emeraldusk · 5 years
 so   i   think   this   is   pretty   obvious   because   of   my   lack   of   activity   here   ,   but   i’m   putting   this   blog   on   hiatus   !   ever   since   the   trailer   for   re3   remake   was   dropped   ,   my   muse   for   claire   has   gone   trough   the   roof   ,   so   i’m   mainly   over   on   @cerisetheai   for   now   !   i’m   not   abandoning   this   blog   ,   &&   i’ll   most   likely   come   back   ,   but   for   now   ,   catch   me   over   there   !   <3
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emeraldusk · 5 years
 catch   me   over   on   @cerisetheai   today   ,   because   i’m   getting   my   apocalypse   bby   back   up   &&   running   !
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emeraldusk · 5 years
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emeraldusk · 5 years
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 looking   at   gerudo   town   as   a   whole   ,   it’s   interesting   to   note   that   most   residents   ,   namely  those   running   stores   or   within   the   general   population   have   short   ,   ponytail   updo   hairstyles   ,   whilst   the   gerudo   who   have   some   kind   of   connection   to   the   royal   gerudo   line   (   riju   /   urbosa   /   buliara   )   have   much   longer   /   more   flowing   hairstyles.   perhaps   the   gerudo   chiefs   were   encouraged   to   grow   their   hair   out   because   they   believed   that   the   goddess   would   bless   them   with   sacred   power   ,   alongside   long   hair   representing   youth   &&   beauty.   riju   possibly   has   the   longest   hair   out   of   all   the   gerudo   (   reaching   well   down   to   her   ankles   even   whilst   in   a   braid   )   ,   so   much   so   ,   that   she   actually   trips   over   it   when   running   from   her   throne   should   link   give   her   a   reason   to.
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emeraldusk · 5 years
Twilight Realm - Twilight Princess
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emeraldusk · 5 years
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 in   a   sense   ,   she’s   MESMERIZED   by   the   rainfall   cascading   down  from   the   heavens   ,   having   never   witnessed   a   proper   storm   before.   the   only   sanctuary   that   travelers   had   from   the   blistering   heat   was   the   oasis   tucked   safely   away   in   the   confines   of   the   kara   kara   bazaar   ,   so   they’d  likely   be   relieved   for   such   an   unanticipated   change   in   the   weather   —   but   with   the   weight   of   her  people   UPON   HER   SHOULDERS   ,   she   can’t   help   but   to   automatically   assume   the   worst.   ❛   i’m  sure   you’re   right   ,   i   apologize   for   my   concern.   ever   since   naboris   appeared   ,   we   gerudo   have  been   rather   on   edge.   ❜   perhaps   not   all   of   the   gerudo   however   ,   but   namely   herself.   was   this   going   to   lead   up   to   another   incident   that   would   threaten   their   way   of   life   ?   would   her   skills   as  chief   be   put   to   the   test   once   more   ?   ❛   this   is   our   home   ,   &&   it   is   my   duty   to   do   everything  i   can   to   protect   it.   ❜
@emeraldusk from [x]
Oddities in weather patterns were no stranger to Zelda’s presence. If she didn’t know any better - and, truth be told, she couldn’t be certain that she didn’t - she would wager that it had something to do with her and her Goddess powers. Or perhaps, more accurately, her lack of them. Nature abhored what wasn’t natural, after all. Maybe this was just yet another sign that her lack of power meant that she was not the true heir to Hylia’s golden throne, and not the true heir to the Royal Family either.
It wasn’t like there really was any other choice aside from her. Being the last surviving member of the Royal Family meant she was the last of the bloodline, but it seemed clear that the Goddesses themselves were waiting eager for her to pass the bloodline on to someone else.
“I’m sorry.” The words were accompanied with a soft sigh. It wasn’t likely that Riju would be able to hear her over the storm anyways– thank the heavens for small favors. A beat, and then a bit louder- “It’ll pass soon, I’m certain. Storms like this rarely can manage to last long.”
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emeraldusk · 5 years
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emeraldusk · 5 years
➥   LINK.
Zelda was quiet, a sign that the worst was set to happen and there was little that anyone could do to stop it, and Link– Link didn’t want to accept that. After everything he had gone through, why did he have to just accept! Why did things have to end on a sour note?
Why did he always end up losing the people who mattered most to him?
“Midna.” There was a slightly terse edge to his tone as Link stared up at her. “Why are ya avoidin’ answerin’ me? Y- Yer plannin’ somethin’.” And even if he wasn’t quite certain what, he had some guesses over the general idea. No one was this distant if they planned to stay.
“Twilight an’ Light. They’re connected, right? They gotta stay connected fer both realms,right?”
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 of   course   ,   offering   her   aid   &&   allying   herself   with   hyrule   came   at   a   price   —   the   closeness   that   she’d   developed   between   the   legendary   hero   &&   princess   would   have   to   be   SEVERED   ,   because   even   though   they   may   have   wished   otherwise   ,   shadow   &&   light   were   made   to   coexist   separately.   perhaps   zant   was   right   ,   she’d   never   be   anything   more   than   a   mere   shadow   in   their   world.   ❛   we   need   to   discuss   what’s   best   for   both   of   our   kingdoms   —   the   threat   may   be   gone   ,   but   there’s   still   much   left   to   do.   ❜   she   doesn’t   know   whether   she’s   being   vague   on  purpose   ,   or   perhaps   because   she   doesn’t   wish   to   state   the   truth   OUTRIGHT.   surely   ,   they   all   know   that   she   can’t   stay   forever   —   it’s   merely   a   case   of   whether   they   wish   to   accept   it   or   not.
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emeraldusk · 5 years
➥   ?  ?  ?
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“Not really.” Was his natural, quick response to the odd woman’s question. Or odd woman as in she didn’t look like anything he had ever seen before. Very much matching the others who had taken him to this cell. Though, if the waited a day or two he might try to get out of here all on his own. But then again they did outnumber him so maybe that wasn’t the brightest idea. He didn’t know anything about them or what they were capable of. If they were like humans as that was the closest thing he could relate them to or not. They did speak the human language so that was at least something.
A sigh which did produce a bit of cool air from his exhale as he focused more intently on the woman who may very well be the leader of sorts as she had referred to this as her palace. “You know how sometimes you’re traveling and then suddenly you are somewhere you didn’t expect?” Maybe not as easy to follow answer but it was what had happen. he couldn’t explain why he ended up here just somehow he did. He was only thankful he had chosen his human form for exploring this time around. His natural one might not have ended up as well. At least here he was merely thrown in a cell without any real harm coming to him. “Something like that is why I was roaming around your palace.”
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 ending   up   where   he   hadn’t   expected   ?   she’d   have   to    order   an   investigation   into   whether   another   portal   to   the   light   world   had   indeed   opened   once   again   ,   because   whilst   it   might   have   been   a   seemingly   trivial   issue   ,   it   could   pose   a   very   real   THREAT   to   the   twilight   realm.   after   zant’s   tyrannical   episode   &&   ganondorf’s   entry   into   their   home   ,   she   isn’t   about   to   take   any   chances.   nevertheless   ,   her   expression   remains   composed   whilst   she   continues   speaking   ,   gaze   never   leaving   him   in   the   hopes   that   his   body   language   might   provide   more   answers.   ❛   can’t   say   that   i’ve   had   that   experience   often   —   what   is   your   name   ?   do   you   come   from   hyrule   ?   ❜   HYRULE.   the   name   sounds   so   strange   as   it   falls   from   her   tongue   ,   almost   as   if   there’s   a   yearning   to   return   —   even   just   once   ,   to   see   them   again.   but   so   long  as   she   was   ruler   ,   then   her   people   were   the  ��first   priority   ,   no   matter   what   else   she   may   have   desired.   ❛   i   promise   that   no   harm   will   come   to   you   if   you   co   -   operate.   sound   fair   ?   ❜
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emeraldusk · 5 years
➥   REVALI. 
“Most people wouldn’t be taking a front row seat if they could avoid it.” His tone was drawled out in an almost off-hand manner, but the slight narrow of his eyes betrayed the stiff, guarded suspicion that he was regarding her with.
“Who are you? How did you get here?”
The questions were edged with a slight tinge of fear at the sight of the shadowy wolf that was summoned by her side. It wasn’t the same at the malice, as the blight, as his prison for a hundred years, but there was no denying the similarities that ran between both of them. Just what was this woman? And what was she doing here?
“He’s getting one.” Revali’s gaze shifted to follow the thin red beam that had been aimed from Vah Medoh ever since he had been freed. It intersected with the other Guardians at the point of Castle Hyrule, and there Revali knew was Link - and the Princess, both fighting against Ganon. “There’s only so much we can do. The rest is up to them.”
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 of   course   ,   the   champions   &&   princess   zelda   didn’t   have   a   choice   when   it   came   to   fighting   the   CALAMITY   ,   &&   look   where   it   had   gotten  them   —   only   half   had   survived   ,   now   having   to   push   their   grief   aside   to   fight   even   harder.   so   where   she   herself   had   the   option   of   whether   to   fight   or   not   ,   it   was   only   right   to   offer   her   aid   in   hyrule’s   hour   of   need   ,   regardless   of   her   origins.   ❛   seeing   as   we’re   going   to   be   working   together   ,   that   might   help   ,   mightn’t   it  ?   i’m   midna   ,   &&   i   already   know   that   you’re   the   rito   champion   ,   revali.   as   to   how   i   got   here   ?   i   doubt   you’d   believe   me   if   i   told   you.   ❜   
 a   hand   rises   to   run   along   the   top   of   her   beast’s   head   ,   eyes   narrowing   slightly   ,   almost   as   if   in   SELF   DOUBT.   no   -   one   was   under   any   obligation   to   believe   her   ,   as   the   twili   had   never   been   seen   or   mentioned   before   ,   even   in   the   legends   dating   back   thousands   of   years.   all   she   can   do   is   hope   that   her   people   won’t   be   cast   out   like   those   of   the   sheikah   clan   before   the   calamity   head   decided   to   rear   it’s   ugly   head   once   again.   ❛   i   too   have   a   role   to   play   ,   but   only   when   the   time   is   right   —   so   that   the   princess   can   seal   that   thing   away   for   good.   ❜
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emeraldusk · 5 years
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 since   the   sudden   &&   unexpected   passing   of   her   mother   ,   &&   the   theft   of   the   thunder   helm   ,   riju   sleeps   with   a   dagger   underneath   her   pillow   at   night.   being   alone   in   her   chamber   without   buliara’s   protection   ,   she   thought   it   necessary   in   case   of   any   assassination   attempts   by   the   yiga   clan   or   any   other   followers   of   ganon.
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emeraldusk · 5 years
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This wasn’t supposed to turn out into a big thing? Also what exactly is consistent style? It was nice to draw my queen again, though-
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emeraldusk · 5 years
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 ❛   in   case   you’re   unaware   ,   gerudo   law   does   not   permit   VOE   within   our   walls.   &&   i   intend   to   uphold   that   law.   ❜   he   didn’t   actually   have   to   be   here   at   all   ,   &&   she   can   completely   understand   his   lack   of   comfort   ,   as   the   hebra   region   up   north   boasted   a   much   chillier   climate   compared   to   the   gerudo   desert.   but   with   no   -   one   more   skilled   with   a   bow   in   all   of   hyrule   ,   &&   her   desire   to   grow   stronger   as   a   leader   ,   what   choice   did   she   have   ?   he   was   a   champion   after   all   ,   &&   they   didn’t   come   more   PROFICIENT   than   him.   ❛   our   people   have   dwelled   within   the   desert   for   generations   —   lady   urbosa   once   called   this   place   home.   ❜   her   gaze   lingers   temporarily   upon   the   structure   of   the   town   within   the   distance   ,   soon   tearing   it   away   to   offer   him   a   clear   glass   bottle   containing   a   pastel   blue   liquid.   seeing   as   he’d   accepted   her   proposal   ,   it   was   only   fair   that   she   came   prepared.   ❛   here   ,   drink   this   ,   &&   you   should   find   the   heat   much   more   bearable.   ❜
The heat from the desert felt like it was almost choking him. It wrapped around him, creeping through his feathers and slipping down his throat. Even his gaze felt overheated and hazy, twisting in the distance. Illusions, mirages. One had to be prepared and ready to live in such a harsh landscape, and Revali was not certain he was up to that task.
There was a certain level of irony there, considering how harsh the Hebra region could be. Without the proper preparation, it was easy to find yourself half - or fully - frozen with how nightmareishly cold it could get. But that was different! That was something he was used to. This… was not.
“Tell me why you wanted to meet here.” Not even a question, just a statement. The desert was the home of the Gerudo so of course the Gerudo Chieftain would chose to meet out at the oasis. That didn’t mean he was happy about it, though. 
“This is inhumane and idiotic. Why would you want to live out here?”
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emeraldusk · 5 years
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emeraldusk · 5 years
He wasn’t as familiar with this land as he might have been his own but he quickly learned which areas were easier for him to navigate. The area closest to the bird-like creatures, the Rito has he had learned they were called, lived in a colder climate. An area that was easy enough for him to navigate. He had seen a few humans most of which was bundled up. He had seen a handful, however, that seemed more cold than the rest. Layers of clothes and blankets. Huddling close to the fire. Something he was very keen on staying some distances away from.
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As he walked around the humans not paying them to much mind he noticed one in particular. She seemed very small that could mean she was young or merely small. It was always hard to tell with some humans. “Are you really that cold?” He questioned  as she curled on the blankets and pillows that she had been provided.
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 he’d   saved   her   life   —   if   it   weren’t   for   him   ,   she’d   likely   be   lying   at   the   bottom   of   some   canyon   somewhere   ,   completely   ENCASED   in   ice.   buliara   hadn’t   been   seen   since   their   home   had   been   reduced   to   ruin   ,   but   there   was   always   the   hope   that   she   was   out   there   alive   somewhere.   being   the   most   skilled   spear   master   of   all   the   gerudo   ,   she   surely   wouldn’t   go   down   without   a   fight.   ❛   we   gerudo   aren’t   used   to   such   freezing   temperatures   —   we   thrive   best   in   warmer   climates.   ❜   eyelids   flicker   open   to   reveal   exhausted   emerald   hues   ,   a   small   yawn   escaping   from   her   lips.   if   only   she   could   remain   cocooned   by   the   blanket   of   rito   feathers   for   the   duration   of   the   day   ,   but   as   GERUDO   CHIEF   ,   such   a   desire   was   not   possible   —   she   had   to   formulate   a   solution   for   her   people.   at   least   the   specially   designed   rito   clothing   was   a   sufficient   alternative   ,   as   she   reaches   for   the   tunic   by   her   bedside.   ❛   i   suppose   we’ll   just   have   to   adjust   ,   we   don’t   really   have   a   choice   right   now.   ❜
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emeraldusk · 5 years
➥   ?  ?  ?
Aimlessly wandering on the unknown realms on her own, this village is quite quiet. No people, animals and just filled with silence. Unohana was just simply looking around on the discovery she made. There was a sign called ‘Kakariko Village’ but she can’t understand it because it was like reading symbols jumbled altogether.
While looking around, she hears someone getting her attention as she was cautious with a random incantation was about to be used but discontinued after. If it was a demon, she’d totally use one of her Kido spells but alas, not a demon but a blonde-haired girl who was possibly familiar to this place.
“I hear you.” She lets her hand down as this being might be one of the people of this village. Nothing wrong to know what this place is.
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“Do you know exactly what is this place? Since i came here hours ago, this was abandoned by chances.”
Places like this can also be a good spot for hideouts for bandits.
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 the   other   is   unfamiliar   to   her   ,   but   there   was   no   sign   of   any   HOSTILE   behaviour   ,   which   is   good   enough   for   her   —   in   a   world   full   of   enemies   &&   foes   ,   an   ally   was   a   valuable   thing   indeed.   ❛   this   is   kakariko   village   !   but   something   must   have   happened   to   it   —   it’s   never   usually   this   quiet   ,   &&   i   don’t   get   where   these   creepy   looking   clouds   have   come   from.   ❜   her   best   guess   would   have   to   be   the   evil   currently   spilling   across   hyrule   like   a   PLAGUE   ,   with   no   signs   of   letting   up   whatsoever.   but   whatever   the   case   ,   kakariko   &&   it’s   residents   had   to   be   saved   ,   before   the   village   became   uninhabitable. 
 ❛   are   you   from   around   here   ?   we   need   to   find   out   what’s   going   on   so   we   can   help   !   ❜   when   danger   was   afoot   ,   she   couldn’t   simply   stand   by   idly   &&   do   nothing   —   not   with   the   spirit   of   the   LEGENDARY   HERO   supposedly   residing   within   her.   body   language   confident   ,   her   gaze   performs   a   brief   glance   of   the   immediate   area   ,   formulating   a   plan   of   action   to   go   upon.   they   were   running   out   of   time  ,   &&   if   too   much   time   passed   ,   then   perhaps   it   would   be   too   late.   ❛   come   on   ,   let’s   look   around   &&   see   if   we   can   find   anything   !   ❜
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emeraldusk · 5 years
what if we were sparring and your shirt was clinging to your body with sweat and your eyes were really intense and that got me distracted enough for you to pin me to the ground and sit on top of me? and maybe you were breathing all heavy and gave me a smug little smirk while saying “i win” and then i went “are you sure?” and grabbed you by the collar to pull you in for a kiss? and perhaps once we separated i said “because i think i’m the real winner here.” with our foreheads still pressed together? i think that’d be kinda cool idk!
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