Really want to get Shining Nikki back but will my phone be able to handle it??? Probably not 😭😭
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They were talking about Daikaku's sister and Genpachi said this 😂
Genpachi: Shino, you are 100 times cuter!
Kobungo: That's enough!!
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Just got back to yume100 recently!
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Shining Nikki Summaries
Hi everyone! When Shining Nikki first came out, I did brief summaries for stages 1-5 from chapter 1 and thought I could share it on here. I know there are groups that doing full translations for it but since I had everything typed out already, why not put it on here too for those that are too lazy to read the entire thing. 
Update: So I just realized SN has updated their story and this is no longer what happens in chapter 1! I’m guessing they updated it to make it less confusing but I literally didn’t realized until I got the JPN server today hahahaha. 
Chapter 1-1
Nikki has a dream from 13 years ago. A kid Nikki is lost, and she is looking for her mom and dad. She then spots a man that is writing. The guy then began talking to himself and said “I have observed only one ending but left a small factor that cannot be predicted. Will the ending change because of that factor?” Nikki then proceeds to ask who he is, and he told her he is the one that assigns destiny/fate.
Nikki wakes up telling Momo she had a scary dream but realizes Momo wasn’t with her and she’s in prison. A police officer comes to Nikki and she ask why she’s there because she doesn’t remember anything. The police said something about Nikki drinking (but I’m unsure of whether he thinks she can’t remember anything because she was drinking or she’s in prison because she was drinking. I’m pretty sure it’s the first one lol).
The officer proceeds to ask Nikki about her name, age, and occupation. She replies with “Nikki, 19 years old, I am a …… stylist…” It seems like Nikki’s memories are a bit foggy as of now. The police officer confirms that they are indeed in Miraland and wants Nikki to show him her ID but since she isn’t from this world, her ID wouldn’t have any use here. Nikki then has a little inner monologue about Miraland. Translates to something like this à “Miraland is a known as a peaceful country but it really isn’t that peaceful as Nikki has been through many things in Miraland. Especially since what happened later on… and her teacher told her….  What happened later on? Who is teacher?” The police officer then gets a call telling him someone is here to bail Nikki out and Nikki asks if it’s a cat that can talk. Nikki is able to leave, and the screen goes back to a scene with the officer and a blonde guy. The blonde guy is holding onto a file with Nikki’s information in it and we find out his name is Luo Ang. It seems like the officer knows Luo Ang and he’s the one that set everything up? And Luo Ang ends with saying “the only thing you need to know is that this is what might change the fate of this world.”
Momo reunites with Nikki again and asks her why the police took her, but she doesn’t remember anything. Momo reveals that they just arrived yesterday, and Nikki’s condition wasn’t so good already. He questions whether she lost her memory because they traveled back in time. Nikki gets surprised by that and momo tells her they have traveled 680 years back into the past Miraland. Nikki thinks Momo is doing this because it’s April fools but Momo tells her she was the one that insisted on coming back to the past to change the fate of the future world. She asks why she needed to change the future but of course, we don’t get the answer in this chapter. She accepted this pretty quick and tells Momo they should go to the clothes store up ahead to gather more information. The store owner’s name is Hai Zhe and he (I’m not 100% sure what Hai Zhe’s gender is but I think he’s a boy??) tells us about how styling in this world works. He tells Nikki she can come to his store to collect more clothes to level up her matching/styling power (I’m not really sure how to translate this into English but it’s 搭配之力 and roughly translates as matching power). This is probably referring to the different attributes relating to the clothes like “sexy, lively, pure etc.”
Hai Zhe sees Nikki writing in a notebook and she tells him she wants to write down all the amazing stylist she meets. Hai Zhe tells Nikki he knows someone that might be able to help her. The person is currently collecting information about all the different stylists in Miraland and can introduce them to Nikki. He also said he thinks Nikki is good stylist and might even be able to use the power call “She Ji shi zhi ying” (roughly translates to designer’s shadow. This is the power where we summon our partner in the game). They then bring up the name Li Er Li De (I think this is supposed to be an English name…? but I have no idea what it is.) A young man then comes in to the store. He gets mad because the article of clothing he wanted was given to Nikki. Nikki challenges him to a battle since he wasn’t happy about this.
Nikki ends up in the place from her dream again and sees the man from chapter 1-1. He tells her this is her spiritual world and where the real stylist battle takes place in. She then asks if he is her teacher, but he tells her he is only a projection of memory and is not her teacher. They then reveal to us that this guy is Li Er Li De. Nikki’s memory begins to clear up and it seems like she has some sort of flashback of a conversation with a little girl about Miraland. (This is the part where I am not entirely sure what is happening but from what I can get, Miraland has fallen into ruins because they mentioned something about ashes and those who have stayed by Nikki’s side is no longer with her. It seems like Li Er Li De has something to do with it. From what I understand, he is the one that writes the fate of this world.)
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~花騎士の誓い~ Flower Knight’s Oath – Chapter 2
Hey guys! This is the second chapter to the Flower Knight’s Oath event. 
The event ended a few months ago but it’s still possible to read it. If anyone doesn’t know how to get back to read it just tell me and I can make a separate post for it.  
There were a few lines where I wasn’t 100% sure if I got the meaning right so I’m sorry for that! 
I used “Yume” as the MC’s name so whenever you see that, just insert your username 
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 
Perura: …Yes. I should try talking to him.
And the person that we went to visit is…---
Shunii: It’s true that I am part of the Elite Snow Family, and I am above everyone else but “leadership” is… something I can not explain easily
Perura: But, when I look at you, it feels like you know understand what it is
(So “him” was Shunii-kun…
After seeing those kids, he thought of Shunii-kun… something like that right?)
I couldn’t help but smile when I thought of that.  
Shunii: Hey, manservant. Why are you smiling?
MC: I-it’s nothing… I’m sorry!
Shunii: Good grief. I already said it, but I am busy.
Perura: Then, can we stay and watch you for a bit?
Shunii: Watch? What are you saying…--
Perura: We’ll make sure we won’t get in the way
Shunii: Hey, W-wait…!
Before Shunii-kun could finish his sentence, Perura-san sat down on a chair in the corner
Shunii: Jeez… only watching, ok?!
Shunii-kun went back to read his book but he didn’t seem that annoyed.
I hurried and sat next to Perura-san
Perura: ……
(So serious…)
Shunii: …...
Perura-san continued watching Shunii-kun until…-
Shunii: …… look here
Shunii-kun sighed deeply
Shunii: With that…. Do you understand what leadership is?
Perura: Hmm. Not at all
Shunii-kun’s shoulders sagged when he heard that
Shunii: Jeez…. What a weird guy. First of all, why do you think you’re lacking leadership?
Perura: Hmm…. I think it’s because I have only been pulled forward all this time. Everything I do feels like a bother
Shunii: B-bother?
I felt anxious as I watch over the exchange between those two
Perura: …….
Suddenly, Perura-san’s eyes
Perura: Your words had the power to pull everyone forward
Shunii: It’s not… like I’m doing it intentionally
Perura: Even if it’s not intentional, your words still helped Prince Rion, everyone else and me
Shunii: As a representative of the Elite Snow Family, it is my duty. It is only natural.
Perura: Natural…?
Perura-san looked at Shunii-kun like he was a mysterious being.
He looked like he was trying to grasp something but can’t…. His expressions were that complicated.
MC: Perura-san
Perura: Yume….
MC: Perura-san, aren’t you moving people forward too?
Perura: Eh…..?
Perura: After the citizens found out I am appearing in the flower oath ceremony, they have been greeting me more when I go out. Everyone is happily talking about it so I feel like I should do my best.
MC: I’m happy about it like it's about me… I want Perura san to do his best. Not anyone can think in a way like that. It's because it's Perura san.
Perura: …..
He thought about it deeply….
Perura: yeah… that might be it. Thank you, Yume
After smiling brightly, he grasped Shunii-kun’s hand
Perura: Thank you, Prince Shunii
Shunii: I didn’t do anything for you to thank me. As I thought… He’s a weird guy…--
To hide his blushing face, Shunii-kun went back to read his book… -       
to be continue   
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~花騎士の誓い~ Flower Knight’s Oath – Chapter 1
Hi guys! This is the first chapter to the current event in Yume 100. This is my first time translating such a long passage and had to look up almost everything to make sure lol. Many of these sentences sounded really odd in English. I tried the best I could to make it flow a little better. 
I read the prologue before the event started and forgot how important it was. I will put a summary of the prologue here so chapter 1 will make a little more sense. To be honest, the prologue was a little hard for me to understand. I skipped a lot of kanjis I couldn’t read. 
Prologue starts out with all the princes and MC gathering for the “flower oath ceremony.” MC introduces each character in her head like usual and when all of them showed up, they all found a letter addressed to them. The letter stated that they all are missing a quality from the “10 commandments.” The commandment is a set of spirit the knights must carry. So before the ceremony starts, the princes must find out which commandment they’re missing and fix it or else there will be problems with the goddess. 
Flower Knight’s Oath – Chapter 1
The lively street is fill with colorful flowers. In the middle of that, Perura-san is diligently gathering information about the ten commandments.
Perura: I see. Thank you very much.
Perura politely expresses gratitude to the people and then turn towards my direction. Moving with grace, I was mesmerized by his movements.
Perura: What’s wrong?
MC: Ah…no. I just thought that Perura-san was working hard.
Perura: You think so?
His bangs swayed gently with the wind. His hair rested on his cheeks. His beauty made my heart skip a beat.
Perura: Is it weird… that I am working so hard?
MC: N-no! It’s not wei-
He chuckles softly at my response. And then…-
Perura: After the citizens found out I am appearing in the flower oath ceremony, they have been greeting me more when I go out. Everyone is happily talking about it so I feel like I should do my best.
MC: I see. So that’s how it was.
Perura: Why do you look like you’re happy?
MC: I am happy
Perura: As I thought, you’re weird.
Shyly, he put his hand behind his head.
(Cute…. but if I say that, it will be rude, right?)
Nevertheless, the faint blush on his cheek was cute… I couldn’t help but smile.
Perura: But it’s not enough yet. I’m causing my servants who always took care of me to worry about me.  The commandment that I am missing…. It’s…. probably….
After a little while, Perura opened his mouth a little.
Perura: I wonder if it’s “leadership” …
MC: Leadership….
Perura: Yes. The power to gather people and pull them forward. Just suddenly telling us to do this, it’s pretty difficult, isn’t it?
While pondering, Perura-san pursed his lips.
MC: It’s true that it might be hard but…
Not being able to word this well, silence fell upon us.
Child: hey, Riri-chan! Where should we go this time?
The cheerful voices came from the children passing by us.
Riri: It’s a little far but this time, let’s try going to the flower garden!
Child 2: Will it be fine? Just us going…
Riri: Then what should we do? Go play at our usual place?
Child 2: No….
Riri: If you’re having trouble deciding, let’s go! Let’s go now and return before it gets dark!
Children: …ok!
The kids gazed at the girl name Riri with admiration.
Perura: … “Leadership” huh
Perura-san stared at the kids and muttered in a small voice.
Perura: …Yes. I should try talking to him.
MC: Him?
Perura: Yes. The person that is always straight-forward and…. Has the power to move people. That person.
Perura-san stared at me with his white pupils…
Not being able guess who “him” was, I could only nod my head…-
To be continue….
MC is always talking about the blushes on their cheek and how their hair is flowing with the wind or something. It’s so hard translating these because it sounds so lame in English lol
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