ellie-snaily · 3 days
Ich habe einen (anderen) Telegrammkanal, und da sind keine Follower. So das ist so leicht — to post my sketches and drawings every day with no sorry if they aren't so good. Just like to write here in English (und Deutsch jetzt)—for the same reason 😸
Here is my today's drawing (I drew this on my phone when I was standing in line for my documents: I've changed my name and now it's really Ellie)
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ellie-snaily · 10 days
Well, I actually started (almost-)every-day-sketching, but mostly very quick and simple and messy-looked pics (cz it's daily). So they aren't here, but maybe later will.
And I try my new pad (not new, really, it's had been laying in a drawer all the summer 🥲) and apps on it.
Die Katze und der Schatten
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ellie-snaily · 27 days
I've got art block again 😅 for the whole summer.
Here is a cat that I just drew with my finger in Telegram (it has a few tools for making notes on pics).
I'm almost ashamed, but I hope it helps me to get out of the stupor. (Is this really English word? It looks the same in my native language, but does it have the same meaning? 🤔)
Instead, I started to learn German (and I have absolutely no idea why).
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ellie-snaily · 5 months
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Yep, this is another greeting card. I've been asked for "something from The Silmarillion or The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit" (and I'm absolutely out of the fandom 😅)
Actually, this is not the greeting card that i really gonna to give, but I'm late a little (spent some about four hours trying to write a few words in Quenya right, lol), so I finished one of drafts.
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ellie-snaily · 5 months
My favourite genre. During a sudden spring snowstorm, go for a walk to freeze fingers while taking photos
Last Friday
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And last March (i mean, March'23)
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ellie-snaily · 5 months
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Was sick yesterday, so instead important deals did this—magic bird. And look at her, she is shining! That's because I found gel pens here in my hamster hole lol
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ellie-snaily · 6 months
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Just another fast sketch.
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ellie-snaily · 6 months
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today's sunset
(without colour correction, because I am lazy)
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ellie-snaily · 7 months
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with a break for sickness, i have finished another greeting card — on my mom's birthday. But failed a little, and this water looks suspiciously like ice. Too late to change (I already sent it), just will remember for the future weeeeell. and i forgot to re-colour eyes. damn *just breath*
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ellie-snaily · 7 months
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First, I forgot again that I actually have watercolour paper.
Second things second, when I took a pic, I realised that there are three ladders. (Poor eyesight is so poor.)
Fast sketch (~20 minutes, "fast-for-me") with children's watercolour during break time.
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ellie-snaily · 7 months
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drew this for my ex-b-now-a-good-friend (the only friend, actually, lmao), for local gender holiday. The holiday is called "Defender's day", so here is a frog knight. Defends us from bloodsuckers.
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ellie-snaily · 8 months
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..nope. But I finished the sketch! Probably finished. Not sure.
Даже "стадиком" толком не назвать, coz what have I studied with it? Anatomy? Nope. Light? Doubtfully.
So this is "just for fun"-thing, obviously 😸
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ellie-snaily · 8 months
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now I'm watching BenVanLier's stream, so mayby 'll write something more meaningful later
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ellie-snaily · 8 months
After reading of ficlet heap, I'm just thinking about *two* bards named Лютик and Одуванчик. People always confuse the second one (more young) with the first — and this is outrageous!
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ellie-snaily · 9 months
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..and a Happy New Year!
(This is the fourth animated picture in my life, geez. I'm a little proud of it 😅)
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ellie-snaily · 9 months
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Нарисовала поздравительную открытку для родственников, но, разумеется, она мне уже не нравится 😩
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ellie-snaily · 9 months
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Drew a small greeting animation card for followers on my telegram channel. This one is a short version, another will be posted on the 31st ("не трогай, это на Новый Год!").
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