emazura · 16 days
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In the year I counted and named the Dead, the Other gave me:
 a cheese and ham sandwich
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emazura · 16 days
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«Of all the billions of people in this world Raphael is the one I know best and love most. I understand much better now – better than Piranesi ever could – the magnificent thing she did in coming to find me, the magnitude of her courage. I know that she returns to the labyrinth often. Sometimes we go together; sometimes she goes alone. The quiet and the solitude attract her strongly. In them she hopes to find what she needs. It worries me. ‘Don’t disappear,’ I tell her sternly. ‘Do not disappear.’ She makes a rueful, amused face. ‘I won’t,’ she says. ‘We can’t keep rescuing each other,’ I say. ‘It’s ridiculous.’ She smiles. It is a smile with a little sadness in it. But she still wears the perfume – the first thing I ever knew of her – and it still makes me think of Sunlight and Happiness.»
Illustration series for Piranesi by Susanna Clarke 
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emazura · 16 days
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emazura · 16 days
I know I always get overemotional reading Piranesi by Susanna Clarke but for some reason when I got to this part last night I just cried uncontrollably for five straight minutes and I can’t explain why
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and basically after reading this book several times I think I’m starting to feel that sea longing that Tolkien’s elves get
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emazura · 16 days
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Piranesi my beloved
The lack of fanart for Piranesi is criminal, this book has so much to obsess over!!!
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emazura · 16 days
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emazura · 16 days
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books I read in 2022 📖 Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
“In my mind are all the tides, their seasons, their ebbs and their flows. In my mind are all the halls, the endless procession of them, the intricate pathways“
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emazura · 16 days
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Yet it has occurred to me that there may be more wisdom in birds than appears at first sight, a wisdom that reveals itself only obliquely and intermittently.
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emazura · 16 days
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Piranesi fan art
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emazura · 16 days
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one day at a time
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emazura · 16 days
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emazura · 16 days
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Some refined thumbnails for the finished piece!
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emazura · 16 days
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Piranesi by me
 «La belleza de la Casa es inconmensurable; su bondad, infinita»
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emazura · 16 days
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Piranesi's House, Bunty May Marshall
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emazura · 16 days
Finally finished reading Piranesi and can't stop thinking about how he tends and cares for the dead in the House and how it perfectly encapsulates why I want to become a mortician.
To be clear, I am not religious at all and don't believe in any sort of afterlife, resurrection, etc. That said, the closest I feel something can be to being holy or sacred is caring for your dead. In a purely utilitarian sense, does it matter what happens to your corpse? Not in the slightest. But to me, a body is the whole sum of a person, that is all they ever were and ever will be, and that deserves dignity and respect.
"If you are dead – but not one of my own Dead – then please know that I travel far and wide in the World. If ever I find your remains I will bring you offerings of food and drink. If it seems to me that no one living is caring for you then I will gather up your bones and bring them to my own Halls. I will put you in good order and lay you with my own Dead. Then you will not be alone."
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emazura · 16 days
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Bloomsbury hire me to make a Piranesi graphic novel challenge
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emazura · 16 days
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kindness infinite, piranesi
Working on this gave me a lot of time to think about Piranesi, and why it resonated with me. In the end, I think it’s because the protagonist himself is such a rare type in fiction: empathetic and curious, kind to others but perfectly happy alone. That ability to be by himself, to be content experiencing his world without loneliness is so important to me.
The statues are the stars of Piranesi, but the image that stuck in my mind were those moments when he paused to look through the windows. Maybe it’s because I’ve done a lot of traveling alone; there’s a certain feeling when you turn from the fancy rooms or the statues in a grand old palace, and notice how the sunlight falls through the windows. There’s an aching melancholy to it – the sense of gentle decay, the awareness that you might never return to this place – but also a loveliness. And that’s the House to me. Beauty immeasurable. Kindness infinite.
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