emmalizhartwell-blog ¡ 7 years
What is Evergreen Culture?
Evergreen Culture is a multifaceted and interdisiplinary progressive school, focused very much on the environment and social justice. The people that attend and teach are generally mindful thinkers and want to make the world a better place, however it has a lot of work to do in terms of making the school entirely inclusive for marginalized people, especially people of color.
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emmalizhartwell-blog ¡ 7 years
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emmalizhartwell-blog ¡ 7 years
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“I feel like it thinks it’s a really progressive place, but it’s still an institution and it’s never going to be as ‘woke’ as it thinks it is. Also, I like the trees.” - Paige Guthrie
“Campus culture is smoking cigs at the smoke pit to make friends when you don’t really smoke” - Max Clark
“I feel like the learning style is really good and engaging in terms of social justice shit, but also they assume everyone has a base level of knowledge about race/gender issues that I definitely don’t think everyone really has” - Ellis Travers
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emmalizhartwell-blog ¡ 7 years
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Evergreen is a place where the majority of students speak up about how they feel about the campus culture.  
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emmalizhartwell-blog ¡ 7 years
Evergreen Documents
during our qualitative research workshop I also observed many things within the old and new Evergreen documents and videos...
an essay on the importance of collaborative learning
the news letter from where the longhouse opened
an article on Photoland
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emmalizhartwell-blog ¡ 7 years
Field Observations
I collected data while sitting outside the library. I noticed...
campus was quiet because students were mostly in class
there was a man with group of people standing around him, holding many petitions
he used approachable language like “hey guys”
some students signed it while other ignored him and walked away
many students walk together in small groups, talking
there was a washington voters booth
Through this, I gathered that the general Evergreen environment revolved around...
 respectful students that were friendly but kept to themselves
people who cared about different causes and signed petitions in order to create change 
despite petitions, there seems to be a lack of active campus protests, which makes one question the passive vs. active divide of students on campus
Evergreen encourages a space to create change with the Washington Voters Booth
I think it’s still important to note that while Evergreen has taken strides and tries its best to be active in raising marginalized voices, it still has a way to go. 
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emmalizhartwell-blog ¡ 7 years
Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is a method of conducting research that revolves around an emic perspective. Whereas it’s counterpart, quantitative research, centers around a distant relationship with structured research, qualitative research centers around a close relationship with unstructured research. To me, this means deeply involving yourself with whatever research your working on. 
I collected my data in multiple ways. I...
observed campus for 30 minutes
dug into Evergreen archives
interviewed the students around me
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emmalizhartwell-blog ¡ 7 years
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What is the campus culture of the Evergreen State College?
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