eloisemeadows · 6 months
Most of the falling apart that Eloise was experiencing was definitely personal and overflowing into work at the Lodge, though she'd have to be blind to not see that there were things amiss at the Lodge as well. "Must be something in the air," Eloise sighed as they finished packing up the mess of brochures that would inevitably be taking up the rest of her afternoon now. "Hopefully it'll pass soon. I think we need stronger coffee in the break room, in the mean time." Like coffee would solve her problems. "There we go, some optimism. Need some sunshine to scare off the rain clouds." Which was probably some advice she needed to take herself. "Oh, I'm definitely blaming the box. It was the box's fault, but I contributed to the problem."
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“I appreciate the validation there, trust me.” If there was anyone that could keep him sane, especially while at the lodge lately, it was Eloise. To get this lucky to have her as a co-worker, Noah didn’t know what he did, but certainly wouldn’t know what to do without her since she significantly helped holding up the place. 
He proceeded picking up along the remainder of the brochures along with her after finally stopping the abhorrent ringing from the front desk in both of their ears. “You know, good point. At least it’s happening in a slower season.” It did make the insanity more manageable than going a mile a minute it seemed during the summer months. After all the pamphlets were picked up, Noah nodded as he grabbed the sturdy tape, and started placing a strip of it over the box. “It was probably a shaky box to begin with, not your fault.” 
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eloisemeadows · 6 months
As predicted, Eloise had woken up not feeling any better than she had any of the days before. In fact, she’d managed to actually throw up instead of just suffering with the never-ending-nausea, which meant that she was actually maybe getting worse as time ticked on. Certainly not better, and that had been her agreement…even if she, as predicted, definitely tried to back pedal. She’d already taken the day off work, had called in the night before to give plenty of warning before her early morning shift, that was a good start, right? Maybe give it a few more days, see how she was feeling then. She’d definitely felt more solid in her argument before the puking. Didn’t really have a solid leg to stand on, after. No, the whole argument about just being tired and wearing herself too thin went literally right down the drain, so pouty as she might be, she went ahead and called ahead to the walk in; that was the better option, far better than the clinic on the ground floor of the hospital where the chance of running into her father or brother was definitely above zero and she wasn’t looking to open that can of worms. Especially not with the company she planned on bringing along - Dee had offered to drive the night before, and well, she was taking him up on that and then some by dragging him along for the entirety of it. Definitely better to eliminate any and all possibilities of running into her family, better to go with the route that wouldn’t have any hiccups or snafus when she already felt like she was going to lose what was left of her breakfast in the waiting room. And what a wait it was, as it always was at the walk-in, which is why she usually avoided it. Waiting and waiting, but at least she’d had company (and a book, but she kept that tucked away, much more interested in Dee’s presence than re-reading Little Women for what had to be the thousandth time) to get her through it. Finally, they’d at least gotten into a room to start the process of more waiting…but at least this waiting came after a few swabs and a poke to run a few tests to figure out just why in the hell she couldn’t stop feeling like shit and why things seemed to be progressing, and well, at least this waiting was back in a room. Baby steps, even if they were stupidly slow. Eloise had started a game of tic tac toe on a library receipt she’d found in her purse (desperate times) when the door finally opened, and the doctor thankfully wasted no (more) time and jumped right into it as Eloise tucked the receipt and pen away: ”Glad to be able to say we have some answers for you, Miss Meadows. While it sounds like you could benefit from some time off, I can definitively say that your symptoms are not related to illness. You’re pregnant.” That….that had not even made the short list. Or the long list. Or any list, and well, Eloise Meadows was a list maker and had definitely made at least a few when trying to problem-solve this situation herself. Hadn’t even been a thought, which was why she was rendered silent as she shifted to uncross her legs and the crinkle from the tearaway paper-roll on the table beneath her felt and sounded fucking deafening. “...What?” Definitely not the most articulate in terms of responses, but her mouth was dry and she was half-certain she was going to be sick again. All she had, for the moment, until she managed: “Could you..repeat that?”
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eloisemeadows · 7 months
Eloise might be grumbly about it, but she was still nodding in agreement as she tucked further into him. She had to admit, she didn't feel great and she'd like to feel better instead of consistently feeling like crap. If that meant taking a day or two and actually dragging herself to the doctor, so be it. ....Or so she was saying now. She might be singing a different tune come morning if she still felt gross, but she'd already given him full permission to nag her into compliance. "Cross my heart," she agreed with an over-exaggerated roll of the eyes (paired with a smile, at least, before she ducked in to kiss his cheek). "Provided I'm not feeling better, we'll go to the doctor tomorrow." Because, well, if she had to go she was dragging him along with her, especially since he'd already offered to drive. "After breakfast, in bed, because you've already bribed and I took the bait."
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"That's the whole damn idea of a bribe, baby," he tried a grin, chased by another snuck-in, off-script kiss to Elly's freckled cheek. If breakfast in bed was bending some set of rules, those weren't any he wanted to stick with anyhow. And Elly would agree, well - if he could've took notes, he'd be taking notes. Dee nodded along, just glad she'd made it to might, to an if that could become a then that'd make sure she took care of herself. Permission to nag a little was nice, but. He'd have done it, anyway. Somebody had to. With love.
(He should've been here, to do that much; three years he'd been gone, and she'd spent all of them running herself into the ground, hadn't she? Dealing with asshole tourists and the messes they left behind.)
But he was here now. And Dee Voss could handle Elly Meadows on her worst day. Easy. He held out the pinky he could offer, seriously. "Cross your heart." Hopefully she'd finally kick this overnight, but. Just in case.
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eloisemeadows · 7 months
"Hey, no worries. Figured I would track you down sooner or later." And she was glad that it was sooner, considering the size of the party. Running into Nour had been a happy distraction, at least, and now Eloise would be able to introduce them like she'd been wanting to for months and months. Except...based on the familiarity between them, it seemed as though they already knew each other so maybe this was less of an introduction than Eloise had anticipated. "Have you two met?" Eloise was smiling again, reaching up to tuck back her hair as she looked between the two. "Did I miss the boat on introductions here?" Apparently so, but that was fine by her. "Well, in any case, for my piece of it: Nour, meet the boyfriend I've been talking to you nonstop about for...forever now, basically. And Dee, Nour's basically become one of my best friends in the past few years."
All these people. Dee'd grown up knowing most of them, at least a little; if not by name, by story, by some sort of association. So and so's brother. Such and such's ex. It wasn't like any of that was a surprise, just - it was a whole lotta faces he hadn't seen since he'd got shipped overseas, and a lot of small-talking and catching up he could've done without, all while he got stared at in the way once-familiar faces tended to stare at him, now.
(When he wasn't onstage, anyhow. That was - it was feeling different, since the first couple times. That feverish sort of uncertainty had broken, leaving something bright and loud that just... carried him off.)
And Elly was just - not good. Insisting otherwise, but. Come on. He wasn't gonna nag her, though, not at this thing she'd been all excited for. But when she ducked out to the lady's room, he hovered for all of a half-second before veering off to find a door and some fresh air on the other side of it. Elly would probably take a minute; he'd be back before she was. Easy. Totally.
Except he hadn't been. Dee cussed himself out under his breath as he caught sight of that wave, snaking his way through the crowd. "Hey, baby. Sorry, just went for a smoke. Didn't mean to miss you." He looped his good arm around Elly's shoulders, like that'd brace her up against however much of the night she wanted to stick around for. Then he looked to the company she'd turned up; go figure. Least she wasn't left all alone. "Nour, how's - things?" Yeah, he was all out of casual lines. "You know each other?" Sure seemed that way. Small town, right.
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eloisemeadows · 7 months
"Instant packets are practically a crime." Definitely got the job done when times were desperate, but man would times have to be real dang desperate. "We're going to fix that for you in..." Eloise took a quick peek at the clock, on the wall behind Hope and over her head, "...well, one minute, I'll grab my stuff." Always punctual, the Eloise Meadows way, when she was certain most if not all of her coworkers would've just waltzed right out the door as soon as Hope had walked in. And, sure enough, it was time to clock out by the time Eloise collected her bag and her jacket and she was following Hope to the parking lot. "I have to warn you, I've lived here all my life and I'm still terrible with directions but I'll do my best."
"it can most certainly involve coffee, eloise meadows. as long as you agree to show me the best coffee place in town. i've been surviving off of instant packets the past few days." exploring the city still felt weird, somewhat too personal. it was one thing to get lost in the streets and shops of la or new york, when you were just a face amongst thousands, but in stillwater hope felt naked every time she entered a corner store with her thick rimmed sunglasses. "come on, you can be my navigator." she jingled her keys and started walking into the parking lot, where her baby - a bright red, convertible jaguar - was waiting. "i feel a bit weird driving everywhere in a town this size, but betsy just needs to be driven around. i wouldn't want her to feel excluded" hope joked.
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eloisemeadows · 7 months
Eloise had always been the blushing type, and that proved true as her cheeks warmed and reddened to rival the red of the robe and her hair - brighter by the second and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes at herself. Even after half a lifetime with him, she still got so blushy and shy, and well, maybe three years apart contributed a little to that. She rolled her eyes again at that compliment, though this time with a blushy smile, humming low in her throat as a response. She eased back into his touch as he settled behind her, that still-hot cheek pressed right against his. Eloise closed her eyes for a minute, letting herself just soak that all in - his back right up against her, arms warm around her waist, Dee being solidly there behind her in a moment that was both so similar to a million others and somehow more special after three years of missing these moments. She took a breath, steady and slow, and moved one of her hands over one of his, laced her fingers overtop and lightly pulled and spread his hand over the silk covering her abdomen. “See,” she murmured, turning that cheek a little further into his, nuzzling in while he was still close. “So soft, definitely worth it.” Eloise’s smile was broad, warm and bright as the early morning sunshine now filling their bedroom. “Pocket must’ve been full,” she said, voice light with the laugh she couldn’t quite contain, “I sent a lot.” One or more with every letter, a goal she’d set for herself before he’d even left. As though he could forget her, forget her eyes or her smile, but she was still eager to send photos along, photographic evidence of what was waiting for him. “I have yours…everywhere. Mostly in my books. ” She always had a book or two with her, wherever she went. To her, books were something sacred, and that felt like the only fitting place to keep those polaroids. “I used them to keep my place. Had to keep you close.” Two tasks in one, keeping those photos close enough to touch and keeping her place in whatever her read of the week was. Those cheeks warmed again, red and hot against his, and Eloise nodded once. “We can do that, yeah.” Even if she’d always felt awkward in the spotlight, she had meant whatever he wanted. Hell, might try to get some of him as well to add to the collection. “Won’t be long before they’re done for the season so it’s a good time for it.” She wiggled around in his hold, still maintaining the proximity between them despite the shift, leaning up to kiss him again. “We can go whenever, I just wanna shower first.”
A million and one, exactly. If only he could've packed that much home, in his kit bag - fuck, it still wouldn't be enough. Dee could feel his goddamn dimples drawing in, that smile sneaking higher somehow even as Elly blushed her way off the mattress. "No blanket? Damn..."
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She'd always been this way, red-faced as he played gentleman, curtaining her off while she buttoned back up after they were done fooling around. Incandescent in the afterglow, Dee had done his very, very best not to laugh. Every time. Eloise Meadows could be as shy as she liked, he'd figured, if that's what it took for her to survive Sunday mass and come around again. And again, and again...
But if she wasn't gonna make him close his eyes, well - he'd soak in the sight of her, back-lit by the morning, a silhouette he'd learned by hand and mouth and warm whispers, draped in the fine gleam of that silk. Dee rose to meet her question, tracing one of those geraniums blooming down her back. "Beautiful," he rasped, low, that still-hoarse voice as soft as he could manage. "Since it's on you." It was just that between them, now, as Dee slung his arms around Elly's waist. Like when he'd gather her up in those blankets, swaying cheek to cheek. He'd settled in on the side he hadn't left layers of back in 'Nam, a few more in Japan; God, he just wanted to feel her. It was being so far, for so long, through so much bullshit - that was the only way he could've forgot how real this was, how real they were. And that Elly'd never do him like it might've seemed she had, from the other end of a messed up mail run. Had to be what'd gone on. Some kinda fucking mistake. Not her. Not them. They were as right as it got. Righter than anything else Dee Voss had ever known.
His better hand spread across Elly's collarbone, just... holding her close. Now that he could. "Kept all your pictures right here," he murmured, a finger pinning that red silk over her heart. "Every goddamn day. I swear." Until the napalm took those, too. But Elly didn't need to hear about any of that. Shouldn't have to. "Wanna take some more. Put 'em all over the walls, in here. Make the place even prettier." That'd be some good whatever, to get up to. "The flowers're still out, up behind the dynamo. How's that sound? For starters." Elly in the wildflowers, one of their old spots - sounded fucking perfect, to Dee.
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eloisemeadows · 7 months
"Definitely not just you." Eloise shook her head a little as she sighed, collecting the last of the brochures outlining just about anything and everything to do with Stillwater. Sorting those back out was going to be an absolute nightmare. What had started as a simple, mindless task was now definitely going to take some time. At least it would still be pretty mindless. Mindless felt pretty good, to be honest. And at least he had stopped the constant ringing from the guest at the desk. "To look on the bright side," because well, it wouldn't be Eloise if there wasn't a bright side, "at least the falling apart is happening after the tourist season." He had the tape, and so she flipped the empty box over for him to tape the bottom. "Extra tape please, so this doesn't happen again all over the lobby."
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Thankfully, Eloise declared that she herself was alright, which was much more important than the box in question. He’d much rather help her with a task on the clock than train any more new employees at this point, having been practically at wit’s end on that matter. “Is it just me El, or has a lot seemed to be falling apart around here lately?” Noah asked, as he thankfully could confide in her at the lodge. Nodding at her following requests to end the incessant bell ringing and also help her out to repair the broken box. After finding out the guest in question needed extra towels, he rang up housekeeping to get them on their way and then started rummaging through a front desk drawer for tape. “Alright, we’re in luck. I can tape if you want to hold the box?” 
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eloisemeadows · 7 months
Eloise looked up at the motion in front of her with an easy smile already in place, the book she'd been reading during the lull at the desk set aside right away. "Me," she repeated, that smile inching up a little further at the now-familiar face. "That little birdie would be right." Hence the book. Eloise hadn't wanted to start a task that would set her over, which....well, she was a little known for. It was easy to get lost in what she was doing and accidentally run the clock, especially since she was absolutely the type to see things through and ensure they were done correctly. "What would that proposition be? Also, could it involve coffee? It's been a slow morning and I'm lucky to not be drooling on the desk right now."
with. @eloisemeadows where: birch bay travelodge
when hope had first arrived in stillwater, exhausted and completely broken down, the birch bay travelodge had been a bit of a sanctuary. she ended up renting their biggest suite for two weeks, always telling herself that tomorrow would be the day she would pack up her bags and go. and then she didn't. that day, however, hope was going back to the travelodge with a mission. a mission with red hair that had been the first friendly face hope encountered in the city. "you." she said, smiling and waltzing to the reception desk. "a little birdie told me your shift ends in 5 minutes and i have a very good proposition."
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eloisemeadows · 7 months
It was hard not to make a face, though somehow Eloise managed to keep her expression in check; she really didn't want to sour the evening, bring up how she'd spent the entirety of last three years doing nothing but worry about him and that it had become a habit that was proving to be impossible to shake. Of course she was worried about him, she was always worried about him and she didn't want to pass up whatever the hell this was along to him. Maybe that was the incentive she needed, to take a day or two off work to rest up and actually (maybe) go see a doctor to make sure that this was just a bug she'd caught and that everything would be right and well in a few days. "Bribery gives you an unfair advantage," Eloise mumbled, huffing out a heavy sigh though she did relent in a small nod. "I'll take the day." A good first step, and maybe that would help her get back to feeling like herself again. "I'll agree that I need to give myself that much to catch up." She was pretty convinced that she had just run herself into the ground, with working and commitments with her parents and now Dee being back. Nothing bad, but a lot. "Might," still sticking to that, "be good to take a day off for a bit of a break." They were okay, and she knew that. Eloise was such a creature of habit, and she had become so used to working more than she had been before Dee had been shipped off. Had to, for one. For another, it had been a good way to keep her busy and, more importantly, had kept her mind busy... though it had done little to keep her from worrying. As much as she disliked the idea of potentially leaving the Lodge shorthanded, it was one day. "If I'm not feeling better tomorrow, I'll go to the doctor. I'm giving you full permission now to hold me to it, even if I change my mind and get sassy and cranky about it." Because, well, that felt likely. "Pinky promise."
Yeah, he saw that; the crinkle between Elly's brows. He'd brought the night down a notch, been a dick. Dee kissed her fingers in a kind of quiet apology as she finished dealing with the evidence of how they'd screwed with the whole whodunnit storyline. He nodded, unsurprised that she hadn't even considered a check-up. She'd hoped; of course she had, that's what Elly did. And she'd been working so hard, for so long - and so much harder, the last few years. Too much. Until it'd become some kinda normal, now, to grind along whatever the weather, and... yeah, maybe she should book some time, break from the habit. That's what it was, working too fucking hard. He'd know.
Dee tucked Elly ina little closer into his side, abandoning that champagne she'd passed on to the sideboard so he had another hand to hold her with. Arms full of Elly. "Might not," he echoed, in a more-than-might sort of way.
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"You don't have to worry about me, hey?" Where'd she even got a thought like that? "And the Lodge'll deal. Better to take a day or two, get well, you know? We're okay." They were, just - they could be better off, sure. That was his fault, though. Him and the Army's. He'd fix that. He would. And a long weekend wouldn't break them, in the meantime. "Call in. Rest up. I'll do a real breakfast and everything," Dee teased, gently. "I'm not above bribing you, baby." Never.
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eloisemeadows · 7 months
Eloise frowned a little at the tone of the laugh, eyebrows pulling together just slightly for half a beat. She almost said something, almost, about how she didn't mean it like that but wasn't sure if she wanted to risk spoiling the mood by extending it forward. It was the eternal stupid elephant in the room, and one that Eloise wasn't looking to face that night. No, she spent enough time focused on that particular hurtle and would rather not have to deal with jumping it again tonight, not when she was trying to enjoy something she had been looking forward to. Nope, better to just let that one go. Couldn't let the other issue go as well, though. Not that lucky. Too many damn elephants in the room. Eloise sighed a little, wiping off the last of that lipstick stain with the pad of her thumb as she shook her head. "I didn't think it was going to stick around this long, whatever it is," she admitted, that frown deepening. "I just keeping hoping that it's going to clear up and I'll be right as rain again." Wasn't happening anytime soon, judging by the week she'd had. "So no, I hadn't really given much thought into being seen. Putting it off, I guess." That frown progressed into something of a pout, and she sighed again. "Maybe I should, I don't know. I'm starting to wonder if it's the flu or something, and the last thing I want is to get you sick." The thought of calling off of work was definitely something she had been putting off as well, and she bit at the corner of her lip as she thought. "I just hate leaving them short at the Lodge." But at least it wasn't prime tourist season anymore. "Sleeping in for once does sound nice," she admitted, and knew then and there that it'd show just how off she'd been feeling with the early bird she always was. "Might not be a bad idea."
What were they supposed to do? Fucked if he knew. Dee gave that an uncertain sorta hum, nursing that champagne. And a smirk, but a fast one, and a flat sorta laugh, mostly thrown into the bottom of his drink. "That's us. Scandalous." Far as her family was concerned, anyhow. What were the chances Dr. and Mrs. Meadows had come out for this? Above zero. Elly hadn't mentioned it, though. So he could hope.
But he had better things to dwell on, and he was, even as Elly scuffed at his lipsticked cheek. "You thought about, like... going to the doctor? Could drive you down to the clinic tomorrow."
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If that'd spare her from seeing her dad. Then again, Dee was the one who had a problem with the man. Just because the feeling was mutual didn't mean Elly had to share it; he was just lucky she hadn't fallen in on her father's side of things, and realized she was too damn good for him. God knew the old man must've tried to convince her of that much. Dee slid that circling hand up under her hair, soothing at the nape of her neck, trying to gauge just how far off Elly's 100% was. A ways. "Yeah, baby - why don't you call in? Take it easy? For a couple days, even. You can, you know?" She could. He was back, now. Things were - happening, money-wise. They'd be alright.
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eloisemeadows · 7 months
"I mean, I think we could definitely improvise. Aren't we supposed to improvise? Go off what the card says and make up the rest?" Eloise hadn't been able to help but laugh at the roles they'd been given, wondering if those that had been doing the assigning had known them, or had heard anything about them; in either case, Eloise definitely could play the part of swooning over Dee any day. "It'd definitely add to the scandal piece, so I'd take that as encouragement." Eloise felt a smile start to tick upwards automatically in response to the kiss he'd left on her cheek, tilting her head slightly to lean into it. Despite the fact that this had been her idea and she'd certainly been looking forward to it...she was beginning to mull the merits of leaving early. She didn't feel great, that was becoming more clear as the night ticked on and she was admittedly not able to give the mystery the attention it deserved. Might mess up everything if they decided to call it a night early, though. No way to tell if their roles were a vital part and would be missed. Better to stick it out. Elly murmured out a "mh-hm," though it didn't feel all too convincing. "I'm fine," she said and turned into him and moved to press a red-lipstick kiss against his cheek. She smiled a little more, reaching up to wipe off the lipstick stain with her thumb. "Just having a hard time kicking whatever this is." It had been close to a week now of feeling gross, but not gross enough to really do anything about it. Seemed to not be getting any better, so maybe she should. "But I'm okay. Not 100%, but okay."
Yeah, this was the kinda thing Elly'd be into; Dee thought so, fondly, on their way in. Even if it wasn't any sort of scene he'd have gone looking for - not back when, and sure as shit not now. But he could grin and bear it for the sake of seeing how much she'd smile. He'd weathered worse. Making awkward, half-assed small talk and drinking the mayor's champagne couldn't be half so bad as dinner at her folks' place.
(Christ. Quality time with the Meadoweses might be the only thing he wasn't looking forward to, now that he'd made it home.)
She'd read their bits out at the kitchen table, blushing under those freckles. That was reason enough to dust off his good suit (his only suit) and pretend he knew the first damn thing about being a Harvey Thornton type. "I mean, I don't remember anything saying we couldn't..." And nobody could stop them, for damn sure. Dee broke character or whatever and laid his cheek on Elly's hair, leaving a kiss at her temple. Staying close, to hell with the mystery... close enough that he caught that wince sliding over her face, there. Not the first, that week - nevermind that day. With a worried, uncertain frown, Dee downed what was left of his own and leaned just far enough to abandon it on the nearest sideboard, his bad hand still at the small of Elly's back, trailing along her spine in some sort of way he'd hope was helping. Anchoring. Something. He took that glass off her hands, kissing her cheek. Didn't feel feverish, at least. "You sure you're good? Hey?" Not the first time he'd asked, either. Elly had just been... off, the last few days. Like, unwell. But the party'd come along, and she'd insisted...
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eloisemeadows · 7 months
"I managed to convince him to come along." Eloise was outright glowing, thrilled at the idea of introducing her friend to the great love that she'd only been able to tell Nour about. Their friendship wasn't new now, though it had fallen in the time after Dee had shipped off to Vietnam; Elly was pretty certain she'd mentioned Nour in her letters, though wasn't sure if Dee would remember. They'd become fast friends, and Elly was practically buzzing with excitement at the idea of finally being able to introduce two of the most important people in her life. "We all know I love a good myster, even if I think I might be better at reading them than solving them. Anyway, yes, he's here, I just need to find him.." She'd slipped away to the restroom, lost track of him, but he shouldn't be too hard to track down; the party might be bigger and more bustling than she'd originally envisioned, but she kew she'd easily be able to pinpoint his face in the crowd. Just as expected, he was not far off and Eloise's smile brightened as she held up a hand to wave him over. "I mentioned you a few times, in my letters. Mostly just referring to you as a new friend, but I think I mentioned your name a few times."
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Nour can feel her smile falling thin, lips pressed together in an effort to make her smile seem genuine when she brings him up. It wasn't as though Elly never brought up Dee. In fact, it was one of the many topics they circled around regularly. It was her guilt that made her different as it continued to churn in her gut in painful twists. She feels a stomach ache begin to take precedence when she mentions that he was here— Oh, Allah Yakhtehk. Me... right now. Nour shakes her head, laying her hand across her stomach. "Oh— wow, is he?" she looks around, brows knitted as she feigns, searching the crowd for who Dee 'might' be. "Yeah, I'd... I'd love to," she nods, trying to convince herself that before she fell for Elly and created the mess she made, she was a friend first. ...She was... right? "—Where is he?" she asks timidly, almost hoping that a different Dee would appear.
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eloisemeadows · 7 months
"In your defense, the food has been pretty attention-grabbing." Eloise hadn't been sure what to expect from the whole ordeal, but overall it was certainly outdoing her limited expectations. She wished that she was feeling better so she could enjoy it to the fullest extent, but she was making the best of it (which was, well, the Eloise Meadows way): playing her part, looking for clues, and definitely over leaning into the role of pining for Harvey Whoever since that meant fawning over Dee. It had been too long since she'd really been able to do that. "I'll admit that as much as I love a murder-mystery, I'm not too sure I'm good at them." She'd definitely been paying as much attention as she could, but she'd been too distracted and she was certain she'd missed some details. "Better at reading them, I think."
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"I can't believe this..." Louis mutters to himself as he observes the crowd, a platter of whatever seafood horderves the event staff had given him propped up on his hand. Sure, he was a guest too and didn't have to fully play the part, but what fun was a themed party if roleplay wasn't honored? The only real problem (albeit very minor) was that he was the butler. Some extended family had been indentured servants to quite a few important houses, and he had a cousin who was one herself who would kill for a chance to see him now.
A sigh escapes his lips as the final horderve is taken off the platter. He cherishes a moment of relief until a soft tap on his shoulder pulls him from the immersion. Turning, he's faced with a young woman asking for a certain Harvey Thornton. He wished he knew exactly who that was, but all he could offer was a shrug and a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, madam. I... eh.. have not seen Ser Harvey," he tells her, accent thick and puzzled. "Honestly, I haven't been paying much attention to anything but the food," he also adds, sans accent.
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eloisemeadows · 7 months
It was going to be hard, to tear herself away when this was something she’d literally been dreaming of for years. Eloise had imagined it a million times, Dee’s homecoming and their first night at home, but her imagination had never hit the mark. No, she’d not pictured his homecoming quite how it had happened, but this part was somehow better. How joyful it was to have happy problems, like needing to slip away for work or a shower or anything in-between and know he’d be right where she left him later on. How nice it was to have normal complaints and pouts about normal day-to-day things, a luxury Eloise had not had in so long. No more worrying about war and death and so much awfulness, no more missing him and hating how cold his side of the bed was. No more letters, though admittedly she’d liked that part; Eloise had always been one for words, had enjoyed taking the time to put how she felt on paper. Maybe she’d keep up with that, leave little notes, once some time had passed. She’d think on it. Didn’t want to remind him too much of all those years passed even if her intentions were good. “I’ve got a million and one things tucked away for you around here,” Eloise mused as she rubbed the silk between her fingers, back and forth between her middle finger and thumb. “That is an exact number. I counted,” she teased with another over-bright grin, “but you’re going to have to wait for me to find them all and wrap them up. I thought I’d had more time for that so now you get to wait.” It had become something of a habit, a comfort, picking up things that reminded Eloise of him over the past few years, put them away and kept them safe for when he returned. When, not if, because she had to hold onto some kind of hope to push her through. She knew where…most of them were, was certain she’d lost track of a few along the way, would probably end up saving those for a rainy day or Christmas.
Eloise mumbled a few more “thank yous” in between each quick kiss she pressed along his cheek and jaw, nodding lightly to his question as she stole another slow kiss. Took her time there, before pulling away (with something of a pout and a sigh, though she’d never admit it) to slide off the edge of the bed and stand. He still knew her so well as that blush creeped up her cheeks, happy pink deepening to a full-blown flush beneath those freckles. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes at herself, face hotter than she wanted it to be by far (after all this damn time, still flustered and blushing). “I think I’ll make it,” she mumbled as she lightly placed the robe on the edge of the bed, “I think we can do without the blanket this time.” Maybe, if she didn’t think about it too much, considering she had always been annoyingly flustered and shy even after all their years together. Yeah, better not to think and to just shuck off that old shirt and toss it in the direction of the laundry basket near the door, reach for the robe that she’d left within reach and slip it on. “I definitely think I’m leaning towards worth the hype,” she said as she wrapped herself up in silk that was definitely only accentuating the red tint in her cheeks. “This might be the softest thing I’ve ever had. How’s it look?”
They could do anything. Christ - felt that way. All those choices, all this time. All theirs. Goddamn, he'd make the most of it. Dee had promised himself that, over and over and over, in foxholes and the streets of Saigon, through monsoon rains and machine-gunfire and worse. When he got home, he'd make the most of everything. Not because he'd taken life for granted, before. Just... it had to be more, now. He had to make it more.
At least, he'd thought that - that he'd get home, that there'd be more, that he could make something out of any of this - until those letters didn't just stop coming, but stayed stopped. Home went quiet, and the jungle had stayed so fucking loud.
Couldn't hear it now, though. Not over the sound of Elly laughing, gasping, sighing over her surprise. Dee was still smiling - couldn't stop, fuck. Just making plans, as Elly got a feel for that robe he'd had packed away for all those miles, the silk flowing through her fingers, gleaming even in the early light that hazed in through their old curtains. He was watching her hands, though. The curve of her lips, sweet as ever. The sweep of her hair over her shoulders, a prettier red than her present. The shine of that ring, their ring, that she'd worn all this while... he'd get his fixed. Soon as the cost didn't seem too much; soon as he had something like real work. For the moment, though - Dee nodded into another kiss, catching the corner of Elly's smile. "Yeah, I really did."
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And to think, he'd almost passed it off to somebody who had a girl to go back to, when he was damn sure he didn't. Not that there was too much romance going on around the burn ward; most of his fellow patients got their last letters from home after they wrote from Yokohama, not weeks before. So the gift had stayed where he left it, folded up tight. Shit, was he glad. "You wanna try it on?" Dee caught that old shirt she had on by the hem and gave it a gently upward sorta tease as he grinned, nose brushing hers, head cocked to kiss Elly's blush-hot cheek. "I'll close my eyes, if you want..."
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eloisemeadows · 8 months
"I agree. It's definitely fun to play the part, even if on my end that means playing the part badly. I avoided drama and theatrical arts at all costs during schol." No, Eloise had always been the type to prefer to stay out of the spotlight, though something like this was different: it tied right into her interests....and the mystery novels beginning to stack to a precarious height on her nightstand and the party was too bustling for eyes to be solely on her. Speaking of: "I know, I've been so busy with Dee getting back home. It all hapepned so quickly." Extraordinarily quickly, considering Elly hadn't even known that he was coming home at all. That was still a mystery itself that she'd have to unravel, but she was in no hurry to push for answers; they'd come in time (or woudn't). "But being busy isn't an excuse for falling off the face of the planet, so consider this a formal apology. I should be back in orbit soon, and would definitely love to have one of our coffee dates soon. Also, speaking of things I'd love," Eloise's smile ticked up further, and she peeked around the room briefly, "Dee is here, somewhere, and I'd love for you to meet him."
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Despite not seeing Elly for a good while, Nour recognized her voice the second she heard it. She turned with a smile that rested with ease, only maintaining it in response. She knew she was only brewing trouble by preserving their friendship by bringing her coffee on slow mornings, but any more than that would surely ignite a wildfire. Nour was scared— she was trudging along dangerous waters the more she kept Elly's company, even if it was as simple as being her mail courier. She was in the middle of changing that anyway the moment she realized who Dee was, but her efforts were on hold for weeks due to management. Fucking management.
Nour allowed herself to bask in Elly's compliments, blushing in return. She couldn't even bear to look at Elly for too long, aware that once she did, she would have much difficulty looking away. "You look lovely yourself," she manages to get out, eyes darting away and down to her fidgeting, gloved hands. "I don't think they're really my thing either, but I find it to be quite fun," she giggles, bringing her hand to her cheek. "It almost feels like we've been pulled back in time, which has given me quite the breather, actually." Nour couldn't help but find the night to be utterly rad. It was almost a gift to be taken out of her reality. "I'm doing alright," she tilts her head, unsure. "I've missed you, but I know you've been busy."
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eloisemeadows · 8 months
"Harvey is definitely Dee," Eloise confirmed with a bright smile, paired with a soft laugh and a nod. "And I'm Charlotte...something." Eloise frowned a little to herself as she dug around in her clutch for the card with her information, shrugging after a moment as she decided the last name was unnecessary. "I'm trying to play the part but I think we all know that acting is definitely not in my wheelhouse." Not at all, but this was fun and silly and well, Eloise might have been more into Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys than she'd like to admit aloud. "Whoever doled the cards out did me a huge favor in the fact that my big character trait is fawning over Dee's character. Doesn't take a whole lot of thinking to do that, but well, I'm bad with names and that has been a struggle." Eloise sighed a little, then shrugged again. "In any case, have you seen him around? I lost track of him when I slipped out for a second. Consider this to be both in and out of character."
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This was pure chaos. Noah had been inside the manor since the mayor’s opening speech for the party and now guests were tussling every which way, and he hadn’t been too sure which direction to head next. It honestly had been a surprise to him to keep being invited to this annual Halloween party, considering he was no great fan of the Mayor in general, Halloween party or not. Honestly, the more the night went on, the more of a mockery it seemed to him. 
Trying to weave around party-goers in the current madness of announced clues, Noah turned as he felt a light tap on his shoulder. “Oh, hey El.” Honestly, he was glad to see the familiar face of his co-worker, and he greeted her by her actual name, even if that wasn’t the ‘rule.’ “Harvey? Uh..is that..Dee?” Noah guessed, as he was still trying to figure out everyone’s ‘game identity’ versus ‘real’ one. 
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eloisemeadows · 8 months
“Whatever,” Eloise echoed with that grin still inching up somehow, impossibly so, cheeks warm and definitely a little sore from more use than they’d had in ages. Definitely hadn’t been this smiley in the few years past, felt a little silly for just how damn giddy she was feeling (and acting, as the smile-sore and pink tinged cheeks would indicate anyway) but was happy to lean into that feeling rather than the metaphorical black clouds that had been swirling overhead since he’d shipped out. It was dizzying, really, just how damn happy she was just to be able to kiss him again and brush her fingers through his hair, like an electrical current under the skin just buzzing along from head to toe. (Easy to forget the emotional whiplash of the last few days, but she was sticking to squashing that away until there was a good time to deal with it. If there was a good time to deal with it. He had to have his reasons why he didn’t tell her that he was back right away. He wouldn’t just choose to not tell her on a whim after three years of waiting on both ends. He had to know just how much she’d missed him just from her letters alone; she’d practically bled right onto the damn paper before she kissed it and sent it away each time. He had to know just how eager she was to have him back just from that, but she knew he had to have his reasons. He’d tell her, eventually. Or he wouldn’t. Didn’t matter, not in the grand scheme of things, not really.) “Absolutely anything you want.” She felt her cheeks warm a little further, dusty pink deepening to a more concrete flush, though leaned up to steal another kiss once he’d settled hovering above her. She couldn’t help but giggle a little into it as she ducked in for another, and another, pushing a few errant curls back up with the others he had tossed out of the way. “We could go get breakfast, go see a movie,” another kiss, leaning up further, up and into him, “or go to the beach,” one more, she couldn’t help herself really, before she sighed a little and dropped back down into the pillows, “or really anything. Think about it.” She’d already canceled dinner with her parents - that was a whole other can of worms she had no desire to open or think about, now when she was still in the happy-warm-haze of him coming home. Her parents could wait. Eloise and Dee had done enough waiting. She grinned again at the murmur against her ear and nodded, though did half-whine a little in protest once he got up and moved away from her. She took a moment to stretch as she scrunched her eyes up as he requested. “Not a peek,” she promised, a hand over her mouth covering a yawn that turned into a sigh. Even if she might be tempted to, and well, maybe her hands coming up over her eyes was to really drive the point home that she wasn’t but it also might be to resist temptation. She’d always been bad with surprises, liked knowing things but at least this one came with pretty instant gratification. The first touch of silk was unexpected and came with a soft giggle, shoulder coming up just slightly from the brush against her skin. “I think it might be,” Eloise said with a nod, hands coming down and away from her face. “That’s so soft.” Silk had always been one of her favorites, though this felt nicer than the slips and dresses in her closet (and well, some thrown over a chair in the living room; she hadn’t really gotten around to putting away laundry, hadn’t had reason to). “Definitely a lot softer than any of the other stuff I have.” Finally peeking, Eloise sat up and inched closer, leg gently bumping against his as she settled right beside him. “And red is still my favorite.” She reached out a hand to lightly brush against the fabric, rubbing it gently between two fingers. “You really got this for me?” Another wide grin, and she leaned in to oh-so-gently kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”
"Good." Last thing Elly oughta be, to him, was sorry. Especially when she had that fucking right: outta the park, for miles. "Home run and then some." With a knowing hum, Dee drew the pad of his thumb across Elly's freckled cheek, like that shine in her eyes had already started to spill over. Christ, but - she was still the softest thing he'd ever touched. Even after all those longer hours. Guilt prickled at the back of his neck, thinking about it. Course she'd been stretching her shifts. Just to make ends meet and keep tossing spare pennies into that little pool of savings. He'd sent his pay back, all that while - but a fucking army grunt didn't get paid like a firefighter, or a drywaller, a roofer. Like any of those things he'd been, before.
He softened the set of his jaw, though. And took the good news, while it was there for the taking. "Whatever?" Dee smiled, warm - like he always was, these days, running a little too hot for comfort, some medical bullshit he couldn't catch the words for. But Elly, she ran cool. How long had he been warming her up for? Longer than he hadn't. Not as long as he'd like to, though.
Slow - stiff-backed and just plain careful - Dee let their faded old blanket slide off his shoulders as he moved over her, tossing all those curls she'd been playing with as they tumbled into his face, and hers, bed-messy. His cheeks crinkled into a sheepish sorta laugh, nose brushing Elly's. Knees either side of those hips he'd missed, wiry arms framing her beautiful face, that whirl of red hair, he settled into the creak of the mattress. And took a moment, right there, between those kisses and all the next ones he had waiting for her.
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He just... what he wanted was to soak the scene in: the sort of moment they'd had hundreds of, thousands, since that rainy day on the beach so, so long ago. Moments he'd been missing, like hell. All of her, just... missing, from his moments.
Like her letters.
But she wanted him home. Wanted him at all. Still. Dee cleared that mystery out of his throat, where it'd started to choke a little. A lot. It could fucking wait. He did hesitate, all the same. Not for that, just... he curled his crooked hand under her pillows, out of sight, and leaned into his better, stronger side, to sneak a kiss under her ear. "I want to give you something." Something better than the rest of what he'd brought home. Prettier. Dee didn't wait for an answer; just rocked back, rolled off and headed for that heavy kit bag he hadn't unpacked. With a roll of his neck, he did his best to shrug off the ache that was already skewing his shoulders and - there. "Close your eyes, hey?" Dee turned, unfolding a ripple of red silk as he went. A little long for her, he'd known, even as he bought it. Stupidly, on one of his last days in Yokohama. Ages after he stopped getting any sort of mail, but - he hadn't been thinking, past that Elly might like it, that it was one of her colours, that it was nice, one of those nice things that he wanted her to be able to have. And he'd been high, yeah. Which'd always made it easier to forget that she hadn't waited for him, after all. Except she had, and...
He could feel a dumb, fluttering blush starting up. Like they were kids, still. Those kids, in love by the bay. Dee sat on down with her, again. Took a breath. And brushed a touch of sleek, shimmering silk up the line of her neck, from the collar of that ancient, worn-thin shirt of his she'd gone to bed in, across that cheek she hadn't got all teary on. "What d'you figure - this Japanese stuff worth the hype?" He'd thought so, but. Even all those thousands of miles away, taking a strung-out look through a street market - he'd known mulberry silk couldn't beat Elly.
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