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[ R E F L E C T I O N ]
These are just list of things that I think I could’ve done for a better design.
- Slide in platforms on steel shelves so it can be added or removed when necessary
- More connection to natural world. Maybe outdoor experience
- Movable elements for more user interaction
- Te Aranga Principles
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[ P E R S P E C T I V E S ]
Model made on Rhino, Rendered on Blender and Photoshopped
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[ C O L O U R    P A L E T T E ]
Most of the colours are extracted from the existing Grey Lynn Library interior.
Navy: Steel partition elements (Existing Window frame/ muntin)
Beige/ Creme: Different shades- lighter for walls (wall  colours remain the same) and darker shade for flooring but all lies between warm and neutral.
Yellow: For some furniture to go with the warm atmosphere, some steel partitions in the kid’s area to brighten up the space 
Light Brown: Rimu wood (Shelves, Counter, chairs (oak), tables, steps in the children’s area
Dark brown/ Maroon: Some steel partitions in the kid’s area to give variations
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[ M A I N    D E S I G N    F E A T U R E ]
Steel partitions used also as shelves, book display (using clear plastic book display stand) and displaying historical paintings to acknowledge the connection to history. It is multifunctional so it saves more space and allow more shelving because the current issue of the library was that there are lack of space to shelve books.
I initially wanted to use wood for the partitions because it is more significant for the theme of connecting to the natural world and gives a warm atmosphere too, but I decided to go with steel because it is more durable and sturdy and I also wanted a contrast between the old and the modern (Steel+wood). 
The main design concept it “Connection” between people. This was by providing gathering spaces and meeting spaces with bigger tables (even for children round tables to join groups). But by using partitions it also creates more private spaces (computer, study space, reading area) giving the freedom of choosing whether to stay together or individually. The private spaces are not totally closed off either so librarians can easily keep an eye on what is going on around the library.
- The existing floor for the lecture hall is Rimu so I wanted to use the same material. 
- Also it’s significant as a New Zealand tree. 
- The warm colour goes well with the warm atmosphere of the library. 
Carpet Flooring:
- The entire library has this carpet flooring.
- Herringbone pattern in a dark beige colour to give a warm atmosphere and go with the existing cream coloured walls.
- Especially in the children’s area (currently has Rimu flooring- lecture hall) it would be safer for them to be on carpet
- Easy maintenance but there is a risk of stain because of the relatively light colour
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[ L I G H T I N G   P L A N ]
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[ B E G I N N I N G    T O     R E N D E R ]
Experimenting with materials and effects on Blender.
These aren’t final renders and some parts have changed in the final version.
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[ F L O O R   P L A N : F I N A L ]
The journey begins from the existing entrance up the steps and through the existing entrance structure. As you enter through, on the right is the reception in an L shape. On both sides next to the entrance are areas for book holds. Facing against the entrance is a space called the ‘reading lounge’ where people can sit and relax, read in groups or socialise with more away from the silent areas. The existing staffroom remains behind it through the door. The existing children’s area is reformed into a study space and meeting rooms. Facing out to the car park is a wall mounted table with dividers for silent studying. Steel partitions segregate this area with the bigger tables where it is open for more studying and then meeting rooms next to it for larger social meetings allowing visitors to interact and communicate. 
Behind the counter is the reading area where there are most of the books shelved on Rimu wood shelves. Along the windows are soft cushioned seats for reading, mimicking the style of the old villas of Grey Lynn with the bay windows and giving a cosy atmosphere to read. Some of the shelves near the reading seats have are cut open for computers to give computer users some privacy. Printers are behind the counter. 
One of the main aspects of ‘disconnection’ was that the lecture hall and the library was seperate. Opening up a double door to the lecture hall was a big structural change but was the best solution to connect the two areas giving more possibilities for design. (Since there are two entrances/exits, both doors need security alarms) Through this double door, the lecture hall is redesigned into a children’s area. I wanted the children’s area to be quite big because I noticed there are several local schools near Grey Lynn and I wanted a more lively space for children in contrast to the relatively quiet reading areas on the other side. Steel elements are spaced out aligned to the wooden structures on the ceiling and also are more colourful for a vibrant atmosphere. These elements create zones for more socialising environment (tables ad chairs) or private reading zones.
 The stage remains with additional platforms added as big steps to climb up to the stage where it is a more cosy reading area and you can also sit at the steps to read. There are several round tables and seats for social connection between children and they are all movable. I interpreted that children’s libraries are not used all day especially the times when kids are at school (daytime in weekdays). The children’s area can be booked out to be used for exhibitions during this time where the steel partition elements can be used for displaying work.
The previous kitchen and area next to the stage are storage. All windows, doors and WC remain the same. 
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[ S E C T I O N ]
1:200 at A3
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[ 3 D  R H I N O   M O D E L ]
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[ M O D E L I N G ]
Using soft wood and card, I assembled some physical models that inspired the main elements in my design. Physical models were easier for me to see how it would really look like with real light and in position. 
This was one of the earlier phases where I began to build up my idea in ‘connection’. This particular pattern was inspired from the existing pattern in the library design (ceiling, window). It is a metaphorical representation of ‘connection’.
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Link to Audio for the formative presentation.
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[ P E R S O N A S ]
Inclusive Design, Accessible Design
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[ C U S T O M I S E D   S H E L F ]
Re-modelled on Rhino to fit the final plan.
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[ C U S T O M I S E D    S H E L F ]
Initial design 3D modelled on Rhino.
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