elmspirituality · 7 years
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elmspirituality · 7 years
14 Signs from  your Animal Guides
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elmspirituality · 7 years
Get tips on how to manifest and get your ideal job - what to put on your list and how to ask for it.
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elmspirituality · 8 years
Be the energy you want to attract ❤️
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elmspirituality · 8 years
Meditating is one of the greatest acts of self-love you can do, one of the best ways to learn to love yourself, and one of the most powerful methods of creating more peace, joy and harmony. This practice is so simple! Just keep showing up and you'll experience the benefits. Download a powerful meditation for deep emotional healing at SuzanneHeyn.com.
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elmspirituality · 8 years
You already know you’ve got some spiritual gifts, the problem is that we forget…and by forget I mean everyday we forget.  If you’re like me you forget every hour.  As a  yoga teacher, entrepreneur, and
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elmspirituality · 8 years
Why I gave up tumblr
So I’m gonna post this on this blog, and then probably reblog it on my main blog...the thing is, I’ve kind of given up tumblr. I think it’s been about a month now (I did mention that I might be doing this a while ago, but never actually confirmed it)? And honestly (though I know other things have influenced me as well, obviously) I feel SO much better. I stopped taking my medication, which I know everybody advises against and really I shouldn’t have done it without consulting my psychiatrist first, but I just had to stop. I never really wanted to start medication in the first place, and deep down, I knew I was not meant to be taking it (plus I was only on it for like 6 weeks or something, so it wasn’t as big a deal as it would’ve been if I had been on the stuff for a few years). 
I need to be surrounded by positivity and love, and I need to avoid all forms of self-deprecating humor. I know it can be funny. But I was on tumblr ALL THE TIME and seeing that stuff constantly really sends a message to your brain. Not only that, but pretty much everyone on here (that I follow, at least) has some sort of mental illness and though most of it is people trying to stay positive, it’s another message being sent to my brain. The message of “you are sick just like these other people. you don’t fit in with everyone else. this is the only place you can find comfort” and again, let me reiterate that I know not everyone has had the same experience as me on Tumblr, but that is what it felt like to me. I had to get out. I still spend a good amount of time online, but I’ve been doing other things. Yes, I’ve definitely been on Facebook a little bit more, which I considered giving up as well, but I do actually use it for things other than, like, ranting about my life and entertaining myself with memes (I still do that though, I haven’t COMPLETELY changed). I joined a bunch of spiritual groups on fb that are super positive, and fill a lot of the time that I would’ve spent on here. I go on pinterest, and I also spend time just reading about spiritual stuff (sorry I couldn’t put that more eloquently lol). 
In addition to that, I’ve been reading actual books, and let me tell you, THAT is hella therapeutic. YES, it costs money. But you know what? I just got another job. Something that I’ve been unable to do during the school year for YEARS, because I was always just so depressed and never felt like I needed it that badly. Now though, I’ve really kinda gotten my act together, found a job on Craigslist, and now I’m going to have a little extra income coming in. It’s not much, but it’s enough that I won’t have to use my NJ bank account anymore to pay rent (I have one account in CO and one in NJ; the one in NJ has all the money that I saved up over the summer lifeguarding). I realized that I need a little extra money for things like books and energy healings and the stuff that, unlike medication, has actually helped me recover. I don’t consider myself depressed anymore. Instead, I’d say that I’m prone to depression. If I stopped meditating, reading, etc. then I can say with a lot of certainty the depression would probably come back. 
God, it’s just so nice. I’m also keeping up with all of my schoolwork (that’s been another huge problem for me in the past) and I found a place to live for next year with a girl that I already know and get along with (also she’s VEGAN and loves to bake so ngl I’m pretty excited to live with her). And my friend from NJ is coming to visit me for the first time in CO and there’s just a lot of good stuff happening in my life right now. I can tell you, again with a lot of certainty, that this is all because of my own personal efforts to heal. There’s still other stuff I want to improve on- for example, I need to get better at keeping my room clean and doing laundry, and I want to start working out again (although should actually happen soon because my new job is at a nice gym where I get a free membership and I kinda see that as a sign from the universe to get my ass exercising again lol). All in all, things are pretty good right now. I just wanted to be honest with you all so people don’t think that I just like, fell off the face of the Earth or something. I still check in about once a week to see if anyone has sent me messages or anything, but other than that, I won’t be on here anymore. I may start up another blog (possibly wordpress...really, I’d like to start my own spiritual business eventually and if that ever happens then you can bet your sweet patootie there will be a blog) and if I do then I will definitely inform everyone on here so you can follow up on what I’ve been doing. Other than that, I hope everyone on here is doing well, and do feel free to send me asks or something if there’s anything else you want to know (like I said, I do check in from time to time!). Love and light <3 
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elmspirituality · 8 years
Spiritually overwhelmed? Thats okay and normal, check out this article to find out more!
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elmspirituality · 8 years
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elmspirituality · 8 years
☮ * ° ♥ ˚ℒℴѵℯ cjf
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elmspirituality · 8 years
Mindfulness Meditation: Breaking it Down — Mindful Therapy Group - I provide HIPPA compliant Online Telehealth Counseling. Scheduling is easy and online at: http://ift.tt/1KUXdDg Subscribe to Life's learning's blog at: http://ift.tt/1RcMbWl Facebook page for Counselors: http://ift.tt/1KUXdTv Twitter: @sapelskog
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elmspirituality · 8 years
Money affirmations
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elmspirituality · 8 years
Money Meditation #abundance
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elmspirituality · 8 years
And every dollar I get out to help someone comes out multiplied this is very true for me
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elmspirituality · 8 years
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elmspirituality · 8 years
Morning affirmation with AWE app.
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elmspirituality · 8 years
#Affirmation: I am open to receiving floods of financial abundance with ease, so that I may be able to give back even more to the world around me. And so it is!
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