send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics!
it can be a praise, a complaint, a good memory… anything that comes to mind!
long threads
roleplaying with yourself
multiple people threads
dash commentary
excessive ooc
DNIs in rules
reblog karma
personal blogs
magic anons
animated icons
dash games
fanon interpretations
violent threads
your current RPC
another RPC you’re part of
another RPC you’re no longer part of
your first RPC
your character
another active muse
an old muse
your first muse
your choice!
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kinky/rough smut prompts
CW: VERY NSFW! contains potentially uncomfortable kinks like bondage, cum play, knife play, sensation play, etc. feel free to combine prompts & change pronouns/descriptors as needed. put under a read more for viewing safety, & it’s also rather lengthy as well. written from the perspective of the sender — ‘my muse’ = sender, ‘your muse’ = receiver. !!! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT !!!
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Send "Here -- A flower!" to see my characters reaction to your giving them a flower
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Send me 'slap' for my muse's reaction to yours slapping them
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Send me "?¿" if you would date the mun
or “!¡” if you would date my muse
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My muse is dying in your muses arms. What does your muse say to mine?
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My muse is being held in solitary confinement and hasn’t seen anyone for weeks. Send ⚠ to find them.
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He's walking down the road, his last employer had foolishly ran into a den of vampires, and despite Teldryn's best effort to keep the other alive...
He had to admit they hadn't been the best fighter, and had died fairly early in the venture. He continued to empty the cave, filled his pockets with anything valuable off the undead, and left to head back to the boat to Solstheim.
That is until he sees the other on the road. He slows his stride, and moves to give the other a wide berth, hoping its just a traveller.
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"...Good evening."
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It's been a long trip from London, and Basil is not entirely sure if he's ready for the hustle and bustle of the busy city, and he's even less sure about lending a hand to the police department.
But he had been hired. And so here he was.
Walking into the police station, the mouse dodges underfoot before finally spotting something peculiar. A bunny. An officer.
Well! Good as any.
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"Excuse me!"
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It's not often that Sunny is outside of the daycare, usually spending all day inside to watch after the kids...
But today was a special day, and the sun animatronic is free to wander around amongst the kids.
And then he saw one of the members of the band!!
"Roxy! Hello Friend!" He calls cheerily, giving a friendly wave.
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He has no idea if she thinks of him as a friend, but its his general greeting.
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"Why of course Senorita Lusia." He says reaching for a pen and with a flourish the cover is signed. "A beautiful name." he says holding it back out to her.
"Glad to see my music is still still making its rounds."
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@droppingdonkeys​ asked:  Comes up to Ernesto with a record cover. “Hola, uh, may I have your autograph, por favor? I’m a fan of your work.”
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Ernesto turned when he hears a young woman behind him. She’s looked over for a moment before the musician grins. 
“Why of course niña !” he says reaching over to take the record cover. “Who shall I make this out to?” 
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Jacob gives a bit of a laugh when she seems keen on looking at anything that isn't him.
"You didn't know I was... in here?" he asked. "In my...own quarters... after being injured?" His grin is teasing already.
"Thanks lass, I appreciate the concern." the man turns to grab his shirt, pulling it over his head.
@elveswithoutearsmultimuse continued from x
"Lo siento, I didn't know you were in here, I was..."
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She stares only for a second. Luisa then immediately averts her gaze and looks at the floor, or rather, anywhere that's not Jacob.
What was she supposed to do, again?
"I, uh, had to... uh, something. I forgot. Sorry. Good to see you're back on yer legs."
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When she says Bonnie was her favorite it made him grin. Smile a tad bit too wide... "Did you know Bonnie is one of the oldest? Fredbear and Bonnie... they were both Yellow before going through.... company refacing." His smile dies as he thinks about it.
His precious creations... A shame.
But he focuses back on her.
"I'm sorry you never experienced them as a child. A magical moment I'm sure... but look at you now. You work for Freddy's. Now you get to see them nearly every day."
He slipped the wallet back into his pocket, holding his hand there a moment to make sure it was secure before relaxing. 
“Ah! The new security guard…. yes I heard they hired someone new.” He holds out his hand. “No actually, William Afton, Miss Vanny.” he chuckles. “I run the establishment.” To a point. “I mostly work with the animatronics now.” 
She could feel her cheeks start to flush. Oh wow, she was talking to the one who is essentially her boss! She straightened up as she shook his hand, grinning.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Afton. I’m a huge fan of your work with the animatronics.” She said, trying not to sound like a gushing fangirl. Still, it was hard not to admire him.
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William took his hand, giving it firm and friendly shake.
"And you as well." He answered, "I've heard good things about you, and can't wait to see what your thoughts are on the animatronics."
Not that... he really thought they needed much upgrading or changing. But fresh eyes never hurt.
He lets go of his hand. "Thank you for taking the time to meet today."
The host offers a far too friendly smile when the other walks in, although its a bit strained because this man doesn’t have a child with him. The judging eyes quickly disappear when he says he’s hear to talk to the boss. 
“Oop hold on-” They turn. “MISTER AFTON.” they call, drawing the attention of said man nearby, leaning against the prize counter. 
William glances up from his wrist. 
“Dr Carlos Ramon is here to see you?” 
“Ah!” here he was then. William gave him a once over, before offering a chipped tooth smile. “Right over here Dr Ramon.” 
Carlos smiled politely. “Thank you,” he said to the host sincerely before turning toward the prize counter.
“Hello, Mr Afton. It’s nice to finally meet you,” Carlos greeted and he offered a hand to the other man to shake.
He meant it; it wasn’t every day that one met a super-smart robot engineer, and Carlos would be lying if he said he wasn’t looking forward to ‘meeting’ the animatronics themselves as well.
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The tiny bear gives off a series of happy sounding beeps and a pre programed small jingle.
He was going well.
His eyes opening and he points at the other. How was Freddy? He's excited to see him
@glam-rockin​ started following you
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The little bear sees Freddy and immediately and excitedly bounces over to him, waving his arms in greeting.  
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“Helpy! It has been a while since I have seen you in person! How are you?”
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Helpy makes a noise of confirmation, a loud beep as he nods his head. Immediately holding his arms up as she said she could carry him around.
Lets go!
@justasecurityguard​ started following you
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As Vanny starts her patrols, the little helper bot suddenly starts following her excitedly. 
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"Oh handy." Jim says when the other tells him she used to fix docks and buildings.
He supposes if you can work with wood on one thing, you could work with it on another.
"I could see him hiring someone who's good for that with how bashed about his ship gets." He laughs loudly as if he had just told the best joke. Adding on "It's a compliment." And it is. Means the ship saw a lot of action.
"Oh since I was a wee lad." He gestures with his hand. "My brother was my first Captain, before I eventually got my own ship. There's a statue of me out in the square did you know?"
Jim is too busy glancing into his cup to notice her frown.
“Ahh!” Jim says drawing out the syllable. “Wanderlust? I know many sailors who head out because of that. Have to say, it’s pretty beyond the shores. ”
Jim didn’t think he could stay on shore anymore.
However he blinks and looks at her. “Just like that? Old Augustus?” he laughs incredulously. “You musta really impressed him. It’s hard to get on his ship. Aha. I’ve seen him turn down more sailors than any other Captain.” A pause. “… I suppose I was wrong about you lass.”
 “At home I repair docks and buildings. Ships ain’t much different.” she shrugs and downs the last of her drink and sets the glass back on the bar. That was just enough to be clear, not enough to make someone suspicious of what she could do. Luisa looked at the musicians, hoping they’d strike up a tune again after a drink and a snack. She’d like to dance, on her first night back on shore in months.
“How, uh, how long have you been hunting for?” she tries. The least she can do is make conversation.
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