embalmus · 11 hours
if you're also tme and you're feeling disgusted by the recent removal of transfems on here (as you should!) i just urge you to remember this, to keep it in mind the next time you see a callout post for another trans girl (yes, even if you don't know her) (yes, even if your mutual posted it) (yes, even if it's for that) (yes, even if none of it was "made up"). none of this happens in a vacuum, and i have seen so many other tme people in the notes of any post i make or reblog about this going "#wtf people DO that??? love all transfems!" right above a reblog of yet another post calling for the social murder of a girl. you are not immune to participating in this shit, i am not immune, we live in an overwhelmingly transmisogynistic culture and every day you are encouraged to believe in the disposability of transfems -- so it quite often feels easy to discard trans girls like this, it feels morally right to shun and isolate the ones you don't know for wrongdoings you never experienced, and it conversely often feels weird and wrong to do the reverse, to value transfems in our spaces and to refuse any part in their alienation or removal. it is in some ways uncomfortable to challenge your programming as somebody whose proximity to transmisogyny offers you power over trans women in your community, and you're liable to receive a lot of shit from other tme people over it. you need to accept that discomfort and the possibility of scorn right now; not because "trans women are our sisters, our wives, our mothers," not because you want to be granted special trust or access by trans women, not because you value their content or because you love your trans girlfriend or you think trans girls make good posts, but first and foremost because it is the bare fucking minimum of what you can be doing for by far and away the most vulnerable people in our community. if you can't extend your support past the transfems you love and towards the ones you've never met -- the ones you think are rude, the ones who have you blocked, the ones in your DNI, the paraphiles and babyfurs and kinksters and age regressors -- you have failed to acknowledge transfems as people with any kind of value beyond what they can immediately provide to you. beyond inarguably transphobic moderation practices, this is also the function of an overwhelmingly transmisogynistic queer culture, both on tumblr and beyond, that treats transfems as assets for tme people to use and then discard. until we can take responsibility as tme people and refuse our role in propagating & benefitting from these cycles of violence and exploitation, these purges will repeat in our spaces ad infinitum, in one form or another
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embalmus · 13 hours
Rad things 1/?? Blur // Song 2 - cover by My Chemical Romance Well I lie and I'm easy  All of the time I am never sure  Why I need you  Pleased to meet you 
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embalmus · 13 hours
Arabic learning event
Hello, lovely people (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
As discussed in this post, I will launch the Arabic learning event starting from July 5th, 2024 insha'Allah starting from the very beginning. I'm so excited!
If you're interested in joining, and for more information I'll redirect you to this link.
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embalmus · 23 hours
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Ann Demeulemeester Silver Claw Ring
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embalmus · 23 hours
how it feels to wash your hair and brush your teeth and have clean clothes on
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embalmus · 23 hours
I am consumed by fear that my mother might die in Gaza while I am far away, unable to help her. The thought of her suffering alone in such a dangerous place breaks my heart. I feel so helpless and terrified, knowing I can't be there to protect her or bring her to safety. Every day is filled with anxiety and dread, as I hope and pray for her survival amidst the chaos.
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embalmus · 23 hours
Please stop✋✋
We are here alive, not dead. Have you ever heard of my country Gaza? Have you heard how children are killed and homes destroyed? Does anyone hear our cries and tell the story of an orphan child who lost his life at the age of four days after his birth? Can you think for a moment how this child lives? Who will provide for his needs? Who will give the love of family and family? What about that pregnant mother who dreams of her child who is about to be born and is killed with her fetus in her womb? What about my friend who was burned to death with her children after the massacre in which my husband’s friends were buried alive? What can I tell you? We are human beings, not numbers. We have dreams and children with whom we want to live in peace? By what right did they kill our dreams and future and demolish our past and memories under the rubble of our homes? I wonder if we will remain alive and tell you the rest of the story, or will we be with the dead?
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Have you seen this little child? He is my grandson. He was born in the harshest conditions of war, between rising columns of smoke and body parts, and displacement from one place to another in tents and demolished houses. He was born suffering from a chest attack and did not have any of the necessities of life, such as medicine, milk, etc.
Why can't our children live in peace?
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embalmus · 23 hours
@bilal-salah0 is the new account of the individual who previously had the account bilalhammad.
He's legit, but tumblr deactivated his account.
Another tumblr account that was deactivated was ma7moudgaza, who's now at @ma7moudgaza2
At this rate I'm going to start keeping track of all the Palestinians who've had their accounts unjustly removed, who've been censored in the midst of a horrific genocide while they beg for survival. Tumblr keeps taking a cruel and unusual situation and making it infinitely worse.
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embalmus · 23 hours
the war is getting worse every day💔
help me to I can reunite with my fiancée again and rebuild our future together🥺
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embalmus · 23 hours
brief assistance needed for black+trans user!
howdy guys - i need a lil bit of help getting some hygiene products delivered to me this weekend for my birthday, basically. I'd appreciate getting the $50 I need!
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other than that, i'll be ok! thank you guys in advance for any and all support ;0;
happy pride!
paidpale link
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embalmus · 24 hours
"Trans misogyny" refers to the targeted devaluation of both trans femininity and people perceived to be trans feminine, regardless of how they understand themselves. While it can manifest as a system of beliefs, trans misogyny also structures the material world through disparate life outcomes and a suite of characteristically punitive regimes. As an exercise of interpersonal or state violence, trans misogyny operates through the logic of the preemptive strike. It trans-feminizes its targets without their assent, usually by sexualizing their presumptive femininity as if it were an expression of male aggression. This process of misrecognition and projection construes its targets as inherently threatening. The threat label, in turn, justifies aggression or punishment rationalized after the fact as a legitimate response to having been victimized—a self-interested playbook if there ever was one. Whoever pursues trans misogyny enjoys the rare privilege of being at once the victim and the judge, jury, and executioner. The transgression prompting this full-court press can be as mundane as walking down the street, or a moral panic as overinflated as the putative end of Western civilization. Regardless, the passive presence of a trans-feminized person is almost always the solipsistic pretense for striking first. Trans misogyny attacks the very existence of trans femininity in attacking real people.
Jules Gill-Peterson, A Short History of Trans Misogyny
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embalmus · 24 hours
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People are trying to convince Deyaa to not give up hope but please boost and donate readers -
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embalmus · 2 days
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embalmus · 2 days
My Chemical Romance ✖ This Is How I Disappear
Can you hear me cry out to you? Words I thought I’d choke on figure out. I’m really not so with you anymore. I’m just a ghost, So I can’t hurt you anymore
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embalmus · 2 days
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embalmus · 2 days
If you ever say never too late
I’ll forget all the diamonds you ate
Lost in coma and covered in cake
Increase the medication
Share the vows at the wake
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embalmus · 2 days
Day 172 of 365 - Fall Out Boy, “Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn’t Get Sued”
it’s just past eight and i’m feeling young and reckless the ribbon on my wrist says “do not open before christmas”
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