ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
jangan hapus 3 foto ku itu ya , Pooh ({})
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
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etttdah .. jadulee :D 7 Days from now .. we ( mmq 23 & ent 2 ) will caooo from this craziest place ever .. actually not crazy but yeah everything we've from this place for learning de el el hhw
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
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biarpun burem nih foto tetep bakal jadi kenangan deh hhehe .. anw , itu salah satu dari DyStar Room kok nyangkut ke personel Berlin's room y ?  hhahaha lol
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
ya , orang terlalu baik itulah anda .. maka dari itu saya membiarkan anda bertindak sesuka hati asalkan tidak melukai hati , hmm bisa kan :) ?
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
real nya adalah saling mengerti satu sama lain , saling membantu dan sama sama saling membutuhkan ternyata .. so ,, jadi apapun kita pada akhirnya ,kebersamaan tetap diutamakan , gak peduli status ,gak peduli lagi rumor" :) kebersamaan itulah yg dipedulikan ..thank you anw...
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
kemarin batal nyanyi ...
tapi terbayarkan dengan beberapa hal yg lebih berarti ketimbang duet bareng :)
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
besok Karaoke Night terakhir dan 23 yang handle .. so .. ? what's goin' on there tomorrow ? hmm..
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
Thanks for every understanding and every love that you gave to me ,dad ({}) as your daughter actually i'm naughtiest ever maybe ..but let me to do my best for them God, for my parents :) Amen .
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
Laptop Windows nya error dan carger nya rusak , Handphone hilang , Flashdisk ilang , Name Tag pun hilang .. How careless i am :( but at the reverse side of this all things ,i should "ikhlas" .. pas banget itu baru pulang gereja dan firman Nya tentang memberi dan rela hati .. yowess , that's the lesson for me n my life actually .. but the sad things is in my parents side...
sejak hilang pun gue belum laporan dan bukannya ga brani laporan, tapi gamau nyusahin aja ..dan biar gue juga kapok sendiri karena itu kesalahan gue sendiri dan biarkan nanti gue berusaha sendiri (yang tentunya sama Tuhan juga :) yap , punya sesuatu dari hasil jerih payah sendiri itulah yang gak sabar tuk segera gue coba :)
Let me do the best n focus God, what ever the result it is I BELIEVE that GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME and God's READY TO Lead MMQ 23 to enter our future next :) Amenn
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
gak boleh nangis , masa cuman gara" satu order aja nangis , be a strong girl ,bon -MT
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
beauty coming at the end , bon - MT -
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
jangan ngeluh lagi ,okey :) - babang said -
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
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Just trial :) mengingat masih ada resiko untuk jadi R&D next time , kudu harus wajib belajar dan perdalam AI / Correldraw / PhotoShop ><"
and one thing.. ini bakal jadi garment terakhir untuk dresscode'an with 23ers.. Cutting sudah ,tinggal menunggu untuk menjahit bersama-sama yang untuk terakhir kalinya :) *ujung"nya ke tailor juga wkwkkww*
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
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Goin' crazy with The Pooh before let Chesspooh goes to Tangerang at Saturday Morning ^^
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
idk why .. but i feel like i want to cry when you , my parents and my friends ask me  "kamu masih sibuk ya ?" ..
Dear Mom & Dad , Chesspooh and my lovely friends .. maaf atas kesibukan ini :(
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
You . saw me . at the wrong time -.- . with smile -.- . but i couldn't smile :( .... how come >
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ellaantonis-blog · 11 years
Dear Senior --_____-- , you're such a big LIAR ! idk what's happened with you what's wrong with you >< erghh i don't like the way you treated me ! don't playin' me like your lovely doll .. from the first i can know ..which one better between you and Chesspooh , although Pooh little bit player now ...
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