emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
Wesley One Shot
“Holy shit boo you did so good! Where have you been hiding all that honest, raw emotion?” Trent asks me as I walk out of the booth.
“I don’t know. I was just thinking about the usual stuff, the people who said I couldn’t make it, my parents. It just all flowed out of me.” I say shaking my hands a little trying to rid myself of the emotions.
“Well I was very impressed. I can’t wait to hear the rest of what you have.” Robert, the producer, adds at the end. I add a smile at his words. “You deserve the night off. Trent take this,” he tosses something to Trent, “first few rounds are on me.” He smiles as he goes into the booth.
“He just gave me $150 how much does he think we are going to be drinking?”
“Let’s invite the others out.” I say picking up my jacket. We can go to that bar/concert venue/record store I’ve been wanting to go to since I moved here.”
“That place sounds horrible. It is going to be a bunch of scene kids wanting to be grown ups.”
“That is where I want to go, and I am the one celebrating I have finally proven that I am going somewhere in this world. I also just laid down the sickest track for my EP.”
“Ok let’s go. But you are buying my drinks all night.”
“Deal!” We head out to my car. While I drive and sing along to every song on the radio, Trent sent out a mass text getting everyone to show up and by the time we got there everyone was waiting. I pass hugs around and tell the story of how my session in the studio.
We find a table right by the window so I can enjoy the city lights I’ve missed dearly. “So how long do we get to keep you around?” Kaitlyn asks.
“I have to finish up the recording of my EP which is about 3 more songs, and then I don’t know. Maybe 2 or 3 weeks.”
“How long have you even lived in that apartment of yours? You own an expensive flat you’ve slept in once.” Trent says.
“I’ve been busy. But who knows I may be in my apartment for awhile. But I am going to get a drink before this goes any farther. What would you like?”
“Fishbowl for the table that sounds about as close to perfect as this place can get. Did you really have to choose some dump like this for a night out?” Savannah asks.
“I told her it wasn’t good enough for her anymore, she doesn’t realize the kind of person she became.” I had to walk away I can’t stand the talk of who I had become. Truth is I haven’t changed at all they just think because my bank account reflects differently that I have.
I flag down the bartender and offer a small smile.”Hey sweetheart what can I get you?”
“I need a fishbowl for the corner table and a round of spider bite shots to get the night started off quickly.”
“You don’t seem like the kind of girl who wants to share a fish bowl.” He says while he starts getting it mixed together.
“That’s because she isn’t, she’s a double whiskey sour poisoned by Jack.” I freeze at the sudden sound of his voice, “it’s been a long time.”
I let out a short breath, “Wesley, holy shit.”
He offers a smug smile, “that’s new.” He says brushing his fingers across the tattoo on my shoulder.
“What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same question. Last I saw you drove away from me in that horrible beater car 4 years ago.”
“Yeah I sold that thing six months later to pay for an agent to get my music heard. I was on the radio by the end of the year.”
“I noticed, that first single was amazing by the way. I assumed you stayed in LA to be close to your mom.”
“No Chicago made more sense, and I love the vibe here. I wrote my first album here and after that I couldn’t get the heart to leave. But as much of a shock this has been, it hasn’t been sweet. I still remember what you said the day I left.” I turn back to the bartender, “I will take that double whiskey sour a few of them.”
“I will bring them to the table.” I slide him $100 and walk away.
“Who was that?” Kaitlyn asks when I get back to the table.
“The guy who inspired More Than Your Words.”
“He is the one who said you would never make it? Who is he to have the audacity to show up here and insult you like that after so long.” She adds shooting him a glare.
“I’m almost positive he didn’t know I was going to be here tonight. Whatever he isn’t worth my time.” The bartender showed up  with the drinks. I take one of the shots standing up on my chair. “I just need to tell you four, and you my new bartender friend how grateful I am for you all. I also want to tell all my new friends of this bar how much your presence is peaceful in my crazy world. The next round of drinks is on me. I just thought it was time that I finally announced, even though most of you are complete strangers, that I made it. I achieved exactly what I set out to achieve and so much more. Here is to reaching my goal and my hope you all reach yours no matter how big or small.” I hold my shot up to everyone before tossing it back and falling from the chair. A pair of arms wrap themselves around me keeping me from hitting the floor. “Of course you come to the rescue. I would’ve rather hit the floor.”
“You need to come talk to me, away from the alcohol before you hurt yourself.”
“No Wesley I want to punch you in the face and knock you to the ground just so I can jump on you and tell you I told you so.”
“Fine you can, just away from the glaring eyes. It was nice to meet you all ease up a little.” He says putting his hands up in mock defense. He gives me pleading eyes and I completely give into him. I follow him up the stairs to this little record store they have and start browsing through the nearby rock section. “I am really sorry for doubting you. And It wasn’t complete doubt, I was scared of you going somewhere in this world and leaving me behind. Which happened anyways because you just left. I don’t blame you. I would’ve left me too.”
“Wesley I left to prove to you that I could do it, then suddenly proving to you wasn’t enough. I had to keep showing you over and over.”
“Well you did. Platinum album in 13 countries, 4 Billboard top 10 singles and a worldwide tour. You really have made a name for yourself. I am really sorry for trying to hold you back. You deserved better from me.”
“But I made it, and I did it and I owe some of it to you. If you hadn’t pushed me the way you did I never would’ve made it. If I hadn’t left that day I never would’ve left. So thank you for pushing me. I hope you know I never stopped caring about you.”
“Come with me, just a little bit tonight. Let’s catch up and you can rub it in my face a little more that you made it. Just as long as they don’t come along.”
“Alright let me shoot back that whiskey sour and leave the bartender enough to cover the night. I guess I do need to catch up on your life since mine hasn’t been much of a secret.” I walk back to the bar with Wesley knowing that our history doesn’t change much but the future did look pretty bright.
A/N - Sorry for any errors or if it is completely terrible. This was a first draft.
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emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
3000 Miles Chapter 32
A text from Tristan comes in saying she is out front. I step out letting a nurse know I will be right out front so if anything changes she can find me. Before stepping out the door I take a deep breath preparing myself. The waiting area is completely silent except for the occasional hospital staff moving quickly into other hallways or into elevators. Sitting by the window watching the snow float down is Wesley. His head snaps in my direction and worry goes across his face. “Is he ok? What’s going on?” He asks as he hurries across the room.
“Everything is fine, he’s fine. Tristan is here with my laptop and Weston’s other half.” I say softly feeling like the worst human being to breathe on this earth.
“Willow is here?” He asks looking scared.
“She is, I thought it would be best if they were together. I just wanted a minute before going out there to get her. Weston has heart monitors, and an IV drip, and oxygen monitors. Wesley I was so scared.” My voice catches just as Wesley does too. He wraps his arms around me brushing my hair back shushing me softly. “Wes I am so sorry.” I whisper in his chest.
“All is forgiven. We will figure this out even if it doesn’t happen until we go be to LA. I shouldn’t have acted the way I did. You need support not drama and I’m sorry.” I pull away from his embrace looking him in the eyes. “We will get this parenting thing figured out and I will make sure to prove to you that I can be the best father to them.”
“I believe you. I need to go get Low. I will be right back.” I run out to the curb where Tristan is waiting. “Sorry I got stuck for a minute. Thank you for all of this.”
“No problem, how is he doing?”
“He’s fine.” I say as I gather my laptop bag and the diaper bag.
“How are you?” She asks touching my hand when I reach for Low.
“Stressed, scared shitless, anxious. I just want to do some work and lose myself in other people’s words.”
“I got about 9 done before you called and I also saw that Kory sent in the drafts and you need to approve that.”
“Thanks Tristan you have seriously been a god sent gift. I wouldn’t have gotten through any of this without you. I really hope you know how grateful I am for you.”
“I would do anything for you just like you’ve done a lot for me even if you didn’t realize it.”
“Call Drew, he is an amazing guy with a very compassionate heart. Go to dinner with him, do something with him. You deserve to be happy. I will see you tomorrow, Wes will give us a ride home from the hospital.”
“Call me if you need me sooner.” I grab Willow from the car listening to her make sweet sounds in her seat.
Once inside I go to where Wesley is sat next to the window again setting the car seat down as I took the chair next to him. I flip back the cover and smile down at my sweet girl, “hi sweetie pie. I have someone who has been looking forward to this for a while now.” I look up at Wesley as I pull Low into my arms. “Would you like to hold your daughter?”
He just stares at me softly and nods. I place her in his arms and a small tears runs down his cheek. “Nic she is beautiful, you made a beautiful little girl.”
“We made her. Just watch her head.”
“Nic I can do this. I have to do this because if I can’t ever hold her again I think I might die.”
“We will figure it out. I need to get back to Weston and submit a design option to IT and let Kory know which I am using. I need to start editing these articles. Yeah...yeah I need to get back and work before I cause a delay on the reintro of our new site.”
“Slow down you have me stressed. Let me come back there with you so that if either of them needs attention then I can help and it gives you a chance to see me with them. Please I can’t leave, I can’t walk away. I need to be here.” His eyes are pleading.
“Ok Wes, I could really use the help so ok.”
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emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
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emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
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emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
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emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
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emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
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emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
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emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
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drewchadwick: Studying legends.
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emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
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emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
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drewchadwick: Caption This.
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emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
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(c) @kidrastew
by carol
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emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
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Drew Chadwick - Shirtless on Instagram
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emblem3-fanfiction · 8 years
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emblem3-fanfiction · 9 years
Drew One Shot for Sammi
Based off Sweetest Thing by Drew Chadwick. 
 A party on a college football field didn't sound fun. It sounded like it was going to either be monitored or a total bore. But Kenny promised booze and sitting around my house doing nothing didn’t sound appealing. We showed up and it wasn’t like I was expecting. I expected frats and sorority girls all paired off, all the typical cliques all grouped together. But it wasn’t like that at all, everyone was crowded together by one of the football benches. I stand off to the side of the group trying to figure out why everyone is here and why no one is over with the drinks. Suddenly there is a voice speaking over the voice of the crowd, “Everyone just real quick. I want to thank you all for your help. This party is for the amazing work everyone has done. Thanks to all of your help with protests and working with us to get our school to start taking a percentage of all it’s earnings and donating that to a wildlife charity every year. This year after some very careful debate we decided we were going to help out the Black Rhino who is so close to extinction. We really do appreciate everyones’ effort here tonight. I needed to make sure you all know that everything you do is noticed and even small things can help in a big way. Alright let’s party and get drunk!” The crowd cheers as she jumps down from the bench stepping into a smaller group of people greeting her with high fives and smiles. 
The light behind her eyes as she spoke to all of us and the passion that coursed through her words made a small feeling start to rise in my chest. “Kenny who is that?” I ask nodding towards the mystery beauty.
“That is Sammi. She is one of the most driven people I know. She is throwing the party tonight. She has fought since the beginning of her first year to get this to go through. She is almost a junior and it finally happened.”
“She is beautiful. Her commitment to the wildlife is inspirational.”
“She is pretty great. We had our environmental science class and intro to music together I can introduce you.”
“Nah I think I am going to grab a drink and then I’ll get around to introducing myself.”
“Whatever you say.” He says shaking his head. We go over to a line of coolers packed full of beer. There is a table littered full of liquor and about 4 kegs all being swarmed by frat boys. I reach in cracking a beer and gulp down about half before I’m shoved to the side by some angry blonde.
“I can’t believe she thought we would all want these disgusting manly drinks.”
“Sorry did they forget to stock your fru-fru drinks along with properly handing you manners?” I say flicking the beer off my hand.
“My father could end your career right now.”
“Baby your father is the last of my concerns.”
“Hey guys sorry I didn’t think what I had would be a problem. I can make a call and see if we can have some wine coolers or something dropped off.” Sammi says hurrying over to where we are
“We want to be drinking now not waiting.”
“Well sweet heart you see your option then.” I say still pissed about the beer.
“No one asked you rags. Looks like you’ve had too much to drink already.” She says eyes the few splatter spots along my shirt.
“Oh these, this is because you are a pushy bitch who thinks she needs to get her way. Sammi has done something great and went ahead to supply this for you and you are being ungrateful. Reevaluate your situation and just say thanks.”
She stares at me wide eyed and then looks at Sammi, “Thanks for the party and the booze next time we will get in touch with you if we want something specific. I will just take a shot of vodka to numb the tongue and I’ll be solid.”
“Thanks you didn’t need to do that. I fought hard to get this charity thing established and I don’t need her dad ripping it away from me.”
“Yeah sorry I overreacted. If you want to pick up shit for them I can pitch.”
“No I don’t need your money. If you want to do something with your money donate it somewhere. Have a good night it is well deserved.” She slips her hands into her hoodie and walks away.
Kenny walks up behind me, “I see you introduced yourself.”
“Nope didn’t quite get my name out. But god I need that girl. I need her to love me. I need her to touch me. We could be an unstoppable force.”
“Then do something. She is walking away and you’re talking to me.”
I drop my beer and run after her. I only have a few seconds before she thinks I’m too crazy or drunk. “Sammi wait up.” I say reaching out for her. She flips around looking at me with question and surprise. I don’t waste another second. I lock my lips to hers trying to soak in some of the amazing spirit she has. She tenses at first but relaxes into me giving me the full force of what she has contained for the world. I pull away completely breathless, this is new to me. “Wow, I’m supposed to say something now but I can’t find my words.”
“I’m not used to being the one to make a person speechless. Obviously you know my name and i’m staring at you like i just kissed a complete stranger.”
“Oh shit, I’m Drew.”
“Nice to meet you Drew. Not the usual way I make acquaintances but you know life is all about change and new experiences.”
“Fuck you even say the most amazing things after something like that. God you need to know how amazing you are. You are an inspiration to anyone wanting to change the world. I mean you fought so hard for this and you get to march around with pride for that.”
“Actually I’m lining up the next project.”
“See you can’t even stop to enjoy something before needing to make more changes, changes the world needs. You inspire me and I don’t even know you. I want to love you and I want you to love me and share that passion with me.”
“Drew how much have you had to drink.”
“Sammi I don’t need alcohol around you. Let me help however I can, I want to change the world by your side.”
“Next is helping our dolphin friends.”
“I’m in. God Sammi we could be the sweetest thing.”
She steps closer to me, “I think I can enjoy myself a little bit tonight, the dolphins will be ok one more night. I like hearing how great I am from someone as cute as you.”
“I’ll tell you til the end.”
She kisses my lips softly pulling away before I could completely lost in it. She whispers against my lips, “tell me again how sweet of a thing we could be.” As she pulls me completely into what she is and I know that I’m never going to be the same.
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emblem3-fanfiction · 9 years
Preference #133 The Only One
Drew; Standing by the bedroom door, staring at an empty face. I can see it in your eyes, some things you can never change. Nothing else that I can do, while I'm waiting for the end to come. I know you're gonna walk away, but you should know that you're the only one.
The white sterile look and smell to a hospital is enough to kill a person, let alone the weak bodies all around the building. I stand in the hallway looking in on the sad scene in front of me. I hold the now cold coffee as minutes tick by and the more tears that fall. She sits holding her hand trying to remind her of any and all good memories she can muster. A nurse steps around me, “sorry honey I need you to step out while I do a couple checks and adjust those bandages. I also need to give her a little more pain med just to ensure she’s comfortable.” “Yeah sure.” She squeezes her hand, “I will be right back. I am going to get some coffee while the nurses makes you comfortable. I love you.” She heads for the door slipping past me. “How is she?” “Drew not now.” “Let me be here for you.” “No please go home.” “Y/N I didn’t do anything, I wasn’t the one who did this. Please don’t push me away.” “Drew just don’t. My sister needs me right now.” “Your bandage is bleeding again.” “My sister is dying, I have a bullet in my chest that can’t be removed. We have been in the hospital for 3 weeks and she won’t be leaving anytime soon. She needs her kidney replaced and they won’t put her on the donor list because they think the shooting was due to drugs. Right because they found pot at the house that was yours. My sister is going to die because of your need to be high. It’s hard to forgive you for that.” “There is more to the story.” The nurse steps out into the hall again and like that Y/N disappears back into the room. I walk to the nurses desk. “Test me, I need to know.” “Test you for what sir?” She asks. “I need to know if I can give that patient my kidney.” “We’ve only been able to match one person to her with her family and she can’t have the surgery due to the fact she is in a bad health condition.” “Don’t just stop trying. Let me try please.” *7 DAYS LATER* “Hey beautiful. I didn’t think i would be seeing those blue eyes ever again.” “Are you ok?” “I’m fine. I have another surgery to endure but they felt it would be best if I stayed with you until you pulled through. They x-ray everyday to make sure it’s not moving anywhere or anything. I am fine. But you are my worry, and you’re ok.” “Do you know where they got my new kidney?” I walk in the room at that moment, “you have my kidney. They were able to match our blood and got you back together. You’re very lucky.” “Thank you so much.” She looks up at me in that moment and smiles for the first time in weeks. “Thank you for everything, and I’m sorry for treating you so badly.” “You were ready to walk out on me, but I sure as hell was not walking away from you.”
Keaton; Came in from a cold that cut like diamonds. Paint on every wall, but still I find them. Footprints on the floorboards lipstick on the sheets. Tell myself they faded, don't we all just a little bit? 
The house was a disaster when I walked in that night. You could smell paint clear out in the living room. “Baby where are you? Are you ok?” I start looking down the hallway trying to believe that it wasn’t that room she was in. “What are you doing in here? What happened?” I stare at the green paint all around the room. “I couldn’t handle it Keaton. I couldn’t do it. Walking past this room everyday like nothing happened. Like I didn’t lose something so important in our lives.” “Baby.” “Please stop, just stop.” She curls back up in the fetal position in the corner of the room staring at all that is left of our little boy. His room had been just finished and finally looked perfect. She wasn’t due for several weeks we just wanted to be ready. We were excited for everything to be ready and for him to get here. We just didn’t expect it to happen the way it did. A few nights later she woke up to severe pain and we found a ton of blood in bed with us. We got her to the hospital to find she went into early labor. Later we learned that the labor was induced because our son wasn’t ready to come to us. It has been 3 months. They said it would fade, each day would get easier. But right now that’s not proving to be the case. She seems to have gotten worse as weeks have gone on. She speaks snapping me out of my head. “Today would’ve been my due date.” All makes sense now, “Fuck I forgot, I have been trying to let myself heal. I have been busy with work and I didn’t think about it.” “It’s ok, you need to be able to move on too. It’s hard to think about me moving on. My body rejected our baby. It’s my fault in some way.” “It is not your fault. You did not reject our baby. He just thought there is a better time to make this arrival into life. He wasn’t ready to come to us yet. But it will happen. We will get a family like we always pictured, like we’ve always wanted. But we have to come together and get through this, we can’t let it destroy us and completely fall apart. We need to come together.” “I know but it’s so hard to think the eventually this will be a memory instead of the actual life we could’ve been living.” “There will always be nights that it’s cold and there will always be days where it’s dark, but we can make it through. It will fade even though right now it doesnt feel like it ever will.” I pull her to her feet and take her to our room to clean her up. I would spend all of tomorrow painting the other room white cleaning it out, giving us a chance for a new start.
Wesley; Woke up from a dream I saw you crying. Nothing I could do and no use trying. Porcelain from the table is shattered on the floor. Once it left the station it can't stop anymore.
Losing one person in your life is hard. But losing 5 people in 3 months is hell. My girl first faced losing her best friend to a drunk driver. Then her grandma to cancer. Then her aunt to suicide. Her cousin followed being trampled by a horse. And just recently her grandfather, they say to age and sadness. She said he literally died to a broken heart. We had barely gotten any of them in the ground before we were losing someone else. It has been tearing her apart. She hasn’t been the same since the first. When she cries it’s impossible to tell who she is crying over. All I know is she’s sad and missing people that I can’t give her back. She slips darker and darker and there is nothing I can do. I jolt awake with another nightmare of losing her. I reach out to take her in my arms but she isn’t there. She hasn’t been lately, impossible for her to sleep. I slip out of my bed going down the hall finding the kitchen light on. I step in and find glass shattered everywhere. She’s sitting at the table shaking and crying. I don’t have any words to say I just take her in my arms and lightly stroke her hair while she lets it all out. “I can’t take it anymore, I can’t lose anyone else.” “Baby I wish I could tell you that you won’t but with our run of luck I don’t think we could ever just plain escape that.” “No one can just escape the tornado of death, I know that. But don’t you think it’s done enough in our lives at least just for now.” “I thought it had done enough in our lives after Steph.” “Wes I don’t think I can handle anymore. It has to stop or I don’t know what I’m going to do.” “Obvioulsy if we have anymore we are going to need new dishes.”  She chuckles slightly, “I just lost it. I’m shocked the crashing didn’t wake you.” “I understand and if you need to break more to help you then do it. Baby I just hate seeing this all tear you apart the way it does. I have no problem buying cheap dishes so you can just break them if that is what you need. But you gotta tell me what you need and I will do whatever it is.” “You’ve done it all for me, you have been at every funeral, you’ve let me cry and not cry. You’ve held me through it all and let me destroy our dishes. I couldn’t ask for someone better. “I’ll always be here, for every tornado that tears through no matter what it may be.”
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