emeraldfae · 6 years
Ocean Hill was my mother’s favorite palace, and I see her everywhere, even though I have no memory of her face. Only what I’ve seen in pictures or paintings. I’ve asked for some of her portraits to be rehung, at least in the salon outside my bedroom. Her colors were gold, more vibrant than the yellows Julian wears now. Fitting a queen born of a High House, though she was far from the norm.
She slept in this room. She breathed this air. She was alive here. 
As he goes, stepping back out into the salon, I follow his retreating figure. When he passes the painting, propped up against a chair for now, he slows. But he doesn’t stop. He only trails a hand along the frame, unable to spare a glance for his sister. 
They have a similar look, based on the portrait. The thin chestnut hair and inquisitive eyes. She was simple, an easy beauty. The kind most overlook. I don’t have much of her in me, if anything at all.
I wish I did.
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emeraldfae · 6 years
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AU: In which Merlin and Arthur meet on the Titanic.
I’ll never let go.  I promise. [ for the lovely Mallory ]
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emeraldfae · 6 years
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Coriane Jacos
“She was happy, yes, in her own way, as best as she knew. But there’s a difference between a single candle in darkness and a sunrise.“
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emeraldfae · 6 years
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Even if I change, it feels like dying. Everything I am dies.
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emeraldfae · 6 years
“You’ve felt it, haven’t you? Those feelings that seem to get so big in your chest, like something is so beautiful it aches?”
— Heather Anastasiu
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emeraldfae · 6 years
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Autumn swan | bobbimac
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emeraldfae · 6 years
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to dream of life by megatruh
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emeraldfae · 6 years
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Keyleth by Mikandi
Official Site, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr
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emeraldfae · 6 years
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Lanaya Lavellan by Nyaka-N
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emeraldfae · 6 years
“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large - I contain multitudes.”
— Walt Whitman
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emeraldfae · 6 years
“Stay away from the ones you love too much. Those are the ones who will kill you.”
— Donna Tartt
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emeraldfae · 6 years
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by DonatoArts
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emeraldfae · 6 years
Tea Recipes
I’m sorry I took a little while to finish these, but here you go! Tea recipes from my grimoire ❤ I usually prefer winging it on my recipes rather than following a strict set of instructions, so most of these don’t have exact measurements. Sorry if that bothers anyone!
Faerie Tea
- 1 tsp rosemary
- ½ thyme
- 1 large strawberry, crushed
- handful of rose petals
- a pinch of sugar (or 2)
steep 5-10 minutes
Self Love Tea
- handful of rose petals
- 1 tsp orange extract or peel
- 1 cup black tea
- 1 tbsp black pepper
- dried orange slices
- cinnamon
- cardamom
steep 3-5 minutes
Tea for Headaches
- 1 tsp lavender
- 1 tsp chamomile
- 1 tsp rosemary
- 1 tsp mint
Tea for Open Mindedness
- a lemon
- a few sage leaves
- celery (maybe half a stick? I haven’t tried this one yet)
- a few dandelion flowers
mash up in mortar and pestle, squeeze lemon juice on top. should be well-mixed paste. strain into teacup, add boiling water
Psychic Tea
- rose petals
- thyme
- cinnamon sticks
- clove
Love and Happiness Tea
- honey
- ginger slices
- lemon juice/pulp
- cardamom
Dispel Depression Tea
- rose petals
- lavender
- tea of your choosing, I usually do green cuz it’s my favorite
can also be a jar spell!
Lavender Chai
- 2 cups vanilla soy milk
- chamomile
- lavender
- honey
- vanilla extract
- nutmeg
heat (not boil) soy in sauce pan. make chamomile/lavender tea. add honey and vanilla to soy, whisk. mix in tea. steep 10 minutes, pour tea, add nutmeg and lavender buds
Essay Supertea
- rosemary
- mint
- allspice
- cinnamon
Lavender Blues
- lavender
- rosemary
- lemon balm leaves
- mint
New Moon Tea
- lavender
- raspberry leaves
- chamomile
Sinus Reliever
- honey
- apple cider vinegar
- crushed garlic clove
- lemon juice
- cayenne pepper
- turmeric
(I know it doesn’t sound good, but it’ll sure clear your head)
Sore Throat
- honey
- apple cider vinegar
- cinnamon
- lemon juice
(you can add it to regular tea if you don’t wanna drink it by itself)
Orange Tea
- orange peel
- tea leaves of your choice
- anise
- cardamom
Summer Tea
- chamomile
- rose petals
- honey
- orange
Clairvoyant Dreams
- rose petals
- lavender
- honey
Fruit Tea
- cinnamon 
- cloves
- sugar
- tea of your choice
- pineapple juice 
- lemon juuice
- orange juice
Sicky Tea
- green tea
- cayenne pepper
- apple cider vinegar
- ginger
- honey
Summer Solstice Tea
- rose petals
- spearmint
- lemon grass
- lemon balm
Protection and Healing
- allspice
- black pepper
- cardamom
- cinnamon
- cloves
- lavender
- vanilla
Lavender Moon Tea
- lavender
- green tea
- honey
- milk
Floral Honey Tea
- dandelion
- rose
- jasmine
- violet
- marigold
- water
- apple cider
- cranberry 
- cinnamon
- allspice
- ginger
- apple slices
- orange slices 
- cardamom
3 AM Dream Tea
- rosemary
- ginger
- anise
- lemon
- mint
Good Dreams Tea
- rosemary
- thyme
- rose
- cinnamon
- cardamom
- orange peel
“Leave Me Alone” Tea
(for when you don’t want too much social interaction, yaknow?)
- clove
- anise
- ginger
- black pepper
- coriander
Calm Reflection Tea
- rose
- honey
- sage
- chamomile
- rosemary
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emeraldfae · 6 years
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not here
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emeraldfae · 6 years
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hi hello CATS!!!! CANNOT!!!! BE VEGAN!!!!!
i cannot believe i have to fucking say this.
dogs are omnivore and IF YOUR VET APPROVES your pooch MAY be able to go on an APPROVED(!!!!!) commercial vegan dog food like the brand “v-dog” which has all the essential vitamins, protein, etc. (the oldest record winning dogs have been vegan)
cats are CARNIVORE and cannot fucking live on a vegan diet. a vet would laugh in your face and probably find some way to have your pet taken away from you because you’re obviously not fit to have an animal if you think you can feed a cat a diet based on your own ethics
i’m vegan but this is so fucking harmful.
it’s about minimizing your harm, not putting your animals on risky diets in an attempt to be perfect.
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emeraldfae · 6 years
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emeraldfae · 6 years
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