embhm · 1 year
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The one you are waiting for is...me.
I'm probably the last to notice this, and it hit me like a freight train a couple of days ago:
Pat has been waiting for Pran to come back to his life without even realising it.
And P'Aof is telling the audience this in the second episode of the show, when we already know about Pran's crush and Pat's obliviousness, but before they both were fully aware of that fact.
The fact that their time together started when Pat gave Pran his watch back after Pran saved Paa.
The fact that Pran kept their time going when he decided to wear the watch after Pat returned it to him.
The fact that, when Pran was transferred, he left the watch at home, thinking that what he felt for Pat was an impossible dream. So their time stopped while Pran was away. But the watch stayed in his house, next to Pat's, as if waiting for them to reunite again, freezing their relationship for 3 long years.
The fact that, the moment Pat and Pran saw each other through their homes windows again, Pran took the watch from the box where time had stopped while they were apart and later, when they had agreed to help each other, set the watch to run, allowing himself to hope once again.
The fact that Pran kept the watch on him for the rest of the show, even when they fought, even when he left for Singapore. He took the watch because now they had to be apart again, but it was in their own terms, in their own time. Physically apart but emotionally closer than ever.
Pat was waiting for Pran, and Pran kept the time running for both of them for the whole show.
*cries, sobs and flops dramatically on the floor*
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embhm · 1 year
I am calling out Pran's complete and utter fakery right here:
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"I want to sleep" - yea, right, Pran. You are a little liar who lies and I am going to prove it.
Exhibit A:
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You've already admitted that you need your Nong Nao eye mask to sleep and do indeed wrestle back off your boyfriend and put it on to fall asleep. We know this is a regular routine for you as we saw you also wearing it for bed in the previous episode so we can assume that this is entirely true.
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When you lie down to "go to sleep" after your little teasing roleplay as chief and volunteer teacher, the eye mask is right next to you and yet you make no attempt to put it on. It's there, all prepared for your night's sleep, but you deliberately choose not to place it on your face. Hmm...
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Here again, after your little heart-to-heart about Pat wanting to help you and you finally giving into him. You turn away but you still do not put on the mask. You're acting as though you're ready to head off into the land of Morpheus and Pat even falls for it, doesn't he? Wiggling in closer for cuddles...
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Look at you snuggled up with the love of your life. So cute. So darling. So completely ignoring your Nong Nao eye mask which you proclaim to need for sleeping!
You've even got a smug, little smile on your face. It's not just because your bf's being cute though, is it Pran? It's because you're waiting for him to figure out.
Which he does.
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And there's the reason Pat's eyes pop open like a doll in a horror movie! HE'S REALISED YOU'RE NOT WEARING YOUR SLEEPING AID. He's realised that you're not interested in the sleeping AT ALL!!!
So protest all you want Pran - you engineered this whole thing from the start!
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embhm · 1 year
- My School President End Notes -
So, I've finally finished watching My School President, after a ton of push from my friends, and here I am! It was a wonderfully sweet, adorable and innocent high school BL show, which stole my heart and made me emotional in too many ways.
In this review, I'll address a few of the best things that I enjoyed the most regarding MSP. So, stay tuned for what's coming ahead!
1. Musicality of the Show
I've never seen a BL show with so many amazing Osts, and musicality stuffed inside it. When I started out with the first episode, I was freaking hooked to the intro, like it was so good. Then the other songs which were introduced later in the show, or which then band has sung, over all I adore and cherish each and every song and composition the show has brought it. There were happy songs, romantic ones, and even realistic ones.
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But the best part was how they've had also introduced the funky dancing numbers as well. As a huge music lover, I enjoyed every bit of soaking into the dance and music of the show. The actors did an immaculate job at portraying marvelous skills through their singing and dancing skills, and I just simply loved it all. Music has to be the major theme of the show, over all - because it certainly caught my entire attention just from this aspect.
2. Messages on Following your Dreams
Another strong message that I've felt through out the show was how they've consistently emphasised on the beauty, yearning and struggles of following what one truly loves. What makes the concept more appealing that they've successfully portrayed the realistic harsh side that drags you down from moving ahead. I was utterly heartbroken when Chinzilla didn't win the Hot Wave awards, because personally I've been a massive fan of their music. But once, that part portrayed how life is not always fair, and you'd always have someone who is better than you in every competition in your life, and that part hit hard.
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When Gun auditioned for another music show recommended by Tinn, he was disappointed again because he wasn't the best one out there, which is always relatable. Even if we do our best, it is guaranteed that world will treat us kindly. But what matters the most is keep going, polishing your skills and passion, and doing it for the love of it - that is one thing that will fruitfullly keep you motivated on your journey. The constant feeling of giving up, the repetitive defeat of the band members felt too emotional for me, because I could feel it on such a deep level - that was a freaking realistic truth from such an innocently adorable high school BL show.
3. Innocence in Love
My School President has become the quintessence of the first childhood love. The most delicate and sweetest kind of love that blooms between two kids for the first time in their life and the portrayal of this wonderful thing has been successfully executed in the entire show. The confession scene of TinnGun was literally my favourite out of all confesion scenes, maybe because the quick and realistic approach of it. The way Tinn just hinted it out casually when Gun asked, and how even Gun somehow understood exactly what he meant.
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The whole interaction was subtle and yet so deep, which actually happens in real life. That's what attracted me the most. I loved how TinnGun represented the purest form of love, without physical vulgarity or lust - it was simply two people wholeheartedly in love. Love is unconditional, love is about seeing the other person happy, and TinnGun have manifested this kind of love effortlessly through their charismatic performance, and I absolutely cherish it.
4. SoundWin
C'mon, I had to mention them because they flourished a new kind of interest in me throughout the show. For me, they were the most appealing part of the show - I was always looking out for more of their chemistry and interactions. I think SoundWin had the best kind of love story development I've seen so far - realistically speaking. When these two first were introduced to one another, has anyone of us thought they're gonna be a thing? Well, not for me. They two had the most casual and realistic romantic development that I absolutely loved.
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Their love wasn't based on first sight or physical attraction, but as they proceeded on getting to know one another, getting to share personal stories with one another, they fell. Honestly, their chemistry is extremely sizzling, prove me wrong. Like their bandmates say, even when they bicker, chemistry is overflowing and I totally agree with that. It was so satisfying to see how Win silently cares for Sound when he had wrist pain, or how Sound constantly looks out for Win especially he's feeling broken, especially after the Hot Wave. I just am being fan of cute bickering couples, so automatically SoundWin just effortlessly pulled me in.
5. Packed with Supportive Characters
The show has the perfect combination of the best supporting characters ever, whether it is about the positive parenthood from the parents of TinnGun, or about the genuine friendship that is emphasised among the band teammates. I've immensely enjoyed how genuine, well-wishing people are around this entire show. It depicts how there are actually kind people around who are willing to have your backs and always end you whenever you're feeling down. My favourite supportive characters has to be Tiw, and TinnGun's parents. Tiw has been the best boy throughout the series, with innate helpfulness along with multitasking to help out others - Tiw is a marvelous character.
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He has always got Tinn's back - it doesn't matter if he has to be a MV director, tutor, promoter or even a dancing coach, he is ready for all of it, if it helps his friends. On the other hand, the parents of the show displayed the ideal parenthood that must be looked up to. The fact that despite being of different mindsets, both TinnGun's parents had the welfare and happiness of their children in their minds all the time. They never forced their children, but tried to understand them and encourage them who they are and what they love. I hope more parents start achieving this standard, because this united efforts makes the world a much better place.
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My School President is a charming cute BL show, that has stole my heart with it's wonderful characters, shared passion for dreams and most importantly the positivity that it portrayed. It surely has be the most green-flag BL I've ever watched. From the healthy handling of conflicts to the sweet pure interactions between two high-schoolers - this BL is another unique addition to chain of the most beautiful BL shows ever made.
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embhm · 1 year
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patpran x words related to love that aren't easily translatable to English [insp.] [x]
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embhm · 1 year
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embhm · 1 year
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embhm · 1 year
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Cover your ears.
Our Skyy 2 ⟡ Bad Buddy x ATOTS [2023]
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embhm · 1 year
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pat + manidi
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embhm · 1 year
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BAD BUDDY (2021) | OUR SKYY 2 (2023)
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embhm · 1 year
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embhm · 1 year
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msp 1x08 behind // os2 x msp 1x01 behind
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embhm · 1 year
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Gemini Norawit as Tinn OUR SKYY 2 My School President
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embhm · 1 year
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embhm · 1 year
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embhm · 1 year
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You know that…Tinn likes me, right? And I like him too. He’s nice, Mom. He’s been so supportive. When I was competing in Hot Wave, he helped. Whenever I feel bad and…down, he always makes me feel better. I just want you to know that I…I’m dating Tinn. Are you okay with that? Honestly, Mom. I have no problem at all with Heart being deaf. He understands everything just like everyone else. I just started [learning sign language]. I still make mistakes when I use it. We mostly talk through written messages. Nothing is too difficult, Mom. I love it when I’m with him.
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embhm · 1 year
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embhm · 1 year
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According to the director, Fourth asked the director before if he’d get a scene where he doesn’t have to argue with anyone.
Thus, this was the happiest scene Fourth got to do since they started filming for Moonlight Chicken at the time.
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