eminadounited · 4 years
What it means to be a hero?
A hero to me is someone who can put someone before themselves. You are able to take the initiative to look beyond your own needs. It is someone people look up to as a role model. I believe they come in different forms, and ways of unlocking heroism. You have to withhold great courage that inspires others to want to do good. I think my main understanding of heroism is that it is defined on an individual basis. While Greek mythology in itself has taught us it is about bravery, nobility, and someone with a tragic life story. I believe it can be those things, but an everyday hero looks different to all of us. I think we have moved past the single story image of a hero because it can now be as simple as it being your pet.
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eminadounited · 4 years
Insightful Read
I think the most insightful read was and is the Republic because it gives us an opportunity to learn about justice. Justice is a well debated topic, and one of the most difficult things to obtain in the court of law, and in life. This reading was first introduced to me this past summer, so I knew going forward I would always be interested in the interpretations people have on it. I feel that when I learn more and more about theory, I just gain new insight every time. The Republic was the first time I fully recognized that the definition of justice is not synonymous. In which we have come to understand that as long as your virtues hold a little wisdom, courage, justice, and moderation you’ll continue to understand the functions of ‘isms’ in society.
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eminadounited · 4 years
In the News-11/11
In class today a question we were to consider is if it is easy to forgive, or tell someone we care about dearly that they are wrong. I believe that depending what the circumstances are it leaves room for debate. In this case, I thought about the election of course. “You may have already been feeling hurt, uncomfortable, or angry at your loved ones for how they voted — and now, with the results teetering on a razor’s edge, those emotions are being exacerbated” (Longman). I have had to dismantle, and disengage from a lot of previous relationships with former friends/family over it. I personally am not a supporter of Trumps presidency, and wholeheartedly believe his supporters are delusional. We can debate all day, but I am not supporting anyone who works so hard to strip people of their humanity, and political autonomy the way he did. “If you’re a person who has been marginalized, you don't owe anyone the emotional labor of trying to change their mind or explain why their vote is problematic, Hargons adds. For the most part, that work should be taken on by allies at a time like this” (Longman). Now I have Trump supporting family members and they were the hardest to come to terms with due to this. These are people you grow up with, learned with, celebrate, and so much more. You entrust them to be guides in your life until you find your own path. Though it seems to me some have fallen gravely and coming to terms with that was probably the most difficult thing in the past three years. No family event would ever be the same nor as lighthearted because of now underlying animosity from split parties. Just like Cesars wife I remember so many people who reflected her when the 2016 election was happening. Teachers, friends, fellow classmates, my parents, the media, and more all coming to different conclusions and warnings. Now that the first fight has passed since all this I have concluded that I will “forgive”, but I will never forget.
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eminadounited · 4 years
In the News - 11/9
If you don't know well now you know that 2020 Presidential-Elect, Joe Biden has won this years election. This is an amazing win like no other we have seen in year. He is the first Presidential candidate in history to get more than 70 million votes surpassing Former President Obama’s 68.5 million+ votes. It is truly astonishing, and a win for so many out there for this win to have happened. I think for once in my life I got to see real democracy in action take play. I do not know when this will ever happen again honestly, but I hope I am alive for it. Despite Trump supports still having hope for Trump to be reinstated its time to take this loss and move on. Democracy for once has done its thing, and I hope Joe can undo some of the pain that Trump’s administration has caused. Some even believe “"It's all fixed," said Randy Tovichi, a Trump supporter in Kenosha County, Wisconsin, a swing region that narrowly backed Trump in 2016 and 2020. "There's so much corruption going on in the vote count," said Tovichi, who spoke to CNN as he wheeled his grocery cart through a crowded parking lot. There's been no evidence of any fraud among the more than 140 million ballots cast nationwide” (Kenny, Ortega, Tolan, Warren). Many Trump supporters believed this election to be rigged, but I felt the same way in 2016, it is time to move on. I think many people would agree that the electoral college is a scam, but mail-in ballots? I don’t think so, but some Republicans have expressed “"I don't believe the mail-in ballots can be trusted," said Chrismer. "I think we need a re-vote, an in-person-only re-vote”” (Kenny, Ortega, Tolan, Warren). Which to me is insuring ableism, accessibility, and a load of other things. Though after this election the way voting works will definitely be updated, and collated like never before. It time to accept, and move on that everything in your small American reality is not as it seems! 
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eminadounited · 4 years
Argumentative Post 11/6 (The Middle Class is a struggling idea of the past)
Now with the election going on I think something that is fair to think about is the middle class in America. The middle class have been disappearing for awhile now, merely staying afloat in a forever revolving economy. “Prior to 2011, the American middle class had been shrinking for several decades. This downward trend, beginning in 1971, had resulted in a 10% drop in the share of adults in the middle class” (Daugherty). As of now, in personal opinion after Co-Vid hit the community definitely took a hit financially. Aristotle believed that the middle class helps keep balance between the two extremes, the poor/rich. If the middle class were to suddenly go obsolete then who becomes the majority? The poor of course because the rich are a minority of people. If the rich continue to eat at the economy, and limit the power of government, how long would the middle class actually uphold status in this country? It seems simple that the middle class has compassion for people who are indigent, while still keeping their opinions at bay with the rich. The middle class fights hard to stay afloat because maybe someday they too can become rich like the elites of the world. I think it is strange of Aristotle to think being in the middle is the best, because you cannot necessarily be arrogant like the rich, or envious like the poor. I think this thought process is still relevant but quite outdated because at the end of the day every category of persons holds these traits. I think one factor Aristotle forgot about is that along with the middle class there is even an upper middle class. Something I don’t think he accounted for to happen, but there is a distinction between those sitting in the middle. “For example, in 1970, the median income of upper-income households was 2.2 times the income of middle-income households (and 6.3 times the income of lower-income households). By 2016, these income ratios had increased significantly, to 2.4 and 7.3, respectively” (Daugherty). It kind of kills the concept of the middle class because now there is even one more step to climb up into. At some point you look at the middle class, and it is slowly becoming an illusion. It is a group that keeps a buffer between the two extremes ruining the chances for real change to illicit itself. I would say that there is no real benefit of being middle class when you're in a group that's easy to control, has faux stability, blindly obeys, and provides puppets (legislators) for the elite to control. “So, while the total population of the American middle class may be stabilizing, this income class is not experiencing the same level of mobility—or gains in quality of life—that has defined the plight of the American middle class in the past” (Daugherty). The middle class is an expired concept as long as the two extremes continue to get further and further apart. At some point higher income will become elite, and those who float become the poor.  So how great is it really to be in the middle?
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eminadounited · 4 years
In the News--11/4
I will say personally I have never liked the electoral college, and its system in voting. I understand that when it was first introduced it was to help choose Presidents and Vice Presidents without things being based off merit. It's take all approach at presidential candidacy is a bit negligent. “Yet, critics realize how resilient the institution has been, surviving nearly 800 attempts to amend or abolish it over the course of our nation's history. Most changes that have occurred have happened at the state level” (Alexander). With the current election taking place it is amazing to watch how swing states continue to move about. Different organizations going at it within districts to pull together votes is always amusing. “All other states use the winner-take-all method, which awards all of a state's electoral votes to the ticket that earns a plurality of the vote in the state. This method can lead to some pretty disproportionate outcomes which most often work to amplify the difference between a candidate's popular vote total and electoral vote total” (Alexander). This is where I would say that the fabricated feeling of democracy come from. An interesting “concern is that moving to a district selection process could lead to even more misfire elections --elections where the winner of the national popular vote does not win in the Electoral College” (Alexander). I think the election is the best time to see the passion for democracy shine through. We all witness the opinions of things like the electoral college, voting, oppressive systems, and even anti-voters. Going forth in the sea of political autonomy we will see how democracy does its job. This election is another representation of how the American dream is merely a dream, because with the way our government system works I would call what's happening more of a nightmare.
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eminadounited · 4 years
In the News-11/2
It’s officially time, the most enticing yet petrifying day this country will experience once again, election day. Tomorrow the fate of this country will rather go blue or red, regardless of who sits in that chair something will change. For the first time since I have learned about voting I have never seen the encouragement for voting like I have this year. Almost every company, LLC, organizations, schools, celebrities, and even the youth have promoted voting like no other. Maybe this is normal, but I do not believe it to be so this is the first time I think I have seen democracy come alive in this digital age. This article, “Win or Lose, Trump and Biden’s Parties Will Plunge Into Uncertainty” talks about how partisanship will never be the same. Though after this election neither party will ever return to its origin statements. “This year’s election seems likely to plunge both Republicans and Democrats into a period of disarray no matter who wins the White House” (Lerer). I truly don’t think no amount of debate can reconcile the injustices that have occurred before, or will after this election. Lives, humanity, communities, and overall respect for what this country stands on has completely left us. The Republican “party is headed toward a reckoning, whatever happens in November, because you still have large segments of the party establishment that are not at all reconciled with the president’s victory in 2016,” said Senator Josh Hawley” (Lerer). I do not think either side is that happy with the shifts that are happening, but as the youth rises this will have to be what is accepted. Political autonomy is weakening more and more as parties scramble to keep on to what is left of them. I think working in numbers is important, but in the name of partisanship we see how that is not exactly the image of democracy we were promised. “A contingent of the party’s old guard is eager to cast the president as an aberration, a detour into nationalism, populism and conspiracy theories with no serious policy underpinning” (Lerer). There is so much condemning within party lines that someday they will split, or completely be obsolete. Power and control cannot be in the hands of the elite forever, I may not be alive to see, but democracy will have its chance.
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eminadounited · 4 years
In the News 10/28
In rather tragic news, but maybe exciting news depending on who you ask Amy Barrett was officially confirmed this Monday as new Supreme Court Justice. I honestly cannot believe it, but what do you expect with an all red house it was no surprise. Trump has officially found a way to secure a second term by bringing on Amy Barrett as new Justice. “Barrett, who is 48 years old, is likely to serve on the court for decades and will give conservatives a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court, a shift in its makeup that could have dramatic implications for a range of issues that could come before it, including the future of the Affordable Care Act and any potential disputes regarding the 2020 election” (Barrett, Foran). This is quite concerning that on one of the most important courts in the U.S., republicans have taken a majority lead. This can speak a lot to important issues down the line like Roe v, Wade, ACA, Immigration, Crime, and Civil disputes. “Democrats have warned that Barrett's confirmation will put health care protections and the Affordable Care Act in jeopardy” (Barrett, Foran). I think by officially having a conservative majority our chances at progressivism to come forward is now being set back. I think sometimes we need conservatism in our economy so help find a balance, but in issues of autonomy not so much. Barrett is a textualist in her religious affairs, and with how she plans to hold her seat on the Court. She is not for the people, lacks the experience to sit on the court, and has said it is not the judges job to ensure public safety. If she chooses to follow Scalia steps in not following views, but strictly applying the words the constitution provides we are in for a whirl. Attempting to scrivener error everything congress does instead of reading things within interpretation can be quite harmful with moving forward as a society. As for now we can only watch and see what will come out of this new appointee. This November will be our first chance since ACA is to make an appearance in front of the Supreme Court for the third time. I hope that the judges will do what is right, and not put millions of peoples healthcare on the line again. 
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eminadounited · 4 years
In the News 10/26
In some lighter news, Halloween or Spooky season is officially this week which is a very exciting holiday for many. Unfortunately, with CO-VID still at play we do not know how we can ensure a safe trick-o-treating experience for the kids. Large gatherings are out of the picture, so maybe grab a few friends and find a new way to celebrate without the party crowd. How can we guarantee a sense of good life when the good part of it is at a limit. In this article, Dr. Wen says that people shouldn’t give up on Halloween/Spooky season so soon. One of the many things that bring people a sense of unity, and joy is the holidays. Whatever your beliefs are we all celebrate some sort of holiday, or practice that brings people together to have a good time. I believe this is part of ensuring we have a good life in the time we are on earth. Dr. Wen has thought of a few suggestions to still enjoying the holiday. “Talk to your kids about why it's important well in advance of the holiday, and set expectations in advance. Discuss why these limits need to be set. Come up with ground rules for how far they need to be from one another. If they can't stay at least 6 feet apart, they will need to wear masks” (Hetter). Of course she still holds her fears that “Most people know that getting large groups of people together to go knocking on doors and then reaching into the same bowl is a bad idea during the pandemic. So I worry that people are going to get together indoors for parties, which is also a bad idea” (Hetter). We cannot control how other people go about enjoying this coming holiday, and the others coming forth. But we can do our part to ensure a better standard for the overall population. It is a moment to let moral law surpass what we believe is human nature. It is about staying vigilant in a time where there are many evils, but we can definitely take the road less traveled. Happy Holiday, and stay safe out there! 
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eminadounited · 4 years
In the News 10/21
In reaching a sense of good life this week, a new pilot program was installed in Compton, California. Many residents are still struggling in this pandemic, especially those who were already living below the poverty line."People in our community are going through tough times, and I know that guaranteed income could give people a moment to navigate their situation, and have some breathing room to go back to school, explore a new career path, spend time with their children, or improve their mental and emotional wellbeing," said Brown in the statement. "Ensuring all people are able to live with dignity is something we should all strive for in America” (Aklilu). This is a great example of how the government for once is ensuring some of its people a good life. The Compton Pledge will provide 800 low income residents with funds for two years to help people stay on footing. In Compton 1 in 5 people live below the poverty line, and though this program won't solve everything it is a form of hope. “So far, the program has raised over $2.5 million in private donations and in-kind contributions”(Aklilu). Though the distribution amount has not been determined yet, this is a great implementation of Mayor Brown to make this program a reality. It is a small step forward in issuing a better life to a few people who may really need it the most right now.
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eminadounited · 4 years
In the News 10/19
Something quite sad is the reality of migrant workers in the U.S. amid this pandemic. There are many people whose jobs have been put on halt, lost, or shifted since the outbreak and it is still relevant to today. One of these jobs being migrant workers who usually go somewhere away from home to work and earn money. Once they have earned the money they need they return home, and later seek out work again. Foreign workers are not looking to permanently reside in the U.S., so this recent news has been a toll for those affected. In recent news, migrant workers have been forced to sign away their rights to leave the place they are working. ““These aren’t consensual contracts. These are contracts that are being signed where the option is to either sign the contract or be terminated and deported,” said Fay Faraday, a social justice lawyer and professor at the Osgoode Hall Law School””. This is primarily effective in Canada and the U.S. so migrant workers have become bound to the land they are working on. This measure comes from fear that if migrant workers shift back and forth there is a high chance of spread of CO-VID. This is a legit fear, but forcing foreign workers to sign away their rights in order for farmers/corporations to make a quick buck is a bit extreme. Just another example of how the U.S. is restricting people's freedoms and pursuit of happiness. They may not be citizens, but as temporary workers they have as much rights as anyone else working in the United States. Another harsh reality of the situation is ““I’ve been hearing from workers who do not have enough food, who are being given food that is not culturally appropriate, and in some cases are being charged for food at more than what they would pay for it if they were shopping themselves,” she said”. It is sad to say that especially this far into the pandemic they are still being held captive. People are traveling, working, and going to school again when of course these things shouldn't be happening without a plan. Though since they are, these workers should be able to have some mobility, and freedom to talk, visit, and send money back home to their loved ones. Just another excuse for those above to abuse their power, and make it seem justified behind the pandemic as what they are doing is precautionary. When in reality it is merely belittling, and will more than likely result in some type of revolt, which could serve to be a bigger problem down the line.(I understand the article is from Canada, but headlines covering it all have subscriptions to access the article I don't know why, but this is part of the current report)
(article based from this *not paying a subscription lol* -->https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/19/us/coronavirus-tomato-migrant-farm-workers.html) 
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eminadounited · 4 years
Argumentative 10/16
The Republic has been presented to be one of the many great books that make us question life's true definition of justice. Socrates finally reveals to us that justice remains intact when you avoid being a busybody. Essentially minding your own business is the most natural way to go about gaining justice. I would agree with the fact that if you do mind your business you could bring justice to a lot of situations. For example, if men minded their business when it came women’s issues like periods, birth, and pro-choice situations there would be much more peace in these delegations. Minding your business has also been clinically proven to keep your skin intact, and your mental state. Though we know as humans this is not really possible we need to be in each other's business sometimes to help bring forward justice. If someone wrongs you, or corporation you have the choice to bring attention to it and allow for others to add themselves in the situation. The outcome may be good or bad but it can be vital in changing course to how things may be handled if a similar issue arises. The reason we tend to be more in each other's business is to ensure more fairness among the population. We need to know how others live because not everyone is granted the pursuit of happiness. This is what the American Dream is promised even though many people do not experience this. It is better to be in each other's business when things like this occur, so in order to serve justice we have to want the right things. It has to do with ensuring that everyone ultimately has had a slice. Minding your own is probably better suited for more personal reasons rather than things that affect large groups of people. Having a standard of happiness means that we are issuing fairness onto others. Even if it doesn’t directly involve you it is not a call to completely disregard the forces that bring others injustice. To withhold the three virtues of the individual still means that you use these to still benefit others in order to become a whole. I do not think you can be completely whole in individualism without still using some part of you to bring justice to another person's life. It is easy to ignore the facts, the noise, suffering, injustice, but to be a virtuous human being you must seek fairness for all. Socrates is funny for making justice seem individualistic in the end as he parts from the world when he knows it is much more complex than that. There are definitely times where the battle we fight for others may not be worth it, but it is better to have tried than not at all. I feel that let it be out of us objectifying what is good rather than debating what is not. In the words of Malcolm X ““There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time.”” It is simply just how life can be.
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eminadounited · 4 years
In the News 10/14
It isn’t anything new to hear about this elections issue around mail-in votes this year. Though recently in California, something extremely controversial occurred where a Californian Republican Party placed false ballot boxes around the state. This is a great obstruction of freedom of speech in peoples political autonomy to be able to case their vote. Regardless of who you vote for in this terrible election your choice should still be granted. By this clear partisaned party taking part in this they have removed choice, and caused much frustration for thousands. Over 50 boxes were placed around LA, Fresno, and Orange Counties which is very much illegal. If Trump is looking for the election fraud he's always yapping about well here it is! Of course he won't bring attention to this due to this clearly being more done within his likes rather than against him. In some states third party ballot boxes are allowed to be placed out, but with proper verification of course. A speaker of the group, “Hector Barajas, a spokesman for the California Republican Party, said the party would continue to distribute the boxes, without adding any label identifying them explicitly as Republican ballot drops” (Medina, Thrush). After this type of admittance it is fair to say that nothing is being done about it either. They were merely just warned that if they continue they could be arrested, but there has been no further response than that. It is quiet concerning since the political climate is so on edge that this could interfere with Novembers election. I feel that for this election third party ballot boxes should be suspended since there is so much concern on voter fraud. The integrity of the American people is once again on the line, but there is still hope.
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eminadounited · 4 years
In the News--10/12
“”But courts are not designed to solve every problem or right every wrong in our public life. The policy decisions and value judgments of government must be made by the political branches elected by and accountable to the People. The public should not expect courts to do so, and courts should not try””. Is a quote Supreme Court Justice nominee Amy Barrett said at her hearing this past week. Which I found interesting in relation to how she would be in the public position. She is announcing that it is not the courts job, nor hers to fulfill every public wrong. In the class today we discussed how trade would be a form of justice in a just society. The opposing would be selfishness, and someone mentioned trade is not actually as just as we believe. In hearing these words come from a nominated justice it is a bit concerning. The trade essentially in the courts system is that we nominate and put people in charge in exchange for public safety. Is this anarchy? Is it every man for themselves? Why wouldn’t we have to look at the courts for public safety? Major things get decided in the Supreme Court so of course the public should expect the Justices to protect them. Encouraging the courts not to go out of their way to ensure public safety, is just another reason to be concerned on the future outlooks of justice in this society. It seems more harmful  to tell the public to stand by on their own when it comes to public safety. I mean look at this pandemic people won’t even wear a mask, I can’t imagine telling them to ensure their own safety. Many people already don’t rely on the police, courts, and overall justice system as it is. I can imagine how much more discouraging it is to hear that from those who are supposed to be apart of your protection. Just another day of discouragement, but a lesson on awareness with what is happening above us. Anything that happens on top will always trickle down, you may not think it will affect you. Though the thing about life is it has a funny way of letting you know it can be you, and it will be you. 
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eminadounited · 4 years
In the news 8/7
I think Trumps recent announcement on the second stimulus check would prove great reflection on Thrasymachus points on justice to the advantageous. Trump stated that he would not be issuing anymore stimulus packages till after the election. Basically, holding your vote in order to get bread on your table. He has also notified the Congress to stop any further legislation on CO-VID relief. This is quite upsetting since many people are still facing evictions, lack of food/resources, jobs, and overall stability. Why is the government allowed to peace out when times get rough, but still take their tax payer paychecks home? In this model, we see that once again closing Congress down and avoiding the American peoples need is advantageous to the those in power. It almost feels like even as a citizen we are losing what little political autonomy we have left in this country. This decision to withhold money that people pay into the government is quite astonishing. Those who are in power get to play with the American peoples livelihood because it is at an advantage to them to decide when to hit go. You have people in power who hold the knowledge of what they are doing, and it has nothing to do with benefiting the society. It is all within whatever moral reason they believe is correct because if they were listening to the people then there would be a check. “One in three U.S. adults struggled to pay for basic expenses like food and rent at the end of September, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal-leaning think tank” (Picchi). In Socrates ideas on knowledge he would definitely see our government is acting within reason of their own morale. Nothing that is applicable to what society has asked, begged, and even demanded for. It may seem that life feels a bit normal again due to some routines being restored, but many people are still suffering. The economy is slowing crumbling, and Trump is knowingly doing nothing about it. Even if you help provide PPP, or small business loans to keep them afloat it can only last so long. Primarily because if the American people do not have money to spend there simply will not be an economy left to fight for. “"With over 20 million individuals still claiming unemployment benefits such a shortfall could have even deeper local consequences”” (Picchi). Some people haven't even received their first stimulus, I can't imagine the fight for number two when one barely exists. Maybe as this election forward people will use a sense of recollection when making their decision on who should be running the United States. 
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eminadounited · 4 years
In the news 10/5
in some news related to good life, this Floridan couple raised money for the employees at Disney. Recently, Disney laid off hundreds of employees who would soon be left at a great loss. In this economy, right now it isn’t easy to get a job so to be laid off while we still have an unstable one is not the best feeling. They were able to raise over $40,000 dollars for the Second Harvest Food Bank of Florida. Over 150,000 meals are needed per day in their city so this will make a big difference in a lot of lives. Is it fate that this would continue to happen to people who work in tourism/entertainment? Many would say yes, but at least there are people who want to help soften the blow. It isn’t easy finding many lights during hard times like this, but this was nice to know some people still have heart. Even here in Lincoln, I have volunteered at food banks it is amazing how people come together to help communities. Though I have seen the harder part to what opening the economy has done to food banks too. I wonder if it is just in letting these employees go during a time like this. Some may argue it is to benefit, and keep the business afloat. Though in the end, you need your staff to stay afloat. It is a quite sad reality, I myself faced it during March so I cannot imagine it happening now. Though I am grateful there is people who still care, and are willing to go out their way to bring a little joy to others!
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eminadounited · 4 years
In the News 9/28
In recent news, something I found quite alarming was almost instantly after the passing of Justice Ginsburg, Trump already determined a replacement. He seemed to of just been holding her in his closet because not even 24 hours later we hear of his selection. Amy Coney Barrett, also referred to as the female Justice Scalia, whom she clerked for in the past. She embodies some of the most opposing views of late Justice Ginsburg, and is even seen as a anti-abortion hero. This can be quite alarming for a lot fo women in the U.S., and the  fight of Roe v. Wade. If she is appointed this could possibly be a major shift on how justice is played in controversial topics. The Supreme Court would have a six to nine republican court making the stand quite like-minded, but very horrifying for moderates. “If confirmed, Judge Barrett would become the 115th justice in the nation’s history and the fifth woman ever to serve on the Supreme Court. At 48, she would be the youngest member of the current court as well its sixth Catholic. And she would become Mr. Trump’s third appointee on the court, more than any other president has installed in a first term since Richard M. Nixon had four, joining Justices Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh” (Baker, Haberman). She is devoted catholic, but claims her duties as a judge would come in the form of keeping to the constitution. From how her personal affairs in the church People of Praise, and some anti-abortion groups may say otherwise. It is quite concerning to see someone talk about faith so vigilantly in their work to make a point or prime decision. I think it is fair to say there is a little bias in that road. Another major issue I saw with appointing someone like her to represent justice in America, is that she has a spiritual guide. This comes from the church she is part of, where someone helps lead life decisions. You may think, the guide would never be close enough to reach the stand, but I feel like this can have big potentially to affect the way a judge would serve on out Supreme Court. When she speaks it is always her dogma is always quite embedded in her thoughts. Justice is supposed to be about rule of law, and determining what is best for overall population affected. We can only hope whoever is elected President thinks long and hard before appointing a justice who will use the Bible before rule of law, to determine what modern justice looks like in our society. 
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