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okay wait. pause
kkkkkkkkkkk... i know everything that catra has done during S1-4 but to still blame her after S5
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okay people...im so not going to ramble about this
i am
anyway! if you cant give catra just the benfit of the doubt i mean like. She tried to change.. Glimmer help her see that she wanted to change for the better. and what did catra do? she saved glimmer from horde prime
then we see that because catra did this, horde prime was very angry....
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and then catra got chipped.......... adora offers to take her home. S1-4 Catra would have said no at any cost, but S5 catra is changing for the better
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because of this again, horde prime gets angry again and then snap..just killed catra on the spot
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adora then jumps down to save catra (ngl watching this, i throught adora basiclly just killed herself but u know she lived)
now we have catra back, the one how wants to change (FOR THE BETTER i must add) Entrapta helps to get the chip out of catras neck, while the ship is going through a belt in space.... Catra trys to say no for this help, knowing that she had hurt entrapta and sent her to beast island.. Entrapta doesnt even care and helps catra, very sorry when she hits one of catras nerves in her neck..
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s1-4 catra would have prob attacked entrapta, but s5 catra qucikly calms downs so entrapta could contune
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the chip gets removed, and catra sees that entrapta doesnt hate her...and before entrapta could leave, catra stops her
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heres the thing i must point out too. S1-4 catra could say sorry or smth like that, but s5 catra says sorry and means it... PART 2 LATER CUZ I NEED A BREAK NGL!!!!!!!!!
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Very close to giving up. Sometimes I wonder if there's a point to all of this. I can't seem to like the right people. The pain is that bad. I have forgotten what it feels like to be normal. Maybe I should just shut everything off and disconnect from people. I have to finish some work at OSU. I may go to the beach after that.
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This is the most apt description of Riverdale I have ever seen.😂
riverdale is literally experimental television im sorry but you literally do need a very high iq to understand it... what other tv show would throw you into a twilight zone alternate universe where the supernatural is apparently real with 0 explanation and 0 indication of when or if we'll ever go back to the original universe. they killed the titular character of the source material in a midsommar homage ritual sacrifice and jughead addressed the audience like "damn that's fucked up! tune in next week for more rivervale!"
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Robotics has advanced
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