ell3-ash · 2 days
I forgot that I saved everything to the cloud and had cleaned up my contacts in my old phone, just for them to all reappear when I upgraded to my new phone. 🥴 Oh well.
the way your contact list can be a graveyard for everyone you've ever known
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ell3-ash · 2 days
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ell3-ash · 2 days
I haven't felt this attacked in so long (but also so very understood).
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ell3-ash · 2 days
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ell3-ash · 10 days
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ell3-ash · 12 days
Almost 9 years ago, one of my dad's friends went missing. She had moved to Edenton, North Carolina with her mother and less than 2 years later, she went missing. At the age of 39, she vanished after going to her friends' house & they still haven't found her. It's surreal on many levels.
First, the fact that the police haven't been able to solve this in this age of technology and tracking is fucking insanely disappointing. Spend more time, money, and resources on actually protecting and saving people.
Second, my heart breaks for her mom who has felt frozen in time since she went missing.
Third, and most surreal to me, is that she was with her friends and yet they have no idea what happened to her? She was seen on camera going into a store with her friend's boyfriend the night before she was reported missing. Less than an hour later, her mom received a text saying she was spending the night at their place because she was tired. Her mom never heard back from her despite calling and texting and she reported it this next morning after Karen didn't show up when she had previously said she would. The friend's boyfriend was caught using Karen's credit card after she went missing -- he was arrested for that but eventually released because it apparently wasn't enough evidence to pursue him as a suspect (wtf). But the mind blowing part for me is how her scum bag friends live with themselves. they definitely know something, if not just 100% guilty, and they have let her mother be tormented this entire time. I sincerely hope them and any children they have, or anyone they care about, faces the fate they participated in delivering to Karen. Whether it's watching her die and do nothing about it other than cover it up, or actively having a role in her death/disappearance - I hope they experience it personally.
This was also a very big lesson in my life to watch peoples behavior and mannerisms and if they can't root for you, if they can't be happy for you-- if their mentality is rooted in bitterness, jealousy, desperation, and/or entitlement, they must be cut off because those are the type of friends that will put you in this situation. Karen was a gentle, kind person and she deserved so much better than this.
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ell3-ash · 14 days
Lol at the timing of this being in my feed--currently fighting an upper respiratory infection and was just thinking of how I can't wait to breathe easily/normally again.
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ell3-ash · 14 days
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ell3-ash · 17 days
Having an emotionally mature partner is TOP TIER. You're able to express yourself freely and openly. They don’t insult you. They don't give you the silent treatment. They don't become aggressive or manipulative. They listen, they respond—they patiently hold a safe space for you.
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ell3-ash · 17 days
Grateful for him 💚
You deserve to be surrounded by people who bring out the soft side of you, not the survival side of you.
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ell3-ash · 17 days
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ell3-ash · 17 days
I think my heart knew you were mine long before I ever realized it.
k.b. // a court of frost and starlight - feyra to rhysand (by sarah j. maas)
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ell3-ash · 18 days
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happy five (5) years since i adopted this dude and his also his 7th birthday today
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ell3-ash · 18 days
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Ashley Baxter
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ell3-ash · 18 days
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I hated these photos when I took them & now, years (6 years from the first, 7 years from the middle and over a year from the last), I don't know why. All I could see at the time was what was wrong -- what wasn't perfect or wasn't meeting my goals. But now, I actually like these photos. Aging is such a weird experience. I'm going to be 35 this year and on one hand, I don't feel it at all and on the other, I have so many stupid issues I didn't have a decade ago.
This Thursday I have another round of blood work for thyroid concerns, and next week I'll hear back about when we can schedule another biopsy. While we're exploring that, I also have an appointment with a hematologist to help me better understand my most recent diagnosis of thalassemia. This whole time I was told I had iron deficiency anemia, but as it turns out - taking iron supplements is actually really bad for me because my body doesn't know how to use it properly (essentially). 🫠 So onwards with trying to figure out what to do about constant fatigue, heart palpitations, and more fun symptoms that could be from literally anything.
On the plus side, I haven't smoked a cigarette in almost 6 months. I'm not vaping or doing any nicotine alternative either -- so for the first time, it truly feels like I'm done smoking for good (& I'm happy about that). When I quit, I gained 30lbs over 4 months but after spending the last 2 months exercising and eating better, I've lost 20-22lbs of it so far.
Last year was very successful but very stressful for me so I gained weight throughout the year-- mindlessly snacking & working 3 remote desk jobs will do that. This time, I am hoping to not only lose what I gained over the last year but to finally reach a goal I have set for myself a few times and always fell shy of. I feel like it's actually attainable this time. I've reduced my work life, my relationship is thriving, my sleep schedule is significantly better, and my social life is calm. It will take most, if not all, of this year and consistency in working out and eating better but I feel a lot more peaceful this time. So, getting my thyroid and blood concerns resolved, losing weight, continuing my skincare routine and maintaining everything else as is, are the things I'm focusing on. Oh and I bought a new car -- first time I have ever bought a brand new car so pretty happy with this milestone as well. Been trying not to drive for the sake of driving to avoid additional sitting 😂
I am working on spending less time on my phone / in front of a TV and more time doing things that are better for me-- physically and mentally. I picked up a few books to read on low energy days, I have been working out as many days as possible - averaging 5 a week, I'm cooking dinners a few nights a week, and I'm trying to commit to some new hobbies but nothing too time consuming to remain flexible.
Overall, life is decent with some really great aspects that generally overpower the sucky parts. Here's to hoping by my 35th, the remaining issues are resolved and I can finally say I hit all my existing goals-- or that I'm very close to it. I'd like to start 35 with some new ambitions, but I want to knock out the health goals first.
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ell3-ash · 2 months
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This past weekend was packed with wrestling events and so much walking lol. I had a fun time getting to hangout with my cousin and explore a little bit of Philly while doing something wrestling-related every day with Seb. We went to WrestleMania on Saturday and Tribute to the Extreme 2 on Friday (front row seats and Seb got to take a photo with the Dudley's!), then did some shopping on Sunday before watching night 2 at home. Lovelovelovelove that The Undertaker made an appearance. Hes been my favorite since I was 9 years old.
Trying to drag myself through this work week even though I just want to sleep and be cozy lol. Buying my new car either this weekend and hoping to acclimate to it fast enough that I'm not nervous to drive it to Salem the following weekend for a girl's trip. This month is going on a bit hectic, but in a fun way.
Keeping May relatively low-key to balance it out but might have to sneak a Canada trip in there somewhere because I am determine to finally do an international trip again. We'll see how it goes.
For now, it time to take a nice shower and then get comfy and fall asleep.
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ell3-ash · 3 months
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Some photos from the last few months! Seb and I did our first out of state trip (besides NY lol) for his 30th birthday from 02/22-02/27. We went to Chicago, so now we've officially visited 10 states together. I had such a great time. We went to multiple museums, the planetarium, tried all of the staple food, and just really enjoyed taking 5 days to focus on exploring a new place together.
Emy & I had gone to Story of the Year & We the Kings in January, we bought tickets to see Dayseeker & Staind next month and we have VIP tickets to see The Spill Canvas in June :) my Dayseeker denim jacket came in this week and I loveeeeeee it.
We went out to celebrate Emys 34th birthday this past weekend and I gave her my gifts. Paid to have her apartment professionally cleaned to help reduce her stress and then got her the doc martens she wanted. My divorce should be finalized by April, and hers will hopefully be finalized by June so we can throw our joint divorce party together :) I'm hoping she'll be able to join us for our trip to Vegas in October for WWWY, but were def travelling together for my 35th birthday in September -- Orlando trip for Halloween Horror Nights and to knock another state off me and Sebs list 😈
I am really hoping Seb and I will be able to squeeze a trip to Canada in this year since I got my passport and it can easily be a long weekend road trip. I'm ready to go international 😂 we are also aiming to do "standby dates" since it's a perk of his job, where we fly out on a Thursday -- go on a really cute date, stay over one night, fly back the next day or the day after. Were hoping to knock off Maine (June), Tennessee (December), Vermont (September), Louisiana (November), Wisconsin (July), Rhode Island (May), and New Hampshire (August) this way.
I have plans to visit MA again with Emy on 04/20-04/21, and me and Seb may fly out to Cali right after Vegas in October. This will be the last year I do a Vegas trip -- Sick New World was amazing last year and I am super excited to do a WWWY Festival, but after this year, I want to focus more on new places. Really hoping 2025 allows for 3 international trips (northern lights/Iceland for Sebs birthday, France for my birthday, and then Japan for our anniversary). Travel is huge for both of us and I really appreciate how much he prioritizes it. I feel like I'm trying to make up for all the years I didn't travel and I'm glad he understands that.
This is the most peaceful relationship I've ever been in, and I love him so much already. Waiting for him to get out of work now so we can hangout a bit before we go to bed. He's been pulling doubles to get that OT pay and I have to be on campus tomorrow. Think I'm going to make a little snack while I wait and continue rewatching some sitcoms to pass the time 😂
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