ember-rose-morrison · 6 years
Ember knew that maybe her struggles would be easier with having Harry around all the time, but she never once thought about getting mad at him for living out his dream. She had been so proud of him, so excited to see him grow so quickly in the music industry, conquering the world with his poetic songwriting, and vocals that eased anyone’s soul. She had always had a love for Harry, one she couldn’t explain or was always too scared to reveal and now with his fame, she knew the chances of them being together were even slimmer, the world was at his fingertips, he could have any girl that he wanted.
She took a sip of her pint, knowing Harry would most likely be here soon so his beer wouldn’t go warm. Before she could even look up some large hands covered her eyes, a soft laugh coming from her lips as the familiar low, British voice spoke. “hmm, i haven’t a clue” she teased as she reached to pull his hand away as she turned to see it was Harry. Her smile grew as she got up immediately to hug him. It had been longer than usual since he had been home last, he was a solo artist now so things were different, but she knew Harry was still the same old, small-town boy that everyone knew and loved.
If anyone loved Harry for who he truly was, it was her. Fame thankfully hadn’t gotten the best of him, he was still so humble, so down to earth. Her arms wrapped around his torso as she gave him a quick hug, smelling his familiar musky scent, one she hadn’t smelt in a while. His hair was shorter now, which she preferred since it defined his curls more. “you look great” she complimented as she pulled away so he could sit as she sat back down in her seat, her cheeks already starting to hurt from the wide smile that was on her face since it wasn’t there often when he wasn’t around. There really was no reason for her to smile as of lately. Things had been tough, especially with her relationship.
@vacillateds / @tatum-harper
ember had always been a faithful, loyal companion with her friends and significant others, but rarely received the same traits in return. there was very few people left in her life that she could trust, but she was always grateful that harry was still one of them, even though he was across the world from her nowadays. harry had always been the one to pick up her broken pieces, and the one who never scolded her for her stupid mistakes. he was all she could ask for and more in a human being and friend. he never lashed out at her for her multiple failing relationships and the number only continued to grow. although her current relationship with the business man had been the longest out of all of them, she was still struggling.
you would think with the amount of times her heart had gotten broken that she would be used to the feeling by now and move on with being single, but that wasn’t like her. ember craved love, all the good aspects of a relationship always pulled her in, and she wound up hurt every time and expecting harry to continue to put with her dismissive behaviour. she was scared for harry to find out about her current relationship, as it too was falling apart and was mildly worse than any of the past ones. she was determined to try her best in assuring him that things were just fine and dandy and she would go with that.
she had sent harry a quick text to notify him that she was leaving campus and began to drive the familiar roads to the small pub that she figured would be a good place to catch up as it was still early enough in the evening that it wouldn’t be packed. she was eager to have some conversation with someone who would actually care about what she had to say. she wanted to know all about his tour, and hopefully that would take up most of their time together, giving her the chance to avoid the conversation of what was going on in her life.
she parked alongside of the road, knowing she would only be able to have one drink if she planned on driving home afterwards, but it wasn’t too far of a walk from her flat either if things got a bit more heavy, which she didn’t think would happen. she was sure harry wanted to soak up as much down time and relaxation as he could whilst he was on break. she got in and ordered them each a pint, sitting at small table near the back waiting for him to show.
@vacillateds / @lilyrhea
Harry tried to be a constant in Ember’s life but given the path he had chosen to take, it was difficult to be the kind of friend she deserved without abandoning his dream entirely. He remembered all the times he told her she deserved better, the moments when he wiped away her tears while he tried to mask his anger. Try as he might, however, Harry never could manage to convince his best friend of her worth and it killed him. Though he would never dare admit it, he was in love with her and he had been for years. Problem was, she was always in a relationship with someone who was so undeserving of her love and affection and he was simply too afraid of ruining their friendship.
Ember was the only true friend Harry had; through the ups and downs, his failures and his successes, she was the one person aside from his family who always stood by him and supported his dream. He couldn’t imagine not having her in his life and as such, preferred to remain her friend than to disrupt their playful, platonic dynamic. Seeing her again would be bittersweet; it would bring up his unresolved feelings for her and worst of all, he was sure she would have another story of heartbreak to tell him.
He spent the entire day rehearsing what he would say should he have to listen to another tale of his best friend’s poor romantic choices. It was the same routine he went through every time Ember found herself in an unhealthy relationship. Still, he missed her and he had been counting down the days and now that the day had finally arrived, he was anxious… Nervous, even. He swore he felt his heart skip a beat when his phone buzzed and her name was the one he saw illuminating his screen. Harry hurried out of his mother’s home and to the pub. It was a short distance, but the drive felt hours long by the time he arrived and walked through the doorway. He hurried over to her, sneaking up behind her and covering her eyes before he mumbled a quiet “Guess who,” followed by a soft chuckle.
@littlebitofharrysheart / @ember-rose-morrison
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ember-rose-morrison · 6 years
ember had always been a faithful, loyal companion with her friends and significant others, but rarely received the same traits in return. there was very few people left in her life that she could trust, but she was always grateful that harry was still one of them, even though he was across the world from her nowadays. harry had always been the one to pick up her broken pieces, and the one who never scolded her for her stupid mistakes. he was all she could ask for and more in a human being and friend. he never lashed out at her for her multiple failing relationships and the number only continued to grow. although her current relationship with the business man had been the longest out of all of them, she was still struggling.
you would think with the amount of times her heart had gotten broken that she would be used to the feeling by now and move on with being single, but that wasn’t like her. ember craved love, all the good aspects of a relationship always pulled her in, and she wound up hurt every time and expecting harry to continue to put with her dismissive behaviour. she was scared for harry to find out about her current relationship, as it too was falling apart and was mildly worse than any of the past ones. she was determined to try her best in assuring him that things were just fine and dandy and she would go with that.
she had sent harry a quick text to notify him that she was leaving campus and began to drive the familiar roads to the small pub that she figured would be a good place to catch up as it was still early enough in the evening that it wouldn’t be packed. she was eager to have some conversation with someone who would actually care about what she had to say. she wanted to know all about his tour, and hopefully that would take up most of their time together, giving her the chance to avoid the conversation of what was going on in her life.
she parked alongside of the road, knowing she would only be able to have one drink if she planned on driving home afterwards, but it wasn’t too far of a walk from her flat either if things got a bit more heavy, which she didn’t think would happen. she was sure harry wanted to soak up as much down time and relaxation as he could whilst he was on break. she got in and ordered them each a pint, sitting at small table near the back waiting for him to show.
@vacillateds / @lilyrhea
ember rose morrison. a young 24-year-old who was currently living her life day by day. she lived in chesire, manchester her whole life and was still resided there as she pursued her education of majoring in english at the manchester metropolitan university. she thought making the choice of staying home whilst she was knee deep in her studies was the best decision. it was at first. she had a roof over her head as she lived with her parents and had her first serious relationship all in her first year of uni.
as she worked her summers as an intern for a local newspaper, her life had began to crumble. her first and true love had been caught cheating, with countless arguments and hurtful words it had eventually fizzled out and came to an end. her heart being broken was a feeling she despised, since she had never really felt it before. after a bit of healing she knew she needed a change. she had made the jump into getting her own flat that was still close enough to her parents and even closer to campus.
being in her own flat had given her more freedom, and she felt more like an adult. her independence and confidence had returned as well, only for a little while that is. with ember being a hopeless romantic and infatuated by anything that had to do with love or being loved got her into some trouble. it spiralled her in and out of toxic relationships yet she still craved the tiny moments of affection she would feel with whomever she was with at the time.
her relationship status had flopped back and fourth throughout her second year of uni and her friends and family always questioned her about it, yet she would push it aside, mostly always hiding the abuse she was getting from every guy. but now here she was, completing her last and final year as an english major. she was in a relationship with a boy who was currently undertaking his career in the business world. at first he was this sweet, endearing gentlemen who seemed to become a bit more angry and stressed, and often verbally lashed her out after his complicated days of work and had only recently grabbed her wrist leaving some bruising when she tried to escape an argument. she liked to think there was a bright side to yet another crumbling relationship.
ember hurried out of class on this friday afternoon. her boyfriend was gone on a business trip which left her by herself, which she didn’t hate. she didn’t have plans but she liked not having a heavy feeling on her chest, worrying all weekend about what her boyfriends mood would be. she pulled down at the sleeve to make sure the bruise on her wrist that was still healing didn’t show as walked her way through campus to get to her car. she had made plans with her dear friend, harry, who was currently back in town for a small break off of his tour. they had agreed to meet for some drinks at a small little treasure in the heart chesire. she was eager to see him and hear all about his tour so far.
Harry was an extrovert by nature. He was easy to approach, exceedingly charismatic and charming. Growing up, he had a lot of “friends,” but as the years ticked on and his career took off, he learned who his real friends were. Ember was one of those people and she always had been. Harry remembered their early years together, the ones before life got in the way. Ember was his very best friend when he was little and their friendship outlasted petty drama, broken promises, the occasional lie, and arguments. 
He always tried to make time for her even during the years he spent on tour with the band. There were those times when he faltered, got too caught up in his own life to worry about contacting Ember but he still cared and he still worried about her. She had a bad history with guys and every time he heard she had a new boyfriend, his heart sunk and he prepared himself for the tears that would soon follow. Throughout their friendship, he had always been her shoulder to cry on and he always would be whether he agreed with her romantic choices or not.
With his solo career taking off, Harry had been away on tour for a while but was returning home for a short break. He’d had a lot of time to himself to think while he was on tour and while he was away, he thought about Ember more than he had before. Harry always knew he cared about her but lately he’d been thinking of her in a different way. Nothing would or could ever happen between them though. He valued their friendship far too much and he wasn’t willing to jeopardize it, but that didn’t take away from how he felt. Harry always supposed he had feelings for her even when he had girlfriends of his own. Ember was just it for him and he wished he could have her in his life as more than a friend, but having her as a friend was better than not having her at all.
Harry had been home for a few days before he finally got around to leaving his mum’s home to spend time with his friends, specifically Ember. She was finishing up her last year of school and as such, he suspected she’d be busy with her coursework so he hadn’t rushed to meet with her. He was excited to see her and hear about her life, well the parts that didn’t involve her new boyfriend. Harry waited until he heard from Ember to leave his mum’s home and head for the small, hole-in-the-wall pub in Cheshire.
@littlebitofharrysheart / @ember-rose-morrison
Wow, this is exceptionally horrible.
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ember-rose-morrison · 6 years
noah reese was one of those small town raised kind of guys, who treasured the place he called home and the people in it. one person stood out more than the others though, and seemed to have captured his heart somewhere along the way of their profound friendship. that was his best friend lily chandler, the one who now felt like ‘the one that got away.’ noah wasn’t exactly sure when he developed the feelings of love and desire for his best friend but the older they had gotten, the harder it was for him to keep them hidden. he was always too scared of the ‘what if’s’ and the ruining of a pure friendship to even attempt the discussion of starting a relationship with one another.
after the high school bliss, noah still hadn’t bottled up the courage to bring it to lily’s attention that he was deeply in love with her. he ended up watching her move away to pursue her studies, only wanting the best for her and letting her go easily. he always supported her and encouraged her dreams, as she did the same for him. it was out of his control on her decision, not wanting to put a damper on her dreams becoming a reality. noah had decided to stay home, taking a year off to work until he had decided what it was that he wanted to do with his life. it seemed lonely for that whole year, not having his best friend to chat with, to tease, or simply hang out with.
after that dreaded year things seemed to have gotten better. noah had finally found a career path of becoming a pilot and getting to study the craft of it at a university only a couple hours away from home. it had been the most exciting time in his life since high school and also ended up meeting a girl who seemed to take up most of his time that he used to spend thinking about lily.
noah had finished his two years of schooling with his girlfriend, mia, by his side. he soon enough became a licensed pilot for bush planes that mostly took care and looked out for forestry and gave occasionally gave wildlife tours. it wasn’t as impressive as being a pilot who flew thousands of people across the world and oceans, but it paid well. his first big purchase was a cute little home with mia in his home town and then after that came a ring. noah had invested his time and love to mia, always trying to push the thought of lily out of his mind, knowing he had to move on and mia was so remarkable. being engaged for 8 months now, the feeling of becoming married got more real as the days passed. the date was creeping up on him and his nerves sometimes got the best of him.
he had the day off, having a cake testing in the morning then mia taking off to have her final dress fitting. he had the rest of the day to himself and needed a caffeine fix with the lack of sleep he had been getting from the non stop planning and late nights, with work in between. he got to his favourite cafe, one he had been going to for so many years now that it felt like a second home. he walked in, ordering his usual. once he got his hot coffee he turned to go sit in his usual spot, the one he and lily use to share whenever they went there, more so in their senior year of high school, was taken. his eyebrows furrowed a little as he focused on who was occupying the spot, a bit shocked, confused, and excited all at once. he approached her slowly, not wanting to startle her. “excuse me miss, but this is usually where i sit…do you mind?” he questioned her, a smirk playing on his lips, in hopes that she would know who it was as soon as his words came out.
@vacillateds / @lilyrhea
(no it wasn’t, it was great!)
For the better part of her adolescence and teenage years, Lily Chandler loved one boy and one boy alone… Her best friend. She wasn’t sure when her feelings changed, but at some point she fell in love with him. Every single day she tried to talk herself out of the way she was feeling, but no amount of convincing in the world would have her believe she wasn’t in love with her best friend. At some point, however, they started drifting apart. It wasn’t anything either of them did. Life just got in the way, pulled them in two completely different directions. Lily wanted to believe things were meant to happen this way, that maybe she needed a clean break from him in order to move on with her life.
After high school came and went and college tore their friendship apart, Lily moved cross country to study at Stanford University. Stanford was her dream school, but not being able to talk to her best friend about it put a damper on the experience. She still found a way to trudge on and with each passing day, things got easier. Slowly but surely she thought of him less, made new friends and even started dating one of her classmates. Three and a half years later, and she was still dating him but something was still missing and she couldn’t quite put her finger on what. 
Lily’s post-college life wasn’t anything to brag about or flaunt; she was jobless and a couple thousand dollars in debt so she did what any (in)sane, rational person would do… She moved back home to save her money and find her first real, adult job. Her boyfriend stayed back in California which forced an unwilling Lily to commit to a longterm relationship she never wanted in the first place. He was supposed to come visit her within the week, but as always he cancelled last minute. Lily was furious, brimming with anger as she stormed out of her home and into her car. She needed time to think, away from her family so she went to the only quiet place she could thing of… A small, local cafe she used to frequent throughout her high school years. When she saw her usual table was empty, she breathed a sigh of relief and made herself comfortable, laptop out and bottle of water beside her this.
@littlebitofharrysheart / @ember-rose-morrison
this is bad ew
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ember-rose-morrison · 6 years
ember rose morrison. a young 24-year-old who was currently living her life day by day. she lived in chesire, manchester her whole life and was still resided there as she pursued her education of majoring in english at the manchester metropolitan university. she thought making the choice of staying home whilst she was knee deep in her studies was the best decision. it was at first. she had a roof over her head as she lived with her parents and had her first serious relationship all in her first year of uni. 
as she worked her summers as an intern for a local newspaper, her life had began to crumble. her first and true love had been caught cheating, with countless arguments and hurtful words it had eventually fizzled out and came to an end. her heart being broken was a feeling she despised, since she had never really felt it before. after a bit of healing she knew she needed a change. she had made the jump into getting her own flat that was still close enough to her parents and even closer to campus. 
being in her own flat had given her more freedom, and she felt more like an adult. her independence and confidence had returned as well, only for a little while that is. with ember being a hopeless romantic and infatuated by anything that had to do with love or being loved got her into some trouble. it spiralled her in and out of toxic relationships yet she still craved the tiny moments of affection she would feel with whomever she was with at the time.
her relationship status had flopped back and fourth throughout her second year of uni and her friends and family always questioned her about it, yet she would push it aside, mostly always hiding the abuse she was getting from every guy. but now here she was, completing her last and final year as an english major. she was in a relationship with a boy who was currently undertaking his career in the business world. at first he was this sweet, endearing gentlemen who seemed to become a bit more angry and stressed, and often verbally lashed her out after his complicated days of work and had only recently grabbed her wrist leaving some bruising when she tried to escape an argument. she liked to think there was a bright side to yet another crumbling relationship. 
ember hurried out of class on this friday afternoon. her boyfriend was gone on a business trip which left her by herself, which she didn’t hate. she didn’t have plans but she liked not having a heavy feeling on her chest, worrying all weekend about what her boyfriends mood would be. she pulled down at the sleeve to make sure the bruise on her wrist that was still healing didn’t show as walked her way through campus to get to her car. she had made plans with her dear friend, harry, who was currently back in town for a small break off of his tour. they had agreed to meet for some drinks at a small little treasure in the heart chesire. she was eager to see him and hear all about his tour so far.
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ember-rose-morrison · 6 years
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have you ever found the person in your life that means the most to you? your other half? muse a and muse b have known each other for years and years. muse a constantly watches muse b get thrown into abusive relationships and broken relationships. muse a is the only one who’s always been there for muse b. truth is, muse a has loved muse b all this time. but muse b’s walls are up and won’t let anyone in, not even muse a and how close of a friendship they have. what does muse a have to do prove themselves? that their the one who will treat her the best.
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