emant0 · 3 months
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Dorian inspired by Anand Radhakrishnan “Black Mumba” cover
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emant0 · 3 months
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I'm still waiting for you in Dreadwolf ;-;
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emant0 · 3 months
A little something.. still in thetraining phase of animation ✨🫶
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emant0 · 3 months
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emant0 · 3 months
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emant0 · 3 months
A little something.. still in thetraining phase of animation ✨🫶
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emant0 · 3 months
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emant0 · 4 months
Do we think Lestat hated sleeping without Louis
Of course. That scene was meant to imply they stopped sleeping with each other when Claudia came along.
As I said, sleeping together like that was the norm for them. Lestat, errrr Sam *ahem* 😏, said it best:
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It’s really not said enough that based on the angle of their bodies, Louis is nuzzling his head into Lestat’s neck and collarbone while Lestat holds him in his arms when that coffin closes….and this was their normal. I’m fine.
Also! This was an excerpt from one of Anne’s diaries while she would’ve been writing Prince Lestat And The Realms Of Atlantis, and it’s Loustat sleeping together + sharing blood.
They're in a crypt the candle burning down. Louis paralyzed with sleep, Lestat awake. Lestat comes over to the shelf + sits beside Louis, leans over — holding Louis in arms. Louis groggy, powerless — and Lestat bites his tongue, lets the blood spill into Louis' mouth - and for the first time in over 200 years his mind opened to me. I felt terror. I would pierce the undisguised heat of his hatred but a great rosy light surrounded us and in a moment I held him in a grip so close that nothing came between us, and I felt his wordless love flowing into me as surely as my love flowed into him — prayers, whispers, souls blending with a great absolute and unyielding power for some particle of human understanding + then a turning from the desperate seeking of the divine to me, to me, to my heart, and then as if we knelt together on the damp stone cold floor of a church he turned and pressed his forehead against my face and whispered “Brother, lover! Let me forgive you for not being God! Forgive me for ever demanding that you be what you cannot be + never was!”
“….as if we knelt together on the damp stone cold floor of a church….”
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Lestat terrified and expecting to find hatred in Louis’ heart. Instead, he’s met with love as surely as his own.
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“….I felt his wordless love flowing into me as surely as my love flowed into him — prayers, whispers, souls blending with a great absolute and unyielding power for some particle of human understanding….”
Again, I’m fine.
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emant0 · 4 months
absolutely losing it to their face journey while replying to the question why it’s important that the show is unabashedly queer than the film
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emant0 · 4 months
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the world changes, we do not, therein lies the irony that kills us.
prints + merch + commission info
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emant0 · 4 months
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emant0 · 4 months
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ELEKTRA: I am the shape you made me. Filth teaches filth.
(prints)(process video & high res)
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emant0 · 4 months
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This bloodweave art dump has it all: The price of devotion, the serenity of simple touches, cat to cat communication and iasip redraws with slightly altered dialogue
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emant0 · 4 months
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That's LOTS of kisses.
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emant0 · 4 months
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Imagine: Single and bitter post-game Ascended!Astarion courting the hell out of visiting Professor!Gale to get to him for that one time he rejected his flirting at the very beginning only to get caught in famous enough-for-two softness.
Not sorry, I tried the Duke's garments on Gale and it just happened.
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emant0 · 4 months
Uuuuhm hello again 👀 a little nsfw bloodweave? Very little, very romantic
I love your art TRULY
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Ahem 🫣
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emant0 · 4 months
Your work is amazing! Your Bloodweave animations have quite literally fuelled the obsession that led to my latest fic - so thank you! <3 If you ever get the chance, would you be able to bring this scene to life?
* With a sigh, Astarion reluctantly accepts the embrace that follows, even if it is a bit weird how Gale stumbles into him, and how the hug is accompanied by an odd noise, like the sound of a cleaver hitting meat.
Gale moves back with a little cough that splatters blood on Astarion’s cheek.
“Oh,” the wizard says, mildly perplexed, looking down at the arrow protruding from his chest, and back up at Astarion in confusion.
“No!” The vampire’s shout is more a howl of pain than a coherent word, as Gale sinks slowly to his knees in Astarion’s arms. *
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I had to cut this down a lot. I went a bit overboard and it got a bit long 😅
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