I believe that the code I did for my game was very good and more advanced then I think. So, I think I did really well with my coding in Unreal on this project. Such as learning how to use Lerps to create doors that open when you go near them. I also enjoyed using Photoshop for my UVs and I believe I am getting better with Photoshop. I think that my 3D modeling could’ve been better than what it was as it was very basic and plain looking. Although I do prefer Maya to other 3D modeling software I’ve used (mainly Blender) I still find it a little awkward to use. I would like to get better at 3D modelling in general and make more complicated looking objects if I do 3D modelling again. Next time I would want to focus more on the art and character design (this would probably involve using photoshop a lot more which I’m excited to do) as well as my blog work. Overall, I enjoyed the project and thought I made a semi-decent first person horror game. That was inspired by games like Slender and P.T, Which I believe can be very clearly seen in the game’s design and feel. 
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How to record with OBS and upload to YouTube.
The first thing you need to do is start up OBS. In OBS’ settings make sure you have either auto remux enabled or have it record an MP4 file. Also make sure you change were the files save so you know were it is saved. Then in the Sources box add a display capture or window capture if possible. A display capture will record the entire screen/display. A window capture will record only a specific window. This can be a lot more awkward to use than a display capture. To upload to YouTube all you need is an account. Then go to create and upload a video. It will ask you to upload a file simple select the video file you want and upload it. You’ll then have to go through a small amount of checks before you can press save and it will Upload. 
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Process of Making my Level
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My Favourite Game Environments
Subnautica: I like the environment in Subnautica as it is extremely diverse. I also like that it is nearly entirely underwater as it is extremely unique. Also a lot of the environment is interactive as you have to get resources and scan it to find out basically if it can kill you or not. My favourite biomes in the game being the Lava Lakes and the Lost River. This is because they are extremely different from the very typical ocean biomes.  
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Minecraft: I like the environment in Minecraft because it is very diverse and very interactable as everything can be broken and placed. I really like this as it makes it feel like a world you can exist in and really interact with. A few of my favourite biomes would be the Nether and Taiga biomes. This is because the Nether is very unique (basically being Hell) and the Taiga biome is a giant snowy forest. 
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Spider-Man: Miles Morales: The environment in Spider-Man: Miles Morales (SPMM) is fairly small compared to most environments as it just contains New York. However, this does allow for more detail in the map. Whilst the map can become boring at times the buildings lend themselves to making the Web-Swinging more fun and interesting. So, they make themselves less boring because of the traversal method. I picked the Miles Morales version over the base Spider-Man game for a few reasons. Firstly, the amazing and beautiful ray-tracing in it that give amazing reflections. Secondly, there’s snow. Whilst the snow isn’t too interactable it makes the environment look amazing, especially Central Park (I really like Snowy environments.)  
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Arnold Render
Arnold Render is an option available in Maya. It allows you to create Clean PNGs of the model created in Maya. This can be used to display concepts for models. It also looks a lot cleaner and professional then taking a screen shot of it. When doing an Arnold Render you will need to set up a world light otherwise you will not be able to see your model. When in the Arnold Render window you can change what perspective you are viewing it from. This allows for easy images of different angles.
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Photoshop Tools
Marquee tool: The Marquee tool is a very basic selection tool in which you draw a shape ,i.e. rectangle, around an item. Whatever is within this shapes borders will be selected. 
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Magic Wand tool: The Magic Wand tool is also a fairly basic selection tool. It allows you to select parts of an image based off of their colour or tone. This is very useful for removing the background of JPEGs so you can just use the image. 
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Lasso tool: The Lasso tool allows you to select unique shapes. This is because it allows you to create lines following your mouse, so you can very easily trace an object and select it easily. 
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Fugl is a game in which you play as a bird flying around a voxel made environment. The environment itself looks really good almost becoming smooth at times, however it does look extremely pixelated at other times. It seems that it might be a fun to experience once. More than that and it will start to lose its wonder and just become boring. 
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Skies of the Past
Skies of the Past is made using Voxel. It looks like a very interesting game to play with a very intriguing environment an d main character. Just from these few images I am immediately intrigued of what the gameplay and story might be. I really like the environment as it appears to be Sky villages of sorts. The villages being made on the side of mountains and overhanging an extremely long drop. 
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Atlas is made using Voxel. Which is very obvious just from looking at it. The aesthetic is extremely cube based. Whilst the game is very cube based and looks a little low quality. The detail in the world and animations is very impressive. It looks very fun to play and like an enjoyable experience. the world also is very well modelled o you still know what everything is even though it isn’t excruciatingly detailed.  
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Sir Carma
Sir Carma’s Voxel art is very impressive. It ranges from landscapes to characters. The landscapes looking usually more impressive really like how the models they make look. I probably won’t use this in my game however. Firstly, I unfortunately cannot use Voxel that well. I also don’t think that it would fit in to well with my games as the cubes and straight edges might be to contrasting and not flow well. 
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Examples of UV maps
These are many examples of UV maps. Some of these are more complicated then others. The UV for the mushroom looks simple enough, the shape is just a little awkward. The LEGO figure also looks simple enough. However, the many character look extremely complicated to create. This is because there is many different sections to a person. So the shapes themselves are already very awkward to use. Then having to get somewhat decent colours on them that make it look like a person and not a flesh monster is very awkward, as you have to make sure everything is perfectly lined up. I would like to learn how to create 3D character though. This is because I like doing character design. This means that the buildings and other objects with UV maps interest me less than the characters.
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Firewatch Environment
The environment in Firewatch is very interesting. It is somewhat realistic, but also kind of cartoony because of the art style. This allows for a light break in the realism of the game and gives it a unique feel and look. However, the environment can become a little boring at time as t doe have a little bit of realism to it. However, the different heights and changes in the environment allows for it to be mostly kept interesting. 
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GTA V Environment
The environment in GTA V is very realistic and boring. Whilst the environment differs a little because of the change from the city to the more rural areas. As it tries to imitate real life it becomes very boring. This is because I play games to scape reality so having a realistic game is very boring and bland to me. As it feels to much like real life. 
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Anthem Environment
The environment in Anthem is very beautiful. It is predominantly nature based. However, there is multiple different environment from extremely grassy jungle areas to rocky mountainous areas. The environments look good, but see, very boring and un-interactable. To me this is a bad thing. This is because whilst the environments look interesting they don’ feel interesting. 
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Level Design Moodboard
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P.T's level deign is simple in design. It is the same hallway that you go through repeatedly. This does however allow you to be led into a false sense of security a well it makes you feel very claustrophobia as the hallway is very tight. I wouldn't mind using similar techniques in my level design. 
The level design in Suite 776 is very similar to P.T however it spans over a single apartment so has a lot more room to move in. It also allows for different sized rooms that stop you from becoming to comfortable. It is still a very small map though. I do however like the idea of different sized rooms though. 
SlenderMan: The eight pages has a combination of outside an inside areas. You only can see using you torch which allow for really expansive areas to become extremely dark. I like the torch and combination of interior ad exterior areas used in it. 
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Final Week
With only 2 days left on my project I believe I have achieved majority of my goals with this game. I have created a creepy atmosphere and a half-decent horror game. However, it is mostly atmospheric at the moment. I would like to implement an AI that follows the player around but never quite reaches them. This is because I would like the player to feel like their is an enemy of sorts. This is probably a bit to ambitious for what I know at the moment. I will also need to add some jump scares in, this is within reality for me to do. So, in total I have the base game mechanics implemented and the skeleton of a win and lose state. I will be able to easily implement the win and lose state. I will also need to extend the damaging areas and add more batteries to the map. This is so the player has more of an incentive to collect the notes. I also need to create a method of stopping the player leaving before collecting the necessary notes. This is because the goal is to collect the notes, so if they just leave then they haven’t completed the goal.  
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The basics of Minecraft’s textures and building system is very similar to Voxel. This is mostly because they have the same blocky aesthetic. However, Minecraft’s textures (on one block) are more advanced than Voxel’s. Minecraft blocks could be very easily created in Voxel though. Minecraft definitely at least looks like it uses voxel with how blocky the game is. This does create a nice aesthetic though. It is also good for the building aspect of Minecraft be able to use building blocks similar to Lego. This makes the system very intuitive and fun to use.  
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