emiliios · 6 years
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                 THE MOMENT HIS plane touched down in england, his heart had been beating and beating, miles a minute, at the same rate his river of thoughts and feelings had been flowing through his brain. there were so many names to memorize, so many stories to know about this family or that person … all of which he hadn’t known because he was off doing who-knows-what at who-knows-what-time. he hadn’t listened before, but his father was right: everything was starting to catch up to him. all the lessons he’d skipped out on to hop on a private plane to the canary islands or go out with his friends … milo had begun to regret every moment. 
to be quite honest, all of the royal duties that he had piled onto his lap were just a distraction from the one fact he could not bear to face yet, and that was the question of his betrothed. months of self-reflection would keep him up at night, nitpicking every time he had screwed up or had disappointed tatiana during their time together, time that he could now admit were two of the best years of his life. by some miracle, his betrothal had seemed like a second chance -- but his initial thoughts were quickly drowned out by constant worry about what she thought of him now. and he wouldn’t blame her …
milo was on his way down to the kitchen to both grab a cup of tea and to clear his head, seeing that he could have sworn the four walls of his bed chamber had been inching closer and closer. he had just turned the corner when he saw her … the last person he expected to see. standing there, beautiful dark locks framing her features that he remembered far too well. for a moment, he was locked in place -- frozen, like he couldn’t get his body to move closer to her for fear of how she would react in seeing him. he could see her walking away, putting more and more space between them, when he felt a wave of emotion sending his voice and his feet after her. “ ana – wait! ” he called out down the empty hallway, the distance separating them shrinking and shrinking until he caught up with her. “ i know … i’m probably the last person you want to see … ” milo could feel his words choking up through his throat. “ … but we need to talk at some point. ”
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emiliios · 6 years
The soft sound of humming filled the cold air as Cass stood in the stable, currying her black gelding as she readied him for a mid-afternoon ride. She had wanted to go earlier in the day, but with as cold as it was, she had figured that waiting for the sun to come out would be a better plan. Zodiac was clearly feeling his oats that day as he frisked in place before leaning into the brush strokes, letting out a snort as Cass affectionately patted his neck. “Fiara nebună” she chuckled. After a few more minutes, as she was finishing up grooming him, Zodiac lifted his head to look over her shoulder, signaling that someone else was coming up behind her. Turning with a bright smile on her face, she greeted the other, “Oh hello, were you planning on a ride today, too?”
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               HE HADN’T EVEN been at the palace a week and he had already felt the pressure of the world pushing at his shoulders. emilio’s pre-conceived thoughts of the summit, the ones that he had held for years and years, had all changed after his brother’s accident. he was there now as the standing crown prince of portugal, and he felt overwhelmingly underprepared for all of this. he had taken a moment away from small talk and studying to go for a walk, hoping that the chilly london air would ease some of his anxieties. “ oh … uh … i wasn’t planning on it. i was just clearing my head, ” he explained to the woman who he assumed as another royal. if there was one thing that being at the summit had taught him, it was that he knew far fewer royals than he really should have. “ i guess it is a nice day for a ride, though. ”
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emiliios · 6 years
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- ̗̀✰ •【 CHRIS WOOD / CISMALE / 29 】announcing the arrival of his royal highness, ( EMILIO DE COIMBRA ), the ( PRINCE ) of ( PORTUGAL ). I’ve heard that he is ( STUBBORN ) & ( FACETIOUS ) but can also be ( PASSIONATE ) & ( LOYAL ). ( EMILIO ) is arranged to marry ( TATIANA ROMANOV ). Rumor has it ( HE IS ADDICTED TO COCAINE ). We hope you enjoy your stay at London!
sup bbys it’s riley again ( i also play christian and tomás ) and we r back w yet ANOTHER sad boy ™ , emilio AKA MILO, however this one is on a REDEMPTION ARC. MARK MY WORDS. we r in for a wild ride. as always. a pretty damn lengthy intro post underneath the cut. and as always, GIVE THIS POST A LIKE or slide into my tumblr ims / discord dms for some plot ho™ action thnx
BACKSTORY ! tw: drugs, addiction, death.
( read more  about the de coimbras here !! elle did such a fanfabtastic job )
long story short, milo was close with his family, but not super close. he loved his parents and his siblings a lot, but never really showed it; would protect his siblings at all costs but never told them everything. sort of like a semi-close but not too-close kind of vibe there. 
he was very close with his father, though -- despite their arguments about staying out late or getting in with the wrong people sometimes, he really looked up to his father. he respected the shit out of him for marrying out of love and not for political reasons, and always thought that just maybe he could do the same. but ofc, that future was not for him (OR WAS IT ....... stay tuned).
being the second oldest, he was expected to have responsibilities, but he never had the burden of knowing that he would have to lead a country ( that is, until now ). he had a weird relationship with his duties before pedro fell into his coma; knowing his status as a member of the royal family, he had things he had to do, but sort of skirted by and did the bare minimum. he’d attend galas, meet other royals, uphold a certain standard of himself, but other than that, he felt as though he had free reigns over what else he wanted to do with his life. that typically meant going out with his friends, traveling to the south of france for a weekend with his friends, etc. he wasn’t too rowdy as a teenager, but he dabbled in some drugs here and there. nothing too serious.
TW: DEATH. BUT THEN his father died when he was 23 and out of college, working as a manager for some international nonprofit, he spiraled out of control for a while.
and by that i meant he would go out and go like sicko mode version of his old life, like full send on drugs and partying and completely neglecting his duties as a royal. he got shit from his family and his siblings but he found even more that there was no reason to worry that much about his duties n shit.
the one bright spot in his life from age 23-present day was tatiana. o boy did he fall hard when he met her at age 26, almost got control of his life again with her in it. he was seriously in love w her but of course, his whole mindset of not giving a shit wasn’t really cutting it and he was probably not the best boyfriend LET ALONE someone that another royal should be betrothed to / associated with, so they broke it off after about two years.
TW: DRUGS, ADDICTION. the six months between his break-up with tatiana and pedro’s accident that put him in a coma was probably milo’s all time low. he went through a phase where he’d sleep around trying to get over her, this was also the time when he really got hooked on cocaine. he’d do it to try and feel something, and really spiraled to his absolute lowest. royal family negligence was at an all time high. real low point for my dude right here.
flash-forward to pedro’s accident, about six months ago -- it turned milo’s entire life upside-down. he was now the crowned prince, the one who would have to rule a country. he realized how much responsibility he would have to carry, without either of his parents or his older brother to help him. he started to turn things around -- cut out the partying, the sleeping around, the excessive drinking. he started to realize how vulnerable a human life was, realizing that his father’s passing and his brother’s accident were real, not just flukes, and his entire outlook on life changed.
he wanted to be good. he wanted to be good enough to be a role model for his younger siblings just like pedro had been for him; he wanted to be a leader that the portuguese people would stand behind and support, but he knew he had a long way to go. 
TW: ADDICTION. he continues to put in a lot of good work to improve his character, his habits, his relationship with his family, and his royal duties. however, there still exist a few flaws: the fact that milo never wanted to be king or ever rule a country still weighs down in his heart, and he still harbors a bit of resentment toward carlotta for indirectly pushing this life on him, but also, deep down, he knows that without this push, he would still be in a very dark hole. second, due to the immense amount of sudden pressure pushed onto him, milo still frequently uses cocaine and needs it to relieve himself of pressures.
milo is definitely outgoing and has a witty sense of humor. the fact that he was sort of a black sheep made him have a bit of a self-deprecating of humor at times in his life, but it shows that he is actually pretty self-aware as well. 
milo is friendly; despite not really wanting to have a royal title, especially not that of ‘crown prince’, he does like getting to know people, and in a lot of cases, that means other royals. however, get on his bad side or annoy him, and he’ll be cold or aggressive.
milo is emotional, but doesn’t really show it. he bottles up a lot of his emotions and lets them out by himself, but we’ll all be damned if he ever cried in front of maybe more than like 1 person. while he is self-aware about a lot of things, he doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions sometimes.
milo was a bit cynical, but has been wanting to change. he used to think that every man was out for himself, but having come into a leadership role, he sees different perspectives better now.
milo is a little impatient, but he’s working on it. he’s really working on it 1!!!!!!!!!
milo is called milo only by his close friends and family; he still goes by emilio regularly.
milo is really into astronomy; often times while drunk / high / neglecting responsibilities, he’d find himself staring at the stars in the garden. he likes studying constellations. it’s cool and it’s his little nerdy thing.
milo is pansexual; doesn’t really care for gender or sex and probably discovered this during college or something.
milo really is into action movies. like fast and the furious or something. i don’t really know other action movies.
milo learned how to play guitar, probably when he was really high or something. he’s actually pretty good. probably used it to woo women at some point, but deep down it’s one of very few things that can calm him down.
AESTHETIC ! tw: alcohol.
well-fitted sweaters, headphones around his neck, expensive watches, pen ink stains, a neat desk, rock music, star maps, spearmint gum, speaking three languages in the same sentence, old cartoons, faded tanlines, smokey cologne, dark chocolate.
POTENTIAL PLOTS ! tw: drugs, alcohol, addiction.
previous friends / party buddies, people who milo used to hang around in some of his more crazy points of his life -- people who could do lines with him, who would travel recklessly around the world with him, who probably fed into his ‘fuck royal duties’ kind of thing. he probably cut ties eventually when he realized how stupid it was to be doing all these things ( about six months ago ); things could be tense now.
childhood friends, people who maybe were of similar age and who attended different royal gatherings together. preferably friends who grew up together and sort of got up to shenanigans.
former friends, probably someone of similar age and take their royal duties more seriously. when milo began to fall into a more carefree lifestyle, perhaps they didn’t agree with his life choices and their friendship fell through. 
exes / flings, probably a handful of them. given that he’s charismatic and outgoing, he’s likely to charm his way to a person’s heart if he takes interest in them / they take interest in him. him being facetious and not taking things as seriously as he should, things probably ended if / when it was expected for the relationship to be long-term or serious.
good influence, someone who sees the potential in milo’s turn in perspective and may tutor him in royal tricks, or is trying to help him get off the rails finally ( bonus: they’ve seen him do coke and are subtley trying to him him get his shit together there )
literally ? anything ? hit me the fuck up once again LIKE THIS or dm me on tumblr/discord and lets get some P L O T S goin my dudes
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emiliios · 6 years
If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I’ll bet they’d live a lot differently…When you look into infinity, you realize that there are more important things than what people do all day.
Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes (via wordsnquotes)
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emiliios · 6 years
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emiliios · 6 years
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