The Librarians
Whom the Library cannot exist without
The librarians work in shifts, day and night, though no longer than eight hour shifts at the time, including lunch and a couple of breaks. Following an eight hour shift the librarian will always have sixteen hours off. 
The position of librarian is to be offered to individuals who feel as though they have no other path. They will each have housing, a bedroom and a bathroom, and cook and eat from the common basement kitchen. They are also the main caretakers of the library, meaning chores like cleaning, repairing and gardening where they feel able to. The library should be a home to them. They will recieve an introduction to archive and library systems, and training in one chore of their liking, whether it be gardening, cooking or something else. Each librarian will also be trained in bookbinding and printing. 
Librarians have the authority to ask someone to leave if this is required. 
The librarians should be encouraged, if they wish to, to attend part-time university and either use that knowledge as their specialized field in the library or to move on from the library after recieving a degree. Their tuition should be paid by the library and they may work towards whatever degree they would like. This is to ensure that the library does not become a prison from wich the librarians cannot escape. If they whish, the library will be a helping hand in giving them a chance to stand on their own two feet. 
A librarian must be legally and adult, but younger individuals over the age of fifteen may work as apprentices. In this case they may work no longer than six hour shifts, followed by minimum eighteen hours off. In addition to this they may only work a maximum of sixty hours per month. 
Each library has an elected head librarian whom is in charge of the other librarians in terms of seeing to their needs, distributing tasks and responsibilities evenly and overseeing the administrive work. This position is held for two years at the time, elected by all the librarians together. If more than half of the librarians agree, a new election may be held before the two years have ended. Apprentices may not vote in the election of head librarian. 
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