eloquentposture · 3 years
Chapters: 1/6 Fandom: The Book of Mormon - Parker/Stone/Lopez, The Book of Mormon- Ambiguous Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Elder "Connor" McKinley/Kevin Price Characters: Kevin Price, Elder "Connor" McKinley Additional Tags: Religious Crisis, Small town diner vibes, at least in my mind, Just a story about learning to be vulnerable, mcpriceley, relationship centric, Internalized Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, A bit of a love at first sight story, More like trust at first sight, Canon Divergence, Nothing that happened in the show happens during Kevin's mission, the only canon thing is he goes on a mission Summary:
Kevin had no idea where he was if he was honest. In one of his layovers back home, he impulsively used what little money he had left to buy a ticket to the flight taking off the soonest. Instead of flying back home to Utah where his family was waiting for him, he ended up in New York with only his backpack filled with some extra sets of his uniform, a zip up hoodie to hide the telltale white button up and name tag, a dead phone with no charger, and about 5 left over dollars to his name.
 A McPriceley story based off the unreleased track from Waitress, Without a Believer.
Hello! I’m done lurking in this fandom! Please consider checking this puppy out 
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eloquentposture · 3 years
Hey so I had someone on twitter ask me to cross post my roger and Blair headcanons onto here and like a week later I’m here to do it! I will add some more for making them wait too. These were also posted on twitter under @/chiidofearth so enjoy:
-I’ve talked about it in mo money quite a bit but Roger is a huge hockey fan. Loves hockey games and going to them he just loves the energy and the vibes of hockey games and how rowdy it gets
-naturally the type of person who goes out of his way to make sure other people are doing ok. He’s just the person when you’re having a hard time you go to cause he gives good advice and is always willing to listen
-twilight fan
-words of affirmation asf! I wrote a whole story basically about his love language which I will be posting soon but he expresses himself very well through words. When he’s sad he’ll write letters to Blair about how much he loves him to make himself feel better
-he isn’t the biggest physical touch person but once he’s comfortable with the person (Blair) he’s all over them as much as Blair is
-book lover straight up he always has a book he’s reading at all times and will give Blair the rundown of each story once he’s finished so he can talk about it
-tea drinker his favorite tea is peppermint
-in school is subject was English he can effortlessly write essays and often wrote essays for Blair
-he easily gets down on himself and finds it hard to fight for himself sometimes but Blair is just fiery enough to get him to fight for himself when others are wronging him
-he really did feel stuck in his life til Blair showed up and he didn’t realize how much he needed him until Blair was there. Blair is not like anyone Roger has ever associated with and at first that sense of danger is what allured him but over time as he got to know Blair it wasn’t that danger feeling anymore it that pulled him in it was Blair helping him change to live life less by the book and more so how he truly wants to live. Idk if that makes any sense but Blair inspired him to be more to people than his public image that he uses as a defense of people judging the real him
-that one got a little sad um his favorite book he tells people is Picture of Dorian gray but secretly he really enjoys the books in the perspective of a stalker you know the ones
-loves otters the animal not the body
-also loves raccoons cause they’re funny and him and Blair cried over the video of the raccoon washing the cotton candy
-I’ve said it in a different thread but he’s a vegetarian I think cause of a traumatic incident involving chicken on the bone
-stealing Blake’s hc but back sleeper
-I think he has played either the piano or cello classically or both
-Roger will play his cello every once in a while and every time blair comes and hugs him from behind as he plays and he just laughs cause Blair is in the way now but he tries to keep playing whatever he is
-can play by ear so he plays Blair’s favorite songs for him all the time
-a bit of a hopeless romantic and he believes in true love but before Blair he just didn’t think he’d ever get to experience it. Hint after he meets Blair he feels like he finally has
-a true believer that everything happens for a reason and that every person finds others for a reason and he writes a lengthy letter to Blair one day about how important it was to him tbat Blair found him when he did and how much he needed him and how grateful he is for Blair helping him change into who he is today
-he doesn’t believe in a higher power but more believes things happen for a reason
-maybe I should write letters to Blair from Roger’s POV that’s a good idea
-Blair calls him out real quick on putting up a front for everyone and he’s like damn ok.
-I have this more in depth in a au but Roger’s relationships often fizzle out because he’s too scared of being his real self with people and is terrified of expressing his emotions to others and so his partner never feels like they actually know him but with Blair he feels this pull to want to be himself it’s hard to describe but with Blair he says things and expresses things no one knows about him
-neck kisses in an affectionate way not a sexual way also will Blair’s forehead quite a bit just when they’re chilling
-on the down low likes true crime
-one last thing actually he really loves golf because it’s the type of sport where you have to have a clear mind and let all your anger and frustration go to perform well at so it’s cathartic to him and he likes watching hockey cause he can be fucking ANGRY
-Last one cause I have to leave now but this is a completely self indulgent hc and be ready cause I will do a one shot soon but Roger closing cashier at a sketchy grocery store linden is this because you are a closing cashier at a sketc- gets shot
-ok one more but surprisingly to a lot of people he’s a very very creative person and he keeps it on the down low but musically, artistically, and with writing he’s very very creative and good at those types of things and it shocks people when they find out
Now for some extra ones I’m gonna think up real quick for you you blessed tumblr user you:
-this one is Blythe’s but Roger is hypersensitive to light touch when he’s sick so Blair will have to put all his weight on him and it makes Roger feel a lot better
-Blair is really good at baking and will often bake things for Roger at like 2 am and one night it wakes Roger up and roger comes down and starts helping and that leads to Blair just hugging roger from behind while roger stirs shit
-Blair makes roger coffee all the time and just leaves it on the counter for when he wakes up
-Blair has a hard time waking up in the mornings and when roger wakes him up in the mornings he has to wake him up an hour earlier so Blair has time to keep rolling over and cuddling Roger and going back to sleep
-Blair slow dances with Roger’s dog
I might add to this later but that’s all I can think of right now!
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eloquentposture · 3 years
Graphics glitch makes for entertaining weather report…🔊 🔊
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eloquentposture · 3 years
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slutty yoshi masterpost!
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eloquentposture · 4 years
is he... you know.... *mimes swinging a racquet*
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eloquentposture · 4 years
“im staying here in this spot, whether you want me to or not. …im staying.”
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eloquentposture · 4 years
All William Finn knows is sad, meet a sailor, hospital bed, be gay and lie
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eloquentposture · 4 years
if she doesn’t have delicious food for you, nouvelle bar mitzvah cuisine specifically, then what’s the point?
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eloquentposture · 4 years
The baseball game but Trina fucking snatches Jason's bat and knocks ball game glam Whizzer to the fucking ground
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eloquentposture · 4 years
My romantic fantasies at 2am:
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eloquentposture · 4 years
I’ve been listening to the Falsettoland workshop obsessively and I need more people to be sad with about Another Chess Game
(the song happens right before Jason’s Bar Mitzvah instead of You Gotta Die Sometime, You Gotta Die Sometime still hapens, but before Days Like This instead)
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eloquentposture · 4 years
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the tragic death of orin scrivello, DDS (skid row; 1986, colorized)
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eloquentposture · 4 years
people named Gary. drop the R. what u name now?
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eloquentposture · 4 years
*therapist voice* you are stupid and gay
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eloquentposture · 4 years
“In the words of Mark Twain’s wife, Shania Twain, ‘that don’t impress me much’”
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eloquentposture · 4 years
none of yall know what propaganda actually is, do you?
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eloquentposture · 4 years
gordon: *always late, doesn’t turn in work on time, exclaims he hate his job and his boss, says that that job has ruined his talent, saying how it was taking up all of his time*
also gordon: “wHy DoEs Mr BuNgEe HaTe Me”
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