elle-matthews · 6 years
Graham tucked his hands into his pockets, moving slower than usual. It had always been inevitable that Elle would see him having an asthma attack, at least. Even that she would see his insomnia. But he hadn’t thought it would come about so soon. He did his best to settle his face into something impassive. “Fine,” he answered against his better judgement. It was harder to be as polite as he normally was with some of his secrets bared. “I don’t think I had much of a choice, to be fair.” There was almost a smile, only to fade quickly. “Elle, you know I still don’t-I can’t…” He faded off, not sure what to say. “I don’t want to end up hurting you.” 
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Elle glanced at him as he began talking before quickly shoving her fingers into her ears. “I’m going to stop you right their graham.” she spoke quickly hoping he’d listen to her. “I don’t care that you have skeletons in your closet.” she admit as she removed her fingers. “You’re not going to hurt me because you’re sick.” she crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not going anywhere so get used to me.” she smiled softly as she moved towards him. “Now let me enjoy our date night, that i spent hours setting up for you to also enjoy.” 
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elle-matthews · 6 years
romeo: alright.
romeo: i'm not going anywhere and thanks for joining me. i do appreciate the company.
Elle: anytime
Elle: i have to admit though i'm not a fan of where the sand ends up
Elle: thats a problem for later though
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elle-matthews · 6 years
alfie: i'll meet you there.
alfie: i'm up for anything.
alfie: maybe so but at least we won't eat all the calories we burn off.
Elle: Do you go every day?
Elle: Do you want me to bring a sweat towel and some water?
Elle: Maybe a change of clothes?
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elle-matthews · 6 years
kristiyana: this is very true!
kristiyana: i'm not too sure. there are SO many couples and i don't really know where to start. what do you think?
Elle: Who knows
Elle: it would be like picking a needle out of a hay stack
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elle-matthews · 6 years
astrid: anything that gets me off the beach, I'm honestly tired of it already. they aren't as pretty as the ones back home.
astrid: what about you?
Elle: Maybe the pool then?
Elle: Or mini golf?
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elle-matthews · 6 years
sisi: dinner @ 10 pm??
Elle: live a little
Elle: atleast then it'll be quiet?
Elle: maybe we should just get icecream.
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elle-matthews · 6 years
Elle rubbed her hands together as she waited by the gates. She smiled when she saw graham and waved him over. “Hey!” she called out before moving towards the other. “How are you after the other night.” she smiled softly unsure of how to act around him. “Thanks again for letting my stay the night, i know i can be a bit hard headed.” she swallowed. “I organised a dinner for us.” she smiled softly before running a hand through her hair. “I hope thats alright, it’s a bit different to what we usually do.” Which is argue “Again i hope you don’t mind.”
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elle-matthews · 6 years
Francisco: The gates will be perfect.
Francisco: Dinner and drinks sounds great, I guess we'll just see what we'll find?
Francisco: Yeah, probably.
Elle: Sounds great
Elle: Did you want to invite anyone else
Elle: You're not too busy right?
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elle-matthews · 6 years
lilya: I'm trying to stop myself from strangling my husband
lilya: he's being impossible so yeah I could use the distraction.
Elle: That cute, is that a kink?
Elle: Do you want to go swimming?
Elle: Or drink alcohol and complain.
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elle-matthews · 6 years
astrid: everything here is against the rules
Elle: It shouldn't be too hard
Elle: What do you feel like doing?
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elle-matthews · 6 years
sisi: probably midnight when they're excepting it
Elle: lets go at like 10pm then?
Elle: Or we could just go get dinner
Elle: That would be easier
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elle-matthews · 6 years
Emmi: ..Why?
Emmi: Not really since you're a stranger and all. It's creepy.
Emmi: I'm terrible company, 0/10 would recommend, you'd be much happier befriending someone who does like to converse and be social.
Elle: That sounds like a bore
Elle: I think you have room to imporve
Elle: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth and all that.
Elle: it could be worse.
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elle-matthews · 6 years
romeo: the beach is nice. i didn't get to see the beach back home and so i will enjoy it while i can.
romeo: you don't have to do that. although, lunch does sound nice.
romeo: i can pack up here and we can go somewhere, if you'd like.
Elle: I'm happy with the beach?
Elle: I'll be there in ten
Elle: Don't leave!
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elle-matthews · 6 years
kristiyana: i thought so.
kristiyana: more than likely! i'm sure they will definitely try.
kristiyana: everyone needs to pamper themselves every once in a while.
Elle: You never know when the next wedding will be
Elle: May aswell get it done before everyone else
Elle: Who do you think will be married first?
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elle-matthews · 6 years
alfie: definitely.
alfie: i skipped yesterday so, doubling up is more than likely a good idea.
alfie: i'll never say no to dinner.
Elle: I'll meet you at the gym then?
Elle: I was thinking burgers and chips
Elle: Whats that saying 5 steps forward one steps backward.
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elle-matthews · 6 years
Illyana: how did I ever survive this long without you?
Illyana: trick question, I didn't
Illyana: where should we meet up?
Elle: Aww bonding
Elle: You never start living till you find a great friend
Elle: The gates? or i can meet you at your room?
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elle-matthews · 6 years
imessage → elle
Eddie: hello?
Eddie: i'm heading down to the beach
Eddie: feel free to join
Elle: I'd never say no to a company
Elle: Can you give me five?
Elle: did you want to wait for me or should i meet you there?
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