elliottheslytherin · 6 years
Elliot shook his head “I wasn’t trying to say it like it was a bad thing and I know that if we want the good, gotta go through the bad as well.”
He wished for the happiness at the end of this journey to and knew that bad would come around, just as much as good and was ready for whatever came thier way.
Using his magic to make some fries appear, eating a few after before trying to share some with Rick “Want some fries?”
Hogwarts battle of the Classes
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
cold weather sentence starters
the air is chilly, but the fluff is warm
“It’s hand holding season.”
“I got the biggest blanket for us to share.”
“Get outside– you can see your breath in the air!” 
“Your cheeks are so red; it’s so cute!” 
“I’m not letting you forget an umbrella ever again.”
“My mom made soup and sent some for me to give to you.”
“I got us matching fuzzy socks.”
“This scarf isn’t big enough for two people.”
“If your hands get cold, you can put them in my pockets.”
“Maybe if I kiss you, you’ll feel warmer.” 
“I don’t care if it’s freezing, I want to walk through the park!”
“I made hot chocolate.” 
“Hug me; I’m cold and love you.”
“Your coat makes you look like a penguin.”
“Are you really walking in public wrapped in a blanket?”
“My bunny slippers are too cool for you.”
“These roses cost extra because of the season– I hope you’ll give me extra kisses as thanks.” 
“Are you cold? Let’s cuddle, it’ll make you warmer.”
“What time is it? Don’t answer, it’s Christmas.”
“If it snows, wake me up.”
“I thought it would get warm in the day, but I was wrong.”
“You stole another of my hoodies, didn’t you?”
“Christmas songs this early?”
“Please stay warm; I don’t want you to get sick.”
“I refuse to let you go– I’m cold.”
“It’s icy outside– also, can you help me limp to the couch?”
“I don’t need mistletoe to kiss you.”
“I’m glad I get to spend this season with you.”
“You’re my designated cuddle-buddy tonight so stay close.”
“Pajamas and movies sounds really nice.”
“Your favorite winter drink was back on the menu, so I got it for you.”
“Can we take holiday card pictures together?”
“Your cheeks are rosy and cute.”
“Are you shivering?”
“I ran you a bath since it’s freezing outside.”
“Stay in bed with me, it’s warmer here.”
“I don’t understand how you love this kind of weather so much.”
“I know you’re excited about the snow, but please put on better shoes than slippers!”
“The cookies and I are the only things hot this season.”
“I bought you a beanie! Isn’t the pompom cute?”
“Are you blushing or cold?”
“Oh, darn, I seem to have forgotten my mittens– please warm my hands?”
“Is it too early for Santa hats?”
“I don’t think cold weather is an excuse to drink ten times more coffee.”
“Well, you can never have too much hot chocolate.”
“I’m gonna stay up and wait for it to snow.”
“Being with you makes the season even better.”
“Since it’s cold should I start calling you ‘snow angel’?”
“Matching hoodies!”
“Are you going to share this coat with me all night?”
send a sentence and a name!
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
Elliot watched the book fell to the ground and opened, definitely had a mind of it’s own. “I guess so.” He said in agreement “Guess our fate is falling into place.”
Hogwarts battle of the Classes
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
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Merry Christmas!
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
Elliot nodded “I trust you and I try my hardest to speak about him though it was just hard at that moment, never had him forcibly removed, though in the past did take medicine to tone him down, but stopped because it felt like a part of me was gone. He’s my alter self and we help each other.” He explained and noticed the book glowing “Why’d your book glow?” He asked curiously
Hogwarts battle of the Classes
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
“Since they don’t remember what they’ve done, it would not make sense of why they would continue to be angry for no reason.” Elliot replied, though he wasn’t going to dwell to much into thinking how Mr.Robot got trapped in the mirror even if it was crazy how he did.
“Though I need to be more careful about talking about the other guy out loud, cause they clearly had no idea who they trapped in the mirror, so they obviously still thought he was me.”
Hogwarts battle of the Classes
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
Mr Robot covered his ears while Ricardo removed thier memories and got them out of thier sight for awhile. Uncovering his ears and let Elliot take back over.
“Thank you for helping, hopefully they won’t mess with any of us again.” Elliot said and sat down in another chair.
Hogwarts battle of the Classes
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
Mr Robot could see they were scared of him but they missed with the people he cared about. And messing with Elliot’s mind. “Ricardo how much can you wipe their mind of this little encounter of a mess and put them somewhere else in the castle?”
Hogwarts battle of the Classes
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
Mr Robot knew the blond and his friends were treading on thinning out his patience, seriously thinking they could block him from Elliot, but one thing, they were still connected, breaking the mind block “Kiddo, they’re using reverse psychology magic on us, seriously thinking they could stop me.” Standing beside Elliot once again when he broke the mirror spell.
Mr Robot taking over once again “You’re seriously getting on my last nerves, you don’t know me at all, just leave Ricardo and I alone.”
Hogwarts battle of the Classes
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
“Just because you think your top dog around here, you should know when someone doesn’t want to be with you and you should just back off.” Mr Robot replied not thinking at first Belfoy and his minions would do anything to them. But wasn’t expecting being trapped in a mirror either.
Elliot couldn’t feel Mr Robot in his mind and seeing the mirror, putting two and two together. Quickly undoing the binding spell “Give him back to me, taking him away won’t do you any good.”
Hogwarts battle of the Classes
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
“I’ll definitely try to make it my own, but thank you for being my friend and helping with my magic.” Elliot replied and was about to sit down beside Rico until some other Slytherins came up to them. Mr Robot took over even if only Ricardo could see him but he wasn’t going to stand there let someone mess with Elliot’s friend.
“If he hasn’t been answering your owls, he’s probably not interested in you.” He said, facing the blond.
Hogwarts battle of the Classes
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
For awhile Elliot learned a lot from the book, sure he still needed practice but he got a better understanding of it. Eventually finding Ricardo once again, having the book in one hand and handing it back to him.
“Thank you for letting me borrow the book, still in practicing but I’ve got the basic concepts down. Translating it for us helped a lot, gave me more understanding”
Kinda get more used to learning from computer than a book when you work with more computer than anything, but he could learn from books to just the same.
Hogwarts battle of the Classes
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
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“Happy Halloween Cher.” Elliot smiled, leaned in and kissed Cheryl.
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
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Happy Halloween! 🎃
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
Late Night Wanderings Sentence Starters
“What are you doing out this late?”
“This part of town isn’t a good place to be at this time of night.”
“Now what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?” 
“You do realize what time it is, right?” 
“Where are you going at this hour?” 
“The sun isn’t rising anytime soon, you know.” 
“Do you know where I am?” 
“The city looks different at night.” 
“This street is very dark…” 
“Why don’t you come stand in the light?” 
“Are you lost?” 
“I got turned around in the dark…” 
“This isn’t the time to go wandering around.”
“Only fools and trouble come out to these parts at this hour.” 
“Looking for trouble, are we?” 
“A little late to be shopping.” 
“Just coming back from the bar?” 
“Think any of the pubs are still going to be open?” 
“Trouble lurks around every shadowed corner.” 
“Woah! I didn’t see you there!”
“Where did you come from?” 
“What are you doing here?” 
“A bold move to show your face here in the shadows of night.” 
“Go home.” 
“It isn’t safe here at this time of night.” 
“You’re being watched.” 
“What are you doing still up?” 
“Looking for something?” 
“I like walking when the streets are empty.”
“It’s dangerous to walk at night alone.” 
“I know where I’m going.” 
“The trees are kind of spooky…”
“Did you hear that howl?” 
“Was…was that an owl…?” 
“This path is scary at night…” 
“The woods is no place a __ after dusk.” 
“Oh you poor soul, wandering lost in the forest under the new moon…” 
“You can’t see the stars from here…” 
“This is the witching hour.” 
“Dark beasts lurk here. Be cautious.” 
“Stay on the road!” 
“Talking a midnight stroll along the beach?” 
“The ocean is so mysterious at night…” 
“What brings you to the pier at this hour?” 
“What dangers lurk in these dark waters, I wonder.” 
“You’re going to get yourself lost one of these days.” 
🌙+ your own
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
Mr Robot took the book that Ricardo offered to them. The other witch seemed trustworthy and helpful at the same time. “Thank you and I’ll see what I can teach the both of us from this book even if I have to write it down like a computer program on a piece of paper. Guess I’ll we’ll see you around again.” He said
Eventually making to Elliot’s room so he could have thier mind back and then they could talk about the book and the conversation that him and Rico had.
Hogwarts battle of the Classes
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elliottheslytherin · 6 years
Mr Robot would smash fifty mirrors if he had to and apparently no way to change whatever fate would come thier way. Like Elliot, he was still in the process of learning magic. “So what’s mirror magic and how do we learn it?” He asked, him and Elliot were one in the same and he’d like to know what he was getting each other into.
Hogwarts battle of the Classes
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