain from disc herniation, causing pinching of nerves (cervical radiculopathy). Abnormal conditions involving the spinal cord, heart, lungs, and some abdominal organs also can cause neck and shoulder pain. Here are some examples:
Broken collarbone: Falling on your outstretched arm can cause your collarbone to break. This is particularly common when cyclers fall off of their bicycles.
Bursitis: A bursa is a sac over the joints to provide a cushion to the joints and muscles. These bursae can become swollen, stiff, and painful after injuries.
Heart attacks: Although the problem is the heart, heart attacks can cause shoulder or neck pain, known as “referred” pain.
Broken shoulder blade: An injury to the shoulder blade usually is associated with relatively forceful trauma.
Rotator cuff injuries: The rotator cuff is a group of tendons that support the shoulder. These tendons can be injured during lifting, when playing sports with a lot of throwing, or after repetitive use over a long time. This can lead to pain with motion of the shoulder due to shoulder impingement syndrome and eventually to a chronic loss of range of motion of the shoulder (frozen shoulder).
Shoulder or A-C separation: The collarbone (clavicle) and shoulder blade (scapula) are connected by ligaments. With trauma to the shoulder, these ligaments can be stretched or torn.
Whiplash injury: Injury to the ligamentous and muscular structures of the neck and shoulder can be caused by sudden acceleration or deceleration, as in a car accident. This can also cause muscle spasms in the neck and shoulder areas.
Tendonitis: The tendons connect the muscles to the bones. With strain, the tendons can become swollen and cause pain. This is also referred to as tendinitis.
Gallbladder disease: This can cause a pain referred to the right shoulder.
Any cause of inflammation under the diaphragm can also cause referred pain in the shoulder.
What are the symptoms and signs of shoulder pain?
Pain: All pain seems sharp, but pain can also be described as dull, burning, crampy, shocklike, or stabbing. Pain can lead to a stiff neck or shoulder and loss of range of motion. Headache may result. The character of each symptom is important to your doctor because the particular features can be clues to the cause of your pain. Weakness: Weakness can be due to severe pain from muscle or bone movement. The nerves that supply the muscles, however, also could be injured. It is important to distinguish true weakness (muscle or nerve damage) from inability or reluctance to move because of pain or inflammation. Numbness: If the nerves are pinched, bruised, or cut, you may not be able to feel things normally. This may cause a burning or tingling sensation, a loss of sensation, or an altered sensation similar to having your arm “fall asleep.” Coolness: A cool arm or hand suggests that the arteries, veins, or both have been injured or blocked. This may mean that not enough blood is getting into the arm. Color changes: A blue or white tinge to the skin of your arm or shoulder is another sign that the arteries or veins could have been injured. Redness can indicate infection or inflammation. Rashes may be noted as well. Bruising may be evident. Swelling: This may be generalized to the whole arm or may be localized over the involved structures (a fracture area or an inflamed bursa, for example). Muscle spasms or tightness may simulate actual swelling. Dislocation or deformity may cause a swollen appearance or, paradoxically, a sunken area. Deformity: A deformity may be present if you have a fracture or a dislocation. Certain ligament tears can cause an abnormal positioning of the bony structures.
When should I seek medical care?
Whenever you have a question, basically. However, if weakness becomes progressive or numbness and pain start to worsen, call your doctor or immediately go to a hospital emergency department.
For milder cases, basic home-care measures are adequate until your doctor can see you, like ice or heat In many cases, simple injuries, such as strains and bruises, heal themselves and do not require an office visit. For persisting pain in the shoulder or neck, an evaluation by a health-care professional is appropriate. Again, if you have severe or worsening pain, weakness, numbness, coolness, deformity, or color changes, you should go to a hospital emergency department immediately. If you develop a high fever (temperature < 102.5 F), severe headache, chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, or sweatiness, or if you develop the sudden onset of numbness or weakness, particularly on one side of the body, call 911 for emergency services to go to the nearest emergency department by ambulance.
How is shoulder pain diagnosed?
A thorough history and physical examination are usually adequate to establish the diagnosis for most injuries. However, your doctor may do a series of tests, depending on the cause of your injury, the location of your shoulder pain, response to movement or your other symptoms.
X-rays: These may be done if you have tenderness to touch along the bony areas of your spine or shoulder, a history of significant trauma, deformity of the area, or your doctor suspects a condition related to your heart or lungs. ECG: An electrocardiogram may be ordered if you also have chest pain, shortness of breath, and risk factors for a heart attack (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or tobacco use). Blood tests: These may be performed if you also have chest pain, shortness of breath, and risk factors for a heart attack (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or tobacco use) or if your doctor suspects an underlying illness as the cause of the pain. CT scan: This may be performed when X-rays are difficult to read or suggest a fracture, when more detail is needed, or when other structures are suspected to be the source of the pain (possibly the large artery known as the aorta leading from the heart or the lungs). MRI: An MRI is often not indicated during an initial evaluation but can be helpful in assessing ongoing pain and failure to respond to basic treatment measures.
This article was originally posted here.
If you are experiencing shoulder pain, please call our office. Seattle Chiropractic Center always offers a complimentary consultation to see if we can help. You can find us here:
Seattle Chiropractic Center 2326 Rainier Ave S Seattle, WA 98144 206-201-0145
  The post What causes shoulder pain? appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
What causes shoulder pain? published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain
We all rely heavily on our shoulders to perform a big number of activities. There is no one single lifter that hasn’t got problems with the shoulders, and that hasn’t complained at one time of shoulder pain.
shoulder pain remedies
The shoulder has a wide range of motion, which makes it the most mobile joint in your body, yet this flexibility also makes it very unstable and prone to injury, such as shoulder dislocation or separation.Shoulder pain may occur in any of the many muscles, ligaments or tendons in and around your shoulder. Once your shoulder starts hurting, it can be hard to concentrate on anything else.
People of all ages can experience shoulder pain. However, people who use laptops, tablets and smartphones for extended periods are more prone to this problem. A number of factors and conditions can contribute to shoulder pain. The most prevalent cause is injury to the soft tissues, including the muscles, tendons and ligaments within the shoulder. This could be due to repetitive use or overuse injury.
Sometimes, the pain is due to some kind of injury to the neck or biceps. Other causes of shoulder pain include arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, bone spurs, torn cartilage, a broken shoulder bone, frozen shoulder and spinal cord injury. You can treat minor shoulder pain at home. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor if the symptoms seem to be worsening.
So if you are having problems with the shoulder pain, here’s what you need to to! I’m going to show you a few home remedies for shoulder pain, including some exercises!
1. Towel Stretch: – Roll up a towel lengthwise. Hold the towel above and behind your head with the arm that is not sore. – With your sore arm, reach behind your back and grasp the towel. – Using the arm above your head, pull the towel upward until you feel a stretch on the front and outside of your sore shoulder. – Hold 15 to 30 seconds. – Relax and move the towel back down to the starting position. – Repeat 2 to 4 times
  towel stretch for shoulder pain
2.  Shoulder flexion (lying down):
– Lie on your back, holding a wand with your hands. – Your palms should face down as you hold the wand. – Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. – Keeping your elbows straight, slowly raise your arms over your head until you feel a stretch in your shoulders, upper back, and chest. – Hold 15 to 30 seconds. – Repeat 2 to 4 times.
shoulder flexion exercise
3. Shoulder circles:
– stand up straight with the arms extended on both sides of the body and your feet at shoulder-width apart.
– roll your shoulders behind you in a circular motion for 30 seconds, then change direction and start rolling them forward.
– repeat several times.
shoulder exercise
This article was originally posted here.
  Visit our office today if you are experiencing shoulder pain for a complimentary consultation!
  The post Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain
We all rely heavily on our shoulders to perform a big number of activities. There is no one single lifter that hasn’t got problems with the shoulders, and that hasn’t complained at one time of shoulder pain.
shoulder pain remedies
The shoulder has a wide range of motion, which makes it the most mobile joint in your body, yet this flexibility also makes it very unstable and prone to injury, such as shoulder dislocation or separation.Shoulder pain may occur in any of the many muscles, ligaments or tendons in and around your shoulder. Once your shoulder starts hurting, it can be hard to concentrate on anything else.
People of all ages can experience shoulder pain. However, people who use laptops, tablets and smartphones for extended periods are more prone to this problem. A number of factors and conditions can contribute to shoulder pain. The most prevalent cause is injury to the soft tissues, including the muscles, tendons and ligaments within the shoulder. This could be due to repetitive use or overuse injury.
Sometimes, the pain is due to some kind of injury to the neck or biceps. Other causes of shoulder pain include arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, bone spurs, torn cartilage, a broken shoulder bone, frozen shoulder and spinal cord injury. You can treat minor shoulder pain at home. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor if the symptoms seem to be worsening.
So if you are having problems with the shoulder pain, here’s what you need to to! I’m going to show you a few home remedies for shoulder pain, including some exercises!
1. Towel Stretch: – Roll up a towel lengthwise. Hold the towel above and behind your head with the arm that is not sore. – With your sore arm, reach behind your back and grasp the towel. – Using the arm above your head, pull the towel upward until you feel a stretch on the front and outside of your sore shoulder. – Hold 15 to 30 seconds. – Relax and move the towel back down to the starting position. – Repeat 2 to 4 times
  towel stretch for shoulder pain
2.  Shoulder flexion (lying down):
– Lie on your back, holding a wand with your hands. – Your palms should face down as you hold the wand. – Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. – Keeping your elbows straight, slowly raise your arms over your head until you feel a stretch in your shoulders, upper back, and chest. – Hold 15 to 30 seconds. – Repeat 2 to 4 times.
shoulder flexion exercise
3. Shoulder circles:
– stand up straight with the arms extended on both sides of the body and your feet at shoulder-width apart.
– roll your shoulders behind you in a circular motion for 30 seconds, then change direction and start rolling them forward.
– repeat several times.
shoulder exercise
This article was originally posted here.
  Visit our office today if you are experiencing shoulder pain for a complimentary consultation!
  The post Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain syndicated from http://seattlechiropracticcenter.com/
Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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elizabethvmason · 8 years
Sciatica Treatment Options
Sciatica Treatment Options
If you suddenly start feeling pain in your lower back or hip that radiates to the back of your thigh and into your leg, you may have a protruding (herniated) disk in your spinal column that is pressing on the nerve roots in the lumbar spine. This condition is known as sciatica.
Sciatica may feel like a bad leg cramp, with pain that is sharp (“knife-like”), or electrical. The cramp can last for weeks before it goes away. You may have pain, especially when you move, sneeze, or cough. You may also have weakness, “pins and needles” numbness, or a burning or tingling sensation down your leg.
You are most likely to get sciatica between the ages of 30 and 50 years. It may happen as a result of the general wear and tear of aging, plus any sudden pressure on the disks that cushion the bones (vertebrae) of your lower spine.
Sciatica is most commonly caused by a herniated disk. The gel-like center (nucleus) of a disk may protrude into or through the disk’s outer lining. This herniated disk may press directly on the nerve roots that become the sciatic nerve. Nerve roots may also get inflamed and irritated by chemicals from the disk’s nucleus.
Approximately 1 in every 50 people will experience a herniated disk at some point in their life. Of these, 10% to 25% have symptoms that last more than 6 weeks.
In rare cases, a herniated disk may press on nerves that cause you to lose control of your bladder or bowel, referred to as cauda equina syndrome. If this happens, you may also have numbness or tingling in your groin or genital area. This is an emergency situation that requires surgery. Phone your doctor immediately.
Doctor Examination
Diagnosis begins with a complete patient history. Your doctor will ask you to explain how your pain started, where it travels, and exactly what it feels like.
A physical examination may help pinpoint the irritated nerve root. Your doctor may ask you to squat and rise, walk on your heels and toes, or perform a straight-leg raising test or other tests.
X-rays and other specialized imaging tools, such as a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, may confirm your doctor’s diagnosis of which nerve roots are affected.
Rehab for sciatica
Nonsurgical Treatment
The condition usually heals itself, given sufficient time and rest. Approximately 80% to 90% of patients with sciatica get better over time without surgery, typically within several weeks. Additionally though, people who experience back pain are 80% more likely to have problems again in the future.
Nonsurgical treatment is aimed at helping you manage your pain without long-term use of medications while finding the root cause of the sciatica. You may find it soothing to put gentle heat or cold ice on your painful muscles. If you are going to use temperature treatments like heat and ice, it is important to remember not to do more than 15-20 minutes in an hour. It is also important that you continue to move. Do not remain in bed, as too much rest may cause other parts of the body to feel discomfort.
Find positions that are comfortable, but be as active as possible. Motion helps to reduce inflammation. Most effectively, McKenzie Protocol exercises have been shown to reduce pain for certain types of patients. However, if you are a candidate for McKenzie Protocol, you will be able to find relief in the very first day.
In extreme cases, your doctor may inject your spinal area with a cortisone-like drug. But, you’ll still need to find the cause of the sciatica or it will more than likely come back.
As soon as possible, you should start an exercise routine so you can resume your physical activities without sciatica pain. Your doctor may want you to take short walks depending upon the severity of your condition.
Surgical Treatment
You might need surgery if you still have disabling leg pain after 3 months or more of nonsurgical treatment. A part of your surgery, your herniated disk may be removed to stop it from pressing on your nerve.
The surgery (laminotomy with discectomy) may be done under local, spinal, or general anesthesia. This surgery is usually very successful at relieving pain, particularly if most of the pain is in your leg.
The only problem with the surgery is that you will still have to find the root cause of why your disc was worn out in the first place or you’ll do it again.
Your doctor may give you exercises to strengthen your back (like McKenzie Exercises). It is important to walk and move while limiting too much bending or twisting. It is acceptable to perform routine activities around the house, such as cooking and cleaning if you are in the correct position.
Following treatment for sciatica, you will probably be able to resume your normal lifestyle and keep your pain under control. However, it is always possible for your disk to rupture again.
If you or someone you love is suffering from sciatica, call our office today for a complimentary sciatica screening.
Seattle Chiropractic Center 2326 Rainier Ave S Seattle, WA 98144 206-201-0145 http://goo.gl/fFPntF
This article was originally posted here.
The post Sciatica Treatment Options appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
Sciatica Treatment Options published first on https://seattlechiropracticcenter.wordpress.com/
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