emmajwade · 4 years
Starting my Final Major Project was daunting. At first I found myself juggling a array of concepts, ideas and trying to link them to my own personal interests. I began this project with the intention of looking at light pollution after holding a conversation with my younger cousin who was completely oblivious to what she was missing as shes not being able to see the night sky as we live in an inner-city area. I conducted both academically sourced and general research to begin to brainstorm on paper deliverables possible for my FMP. Starting with an interest in data, I eventually found myself instead looking into how children consume data and form habits through gaming platforms. This evolution of ideas is what lead to me to critical, refined research throughout my project.
As mentioned above, research was crucial to my concept development. I not only wanted to create a piece of design that I would be proud to put in my portfolio, but wanted to try and push my concept building, storytelling and research practice further than I have in previous projects. Because of this, I found specific pieces of research to be game-changing (excuse the pun) to the development of the app. For example, when I conducted the small amount of primary research I was able to do due to COVID, I found a gap in the market for an app which encourages learning through games – specifically and environmental based learning app. I explored academic journals detailing how habits are formed and remembered, which encouraged me to add a narrative to the app “missions” as-well as a character for children to associate specific habits.
Visual research helped me stay creative during lockdown, as I wasn’t able to be inspired or critiqued as much by my peers. However, I did reach out to external sources such as the company I work for to gain this crucial feedback I had relied on in the past to get a pair of fresh eyes on my project. This was all documented within my blog. Because of access to an array of visual sources, I managed to create a, what in my opinion, is a clean yet child-friendly UI & UX suitable for all generations. I aimed to not make the design too childish yet still appeal to the younger audience, and I feel like I achieved my own goal.
I wasn’t short of changes within my project. Although frustrating at the time, I’m glad I continued to push and refine my project. This is something I feel like I need to work on and not put too much emotion into feeling like I failed at attempts as confidence within my work is something I need to work on as a personal goal for the future. However, I think that the past three years at university has aided me on that journey and I am now able to continue with it alone and hopefully, one day achieve a sense of consistent pride within my practice.
My learning agreements really aided me within my FMP, I felt like setting myself a brief and mini deadlines really helped with time tracking, and despite Coronavirus, as-well as being ill myself, I am proud that I’ve managed to hand in on the date I planned before becoming ill. This date also happens to be my 21st birthday (woo)
I feel like my strengths have been highlighted within this project and I’m content knowing I’m leaving university knowing I have a string interest in digital design, and this is what I intend on persuing within my career. I am also grateful of the skills I’ve gained throughout my time to be able to work on print and motion design as-well.
As previously stated, my weaknesses are a work in progress to improve. I feel like confidence is my number 1 issue, and this will be something I hope to gain with age and experience. However, If I was to have more time on this project I would have loved to be able to attempt to build (code) the personal website I designed, but this is something I can work on after my hand in.
Overall, My FMP has left me pleased with my education as it comes to a wrap, and I am happy with both my, print and online portfolio, as-well as being able to move directly into a full time job starting in June.
I’d like to thank all of my course tutors for their time, support and efforts throughout my time at AUB
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emmajwade · 4 years
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Process Book Cover
Leading from my personal branding, but having fun with the design.
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emmajwade · 4 years
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Final Learning Agreement
Last version of my learning agreement.
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emmajwade · 4 years
Final Explanation Video | Creative Conscience Submission
Completely re-recording the audio so it all sounds consistent, swell a timing the text correctly.
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emmajwade · 4 years
Personal Branding | Dribbble Portfolio
Adding content to my online portfolio on Dribbble. I have a website for my portfolio too but I feel like Dribbble is a nice platform for finding inspiration, so I’d like a profile myself.
By using gifs, I think the hover state is really fun.
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emmajwade · 4 years
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Personal Branding | Online Portfolio | Footer Development
Development of adding an footer consistent with the rest of the design.
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emmajwade · 4 years
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Personal Branding | Online Portfolio | Graphic Design 2/2
Further adding to my design portfolio pages. tweaked the layout a little to use soft corners beneath the work as a layered effect.
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emmajwade · 4 years
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Personal Branding | Online Portfolio | Graphic Design 1/2
Further adding to my design portfolio pages. tweaked the layout a little to use soft corners beneath the work as a layered effect.
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emmajwade · 4 years
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Personal Branding | Online Portfolio | UI/UX Pages
Pages to display my UI/UX (Web Design) on properly. Design displayed on a reel to scroll through, second page has the explanation video which I have made for both of these projects.
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emmajwade · 4 years
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Personal Branding | Online Portfolio | Hover States
Visualising how the images on “graphic” and UI/UX” Case studies pages will be tagged through hover state transitions.
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emmajwade · 4 years
Fourth Explanation Video | Home Hero
Refinement for my sign-up to gain feedback, explanation video which covers the cause for the app, how the app works, mini games, sidekick interactions, sticker/”target” usage and examples of use of the stickers. 
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emmajwade · 4 years
Voiceover Script Re-think
Trying to sound more positive, upbeat and informative.
Being young in 2020 is scary,
With the reality of climate change unraveling, no wonder. And a lot of this damage can be reduced when we switch to eco habits, so let’s get the kids on board too,
 because this is our future, and this is theirs too. 
Introducing Home Hero, the eco habits app
Paired with your smart meter, this little app helps your child form environmentally friendly habits through what kids do best... play.
Meet your Sidekicks who’ll aid you on your eco missions 
You’ll be notified of new missions in your Hero Hub, look! Snugglebug has a new mission for you! 
Looks like he’s lost his blanket
Quick, warm him up with a blanket!
With mini games like this, heros are encouraged practice these scenarios in real life, Like snuggleBug, you should reach for a blanket instead of the thermostat to save energy. 
 But expect the Sidekicks to challenge you to off screen based eco missions too!
The more energy saved in real-life, the more fun you’ll unlock with your sidekicks! 
Tap to talk to a sidekick and get advice on how to save energy within the house, or start a mission
oh... standby noticed a lot of energy is being used right now... when your meter detects a drop in your energy consumption, new missions will be unlocked, you’ll have to come back later though. 
Wait! Whats that? 
Your Hero Pack pack has arrived! 
Attach the sidekick targets to relevant areas around your home so you never forget to be a little hero. 
And just incase you forget, we’ve put some examples on the back of the pack.
In turn for taking your child on this fun eco experience to becoming a Home Hero, You can rest assure that you’re encouraging a generation of eco conscious children for a better future.
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emmajwade · 4 years
Third Export W/ Sidekick mail out & Sticker page demo
Export to review in an accurate speed due to rendering, I think that the demo videos work well. 
However, I feel like the VoiceOver script is a little daunting/negative in some areas. This is something I’m going to re-record to refine.
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emmajwade · 4 years
Unused Sticker Use Footage | SnuggleBug
I didnt use this footage, its the only clip I ruled out. Reason for this being theres already a large part of the explanation video dedicated to this sidekick’s game and I want to show some variety throughout.
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emmajwade · 4 years
Sidekick Sticker use Compilation
Putting the stickers in situ as “targets” in relevant places throughout the house, to be used in the explanation video.
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emmajwade · 4 years
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Physical Mockup | Sticker Pack
I found a bag that I decided to use as a way to mock up the sticker pack. If this were to be properly sucessful the bag would be a specific size to fit the insert.
However the type was readable on the insert when physical.
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emmajwade · 4 years
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Sticker/“target” Printing
Just by using sticker sheets I set up the document to make some physical stickers for use in the walkthrough video.
I added a clear adhesive sheet to give the stickers a sheen/make them water resistant.
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